Levi sleeps I watch him I could've lost him to a terrible death but he came out with just a scar he's strong and I love him "y/n..." I hear I come out of my zone Levi's grey blue eyes look back at me "hi." I say he places his hand on my cheeks "what's wrong." He says I shake my head." "Nothing." I say he sits up "y/n." He says I sigh "what's wrong." He says moving hair out of my face "seeing the titans yesterday scared me..." I say "i know and I had mikasa get rid of them." "No not just Becuase of what they look like...but because I could've lost you to them" I say water welling up in my eyes he places his hands on my cheeks "y/n..." I sniff "I was scared you wouldn't come back...and now that I know what the things you fight can do and I'm scared that if you go on another mission...you won't come back....I just got you back and I don't want to loose you again." I say tears streaming down my face his eyes widen he pulls me into a hug "ive made it my new top priority to be with you. I will always. Always come back to you." He says "alright." He says i nod he pulls me into a hug I hug him back
"Be carful okay." I say I I fix his jacket "y/n" he says "mm" I look up at him he presses his lips against mine I kiss him back standing on my toes to reach half of his Level we pull away "I love you." He says "I love you too." I say he pecks my lips again "be carful" I say "always." I say and walks out the door. I sigh I look down seeing Casper "let's go for a walk huh." He barks and jumps around I giggle
I walk onto the court yard of the base watching the cadets "Levi." I turn seeing Hanji "four eyes" I say "listen about-" I don't want to hear it" "BUT DID YOU HAVE TO KILL MY EXPERIMENTS!" She whines "did you have to traumatize my fiancé!" I bite back "Levi." "what." "Wall council knows about y/n." Mikasa says my eyes widen slightly "wait levi!" Hanji says I walk off
"How did this happen." "Dog walk she fixed a flower" he says I sigh "of course." I sigh "you k ow what happens." "I have to get home." I say he nods I grab my jacket and run out
"Y/n!" I say running to the house closing the door behind me Casper runs to me barking and wagging his tail "Y/-" I stop when I reach the kitchen she makes sweets as she uses her power to help her with it "Levi your home!" She says and giggle putting down what she's doing and coming over to me I pull her in kissing her "oh..you okay. are you okay" i say "im fine why whats wrong...are you okay?" she asks i nod "y-yeah yeah as long as you are." i say she smiles "well then your just checking up go back to work." she says "no im fine here mikassa can take care of it." i say "well then you can help me with this." she says pulling me to the kitchen "what all this for." "im testing out treats for the birdesmaids." i say "youve already picked out brides maids." i say "yes. hanji and mikasa." i say "oh.." "what about your groomsmen." she says dipping strawberry into chcolate "um." a vine passed me as it hands her sprinkles "i havnt thought about it. youve gotten your powers down." i say "yep its quite easy. here." she handing me a strawberry i bite it "good." I say snd lean against the side "i could get used to this." i say "what. making sweets." she says i chcuckle "no you in the kitchen just around for that matter." i say she giggle "yeah bare foot a pregnent" she says clear my throat shocked by what she said she scoffs "that was a joke of course.....but im assumingthat its not the bare foot part that made you almost choke.....you said you wanted a family so whats the problem." she says "i absolutly want a family its just....somethings come up and i want to wait until its passed." i say she nods and leans into me "what even random thing is going on just promise me that itll be okay" she says i kiss her she kisses me back we pull away "promise." i say she smiles and nods "so starberries small cakes or cake pops." she says "cake pops." i say she smiles and nods "pick your grooms men itll be here before you know it." she says i sigh "sure"
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