⭐️Chapter 11⭐️
((i really tried and then i got lazy. This took me 11 days to write and it's full on shit. And yes, I know the contact names are different, it's what the opposite person has as their contact))
Rich slipped on his bowling shoes, making sure to be careful that he didn't lift his leg up too much and expose anything. He really hated bowling shoes- they were probably some of the ugliest shoes he'd ever seen in his whole life. They were usually insanely dirty as well, which didn't help any of the other factors.
Jake was getting bowling balls and setting up the machine- typing the names RICH and JAKE on the keypad, it slowly showing up on the screen. He turned to Rich with a smile. He loved bowling. When he was younger, his mother used to take him to bowl all the time. They eventually had a bowling alley installed in the castle, which they were in at the moment. "Hey, Richie?"
Rich looked up, his tongue still poking out of his mouth from concentration and focus. "Don't call me that."
Jake chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Do you want any food? I was going to go get some for myself, so.."
"Y'know, it would have been nicer if you just offered me food, like you were going to do it just to be nice." Rich raised his eyebrow, finishing the bunny loop in his laces and standing up.
"Well, yes, but.." Jake sighed, staring down at the pins setting themselves down on the slippery floor.
"I'd like some pizza and a Dr. Pepper." Rich poked Jake before setting himself down on one of the high seats, pulling his phone out and sending a text to Brooke. Jake watched him for a few seconds before walking off to get his food.
Pining.jpg: i totally just roasted him
Pi.i.i.nkberry: nice first date
Pining.jpg: you and i both know its not a fucking date
Pi.i.i.nkberry: profanity richie
Pining.jpg: dont
Pining.jpg: call me that
P.i.i.i.nkberry: just make sure you're nice to him, y'know?
Pining.jpg: whatever u asshat
Pining.jpg: it's not like you're nice to chloe
P.i.i.i.nkberry: stop it, get some help
Pining.jpg: bye felicia
Pi.i.i.nkberry: ass
Rich laughed, setting his phone down. He leaned on his right hand, looking around with a soft sigh. Lots of people were here, which surprised him. Were there that many servants ot did they let people in the castle to lay bowling? A nerdish, tallish guy was holding a brunette in a turtleneck in his arms, kissing. ((if you know what book that's from i'll marry you)) Rich felt a pang of jealousy, looking down with a slightly angry face. How come they got a romantic bowling date, while he was here pining on someone who'd never return his feelings.
Why did he agree to this? He had been holding back coughs this whole time. He honestly didn't know how he was standing it- maybe it was the constant drinking of water that washed it back down. He knew it would eventually come back later in a coughing fit, but he was bored and wanted to enjoy his time with Jake.
After all, he may never get this chance again.
Jake came back soon enough, setting Rich's food and drink down and putting his own down as well. "You look upset."
Rich shook his head, playing with his thumb ring. "I'm good, dude."
Jake nodded suspiciously, eating some fries. "Let's get started in a second. You're first."
Rich took a sip of his drink before hopping down, setting his phone on the table. "Got it, boss." He walked over and picked up a bowling ball, putting it down immediately. He would hate to admit it, but most of the balls were actually pretty heavy. He eventually settled on a pink one, the only one that would work.
"I have to warn you, I'm not very good at bowling." Rich looked back at Jake for a second before rolling his ball, it quickly falling into the gutter. Jake started laughing and Rich stomped back to his seat, cursing under his breath.
"Dude-" Jake started, but Rich reached up and pressed a finger to his mouth.
"Nope. Don't even start." Rich shook his head, removing his finger. "It's your turn."
Jake stood up, looking down a little for an unknown reason ((yEt you and I both know-)), and picked up the first bowling ball in the row, which was, in Rich's opinion, the heaviest one. Of course, Jake was so strong, and dreamy, and akejdnwj. This made Rich sigh a little, which immediately turned into a small cough. Jake whipped his head around mid-roll, and Rich had to stifle a laugh.
"You okay, homie?" Jake tilted his head, his frosted tips bouncing a bit. Rich nodded as quickly as he could.
"Yeah. Don't worry about me." Rich smiled, making a thumbs up sign.
Jake blinked, staring at Rich for a second in deep thought. "If you ever need me to take you to the doctor or something, don't hesitate to say so." He ran a hand through his hair before turning around and rolling the ball, it already hitting the majority of the 12 pins. He nodded happily before sitting back next to Rich.
"How?" Rich cocked his head, a little dumbfounded.
Jake shrugged. "You forget that they built this because I wanted to bowl. I come here pretty often." He picked at his shirt, blinking. "I mean, it is in my castle."
Rich nodded. Of course. Dumb question. He stood up, taking his turn and failing yet again. This went on for a while, them repeatedly going and taking their turns, generally getting the same results every time. They'd occasionally take small intermissions to talk or joke around, or just stare off into space, and at one point at each other (staring contest). Jake had recently just finished his turn, sitting back down with a sigh. The atmosphere was no longer awkward, with edgy tension seeping through the cracks in the dialogue. There wasn't always conversation clouding their space, but it was okay. It was a nice okay. Something Rich hadn't gotten to experience for a while.
