Sexuality Crisis
“Why does my relationship status matter, you friend zoning albino.” I sneered as we made our may to the roof. Emma, Gilda, and Don were already up there and enjoying their lunches.
A smile made its way across Emma’s face when she saw we made it up to the roof. “Why are we sitting up here anyway?” I asked, making my way over to them and taking a seat next to Emma.
Norman took a seat on the other side of me and started to eat his lunch in silence.
“We usually sit up here when it’s warm out just because there’s less people and noise.” Gilda answered.
I started to eat my food and just ignored all the noise going on around me. Emma tends to be really loud for absolutely no reason but after knowing her for as long as I have, you kinda learn to ignore everything she says when you need to.
As I ate my food my mind drifted off to what Emma said earlier when Gilda and Don were telling us about Norman.
There’s absolutly no way that I’m gay. It’s not like I’ve ever had an actual crush on a girl before but I haven’t had one on a guy either!
I could be Asexual (someone that doesn’t expereince sexual attraction) but at the same time I could just be Demisexual (Someone that only feels sexual attraction towards someone after creating an emotional bond with them).
Or maybe I’m just straight and haven’t met the right person yet.
Am I even attracted to people? I thought about people that went to the school and how I felt about them. I mean sure, I can admit all my friends are good looking but that’s different from attraction.
Girls are great and all but I don’t think I’m really attracted to them. Guys and people under the non binary spectrum I might need to think about though.
I wouldn’t be interested in dating a girl, I think, so definitely not straight. Bisexual maybe? (the attraction to 2 or more genders).
There’s also always good old fashion gay but that wouldn’t really explain that I’ve never really had much attraction to people.
Then again, I’ve never had any sort of romantic or sexual relationship with someone so probably either Gay, Bisexual, Asexual, or Demisexual.
But I also have to take into account that there could be a sexuality that describes me perfectly without me even having to think about it that I just haven’t heard of.
I was so wrapped up in my head that I didn’t even notice Emma waving her hand in front of my face.
My eyebrows were scrunched together as I looked up at Emma. “Are you okay Ray…? I’ve never seen you that out of it before…” Emma said cautiously, placing her hand on my tense shoulder.
“I’m fine just thinking about stuff..” I answered and took another bite of my lunch. Emma looked slightly worried but also very intrigued as to what I was thinking about. “Mind sharing your thoughts with the rest of us?” she suggested cheerfully.
3rd Person POV?
“Gayness…” Ray mumbled which wasn’t technically a lie, it just wasn’t specific. The answer was only loud enough for Emma and Norman to hear.
“I knew it!” Emma beamed. Gilda and Don both looked confused and Norman continued to say nothing but did have a light pink blush on his face not that Ray noticed it.
“Mind filling us in on this…?” Don asked, awkwardly. Emma looked over at Ray for permission to say something to them and Ray just shook his head in denial.
“Sorry guys, maybe sometime soon though you’ll know.” Emma apologized and gave a heart warming, close eyed smile.
Ray and Norman both noticed the blush that appeared on Gilda’s face when Emma smiled. ‘Yes, my ship is sailing!’ Norman and Ray both thought. “Hey guys we should have a sleepover soon!” Gilda suggested.
“Sure but who’s place?” Don questioned. Norman spoke up for the first time being up there, “I live alone so we could do it at my place. As long as Nat can be there too.” Norman smirked when he saw the change in Don’s facial expression but said nothing.
“Sounds awesome! Saturday then?” Emma added and everyone else other than Ray nodded their heads in agreement.
“What about you Ray?” Norman commented with hope rising in him that Ray would come. (My dirty mind just went to bad places)
“I don’t see a point in eating a bunch of junk food with teenagers while playing games and watching movies and going to bed late.
It’s better to just stay at home and read all night or at least do something productive.” Ray explained, avoiding eye contact with everyone there.
By now they had all finished their food and just focused entirely on the conversation. “But Ray, we had sleepovers all the time growing up.” Emma whined while fake pouting.
“Those weren’t sleepovers. I was in my room, alone, having a nice time and you would randomly burst through the door and wouldn’t leave my house until the next day.” Ray corrected her.
Don put his hand over his mouth and tried not to laugh and Gilda elbowed him in the ribs. “Ow.” Don whined, rubbing his side.
“Come on Ray, it’ll be fun!” Norman ushered. “That’s exactly what I’m afraid of.”Ray muttered and before the conversation could continue the bell rang.
911 Words
A/N: I apoligize if this wasn’t entirely accurate with the sexuality thing. I am not Asexual or Demisexual or anything but I tried my best.
Also currently going through a gender crisis. I know I’m not a girl at all and I’m not a boy at all. I know I’m non binary but non binary is anyone that isn’t a girl or guy so it’s not that specific.
I’m thinking I could be Agender (no gender) or Aporagender (experience of having a specific gender that's different from male, female, or any combination of the two.)
If you guys could help me label myself I would be very thankful!!!
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