The room stood still. They could do nothing as Yato's scream echoed in the room, then choked out into nothing. Kouto released a breath then stood up, Yato's body slid down the control panel, limp.
"There, you see?" Kouto yanked up Yato by his compactor before the Wall-E's body completely hit the floor.
"Now we can get back to A113." Kouto walked towards them in controlled steps, not hindered by the dead weight he dragged behind him. Hiyori and Yukine gaped at him, fear and disbelief rooting their feet to the floor. Tear welled up in Yukine's eyes as his breathing picked up. Hiyori's mouth worked uselessly, squeaks of straggled cries whispering along her breath. Kugaha took this oportinutiy to roll to his feet, taking off towards his superior.
"Wait stop!" Hiyori pointed her gun again but didn't shoot. Her hands were shaking and she couldn't focus on her system's auto-aim, Yato was still in the shot zone. Thankfully, Tenjin took control of his chair, rocketing himself foward and slamming into the Go-4's side, knocking him back to the floor. Captain Tenjin then lurched and grabbed hold of the poncho's loose turtle neck, ripping open the black clips that held it in place. Kugaha sputtered and shouted but he was too slow. Implanted at the bottom of his jugular was the Go-4's reset button. Tenjin didn't even want to think how many times his Auto had used it. His thumb slammed into the blue and yellow device, Kugaha struggled for a bit more before his eyes rolled to the back of his head.
His body was dropped to the floor with a powerful thump. Tenjin glared in spite from under his eye brows. Kouto was quiet for a moment, looking down his nose at the captain. He looked to Hiyori with her gun still trained on him, a tear rolling down her face. The Auto then looked down at the limp Wall-E at his side, and sighed.
"Really now," Kuoto said turning slightly so he could push open the trash door, "I'm just doing what's best for the ship. There's no need for such violence." He pushed the compactor's handle in first, then gripped Yato by his hair and heaved him in, Yato's boots dragging on the floor behind him.
"Stop!" Yukine cried, rushing towards the co-pilot and throwing his body at him in tackle. Kouto didn't even need to move his feet. Looking down at the blonde with a blank expression, he didn't react in the slightest. The Mo's fists balled up Kouto's pristine white coat and he struggled to knock him over, or kick his shins, or grabble Yato out of the shoot. The Auto's elbow swung around to crack Yukine in the forehead, sending him to the floor. He then kicked the rest of Yato's body down the tube, smiling to himself as he heard loud thuds get farther away. A blast suddenly hit him in face, followed by a shot to the chest.
Kouto stumbled back with a cry, his shoulders hitting the broken control panel. Eyes widening, he ducked as another stream of blue light hit right where his head was. Hiyori moved in, gun trained on her superior. He dashed to the side as Hiyori fired just behind him. She rushed over to Yukine and kept shooting. When Kuoto made it behind the elevator, and out of sight, Hiyori risked a glance at Yukine.
"Are you okay?" Hiyori looked frantically between the floor and the elevator wall, shooting when she saw the tiniest bit of red peek out. For the floor, Yukine sniffled and groaned, forcing himself to sit up. Blood streamed from a cut on his forehead.
"Captain!" Hiyori shouted, "Please barricade yourself in your room!" She nodded to the captain with wild eyes as he drove towards his door, disabling the lock pad and shutting the door behind him. The room was quite except for Hiyori's heavy breathing. The Auto hasn't move from his spot. Waiting patiently for an opening.
"Yukine?" Hiyori tried again, looking over her shoulder to see the empty spot on the floor. A splatter of blood where the Mo used to be. Her wide eyes darted to the elevator and around the room, finally catching Yukine push open the trash shoot behind her.
