the things levi and talked about over the week were so different he told me things about the military even if he wasnt suppsoed to i told him things about my bornig ass life which he some how manged to want to hear about those things. i get dressed putting my hair in two buns with a bit of make up i put on a white sweater witn a pink skirt and blue and pink pastle flower heels a grey caf as well i grab my jacket and bag and keys and walks out of my home
i lock my door and look over seeing levi walk out hes in a full uniform (in the photo box above) all black and a chest harness with the wings of freedom sign on it he walks over to me "arnt you cold." i say "no its not snowing idiot" he says i nod and look down i feel his hand rest on my head "whats wrong." he says turning to look at me "just....make sure petras gonna be alright." i say he chuckles "shell be fine brat." he says his thumb brushes my cheek as i feel the heat up into a blush he pulls back standing up all the way his tall muscular frame towers over me he walks off "Levi!!" i say he stops and turns "good luck." i say he nods and walks off
i walk down the street as i just got out of my car to go to my job i walk into the shop "goodmornig y/n" i look over and see my boss "hi." i say and go back taking off my coat and scarf i put on my apron "everything alright." he says i nod "hey petras gonna be fine" he says i nod "yeah." i say
i take orders and give them to people "Goodmornig y/n" maryjane and amelie." say walking "good afternoon." i say and take there order and walk over to them and sigh placing it down "oh....i know that sigh." mary jane says "what sigh." i say "sit down sweet heart." amelie says pulling a chair up i listen to the old woman "thats a sign of love. your in love....or worrying about a loved one at least...i noticed petra is gone." she says "yes shes joined to the wings of freedom." i say "oh my why didnt you" "im not fit for that." i say "now i know your worried but something else is bothering you." amelie says "levi akerman....you are in love with him and are worried somthing will happen to im when he goes on a mission. becuase you two were walking in a park and he told you things that were going on about it." maryjane says taking my hand "whao!" i say surpriesed wiht how much the 79 year old woman knows "how did you-" "im old i know things i can also read palms." she says i pull my hand away "your man will be fine.....my advice dear tell him how you feel trust me" she says i nod "thank you" i say she nods i get up and walk back to my post
i get home and stop before i open my door not hearing loud blaring music i go over to levis door and knock on it no answer "l-levi." i ask nothing i guess hes not back. i walk to my place and walk in i go to my room and undress showering
i sit on the couch turning on the tv to cartoons wrapped in a blanket i look over at the wall between mine and levis home am i really in love with him...i look over and see the movie cover that we watched smiling to my self i sigh i am in love..."god i cant be in love with him hes so cold and heart less hes betting on your bestfriends death for hevens sake." i put a pillow on my face a scream into it i hear footsteps out side i get up and run over to my door and open it seeing levi "hey." i says i looks at me "are you alright." i ask "im fine." he says coldly and walks into his home closing the door the music blares ah
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