i sit in the car with levi a i look out the window seeing the snowy trees and lands "Y/n" i hear i look over at him "were here." he says i look ahead seeing a large cabin house its huge "levi....this isnt a cabin this is a mansion." i say he chuckles "i guess its big i dont know thats ther perks of being a head of military" he says and unbuckles i do as well and get out he hands me my bag i take it "come on" he says taking my hand leading me up to the house "so there is the private ski slope the stables bunker theres a lake but its frozen over solid and a few court like tennis and basket ball you know for the summer or someting." he says "a-all this is yours." i ask "all of this and that...to the second mountain range." he says "y-you own this whole mountain range!" I say "yeah." he says "wh-what then why are you living in that apartment." i ask "i like it. i use the big houses for guests or vactaion." "How many houses do you have?" i ask he opens the large wood and glass door "here its only two." "in total." i say "no.... in total i own 26" he says as we walk into the house i stop and look at them i stand there shocked at him as he closes the door "so im dating a billionare." i say "in a sense but i dont like to flaunt it theres no point." he says "obvisouly." i say he chuckles "come on ill show you around."
"so yeah thats the house oh its um has four rooms so you can choose one you want to stay in." he says "um wheres yours." i say he smiles and nod "good choice." he says i smile
"levi" i say "yeah." he says i walk into the living room "y-you said you had a stable." i say "yeah why.." he says "are there horses" i say "yeah....arnold takes care of them when im gone.." "can i go see them." i say he nods and comes to me taking my hand
we walk up to a large barn like strutcure he opens the doors and we walk in its so warm in here it feels good we walk around i see alot of horses "are they all yours." i say "yes but alot of them go to base for trainig." he say "you use horses." i say "its faster them jumping out of a car window." he say say i smile and go up to one thats completly black "oh! um b-be carful of him..." he says pulling me into him "hes um not broken arnold said he came in yesterday" he says "b-broken." i ask "yes training a horse is called breaking it its not a bad as it sounds" he says "o-oh" "well do they have names." i ask "no usually the troops get a horse and they get to name it." he says "oh well can i name them anyway." i say he chuckles and kisses my temple "go ahead love." he says i smile and go to the white board that they have on the side i take the marker and begin the naming process i go back to the un broken horse and stop i nod and name it "okay tell me." he says "that white on is frost that one with the spots is carmel the one with half is jasper the two brown ones are sarah and jinx the clidesdale is mac the other one is sprinkles the black and white one is mistress the speckled one is moon and this guy in balem." i say "balem?" he says i nod "it was the name of my dead plant." i say and look down laughing he laughs as well "well balem i hope you like that." he says i smile "come on lets go back." he say "i-if its okay i wanna stay here for bit longer." "y/n" he says "i promise i wont go near balem." i say "fine." he says "be carful." he say and kisses me i kiss him back "im inside." he says and begind to walk off "i love you!" i say "i love you too." he replys walking all the way out i sigh and look at balem in his stable "you dont seem so firece to me." i say and lean on the gate he digs his hoof into the hay and grunts "oh stop it.." i say he huffs again "listen here big boy you remind me alot of levi an asshole.." i say balem kicks the ground again "look me in the eyes and tell me you hate me" i say and stare at him he turns around flicking his tail "thats what i thought "were gonna be best friends." I say to him and smile
i braid the frosts mane "look at that you look so pretty" i say she nudges me cuddling against me i giggle "you do you look you beautiful." i say petting her i hear a wine from balems stall "what!?" I say he stand on his back legs then goes back down "what are you jelous your not are you?" i say he neighs and grunts i finish frosts mane and go over to balem he walks over to the edge of the stall i can see just how big he his "your well feed huh so tall and muscular just like levi oh i might fall in love with you instead of him." i say and giggle he nieghs i smile "ill see you tomarrow i say and being to walk off im pulled back by balem who grabs my hood i giggle and go back he shakes his head over and over "levi said i cant go near you," i say he huffs and shakes his head "maybe he dosnt have to know." i say and open the door walking in he bends down on the ground and laying there i sit with him and begin his mane "is this what you wanted huh." i say petting his mussle he huffs "yeah thats what i thought."
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