i walk into the meeting hall "hey levi you ready." erwin says "yeah is everyone lined up" i say "yeah." "are you sure you want to go you have y/n still here." hanji say i sigh and look down taking out the key and chain i look at the picture i nod "Im the captin of this squad and even though were patroling a dangerous area im not leaving my team lets go." i say she nods
"Attention wings of freedom." i say they all salute "there will be four teams. A team, B team, C team, and D team! A team will go with me B team with mikasa C team hanji, and D team erwin you know who you have when we get to the pavillion you will slpit into your teams and you leader will instuct you as follwed this may be a patrol mission but anything could go wrong so stick to the strict rules you leader gives you is that clear." "yes sir!" "good lets go!" i say
i sit with my new puppy he plays around "what should we call you huh raskal....no doge....ahaha no rover??? no ummm...hmm." I gasp "Casper!" his already pointy ear move to me "casper it is." he runs to me and jumps into my arms i giggle he licks my face i hold him up infront of me he barks i smile "lets go get you some toys and things huh." i say he barks again i pick him up and we walk out
we arrive at the wall maria seeing the military gaurd "captin levi" dot pixis says "pixis." i say "you have you teams." he says i nod "to the north sounth east and west my team is holding the fort wall i will send half of my squad into you teams." he says "why its just a patrol." i say he looks at me with the same cold expression i give everyone else but y/n "Pixis!" i say "im sorry i had to lie or else-" I grab his collar and pull it down kneeing him in the face he falls to the ground and groans "i have someone at home i care about and im not about to fuck um my life but going on a scuide misson with beginning scouts." i say putting my foot on his face "l-levi you know whats why this was councils fault if we can take theese titains down then they wont go after resideding mutans in the open world." he says i take my foot of him he gets up dusting off his uniform "theyre going after them." i say "yes theyre planning to exterminate them." he says i glare at him "you pull this kind of fucked p bulshit again ill rip that patch off your uniform." i say and walk off "tean A goes with me to the south hanji you go west mikasa north and erwin east! you know the drill of colors. Fall out!" i say and mount my horse
we walk through thick brush and forest on the horses i ride on balem i take out my chain with y/n picture and look at it i sigh and nod get back home. i think i put it back in my pocket "sir." i hear as petra cathes up to me on her horse "what." i say "somethings wrong." she says i look back at the sqaud "no theres not stop waisting my time." i say "sir...." she says i look at her she hasfear in her eyes somehow she knows i sigh and nod "this isnt a n-normal patrol is it." she says "petra-" i begin when i hear a loud thudding that shakes the ground i hold up my fist as we stop "gear on!" i say "levi." petra says worried i glare at her to shut her up i hear a bang and look up seeing a red flare meaning there was a titan but they took it down with a casualty i sigh oh no a loud rumbling noise rings out another bang and a black flare the trees begin to break "SCATTER!" I yell and ride off to the side i get off balem but as i do i scratch my arm on a brach as it takes part of my uniform with it i keep to the side of a tree i look over to see the titans going after my squad "GO!" i yell signaling for then to take them out i take my swords and begin slicing them up with ease theres a large strike of lightning and a roar "levi!" I look over seeing hanji. "the female titan is here she summon them all there are too many" she says "thats what i thought shes is amog us and we didnt know it she could be in any one of the troops. pixis lied before its not a patrol its a fight just be prepared to loose scouts." i say "l-levi." she says i go off following the trail i feel something begin to drop onto my face i look up its snowing shit this will fuck up the view i see her the female running i go around her and blind her she moves against a tree higind her nape "you bitch." i say berthod gunter and petra all begin to cut up her muscles he arms fall to the ground they go in again her eye opens what the hell "NO WAIT" I yel and go to them she grabs berthod in her mouth and bite him in half. gunter goes for her nape but fails and is swung back and smashed to the ground shes too stong has has tactics she tunrs her focus to petra. "PETRA!" I yell going to her i have to protect her no matter what its what y/n wanted! "Hecihou" she screams i reach her only to be pulled aside shes smashed against a tree "NO" i yell erwin pulls me back i get out of his graps and go up to the titan that killed y/ns best friend and kill it i go to the female titans "OI!" I yell and go down to her and begon my trival of slicing her up over and over and over! she roars at me she reaches for my and grabs a hold of my line swinging me back i cut it so she cant kill me as she does it snaps back at me she grabs me and cuts my face i pull back slicing up her hand and face she falls back into an open pasture with a frozen lake and falls into the lake unable to move i land onto her deformed nose in pain but blockng it away "you....will never be victorious." i say and reload my blades taking them out i use my gear to lift into the air and go back down at a speed and slice throat she her arm regenterates as i do and she grabs me in her last moments and hits me to the ground into ice cold water knives sourrond my body as i black out
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