i lay on my stomach half on levis chest as i look at him admiring him as he pets his small toddler of a cat. he looks at me "what." he says i shake my head "nothing." i say and smile slightly i turn my head to side laying on both my fore arms and his chest "y/n if your not gonna tell me what your staring at then stop starring " he says my smile grows bigger. he puts his small furry animal down off the bed and leans over so my back is against the bed sheets he hoves over me and kisses me i kiss him back his hands trailing down my bare waist we pull away "I love you" he says "I love you." i reply he smile softly brushes my cheek with his thumb
i pack up some of my stuff in boxes casper sits and watches i smile at him smile i pull over the step stool to grab my plants off theyre shelves i do take down one by one i walk up and down the step stool i get back up again on my tip toes grabing another plant only about 8 or 9 more to go i hold the plant in my hands i look down to step down when i come face to face with my biggest fear the worlds scariest, besides loosing levi of course, thing ever a spider crawling on the leaf i scream steping back only for air to be there i fall be letting go of my plant i black out.
(this is an interesting pov just saying)
casper (yes the dog i dont know how else to put it beside 3rd.)
i sit on the couch as my mom takes down her plants her and my dad and sister are all moving places so we can have more space and be all together ohh i love my family so much. she takes aplant only to scream and fall backwards i get up she hits her head on the small tabl ewhere humans place thing and hits the floor i jump down in consern mom. mom . mom wake up i lick her face she doesnt move i see something red like water begin to form behind her head i bark at her "MOM MOM WAKE UP" I lay on her nudgeing her trying to get her up i whine and run to the door i bark at the door jumping on it trying to get to the door handle i prevale and run to the side of the door i bark and bark and bark as loud as i can scratching and jumping at the door of my dad it finally opens "hey casper did you get out." he says leaning to pet me i snap at him he pulls back i grab his pant leg pulling him "whao okay okay i coming!" he says chuckling
casper pulls on me to y/n door i go to it "what?" i say i look in the door see y/n on the floor the smashed pot and her plant next to her blood under her "Y/N" i run to her and go to my knees "thank you casper good boy" i say "y/n!" i say holding her "Hey hey wake up baby y/n" I say i take out my phone and call an ambulance.
my vison is blurred as i feel im begin moved i look up seeing bright lights and people in white coats everything is spinning i feel like i cant breath "its gonna be okay. " i hear levis voice and murmuring about sever head trauma 'whats going on why cant i see right or breath i-i..i my vision goes dark as a mask is put over me.
so this is my life now calm totaly darkness not the kind that your afriad of or the kind that stangers lurk in the dark but the kind thats hugs you like a warm blanket the kind thats so dark its calming. water begins to fill my lungs i cough and stuggle to breath no take my back to the clamness the kind the make you happy i begin to drown in the water that floods my lung i scream a bright light hits me
my eyes slowly adjusting to the bright lights that reflect off the walls i slowly look over seeing my arm and half on my bicep bandaged i look up seeing a monotor and hearing the sofrt beeping of my heart rate im in a hosptial i look to the other side seeing levi holding my hand in his. His head resitn on my lap i dont have the strength to talk i want him to know im okay i move my fingers slightly his head jolts up seeing me "y/n" he says as tears immedetly begin to pour down his cheeks i brush my finger against his cheek he kisses my hand ive nver seen levi cry not even when he was talking in deatail about what happend to his family "your okay." he says and kisses my fore head "l......l-levi...." i say he smiles "d-.....dont...c-cry." i manage "i couldve lost you" he says his voice breaking "you didnt." i say he places his hand on my cheek i lean into it
time skip
after the doctor came in to explain everything to both y/n and i a few hours later she fell back asleep she broke her arm in teo places and has severe head tramua they are monotering her closely incase of nerve damage and other stuff i never thought that she would be so fraglie being around trained cedets and not being fragile myself shes like a china doll i shoulve helped but she insited doing it her self in casper hadnt gotten me she wouldve been.....i sigh i really love her and im not going to waste another moment with out her i never thought id cry like that ever again the last i did that was when i was 7 and my family died. i cant let this happen to her again i cant almost loose her again.
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