"Yu-Yukine!" Hiyori fully looked over her shoulder, watching Yukine hop in feet first, roller clanking along after him. When Hiyori looked back, Kuoto was already half way across the room, running swiftly and silently, the skin around his right eye scorched off. The glowing red and black mechanics making him look like a true cyborg. She gasped and fired off a shot, hitting the ground to the right of him. Kuoto didn't even blink, swerving around the hole in the floor and through the smoke. Hiyori clicked on her boots, taking to the air and shooting at him again. The Auto burst through the black smoke screen arms closing around the space Hiyori once occupied.
The trash flap closed with a loud clap. Kouto glanced around, straightening himself up with a grimace. They escaped. He produced a handkerchief from his front pocket and began dotting the blood streaming down his cheek while his sensors did a system check. He heard the sound of engines from the break in the window. A couple moments later, the golden hair of Sergant Major Bishamon rose to view followed by First Sergent Kazuma. They flew through the glass break without second thought. Though they did give him a horrified expression.
"Command Sergent, What happend here?" Bishamon demanded as her jets folded back into her shoulder blades. Behind her, a line of more Secur-T rose to the glass, halted by Kazuma, who scanned the room.
"They were here." Kazuma informed. Kuoto looked at the First Sergent, then nodded at Bishamon.
"It's true. They attacked. It seems the virus has spread to the Eve making her armed and dangerous." Kouto said.
"What of the captian?" Bishamon demand. Kouto growled at her tone but calmly held a hand up.
"I asked him to barricade himself in his room. Don't bother going to check, I instructed him to only answer to me."
"Very well," Bishamon nodded to the co-captain once then turned to Kazuma, "Leave a squadron here and set a perimeter. No one comes in or out of the captain's chambers. I want all units on an all out search. Alert the public all chambers will be investigated."
"That won't be necessary, Bishamon." Kouto cut in. Both Secur-Ts looked at him with shock.
"But sir-"
"I took care of them," The Auto said, smiling a little at their expressions, "Just have a Secur-T posted here for the time being." He pointed at the garbage door, letting the two come to their own conclusions.
"Sir," Bishamon stepped forward, "Did you-"
"The public cannot be bothered by such a trivial matter that can- and was- easily handled," Kuoto steady met the Sergent Major's gaze, "Their safety and happiness is our utmost priority. In a couple minutes everything will be handled, and you'll be back on damage control." He walked by the two and towards the Go-4 on the ground, not sparing them another glance.
Bishamon looked back at Kazuma who shared her twisted expression. Kazuma turned and beckoned Kuraha forward, commanding the bearded man to stay posted at the trash shoot. When he walked by, Bishamon put a hand on his shoulder and looked towards the Auto.
"Stay sharp. And do what is right." Bishamon whispered. Her subordinate nodded and took his post. From the floor, Kugaha groaned and woke up, sitting with his head in his hand. Kouto blinked down at him with one eye, then looked over at the two Secur-Ts
"That will be all, Sergent Major Bishamon." Kouto said. Bishamon narrowed her eyes at him, bowing before leaving back out the window. Kazuma close behind her.
"I don't like this Kazuma." Bishamon said before her boot even touched the ground.
"Indeed, every criminal is allowed trial with the captain. But if the cyborg has a virus, we are more than capable of curing it. On top of that, human Eves can't even get virus!" Kazuma held his chin, eyes opening the more he thought. Bishamon looked just as surpirsed.
"You're right. And why does he not want us to apprehend them? What does it mean he took care of them?" She turned to look at the garbage shoot. Kazuma followed her line of sight.
"The garbage shoot, huh?" Kazuma crossed his arms. They looked at each other, communicating with looks alone. With a nod, the two snuck away, out of sight.
Several floors below, Hiyori screeched to a halt just before hitting the cement floor. Dirt and paper flew out of the way of her engines before she cut them off. She looked around, the floor beanth her was relatively clean, at least free of garbage. In fact, it seemed a large pathway was cleared all the way to a smaller room off to Hiyori's left. She looked around, Yato and Yukine were no where to be seen. She heard urgent voices by the smaller room, shilohettes were shadowed by the bright white LEDs. Hiyori made her way towards them when their body langue became more demanding. Above them, a red light began flashing, a siren harshly sounding.
