I open my eyes turn over seeing my dress hanging up a smile forms across my face I sit up and look down wrapping my arms around my waist there's a knock on the door I get up and go over to it "yes?" "Girl let us in It's your wedding day!" Hanji says I open the door and her maikassa and four others walk in "oh um I-" "this is channel, Clarence, Maddison and Harper. The team." She says "t-team?" I say "for hair and makeup" mikasa says "Oh." "Lets get started!"
I fix my tie and then place my hands in my pockets as I stand infront if the mirror I sigh "w-Whao....Captain." I see Eren "what do you want brat" I say "I ive never seen you in such a nice out fit I mean besides your uniform but." I scoff "thanks or whatever." There's a Knock in the door as it opened revealing Mikassa "aw...." she says and walks up to me eren leaves "ugh don't you start too" I say she sniffs my eyes widen "ah mi-mikasa?" I say lifting her chin tears stream down her cheeks "are you crying?" I say "n-no" she says I sigh and pull her into me "Yes! You look so handsome and I-if mom and dad were here they'd be so happy my big brother is getting married." She says I chuckle "ugh come on stop crying your gonna ruin your make up." I say she giggles as we pull away I wipe off her tears "if mom and dad were here they would be drunk and partying before the after party." I say she smiles and nods "I'm always gonna be around just.....with y/n." I say placing my hand on her head she nods "your my sister I love you. And I know I don't say it often." "Ever." She says I chuckle "yeah yeah. But I do." I say she nods I take my hand off her head "I love you too....now come on you have to get married." She says I take a breath letting it out "yeah."
I pace back and forth "y/n." I hear I turn seeing Steven "hi." I say "wow.....you..." he says I smile "levis is so Lucky!" He says i smile but then stop "what's wrong." "My mom was here...." he frowns "I wish she could be here." I say "hey it's okay" he says "you got this trust me....when you walk down that aisle he's going to see just how lucky he is and how special you are and if he dosnt run out of this venue and never look back" he says i nod "okay I will be watching." He says and turns to walk off "Steven."i day he turn back "hmm?" "I know you see me more than a colleague or friend but please......will you walk me down the isle." I say his eyes widen slightly "....yes." He says smiling I do as well I hear music begin to play "let's go." Hanji says as her and mikasa form in front of us the doors open they go ahead "I'm gonna pass out." I say looking down "if you do..... Ill catch you."he says taking my arm in his I look up at Steven I smile "come on." He says i nod we begin to walk in look down i take a breath and look up seeing levi he turns seeing me and tear begin to fall from his eyes I smile i reach him Steven and I let go "thank you." I say to him he nods I go up to Levi he sniffs "Levi.." I say wiping off his cheeks I giggle "you look beautiful" he says I smile "ladies and gentalmen friends, family, colleagues, and....pets." The officiated says seeing pepper our cat and hanjis bird and mikassas fish "we are here to bring two people of different nature together before we continue does anyone object to this marriage" he says it's quite I see Steven he smiles ant me and nods letting me now he's fine "alright then we will star with the vows if the bride and groom wrote any" "go ahead." Levi says "oh ok....I had flash cards prepared for this.... but last night I burned them while Hanji was dancing around the fire. But I didn't burn them Becuase I wanted to start over I burned them because writing down your feelings and then reading them back isn't as thoughtful as saying what you mean in the moment. firstly you were an absolute ass when I met you you would play your music way too loud ignore the most important details make fun of my light up shoes and kindergarten attire but im glad you were Becuase i wouldn't have been so persistent to get to know you. And secondly There was a a lot of unplanned adventures through our days and currently were about to go through another." I say suggesting at the baby. "But there isn't anyone I'd want more to spend that with then man I love.." I say people awe "your turn." I say giggling nervously "the toll your took on me when you came home to your apartment really pissed me off the nosey neighbor....I used to like being alone no one else to pick up after, freedom to do my own thing but now that I have you, .... I hate being alone... alone as in with out you. With out you bringing in new plants, with out coming home to you making sweets with out watching movies I hate but do anyway because they make you happy....you changed my life for the better I'm greatful that your my motivation to get home from a mission and I know that whether I come out missing an arm or both my legs... or coming home to the slightes scratch you see me as me and you'll always love me and I'll do the same there isn't anyone in this world I could love more than I do you." He says i feel tears begin to fall onto my cheeks. He chuckles wiping them off "may we have the rings." . The doors open as our dog Casper walks down the aisle with a pillow in his back he barks he comes up to us Levi takes the rings off I take his he takes mine "do you levi Akerman take y/n l/n as your wife to have and to hold for better or for worse in sickness and in health till beyond death do you part." "I do he says I put his ring on "and do you y/n l/n take Levi akerman as your husband to have and to hold for better or fire worse in sickness and health till beyond death do you part." "I do" I say Levi puts the ring on my finger "well then by the power invested in me I now pronounce you mr and mrs akerman you may kiss" everyone cheers and claps Levi wraps his arms around my waist pulling me in I wrap mine around his neck as we kiss finally We pull away after a few seconds "I love you so much." He says "I love you" I sayer takes my hand we walk back down the aisle
Levi and I sway dancing he moves hair behind my ear he watches me "what?" I ask "nothing......your mine. Finally truly mine." he says i giggle "yes I am and your mine." I say he chuckles and nods "thank you y/n..." he says I look up at him and frown in confusion "for everything." He says I place my hand on his cheek and kiss him he kisses me back we pull away "thank you." I say in return he nods I rest my Head on his chest his arms wrap around me we continue to sway.
To be continued.....
Thank you for reading this book I will hopefully make another soon.
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