Raven Haired Boi
Soon enough we arrived at the front of the school that was already swarming with students even though class didn’t start for another half hour.
“You ready?” Emma asked, looking as excited as ever. “Ready as I’ll ever be, let’s just get this over with.” I responded and walked onto school grounds with Emma right by my side.
“You can go make friends, I’m gonna look around the school.” I said and started to walk away from them. Much to my dismay Emma just followed me.
“I’ll look around with you then talk to people.” She said and I just nodded. The school wasn’t too big but it wasn’t small either.
We walked in silence through the hallways of the school until Emma started to pull me somewhere. “Emma what the hell?” I cursed at her. Emma had dragged me over to a girl with shoulder length dark green hair and big round glasses and a tall boy with dark brown hair.
“Hi, I’m Emma and I’m new here. This is Ray, my brother. We’re both 17 and juniors!” Emma introduced as I stood there wanting to be literally anywhere else.
It’s not like they seemed like bad people, I just don’t see a point in interacting with them. “I’m Gilda, and this is my friend Don. We're both 16 and sophomores. Also isn’t it kinda weird that you moved in the middle of the school year?” Gilda said.
“I got expelled from my old school and Emma moved with me. She’s not actually my sister, she just says that because we’ve known each other forever and she spends more time at my house then she does at hers.” I explained, eyeing Emma as I said the last part.
“What’d you get expelled for?” Don immediately asked without hesitation. “You can’t just ask someone that!” Gilda lectured and elbowed him in the ribs. “Sorry.” Don said sheepishly. “It’s fine.” I mumbled.
Suddenly loud noises started to come from a nearby hallway. All of our heads immediately snapped in the direction of the sound.
A white haired boy was walking down the hallway with three other boys then there was a mob of girls following behind making a bunch of noise.
“Oh that reminds me!” Gilda started. Mine and Emma’s attention went back to Gilda.
“The white haired kid there was Norman. If you talk to him he’s super nice but he’s also really popular. The girls and some guys at this school are head over heels for him. Every love confession he ever got he declined. Pretty much Norman is like the king of friend zoning.” Gilda explained and pushed up her glasses.
“I don’t see the big deal with him.” I shrugged. “So I’m guessing you're straight then?” Don asked. Before I could say anything Emma doubled over laughing. “You-” Emma started but just kept laughing.
“You think Ray- BHAHAHAHA. You think Ray is straight.” Emma said gasping for air after laughing her ass off. Once she calmed down she continued. “Ray is as gay as they come.” Emma chuckled again and pushed some hair out of her face.
“Says the loud bisexual.” I mumbled but they all clearly heard it. Emma blushed and oddly enough so did Gilda. "And I'm not gay..." I huffed in denial. Don just laughed. I looked back and forth between Emma and Gilda then looked at Don. He was also looking at both of them.
Oh I am so betting with him about them later.
Norman’s POV
As I walked down the hallway with Nat, Thoma, and Lannion and a bunch of girls trailing behind me I realized some new kids talking to some sophomores.
The girls trailing me was kinda annoying but I didn’t have the heart to tell them off. One of the new kids in particular stood out to me. He had raven colored, messy hair and didn’t seem to be a very talkative and social person.
The boy’s skin was pale and his hair was covering half his face. Before I could analyze him any further he was out of my line of sight.
“What’s with you?” Nat asked, ignoring the mob of girls following us since he’s gotten used to it.
“What do you mean?” I retorted, not picking up on what the red head was referring to.
“You were staring at one of the people back there, I couldn’t tell which one is was though.” Nat said. “Yeah I noticed it too Lannion chipped in.
“My bets are on the orange haired girl.” Thoma added. “No way, it had to have been the green haired one, I think her name is Gilda.” Lannion disagreed.
“Well I think you're both wrong. If I had to take my guess it would be the raven haired kid.” Nat said.
“Why are we even talking about this?” I asked as we reached my locker and I put everything away other than what I needed for my first few classes.
“Because, you looking at someone like that is unusual and intriguing.” Nat answered. “Why do you use such big words?'' Lannion whined.
I sighed and shut my locker. Most of the people following us have gone down since class starts somewhat soon. “Look guys, it’s nothing. Just another kid at this school that I’ll probably have to reject eventually.” I said even though I didn’t totally believe it myself.
The kid didn’t come off like the type to confess to anyone but they’ll probably stop pestering me about him now.
“Whatever, I’m gonna head to my locker then just play on my phone or something until class starts.” Nat said and walked over to the sophomore hallway.
“We should do the same.” Lannion and Thoma said in unison and walked away to the freshman hallway. I sighed and made my way to the males bathroom. Whether it’s to my dismay or to my luck I don’t know but…
977 words
HAHA cliff hanger
At the beginning of writing this I will be trying to update daily just because I usually write at least five chapters before posting a book.
I won't be at my house for the next few days so it will probably be easier to focus on writing.
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