The massive doors slowly began to slide shut, the light closing in on Hiyori's path. Still, she could make out the shorter body of Yukine, shouting at a group of Wall-Hs. A large cyborg with a mop of thick brown hair had a massive hand over top of a control pad, his other arm blocking Yukine from getting to it.
"Yukine!" Hiyori called out to him as she ran up to the group. Yukine sparred her a glance before turning his glare back on the Wall-H.
"Please! You have to stop it! My dad's in there!" Yukine grabbed the man's wearalls and shook him. The man grabbed his hands and ripped them off his front.
"What are you talkin about? Cyborgs ain't got parents! Besides we got orders straight from the top!" The Wall-H said, pointing his massive shovel at the smaller room. Hiyori whipped her head towards the sliding doors in horror. Yato was in there. Unconscious and injured. Without another thought, Hiyori cranked up her rocket boots and leaned back. She flew towards the door, spinning to her side to make a tight turn right into the trash chamber. The Eve flipped on her helmet, it's invisible glass encasing her head and the scanner coming shine across the trash piles. Her helmet's speaker buzzed with static. She touched the side of her helmet with furrowed brows.
"Hi-yori?" Yato's voice crackled through the speaker. Hiyori's heart jumped to her throat, she nearly cried.
"The speaker!" Hiyori thought with pure euphoria, thanking the stars she gave it to him. She tapped the speaker.
"Yato? Yato! Where are you?" Hiyori zipped around, head looking around too fast for the scanner to fully get a read. She kept tapping the side of her helmet, calling Yato's name over and over only to receive static.
"Hiyori!" Her name echoed in the large white room. She looked towards the source, her relif dripping into fear with a jolt. Yukine stood with his knees bend, fists desperately trying to keep the roller from being bent by the doors. The doors pushed against the horizontal rod Yukine held up, large, dirty hands wrapping around the door to help keep it open.
"Hiyori!" Yukine shouted again, "Hurry up!"
"I'm trying!" Hiyori felt tears of frustration prick her eyes. The siren was loud but her heart was louder. The hollering of the Wall-Hs and Yukine became static to her panic. Then, cutting through it all, her speaker buzzed again.
"Fridge." Yato's voice spoke clearly in her ear. It took the Eve a couple seconds to process his words. But the she did.
"Fridge? A fridge!" Hiyori changed her scanner and and flew around the piles of shovled trash. Finally spotting a fallen refrigerator at the bottom of one of the piles. Yato on his stomach under it, one hazy blue eye trained on her.
"Yato!" Hiyori cried, swooping down next to him. She grabbed his wrists and pulled hard. Yato grunted in pain as he slid out, Hiyori apologizing over and over. By the time she worked him onto her back, the room sent out a warning that the space doors will be opening soon. She clicked on her boots again, rising above the trash piles and shooting towards Yukine. The kid was struggling, eyes squeezed together with stress.
"Hurry," Yukine grounded out, roller bending under the force of the doors. His eyes widened and fixated on something behind then. Hiyori felt herself be tugged backward. The space door opening a crack, the vacuum of space sucking up the lightest trash. She pushed harder, inching towards the entrance slowly. The air around them pulled harder and Hiyori gripped Yato tighter, his limp body starting to weigh them down.
A handle came into view, reading out far past Yukine's roller. A man with glasses and long brown hair was leaning over Yukine, extending his shovel to her.
"Miss Eve! Grab on!" He commanded. Hiyori stretched out a hand, desperately trying to keep Yato balanced on her back. Her fingers brushed against it before she was pulled back. When she reached at it again, the tips of her fingers curld around it. Once she was secure, Hiyori looked into the brown eyes of the Wall-H.
