ix. red maserati
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞
── red maserati
"𝕴 see you're enjoying camp. Ease up on the clutch a bit." Apollo noted as Aurora did as he commanded, gripping onto the steering wheel tightly. She did actually like driving, but dad's maserati was not really suitable for a learners car. "How's the cabin? And see, your siblings are nice."
"Yeah, Aruna's super cool." Aurora did as commanded, looking in her mirrors as she indicated into the next lane. Driving across, she shrugged her shoulders. "They're nice dad, super fun and chill."
"So you could say that you like it at camp?"
"Yeah. But I hate those t-shirts. Orange isn't my colour." Aurora muttered, rolling her eyes.
"You're the daughter of the sun god, orange should be your colour." Apollo pointed out as Aurora groaned. "And how was your stay in the Hermes Cabin? Did they treat you well or should I have a talk with their dad?"
"Oh gods above, dad, stop being such a dad. Jeez." Aurora groaned as Apollo began to protest, both of them arguing in overlapping tones about him being over protective over her.
They came to a silent stop as Aurora turned to him.
"Dad, I'm fine. It was fine. Don't talk to Hermes about it."
"The boys had their arms around you!"
"They were being friendly!" Aurora replied with a growl. "Also, I've kissed people in a TV show before and this is what you choose to get assy over?"
"Don't take that tone with me, young lady."
"I absolutely will!"
"I knew sending you there was a bad idea. You've come back with an attitude!"
"Don't say that like it wasn't your idea?" Aurora pointed out as Apollo conceded on that point. It had, in fact, been his idea. "That's what I thought?"
"I will turn this car around, so help me..." Apollo waggled his finger at Aurora, who groaned. "Go on, missy, into the house. Go."
"I'm going!" Aurora clambered out the car, hurrying up the stairs as Apollo followed her, both of them entering her home. "I just think it's unreasonable."
"It's not unreasonable for me to be protective over you." Apollo pointed out, opening the fridge. "Why is there no food here, Aurora?"
"Because I can't actually go to the supermarket, dad, with the whole, you know, famous thing." Aurora pointed out, before pulling a face. She hadn't realised just how bare her fridge was. "Can't you just order in?"
"Are you paying?"
"You're my dad and I'm sixteen, you should be paying."
"You're a multimillion dollar singer, it's not going to dent the back account." Apollo replied in the same tone as Aurora rolled her eyes.
"Aren't you, like, a god?" Apollo conceded on that point as well. He was, in fact, a god. He reached up, snapping his fingers as food appeared on the table and Aurora grinned. Both of them sat down to scoff it in an incredibly similar manner, before Apollo brought the card games out, ready to spend some quality time with his daughter who he'd not seen.
"You know I'm just worried, poppet. This is your first proper time in a school type place. I get worried about you." He dealt the cards for Rummy quickly as Aurora got started. "There are new people, new things and you've never gone to school before. I didn't know if you'd get bullied."
"Well someone walked into me, but I just, did what I was always do. I was polite, but firm. Like you taught me." Aurora shot her dad a grin as Apollo hummed. "Aruna says they'll place me when I'm back, in one of the things. She tried me out at healing."
"I'm terrible."
"Well, you couldn't have got everything from me." Apollo sighed. "Suppose you had to lose the genetic lottery somewhere. You'll improve."
Aurora laughed, picking up another card and discarding one of her others.
"School work?"
"Straight As as always." Aurora groaned. "And the songs are fine, I've got one in the works. All of my stuff is good."
"Your mother?"
"She called, checked in a few days ago. Think she's calling me again tomorrow night before my show." Aurora shrugged. "She and Kelly think that if the album comes out in September or so, it might be up for Grammy nominations."
"Do you think it'll be up there?"
"I don't know, maybe. It would be absolutely wild but if it doesn't, that's alright too. I just want people to enjoy it." Aurora grinned, before placing down her cards. "I win."
