Chapter 4
Monday 14th January
*English Class*
since when have you been
receiving love letters without
immediately informing me?
09:35 Joshua
The three of them were currently in the middle of a English class, trying not get caught by the teacher as they were message each other.
You wouldn't happen to
be jealously by chance?
09:35 Lila
We were going to tell
you this morning 😉
09:35 Emily
Hoping that her message has calm her friend down.
you have my individual attention...🙂
09:36 Joshua
So, who is secret admirer?
09:36 Joshua
That's the thing,
we don't know.
He just signed the letter
with an L 09:36 Lila
Well all we need to do is make a list of all the guys in school whose first names begin with L
09:36 Joshua
Let's start with the guys in our class.
09:36 Emily
Well, there's Liam...
09:36 Lila
Yeah, there's Lee,
Leo and Lucas too.
09:36 Joshua
Wasn't one of them
really into you
in junior high, Lila?
09:36 Joshua
Yeah, Lee,
but he was so annoying
that I managed persuade
him that we weren't meant
to be together 😉
09:36 Lila
"That wasn't the best 15 minute of his life, poor guy" Emily thought as she remember that memory.
I really hope
it's not Leo.
09:36 Lila
How come?
09:37 Emily
Wanting to know why her friend doesn't want to be that guy.
He's the kind of guy
who solves his problems
his fists.
09:37 Lila
I thought girl though
he was pretty hot...
09:37 Joshua
Looks aren't everything,
09:37 Emily
It's also what's in your
head that counts!
And in Leo care I don't think
there is very much.
09:37 Joshua
I agree that he's not exactly Einstein,
but he's in with the cool gang and
that's always useful when
trying to hit on girls.
09:37 Joshua
but it won't help him
if he tries to hit on me!
09:37 Lila
that's leave us with: Liam,
Leo, Lucas and Lee
(but we can rule him out
as Lila scared the hell out
of him in junior high).
09:37 Emily
Do you have a preference,
Lila? 🙂
09:37 Emily
Emily wanted to know if Lila has a crush or anyone she like out of these boy names.
Liam is the only guy in class
that I would go anywhere near.
It's not even worth discussing the others. 🙈
09:38 Lila
09:38 Joshua
Liam is the only one that
I would potentially consider.
09:38 Lila
Seriously though,
what would you give
me out of 10?
09:38 Joshua
"It's difficulty to rate your friends..." Emily stated.
I'd give you a big 7/10
my dear Joshua😘
09:38 Lila
Me too, I'd give you a 7😉
09:38 Emily
Not to bad ey!😎
09:38 Joshua
Don't let it go to your head😉
09:38 Lila
Hey guys, I'd just had a thought...
09:38 Joshua
Maybe this letter could have
something to do with Nora going missing.
09:38 Joshua
"I knew he would come to this conclussions..." Emily thought as she already know that her friend would come to the wrong conclusion.
I think you're reading too
much into this Joshua.
09:38 Emily
Emily's right.
It's a love letter,
it's got nothing to
do with Nora.
09:39 Lila
"Glad Lila agrees with me on this" Emily thought.
Seriously though,
they could be a sort
of serial killer.
09:39 Joshua
Or even a dude who
uses anonymous love letters
as a means to kidnap girls.
09:39 Joshua
"That would mean that Nora received letters too..." Emily thought as she was thinking of this suggestion.
So she decides to ask her a question...
Are you thinking about
responding to the letter Lila?
09:39 Emily
I can't,
he didn't let me know
how to respond...
09:36 Lila
Maybe that mean that
there will be more letters.
09:36 Lila
And more victims!
09:39 Joshua
"Joshua" Emily thought with a sigh
Speaking of Nora,
did you guys notice that
Tim isn't in school today?
09:39 Joshua
Emily noticed this too, that Tim hasn't come to class.
I'm not surprised.
I'm pretty sure that he
doesn't want everyone asking
him questions about his
missing girlfriend
all the time.
09:39 Lila
"I totally agree with you, Lila. If my girlfriend is currently missing, I don't think I would want people keep bugging me" Emily thought.
Did you speak to Tim
about Nora and Mathilda's
09:39 Joshua
I didn't think it was a
good idea to talk to him
about him.
He thinks Jonathan might
have something to do
with Nora's disappearance however.
09:40 Emily
That's weird.
He seemed pretty cool
when Lila and I came
to see you play.
09:40 Joshua
It looks like we can't trust
anyone anymore in this town...
Not forgetting Joshua's serial killer
who is on the loose.
09:40 Lila
You'll be sorry when we
find you cut into pieces
with a love letter lying
next to,
Lila 🙂
09:40 Joshua
I don't think we should
be joking about this
type of thing!
09:40 Emily
"That this is a very serious matter, of what going on at the moment" she thought as they shouldn't be joking about.
You're right,
what's happened to Nora
is really serious!
09:40 Lila
My mom was at the parent/teacher
meeting yesterday and they all
think that from now on all
students should move about in
groups of two, and never alone.
09:41 Joshua
Discounting Jonathan,
does Tim have any ideas
as to what has happened to Nora,
09:41 Lila
Not that I know off?
09:41 Emily
"That Tim only mention Jonathan when we message each other" she thought.
When it comes to situation
like this,
the prime suspect are always
those who are closet to the victims.
09:41 Joshua
Did you get that from NCIS?
09:41 Lila
For real though,
it's an awesome series.
We always watch it with
my real dad,
with a big bag of popcorn 😉
09:41 Joshua
I think you should
write to Tim, Emily.
He must be really depressed
staying at home alone.
09:41 Lila
"Maybe..." Emily thought, wondering if she should or not.
I guess...
He seemed a bit lonely
when we last spoke.
09:41 Emily
What a suprise!
His cool-group friends
aren't there for him
when he needs them... 😲
09:42 Lila
I saw his basketball friends
this weekend and they didn't
seem to be worried about him...
09:42 Joshua
When it comes to supporting
a friend through tough times,
nobody's there 😑
09:42 Joshua
"But they are right. I might be the only person who can open up to him at the moment..." Emily thought.
At when the girl finally decide on her decision, I'm going to write to him" she said.
Emily tap on Tim number after getting off the group chat, setting up a message chat with him.
"I don't know what to say...It's hard to find the right thing to say in these kinds of situations..."she thought.
Wondering what to Tim, not to sound pushes like a raging bull instantly moving as soon as it seens any sort of red.
So Emily went and start typing out the, the message...
Hey Tim,
I was just wanting to check
and see how you are.
09:42 Emily
I'm worried about you.
You shouldn't be alone
at a time like this.
We're all thinking
about you.
You shouldn't be alone
at a time like this.
We're all thinking about you.
Hope you coming back soon.
09:42 Emily
...... ..... .....
Tim is now offline
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