"I got it!" With a strong tug, Hiyori and Yato were safely back in the dump. The bear-like Wall-H wrapped a large arm around Yukine's torso and ripped him from the doors, the heavy metal slamming shut with a resounding slam. The wind pressure cut off immeitatly and Hiyori crashed to the ground, Yato falling off her shoulders.
"Yato!" Yukine squirmed out of the man's hold and scrambled to the Wall-E on the floor. Falling to his knees, Yukine shook Yato's shoulder, Hiyori collapsing next to him. Blood clotted his hair and face. Yato wheezed out shallow breaths, eyes glassy and unfocused.
"What were you kids doing in there?" The bifocaled man came to stand behind Yukine and Hiyori. He wore a loose grey outfit , stained with dirt and grime, thick brown strips wrapping around the edges. The man went ignored. Hiyori stepped over Yato, moving aside scorched hair to see destroyed wires and a shattered light blue plate. Blood was seeping from around the edge of the insert staining his circuits. Yato moaned, electricity sparked out of the broken wires.
Yukine shuffled even closer to Yato. Hiyori stopped him from leaning over and looking at the damage. The Mo sniffled, grabbing Yato's hand without a second thought. The Wall-E's eyes moved like molasses to look up at Yukine, face morphing to one of sorrow when he saw his kid's pained expression. All the Wall-E could do was force his chest to rise and fall.
"Is he gonna be okay?" Yukine's voice quivered, coming out as a breath. Hiyori squeezed her eyes shut, forcing the tears away. She took a breath in and carefully turned Yato's face towards the floor while parting his hair. Activating her scanner, the Eve stored the identity of the wires and chips. She quickly stood up and activated her rockets.
"Wait! Miss Eve!" The Wall-H went ignored, Hiyori taking off into the darkness of the ship's dump. She moved from pile to pile, shuffling through months of rotting trash. Her scanners alerted her of any electrical wires, cranes, spare parts, computer hard drives. Hiyori collected anything that resembles Yato's unique make-up. Anything that could work.
By the ejection door, the Wall-Hs wrapped Yukine in one of their extra pieces of fabric, another was laid over Yato. The man with the chipped glasses, the head of the section, had commanded the others to do a thorough check of the area, just in case there were other workers that were lost. He then gave Yukine a dented can of hot water, one that went ignored. Instead the Mo was gently wiping Yato's face, working though the packet of baby-wipes he had tucked in his uniform. Already there was a pile beside Yato's head, the white cloths died dark red and brown.
"Mmm that feels nice," Yato slurred. Yukine gave a half-hearted scoff.
"I bet. This is probably the closest you've ever had to a shower." Yukine winced as his cleaning made the bruises more prominent. Once his face and neck was wiped down, Yukine moved to Yato's hands. The mechanical circling of the cloth turned to short rubs, then to nothing at all.
"What's wrong," Yato took a breath like a gasp, "Kiddo?" Yukine didn't look up from his daze, Yato's calloused hands tanner than his smooth ones.
"What is it like? Earth?" Yukine asked quietly. Yato didn't answer right away and Yukine worried that the Wall-E had passed out again.
"It's nothing like here," Yato took a deep breath in, "There's still lots of cleaning to do, but it has the most amazing things hidden. There are no more living things- I think- but the mountains and volcanoes are still there. All the art and statues, the movies and music. Humanity really." He murmured, his voice growing weaker the more he talked and heaved oxygen. Yukine apologized and only got a wheezing cough in return.
"'Humanity', huh?" Yukine repeated. He looked down at his uniform, one the first things he remembers receiving after waking up, recalling not a damn thing. Yukine paused and took it all in. The thought of what Earth could be, his role here, Suzuha, his new name. He squeezed the wet-wipe tight.
"Yato!" Hiyori's boots scattered the dirt and dust around the floor as she landed hastily next to them, cradling her helmet over flowing with wires and chips. She knelt down by Yato's head and Yukine scrambled around to help Yato into somewhat of a sitting position, letting the Wall-E lean heavily against him.