"You've cheated somewhere. Again." Apollo teased as Aurora chuckled and the cards were dealt out again. They played another few rounds, before Aurora got ready for bed and Apollo got ready to leave. He smoothed his daughter's dark hair out, kissing her forehead.
"What got you sappy, dad?"
"My little girl is so grown up and I'm very proud of her for making friends." Aurora grinned, clinging onto him tightly as he squeezed her a little tighter. "Right, you're gonna do great, poppet. I'll text you before the performance, if you get nervous, call me and I'll watch it on TV. I love you and I'm proud of you."
"Thanks dad." Aurora grinned. "Love you too."
"And now, please welcome to the stage...Aurora Trueman!" Aurora smoothed her dress one final time, looking up at the summer's sun above her and sending her dad a quick prayer, before appearing on the stage with a wide grin.
"Hi everyone!" The cheers almost deafened her through her ear piece. "My name's Aurora Trueman, I'm really looking forward to playing for you guys tonight. This is my first song, and probably one of my oldest, songs that I've written from when I was like this tall and still had braces. No, those photos will never come out!"
She played the first note, the crowd going wild as she laughed and began her song.
It was strange, at least to her. Three years ago, she'd been unknown. No one had ever heard of Aurora Trueman, and now she playing to sold out venues in preparation for her first album to be dropped. People knew her songs, they sang the words back at her, they screamed and made signs and sent her letters and Aurora was still all a little confused by it.
She was only sixteen and this world, this life, was so strange for a sixteen year old.
None of the other demigods, none of her siblings, lived like this and she often wondered what would have happened if she didn't get into singing and acting. Would she have been sent to Camp Half-Blood sooner? Or would she never have gone at all?
The set was somewhat short, with Aurora not having that many songs out, but she played a few of her older stuff that would never be produced, from when she was young and then, she did a few covers and that made the time up.
She grinned at the crowd as she finished up, bowing and thanking them, meeting as many people's eyes as she could so that they knew just how thankful she was to them. She wouldn't be anything without her fans and she loved them for it, loved that they supported her and she hoped that they knew she cared for them.
Coming off, Aurora was sweating and exhausted, but she pushed through, ready to go home and shower and then sleep for the next few days.
"Miss Trueman. A call?" Aurora turned, taking her phone from the attendants hand and thanking them.
"So?" She gulped down air, standing up straight. "What did you think? I put those songs in like you suggested."
"They were good. The last song was pitchy." Aurora nodded at the words, turning away from the others. "I thought you were announcing the album release date today?"
"I was, but then Kelly and I had a good idea that we thought would work better than just at one concert, get more people involve, draw new listeners in." Aurora explained, before looking around as she was hurried to her dressing room. "I think Kelly sent you the proposal."
"I preferred doing it at the concert. You've missed this opportunity."
"Yes, but, with the suggested one, it'll make things more available for everyone, make it more fun too." Aurora grinned as she was handed makeup remover, her clothes laid out for her as she took her stage makeup off. "Dad thought it was a good idea."
"Your father wouldn't know a good idea if it smacked him in the face."
"He has his moments."
"Look, I just thought that th-"
"Aurora, enough." Aurora stopped talking, chewing her lips. "Next concert, announce the album dates. Yes?"
"Okay." Aurora conceded. "When are you coming back?"
The voice on the other line sighed, meaning that the answer wasn't going to be one that Aurora liked.
"Christmas or Thanksgiving at least?"
"I'll see you soon, Aurora. I love you."
"Love you too, mom." The phone hung up, dial tone ringing in her ear for a moment, before Aurora plastered her smile back on, getting changed quickly as she began to thank others, getting ready to make her way to the car.
So, Apollo and Aurora are the absolute best father-daughter duo. I just really love them and you've had your first meeting with Aurora's mom who is interesting to say the least. You'll see more of her, but yes, Aurora and Apollo, that's the good bit. Also, reopened my imagine book from closed again, so if you want to request PJO, show or books, just fill in a request form cause I'm always down to write more Luke.
Let me know what you think,
Love Li xx
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