Ray’s POV
Suddenly someone grabbed my chin and brought my lips only a few centimeters from theirs. Before Norman could actually kiss me I put my pointer finger in between our lips.
“If you kiss me, I will bite your lips off.” I threatened. “Sounds kinky.” Norman laughed. I was stunned for a second then Norman let go of my chin and I moved my face away from his.
(I say “sounds kinky” to threats all the time.)
“Come onnnn. You have to do it. It was a dare.” Emma whined. “Yes, a dare for him. So he can kiss me but there will be a price to pay for it if he does.” I said and moved as far away from Norman on the couch as I could.
“I’ll do it later, trust me.” Norman said making direct eye contact with Emma. “Fine.” Emma sighed. “Don, truth or dare?” Norman asked. Don thought for a second then answered “Truth.” Norman looked at Nat then directed his attention back to Don.
“What is going on between you and Nat and why wasn’t I informed?” Norman asked. “Maybe because you always feel the need to stick your nose in other people’s business.” I mumbled but Norman heard me quite clearly.
“Uh, well- nothing is going on so there was nothing to inform you about.” Don said with an obvious blush on his face. “Not yet at least.” Nat said under his breath with a smirk but we all heard it.
“ turn. Norman, truth or dare?” Don questioned. “Dare.” Norman said with a smile. Honestly I was a little annoyed that he keeps picking dare knowing what they’re going to do. Plus after what happened last time, not that he was complaining about that.
“I dare you to go to the store a few blocks away and get some snacks like pocky and monster and whatever else. I’ll pay.” Don said and reached for his wallet. Norman and I both stood up and walked over to Don.
Norman took the money from Don then Norman and I both walked upstairs so we could get changed. Norman was silent thankfully all the way up to my room. I walked to my dresser and pulled out a random shirt and a pair of shorts and threw them at Norman.
“So mean…” he mumbled and left the room to go change. I got out a pair of jeans and a hoodie for myself. Half way through changing Norman had walked in on me.
His face was red but I wasn’t very phased by him walking in and I honestly didn’t give two shits so I just threw my shirt on and walked out with him behind me.
“How much did Don give you by the way?” I asked as we walked down the stairs. “Idk like $35.” He answered and we put on our shoes. The others could be heard laughing in the living room as Norman shut the door behind us.
“Do you wanna see who can get there faster?” Norman questioned. I sighed, it was too early in general and having to be around such loud energetic people just made it worse. I’m going to chug some monsters later… “I’m not racing you.” I said coldly.
“Why? Think you’ll lose?” Norman asked. Right after those words left his mouth I took off running towards the small shop. The breeze against my face felt amazing, especially since my dumbass decided to wear a hoodie and jeans in this weather.
“Hey! That’s cheating!” Norman called after me and started running too. I was breathing heavier now but I ignored it since Norman isn’t catching up too much but he’s taller meaning he has longer legs so technically we both have an advantage. Even if I cheated to get mine.
When the store came into view Norman was about a meter behind me. I ran and ran until I neared the store. Then just before I got to the door Norman went in front of me and opened the door. ‘God I hate people that are taller than me.’ I thought and stepped inside the shop.
“I won.” Norman said. I could practically hear the smirk in his voice, I didn’t even need to look at him to see the cocky look on his face, how childish.
It was a small store with no one else in it other than the middle aged woman who was working. Although it looks more like she was half dead.
Dark circles rested under her eyes and glasses with small lenses were on the bridge of her nose. A cigarette rested between two of her fingers as she blew smoke out of her mouth. I immediately went to the back of the store to the area where cold drinks are.
There was a wide selection of monsters and I couldn’t decide what flavors to get so I ended up balancing 12 cans of it.
Don’t ask me how I did it because I have no idea. There were 2 cans being held by the inside of my elbows. Some cans I was holding between my face and shoulder.
The cans very quickly made me cold, plus it was heavy. I speed walked to the front of the small store and set all 12 cans down at the cashier, almost dropping some. Norman was looking at Pocky and sighed when he saw me.
I chuckled and went over to Norman. “What flavors do you think we should get?” he asked, looking them over as if it was a life changing decision.
“This is the easiest decision ever.” I mumbled and grabbed 3 boxes. One matcha, one cookies and cream, and one strawberry cream.
“Hm, not bad choices.” Norman said and walked back over to the counter with me. The woman started to scan each of the items without even sparring us a glance. “$30.56” she grumbled in a tired voice as she started bagging up the items.
Norman grabbed a 20 dollar bill, a 10 dollar bill, and a 1 dollar bill and handed it to the woman. She handed me 2 bags which were both double bagged due to the amount of monster we had. The woman handed Norman his change which he immediately put in his pocket.
I handed one of the bags to Norman since I’m not carrying this shit by myself and walked out of the store with Norman behind me. I may or may not have given him the heavier bag but I had to carry the monster from the drink area to the cashier counter. That is a lot of work…
1107 words
HELLO. IM ALIVE. So I haven't updated in a while because over the summer I was working on an original book for the most part. School has started which makes it way harder to update. I play volleyball meaning I don't get home on school days until 5:30pm at the earliest.
The latest I've gotten home is like 9:30pm since I had a game. I will TRY to update more but idk if I can. Volleyball season does end in the end of October so it will be easier for me to update soon.
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