Nordica's POV
Jake did what he set out to do. He bonded with Toruk Makto. He came back for Grace and I. I put a mask on Grace and put one on myself. Norm told me to be careful. I assured him I'd be fine along with my girls. Jake flew us to the tree of souls while I hold Grace. I let him go talk to Neytiri, Mo'at and Tsu'tey first.
"Grace is dying" I hear Jake say and take that as my cue.
"We beg for Eywa's help" I say in Na'vi. The tribe look up at me as Jake came over and I pass Grace to him. Neytiri then helps me off of Toruk Makto. I then walk towards Mo'at as Grace steers in Jake's arms.
"Look where we are, Grace" he tells her. She looks up at the tree in awe.
"I need to take some samples" she says with a small smile. She is taken and changed. Then laid beside her avatar before Mo'at and the tree of souls. As the others connect to the roots.
"The Great Mother may choose to save all that she is, in this body" Mo'at tells Jake.
"Is that possible?" he asks.
"Yes, it's called a conscious transfer" I tell him.
"She must pass through the Eye of Eywa and return. But Jake-sully, Atiena she is very weak" Mo'at tells us. Jake kneels next to Grace, taking her tiny human hand in his avatar hand. While I sit beside Neytiri.
"Hang on, they're gonna fix you up" Jake tells her.
"I -- always held back. But you gave them your heart. I'm proud of you, Jake" she says barely concious. "Take care of your little ones Nordica" she adds.
"I will, but focus on yourself right now" I tell her.
"Help them. You do whatever it takes. You hear me?" she asks Jake.
"I will" he assures her. Mo'at stands in a kind of trance amongst the tendrils of the tree of souls. Neytiri and the other acolytes dance hypnotically. All the Omaticaya sway and chant to the rhythm of the drums. Praying for Eywa to help Grace. As the conscious transfer ceremony begins. I pray Grace has the strength to survive.
Mo'at soon stops chanting as Grace looks up at Jake. "I'm with her Jake, she is real" she whispers. Before closing her eyes, going limp.
"Grace!" Jake and I exclaim. Grace does not wake in her avatar body and tears start to fill my eyes. She didn't make it.
"Her wounds were too great, there was not enough time. She is with Eywa now" Mo'at tells us. Neytiri removes Grace's face mask.
"I want to do my transfer now" I state.
"Are you sure?" Mo'at asks.
"Yes" I answer.
"What's happening?" Jake asks.
"I am doing the conscious transfer with my babies, I will not risk going on a link pod again" I tell him.
"But you could die or lose the babies" he stresses.
"I am stronger then Grace and I am assured the babies will make it. We planned to do it tomorrow, but we will do it now. I will feel safer once we leave these bodies" I tell him.
"I can't change your mind can I?" he asks. I shake my head. He hugs me. "I am sorry for hurting you Nordica, please live" he tells me. I nod my head. I go change with my friends help and soon lay beside my avatar body.
"See you on the other side" I tell them. I close my eyes relaxing my body and clearing my mind. As they begin to chant. I soon see a dark tunnel with a light at the end. I went towards it and soon appear in a pond bathed in moon light and see a meadow of trees like the tree of souls. I massive one in the center.
"Welcome Atiena" a feminine voice says in English. I turn to see a beautiful na'vi woman with white hair.
"Eywa" I say bowing.
"No need for that Atiena, come your kids are waiting" she tells me. I follow her and we appear at a gazebo. I see two baskets with my two little girls inside.
"I am surprised you speak English" I state.
"I speak all languages" she states. "You have a choice to make Atiena, you all may return to the world of the living. And live in your avatar bodies for life. No matter how long or short it maybe due to the approaching war. Or you may all remain here and be reunited with Tom" she tells me.
"I'd love to reunite with Tom. But we promised to start a new life on Pandora and I cannot take that away from my daughters without a fight. I cannot be selfish and stay. We will go back" I tell her and she nods her head.
She gestures behind her and I see an arch way. "Take your babies and go, I pray not to see any of you in the near future" she tells me.
"Thank you and please tell Tom I love him. And I will take good care of our girls" I tell her. As I pick them up. I head through the arch way with my girls. I see a light at the end and hear chanting. I head towards it.
My world goes black and I wake feeling a bit disoriented. I blink and see Mo'at, who smiles. "Welcome back Atiena" she tells me.
"Good to be back, are they ok?" I ask. She nods her head and I sigh in relief. I sit up and Jake smiles looking relieved. Before becoming serious and walks over to Tsu'tey.
"With your permission, I will Speak now. You would honor me by translating" he tells him. Tsu'tey nods his head. They turn to face the tribe with Neytiri by Jake's side. "The Sky People have sent a message that they can take whatever they want, and no one can stop them. But we will send them a message. Ride out, as fast as the wind can carry you, tell the other clans to come. Tell them Toruk Macto calls to them. Fly now with me brothers and sisters! Fly! And we will show the Sky People that this is our land!" Jake finishes.
Tsu'tey finishes with a bloodcurdling war-cry, and the entire clan responds, their shouts echoing across the forest. I shout as well. Jake takes Neytiri's hand and runs to the leonopteryx (aka Toruk Macto). He vaults onto its back and pulls her up behind him. The hunters run to their banshees, mounting quickly. Jake's leonopteryx rises on mighty wings into the night sky. With a thunder of wings, the banshees take off after it.
"I will stay here and help you protect the tree of souls" I tell Mo'at. She smiles and guides me over to where food has been laid out. We then join my friends and eat discussing plans for my human body's burial. Which will happen as soon as possible. While Jake and the others gather allies to help us fight the y people.
Picture above of Tirea and Tanhi. Picture on the external link of Eywa (imagine white hair).
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