i open my eyes as they adjust to the day light coming in from the curtains i look over seeing im still in the hosptal i see levi i relax seeing him in a chair still holding my hand and holding a book reading it with the other he looks over putting his book down "Hi" he says "hi." i reply he gets up sitting on the side of the hopital bed he kisses my forehead "you didnt go home?" i ask "i did for a while but i came back here." he says "what happend." i say "you were putting your plants away i guess and you fell hitting your head you broke your arm as well...capser saved you." he says "He did?" I ask "he saw you were hurt and not getting up he went and got me." he says i smile softly "hes a good dog." i say he nods looking down i see tears begin to falls down his cheeks "levi." i say he looks up i wipe off his cheeks "i dont want to loose you to something like this what if capser couldnt get to me i woulndt have you anymore." he says "but he did so i wasnt supposed to leave yet." i say "i love you too much to just leave you like that." i say he nods "i love you too" he says
time skip
"thank you for helping you really didnt have to." i say to hanji as she struggles to carry a box "n-no dont even....worry about, it" she says mikassa walks passed carrying many bozes at once followed by levi "WHAT NO HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT I CAN BARLEY LIFT THIS ONE!" hanji complains i giggle "becuase youre weak four eyes." levi says i laugh mikasa picks it up with ease "its not heavy hanji" she says and walks back off i smile i pick up one of my plants "ah no" levi takes it out of my arm "but i want to help" I say "youre helping by not doing anything you have a broken arm love youre helping by healing." he says pecking my lips i sigh he walks off "Okay thats it" hanji says i nod "casper." i say he barks running up to me levi leashes him "lets go." he says i smile and nod
we pull up to a house as the mover truck people are bringing in all the stuff "whao this is where you guys are living now." hanji says "levi..." I say and look at him he smiles at me "surprise." he says i smile looking back at it "its beautiful" i say "You like it?" he says I nod "i love it." i say and smile "is this another one of your extra houses?" mikasa asks "no...this is number 27 i bought this one with a special intent" he says "what a sex dungon." hanji jokes "no four eyes..." levi says "a family" he finishes and walks up to the house with casper i feel my face burn hanji nudges me I blush
We finish unpacking and setting everything up he places up the last of my plants "l-Levi." I say "hmm." He says looking over to me I look down slightly "d-did you really....mean what you said." I look up at him in hopes he meant it he walks over to me "yes." He says effortlessly "one day I want a family not with anyone but with you only with you." He says i smile "that is when your better of course." He says kissing my cheek "I have to go I'll be back later." He says "where are you going?" I ask "to the base we're assigning a new scout regeme" he says "again?" I ask "more than half of our squad was killed during the rampage so yes." "Can I join?" I say he stops and turns to me "No." he says coldly "why not if Petra has the corsage why not me." "This. Happend Becuase of a spider imagine what a Titan would do to you....I can't loose you the way I lost my squad." He says pulling me into a hug I nod "I love you I'll be back." He says kissing me I kiss him back we pull away he grabs his coat and walks out Casper barks at me "come on let's go explore" I say
I make dinner as pepper brushes up against my leg she meows at me "Hello." I smile at her the door opens I see Levi walk in "hi." I say "you've found your way around." He says placing his jacket down and walking to me in the kitchen I smile and nod "I organized things." I say he nods wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck i giggle his hands travel up my shirt I gasp "what's wrong." He says "you need to wear gloves, your hands are freezing." I say he chuckles and continues his actions "dinners ready." I say "I'm hungry for something else." He says I turn around and kiss him he kisses me "I can't." I say signaling at my broken arm he sighs "hey." I say "hmm." "Next week I'm all yours." I say he kisses me I kiss him back we pull away "wanna watch a movie?" I say "sure what" he says "titanic." I say "no." "It's my turn." I say he groans "fine." He says I smile
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