Chapter 2
*Saturday 13rd January* *Bedroom*
*Made change*
Emily places down the book she was reading down on the bed and pick up the phone from nearby.
Once she does so, the girl turn on her phone, to see who has text her.
Hey guys,
how is everyone?
14:35 Lila
Doing the best we can
in such circumstances...☹️
14:35 Joshua
I went and type out a message on the group chat...
I still can't believe everything
that has been going on with Nova.
14:36 Emily
Me neither.
14:36 Lila
"That god that I'm not the only one who's thinking that" Emily thought to herself.
It was pretty full
on last night.
14:36 Joshua
"Unfortunately, I remember all to well what happened on that very night" Emily thought.
With Mathilda acting like drama
queen in front of everybody and...
...Tim, who was so stressed,
he had a nose-bleed...
14:36 Joshua
"At least someone gave him a spare tissue to stop the bleeding" Emily thought in relief.
We've certainly seen more
relaxed situations.
14:36 Lila
"Tell me about it..." Emily thought as she was typing out a text message.
I just hope the cops find her
soon and what we told them
14:36 Emily
I hope so too.
14:36 Lila
Tim must be having a
really rough time.
I bet he's super worried about Nora.
14:36 Emily
By the way,
was your tennis lesson not
weird without Nora this morning?
Did you still go?
14:36 Lila
Nora and Emily have been going to the same tennis club for years.
But the girl knows that it won't be the same if she doesn't come back.
In the end, Emily decide to go to the tennis session, even though Nora was still missing.
She wasn't the only one who trying to act normal and get on with their day, everyone else came to the lesson as well.
I managed to motivate myself.
14:37 Emily
The girl knew that she needed a good distraction, from what's happening all around her.
How was it?
14:37 Lila
It wasn't a great atmosphere.
Kylian hadn't even know about
the situation with Nora.
14:37 Emily
Remembering back to that day, back at the tennis session.
During the lesson, the other students were mumbling among themselves.
Emily couldn't hear everything they were saying, but I caught sudden words...about the missing Nora.
She felt very sorry for Kylian, who didn't know the situation at hand.
Only just found out in the morning when everyone around him was talking about it.
Is Kylian the hot dude
with green eyes who
wins all his matches?
14:37 Lila
"Lila doesn't miss a beat!" Emily thought, shaking her head as she knew her friend would know who Kylian was.
that's him...
14:37 Emily
Do you think that Nora
could have run off?
14:37 Joshua
"That's a good suggested. Something could have happened to her, causing Nora to run away and was hiding somewhere" Emily thought.
I just,
it's so unlike her
to do something like that.
14:37 Lila
"Lila right. Nora has everything going for her. She's pretty, super popular, plus she's dating Tim..." Emily listed as she counted on her fingers.
"Why would she run away?" she wonder with curiosity, why a girl like that would do something as Joshua suggested.
Something is definitely strange here, but the girl knew one thing.
Me neither.
I don't think it's her style.
She's super popular and
everyone likes her.
14:37 Emily
But as soon as Emily send the message, someone disagree with her.
I wouldn't be so sure
if I were you.
14:38 Joshua
"What does he mean?" I ask myself, wondering Joshua meant by that.
After all,
we don't really know
much about her apart
from the fact that she
is dating Tim and that she's
friend with Matilda etc...
14:38 Joshua
Only you,
could have some info on her,
from your time together at tennis.
14:38 Lila
Do you not talk to each
other in between your
backhand rallies?
14:38 Lila
"Even if we play together, I don't really know that much about her" Emily admits to herself, that she doesn't know much about Nora.
After a moment of thinking, to see if anything pop into her head...but nothing much comes to mind.
"I just know that she lives alone with her dad since her mom died" Emily continue to think to herself.
I think I know as much
as you do about her
and her family.
14:38 Emily
Her mom's dead and she
lives alone with her dad.
All I know is that she's a good
double partner;
someone that you can trust.
But our relationship on the
tennis court and off it are
two different things.
14:39 Emily
14:39 Lila
I was thinking you might
know a bit more about Nova.
14:39 Lila
"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Lila. But I don't have the information you need" Emily thought.
I wonder what the
next few days in school
are going to be like...
14:39 Lila
But Emily has a rough idea of what it would be like, for the next few days or so.
We need to get used to
seeing the police hanging
14:39 Emily
The cops might want
to interview us all this time,
one by one.
14:39 Joshua
"True. Each of us need to be quesion, to see if we know anything or have important information" Emily thought.