"Is this it?" Hiyori held up a misshapen one, one that Yato shook his head at, "What about this? This? How about this one?" Hiyori grit her teeth, turning her helmet over and dumping out its contents. She and Yukine spread them out before Yato so that he can look them over. Other Wall-Hs came with what they've found. None of them even came close. They didn't have the necessary wiring for a cyborg, and when they did, they weren't meant to fit in the Wall-Es old fashioned design. And now that Hiyori thought of it, they would need a highly trained specialist that could surgically remove the plate and reattach a new one to his antique system, all while keeping him alive.
When Hiyori voiced as much the room grew quiet, Yato's wheezing covering Yukine's sniffles and Hiyori's choked sobs. Yato looked at his love sadly. One of his eyes had trouble focusing, the other interpreted color oddly, but she still looked beautiful. He hated making her this sad. It's a good thing he had something that could cheer her up. He belonged in the trash heap anyway.
"Hiyori," Yato said, "I have-" he broke off into a cough. Hiyori seemed to understand, perking up and crawling towards him.
"You have?" Hiyori wiped some tears away. At his side, Yukine jostled him.
"You idiot! Why didn't you say something sooner!" Yukine smiled wide despite himself. Yato tried shaking his head but got dizzy, his hand shakily went over his shoulder and gripped his compactor. Slowly, one at a time, Yato's latches opened up and allowed the compactor to slide off his back. Hiyori helped Yato drag it around. The cube opened, allowing it's contents to come tumbling out.
The room froze, confusion knitting the features of the Wall-Hs while Hiyori and Yukine sat with stunned expressions. The glass bottle clicked against the pavement, spinning to a landing right in front of Hiyori. The Eve slowly looked down, face frozen. Her trembling fingers reached for the smooth container, wrapping loosely around it and lifting the plant into her lap.
"Yato, What is- I don't." Hiyori whispered, thumb rubbing over the glass.
"P-plant," Yato wheezed, "Directive." his mouth wobbled into a crooked smile. Hiyori looked up at him with wide, misty eyes. He held her gaze as best he could, hair covering the eye that stopped working, smile drooping just a bit. But to her, he just looked defeated. His bright, sunny demeanor and eyes so full life, looked shadowed and muted. His wearalls were bunched in Yukine's tight fist. The Mo subconsciously squeezing Yato tighter.
"Who cares about that now!" Yukine shouted, "Earth isn't what's important now!" He steadied Yato after the Wall-E flinched from the volume. Yato swayed a little, head lulling back.
"Earth..." Yato slurred. Hiyori looked sadly at Yukine, who was trembling and gnawing at his lip.
"Earth?" Hiyori repeated. Her eyes fell down to the organism in her lamp, then back up at Yato. Focusing on the round plastic speaker imbedded in his chin, once again cracked. He would need a replacement.
"Earth!" Hiyori exclaimed, coming off the ground to her knees. She kept repeating the world like it was her lifeline. She shouted it at confused Yukine and again at the bewildered Wall-Hs. The Eve crawled to Yato with a face of pure joy. Slowly pulling his head back up, Yato fixed her with a smirk. Yukine, smart as he is, caught on.
"All of Yato's stuff is on Earth!" Yukine perked up for a moment before he deflated, "But, that jerk Auto is the one who drives the ship."
"But! But!" Hiyori scooted even more forward, "The ship's programming should override his control. All we have to do is place this in the Halo-detector and the ship will take us back!"
"We have to get back to the captain!" Yukine affirmed.
"You're not going anywhere near the captain!" A voice boomed in the enormous room, powerful and strong. Heels clicked against the pavement followed by the footfalls of more soldiers. The Wall-Hs stepped back with their hands in front of them, leaving the trio under a spot light in the middle of the floor.
Hiyori stood up, one hand out behind her, the other cradling the plant. She moved to block the view of the boy and the broken cyborg, narrowing her eyes as Bishamon stepped into the light. followed by a line of Secur-T.
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