warmth surrounds me i open my eyes to sunlight coming throught the curtains i look down seeing levis arm around me my back pressed against his front i turn over seeing his sleeping face i move hair out of it smilie lightly thus handsome kind man is mine and i love him nothing could ever change that i sit up and move my hair to the side and get up I put on underwear and his shirt and walk out
I feel around the bed to a cold empty space I open my eyes not seeing my beautiful girlfriend I sit up pushing my hair back I get up putting on boxers and sweat pants I notice my shirt is gone though I walk out and down stairs I hear music I walk into the kitchen to smell something so good and see something delicious y/n dances around in my shirt and underwear I lean against the door frame I'm going to miss her so much when I leave geez "you know that's my shirt right" I say she gasps and turns turn "hi" she says I go up to her and kisses pulling her waist in she kisses me back we pull away "hi." I reply "I'm gonna need it back." I say "will you now." She says "mmhm" I say "really." She says "shut up brat." I pick her up her legs wrap around my waist I kiss her she kisses me back I set her on the counter we pull away "are you hungry-" she asks I nod "good..."she says "because I'm making pancakes." She says and giggles I smile at her adorableness
I get out of the shower putting on underwear and a bra I go to the bathroom and brush out my hair but stop seeing the Sam bruise marks called hickies on my neck I sigh "I was thinking on the drive back we could stop somewhere for lunch" levi says walking into the bath room "that sounds nice."I say he places his hands on my waist kissing my cheek I smile he leans his chin on my shoulder "I haven't noticed these." He says running his hands along my torso and arms "we're equal. Except you got yours from fighting for something I got mine for fighting back." I say and walk into the the room taking out my clothes putting them on "what?" He asks I nod "what do you mean." "My dad liked to be the man of the house show me and my mom who's boss." I say "I'm sorry." "Y-you don't need to be sorry." I struggle to put on my sweater he helps me pulling it down he places his hands on my cheeks "you fought for you self." He says and kisses me I kiss him back we pull away I smile "I'm gonna go say by to the horses before we go" I say he chuckles "go do that."
"Ah home sweet home." I say and unlock my door seeing all my plants I sigh "what's wrong..." "I really do have a lot of plants." I say "yeah you do." He says I turn to face him and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him Down Kissing me we pull away "thank you"i say "your welcome." He says i feel tears running down my cheek he brushes his thumb against it "hey...." he says "its just a patrol mission." he says i sniff "i-i know but even if it is i still dont want to loose you" he chuckles and kisses my foredead then pulling me into a hug "youre not gonna loose me." he says i nod
next day
i get up and get dressed with black leggings a baby pink long sleeve shirt and a sweater with a scarf and pastel blue white and pink boots i put my hair in two buns i grab my key and bag and walk out i close my door and begin to lock it the door next to me closes and i feel arms around me i giggle knowings its levi he kisses my cheek and jaw line over and over i turn to face him and kiss him kisses me back long and passionate we pull away i place my hands on his cheeks he leans into them his dusty blue eyes look into my e/c ones "here." he says holding something out i look down seeing his house key." on a pink jewl studded key chain "its an extra i had made a few days ago." he says i take it into my hand "levi..." i say "yeah i know.." he says "thank you...oh um" i look in my bag "here." i say handing him a small gift bag "I didnt know if you had left before or not but." i say and hand it out he takes it and opens it he chuckles and shakes his head holding it up my key on a chain but it has a picture of us on a heart he pulls me into him and kisses me i kiss him back again we pull away "thank you...now i barge in at anytime." he says i nod and giggle "oh shit wait." he says and runs back into his apartment them comes back "uh stay there...and close your eyes." he says i smile and do as he says i hear him as he comes back a few seconds later his door closes "hold out yout hands." he says i do hesitantly as i feel an object in my hands i open them seeing a puppy "o-oh my god hi..." i say it riggles around wagging it tail i hold it close to me "hes a domberman...hes yours..and he'll keep you company when im gone." he says i look up at him "i love you..." i say "i love you" he says i kiss him he kisses me back and hugs me holding me i dont want him to go "ill only be gone for a week" he says i nod he kisses me again this time longer we pull away "i love you i'll see you in a week." he says i nod "i love you too...see you later." i say one last peck on my lips his thumb brushes my cheek one last time he smiles and walks off i watch him
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