He had been basically avoiding Jake for so long, in fear of a fit or danger. But he guessed he was only in danger if he was in an angry, sad, or romantic mood, or something possibly romantic happened. Or he could randomly act up, and he didn't know why. Some of his random outbursts, he realized, was when jealousy spiked in his chest. Maybe Jake could be having a moment with someone else, or just basically spending time with a person that could in someway eventually lead to a relationship. It had taken lots of decoding on his and Brooke's part, and it was honestly quite stressful to think about.
He smiled at Jake for a split second, earning a smile back, before hopping off his chair to take his turn. He hadn't gotten more then 2 pins yet, and he didn't expect to. He never was exactly good at bowling- he hadn't done it much as a child and when he did he found it boring- yet this was a complete new adventure. It was just like how it was for everyone else- a simple bowling trip to reduce stress and have a great time with friends. But this.. This was a movement to him, a breakthrough, that how his thoughts on how bad his life was were proven somewhat wrong. He was able to just enjoy himself while in the company of Jake Dillinger- the man he thought he had to forbid himself to speak to.
"You can do this, dude. It really isn't that hard." Jake said from behind him, silently praying that he would finally make this one. He had noticed Rich's mood drop in the slightest- not very much, though, because he generally seemed way more happy then he had been for a very long time. Jake had his suspicions about Rich for a while, and he knew it wasn't a cold or the flu, but he still didn't have the foggiest idea of what it was.
Rich rolled his eyes. "Doubt that." He muttered under his breath, stomping his foot and digging it into the ground in some sort of personal motivation. He looked ahead, licking his dry lips before reaching his hand back, preparing for the release. Soon enough he threw it forward, the ball rolling forward at rapid speed. He screwed his eyes shut, turning his head to the side in a way to block out his probable fail. But he didn't hear a sigh from Jake.. he heard.. Cheering? He peeked one eye open cautiously and saw that he.. He did it! He got a strike! The other eye popped open as he let out a little squeak and turned around on his heel to show off his childish, goofy grin to Jake.
Jake reciprocated the smile, jogging up to Rich and wrapping his arms around him, taking him into a tight embrace. He spun in a circle, picking Rich up off the ground. Rich had been consumed by a giggling fit, his hands gripping Jake's shoulder. "You did it!" Jake started slowing done, setting Rich down put not moving his arms in anyway, Rich pressed against his chest.
Rich looked up at him, the giggling becoming quiet and spaced. "Yup. I did it." He couldn't help but stare into Jake's eyes, his smile now sheepish. Jake was about to speak, but suddenly Rich's whole expression changed. He pushed Jake away, slapping a hand to his mouth and stumbling backwards. His eyes were shaken and glossy, and he looked at the ground, hyperventilating. You could see every pinch of fear splattered on his face, and the tears threatening to fall out of his eyes. His chest heaved up and down, his unsteady breathing obvious.
Jake froze. He was unable to move, and unaware of every person staring in their direction, incredibly confused. "Rich. Hospital?"
Rich shook his head, closing his eyes and letting tears slide out. The pain in his lungs and throat was unbearable. He couldn't cough right now- not in front of everyone. Put he couldn't move, couldn't speak. Couldn't tell Jake to take him to the bathroom, to call Brooke.
Jake looked around, worried, before picking Rich up and running out of the bowling alley, cradling Rich in his arms bridal style. "It's okay. We're going. We're going." He sprinted through the castle halls, catching disapproving glances from many passing people. He almost ran into the majority of these people, but it didn't faze him.
"Ba-hnrgh-room. Bro..oke." Rich managed to squeak out, barely uncovering his mouth. Blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth, slightly darker than the rooster streak in his hair. Jake nodded, spotting the nearest bathroom and running in.
"Everyone out!" Jake shouted, his voice booming through the bathroom. The authority in his voice was scary, and everyone ran out, leaving Rich and Jake alone. Jake opened the closest stall, letting Rich step inside. Rich kneeled in front of the toilet, but didn't move. He just turned his head, his eyes pleading.
"Cl-ose." Rich whispered, his voice cracked. Jake nodded, stepping out and closing the stall door. He leaned up against the wall in front of the stall with a sigh. Soon enough, he heard puking and he gulped, his Adam's Apple bobbing up and down. He crossed his arms, staring at the floor. He wanted so bad to help Rich and to know what was wrong- it made his stomach toss and turn just to think about it. His eyes widened and he pulled his phone out, remembering something.
Jake: 2nd floor bathroom, west wing
Brookie: shit
Jake: Just hurry okay
Brookie: I'm on my way
Jake stuffed his phone in his pocket, sighing and examining his hands. He stared at the lines on his palms, flipping his hands over.
It was kind of like a blur, the next few moments. He could hear Rich crying and puking in the bathroom, letting out choked sobs and hiccups. This made Jake cry too, sliding down the wall and hugging his knees, shivering. Brooke eventually sprinted in, shooing Jake at. He exited the bathroom and the castle, beginning to walk down the streets, letting tears fall to the ground. He was confronted many times, but he refused to speak. Eventually, he found himself walking into the mall, just to look around. He had no idea how he felt right now, but looking at ball dresses calmed him, supposedly.
Wait- that's a good idea, isn't it?
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