Group's Sexualitys
“So what are we going to do once we finish breakfast and clean up?” Gilda asked. Emma snuck a glance at Ray then looked back over to Gilda. “We’re going to play Truth or Dare.” She said with a smirk.
Ray just sighed, knowing that Emma is going to work on targeting him the whole time. Sure, Ray did tell the group about one of Emma’s many embarrassing childhood stories but Emma probably has countless ways to get back at Ray during this.
They all finished breakfast and went to the living room to play the game. Ray and Norman sat one of the couches and Emma and Gilda sat one the ther. Nat and Don both got a recliner to sit in. “I’ll start.” Emma said grinning, happily but it came off as worrying for Ray.
“Ray, truth or dare?” She immediately asked. “I feel targeted.” he said under his breath. The others giggled other than Emma, she was just staring him down knowing she could exact her revenge. “Truth.” Ray sighed, preparing himself for whatever was coming for him.
Emma had already guessed that Ray would avoid Dares at all cost so she had already thought up some good truths. (Good for Emma because the dumbass author hasn’t thought of any)
“Hm...what’s your sexuality and what do you think everyone else’s sexuality is?” Emma asked, deciding to start out being somewhat nice.
Demiromantic: Kinda like an aromantic version of Demisexual. It means that you can only have romantic feelings for someone if you have a strong bond with them.
Hehe, yall thought you were gonna get a Demisexual Ray. Nope! I’m Demiromantic and figured that out today so Ray gets to be Demiromantic as well!
“That’s two things but fine. I’m gay and demiromantic. Emma you’re bi. Norman is gay. Gilda is probably a lesbian. Don is bi or omni and has a prefrence for women. I don’t really know Nat but I’m gonna guess bi.” Ray said.
“Well you obviously got mine right.” Emma stated and smiled, happy that she got the answer she had been longing for about Ray’s sexuality. “Well he got mine right too. I’m gay as hell.” Norman grinned.
“I am indeed a hardcore lesbian.” Gilda said. Ray smiled slightly that he had gotten three people’s sexualitys correct.
“Well you were technically correct Ray. I am omnisexual and do have a preference for women.” Don said then glanced at Nat and then back at the others.
“I’m Pansexual, ot bi but it was a good guess. I’m a little scared that you guessed so well for all of us though.” Nat smiled. “Well I knew Emma’s sexuality already and I couldn’t tell if Norman was actually gay or if he was just one of those bisexuals that always call themselves gay.” Ray said looking over at Emma because she does that all the time.
I’ma be honest, I hate the headcannon that Norman is Bisexual. I don’t know why but I do. And if you say that he said he loved Emma to Ray in the show I will slap you. He probably just said that as a form of manipulation or convincing.
“You don’t need to call me out like that!” Emma pouted. “Well I never directly said that you did that.” Ray mumbled. “You and I both know you looked right at me after you said it!” Emma yelled and pointed an accusing finger at Ray.
“Calm down giraffe girl.” Ray said. Nat was confused and the others just started laughing. “I will get you back for that.” Emma said under her breath and folded her arms over her chest. (I did not do that on purpose)
“Gilda, truth or dare?” Ray asked, suppressing his smirk. Don and Ray still had a bet going on and it may never end unless someone gives the girls a little push. “Uh, Dare.” Gilda answered and pushed some of her hair behind her ear.
Ray’s smirk then became visible as soon as she said that. Boy is Emma gonna kill him later for this… “I dare you to kiss Emma, on the lips, for at least 10 seconds.” Ray dared. Gilda’s and Emma’s faces both instantly became red.
Emma sent a glare over to Ray but she just looked like an angry tomato so it only made Ray laugh. Gilda scooched close to Emma on the couch that they were sharing and slightly leaned in. Emma took one last glance at Ray and closed the small gap that was left between the two.
Their lips collided and Ray kept a count in his head to make sure the kiss was long enough. Ray’s faith in Emma to initiate dating Gilda in the future grew with this moment since Emma was the one that had closed the gap.
Plus Gilda seems more shy and quiet and Emma is more loud, confident and outgoing so Emma is way more likely to ask Gilda out then Gilda to ask her.
Don truely made a dumb choice with that bet but Ray didn’t really care since he would get money in the process of Don’s stupidity.
About 13 seconds had passed and the two girls had pulled back. Their faces were still red and they said nothing until Gilda had caught her breath.
“Norman, truth or dare.” GIlda asked. After that Gilda might want revenge on Ray which worried him a bit but it might be worth it. Gilda doesn’t seem like the revenge type but you never know.
“Dare.” Norman said with a annoyingly stupid amount of confidence. “I dare you to makeout with Ray.” Gilda said with a smile with bad intent behind it. “Hey, that's not fair! I made you kiss Emma for 13 seconds. Making out is a little much.” Ray said.
“A dares a dare.” Emma said, smirking. “You are a very bad influence on Gilda.” Ray said to Emma and avoided looking at Norman completely. “Emma’s right. A dare is a dare.” Norman said and Ray could practically hear the smirk in his voice.
Ray’s POV
Suddenly someone grabbed my chin and…
1023 words
A/N: Cliffhanger, don’t kill me. Also idk if yall can tell but a Ray kinnie is writing this. Like- I kin Norman and Gilda too but I have a very long kin list and they are not up high on it. Ray is my 3rd highest kin. Killua is my first and Kenma is my second. I feel like my kins kinda show in my writing if that makes sense.
It's 6am and I haven't slept yet cause I've been watching Naruto all day and am very determined to finish it no matter how rediculoudly long it is.
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