We're all suspects in their eyes. 😲
14:39 Joshua
"Joshua, we are people of interested until we are proven otherwise" Emily thought as she rolled her eyes.
they might make us all
take lie detector tests...
I just know that I'll panic
and the machine will say
that I'll guilty!
14:40 Joshua
You've been watching too
many episodes of NCIS,
Joshua 😀
14:40 Lila
"Joshua is such a fan of the show! He love it so much, that he becomes fascinated by all of the things they do" Emily thought.
That's possible,
but I don't really deal
well with stressful situations
like that!
14:40 Joshua
"That's true. He's just not that great with dealing with these type of situation" Emily thought, knowing this for a fact.
If I may Joshua,
you're not really number
1 on the most wanted list 🐨
14:40 Emily
I'm pretty sure that even if
you went to the police station
and told them that you were guilty,
they'd just smile and give you a ride
14:40 Lila
"She's right. The police officers would take one look at him, and immediately know that Joshua not dangerous. Doesn't look or act like one" Emily thought to herself.
Emily notice a message has appeared on her screen.
So she gets off the group chat her and her friends were on, to see who had just send the girl a message.
Hi Emily.
How are you?
14:10 Tim
Causing Emily to become surprise as she stared down at the screen.
"It's been a while since we last texted each other" she stated, that it has been some time since the girl has spoken to him by this method.
"But I know one thing. I have to be there for him in this tough situation. Right here, right now" Emily thought, knowing she need to do this.
So the girl went and start messaging a message to Tim..
I'm still shamed by everything
that's going on...
What about you, how are you feeling? ☹️
14:40 Emily
As Emily wanted to know how he was doing, with what everything that was going on right now.
I don't know...
I guess I don't know
what to think.
14:41 Tim
I've been thinking about
it non-stop for 2 days.
I just can't understood how
Nora has just disappeared
like that.
14:41 Tim
"You're not the only one who's thinking that Tim, everyone is. But I wonder if he knows why she might have left" Emily wondered.
Do you think she had
a reason to want to leave?
14:41 Emily
none at all.
14:41 Tim
"Even Tim doesn't know" Emily thought.
The police have searched
everywhere around her home.
She's taken none of her possessions
and the cops gave have found nothing
that that would lead them to believe
that she runaway from home.
14:41 Tim
"So she hasn't run away then. Then where she is?!" Emily question herself in thought.
I'm so worried.
If they don't find her soon,
I'm scared that...
14:41 Tim
Emily knew what he was going to say that precise moment, so she quickly interrupted him with her typing...typing...
You mustn't lose hope!
I'm sure that she will be found.
14:42 Emily
Trying to assure him that everything will be okay, and that Nora will be found soon.
It's been more than three
days since she last came home.
14:42 Tim
"I think I remembering reading something. That the longer the hunt goes on the less, the chance of finding a missing person" Emily remembered.
I just can't stop thinking about it.
14:42 Tim
So I went and try to suggest something for Tim to try out.
Have you thought about
doing some exercises?
It always helps me clear my head.
14:42 Emily
it's not a bad idea
but I'm not really in the mood
to have to deal with my teammates.
14:42 Tim
"Really?" Emily thought as she felt sorry for him.
When you're around them,
you have to be a tough guy
and make out that nothing
gets to you and I don't
think I can do that at the moment.
14:42 Tim
"Putting up a wall, trying to hide your true self" Emily thought.
Even though what I'm drawing
at the moment isn't all sunshine
and rainbows...
14:42 Tim
Do you feel better when
you're drawing?
14:43 Emily
Yeah, it helps me express
what's going on in my head.
14:43 Tim
"That's a good thing to have, something to do to keep your mind off things that happening around you" Emily thought.
But honestly, I wish I
could draw something different.
14:43 Tim
So Emily went and gave him a suggest on what to draw.
Gimme 5 minutes
Gimme 5 minutes😉14:43 Tim
"I can't wait to see the result" Emily thought in excitement.
Time later...
*Sorry if the image isn't clear enough*
15:01 Tim
awesome 😁
15:01 Emily
Glad you like it 😁
15:01 Tim
"I do. I love anything that Tim draws, that's how much of a artist he is" Emily thought.
It's nice to think about something
else for a change.
15:01 Tim
I miss the art lessons we
did in junior high.
15:01 Tim
We spend too much
studying calculus now.
15:01 Tim
Causing a smile to appear on her face, I couldn't agree more!
15:01 Emily
If only I could spend as much
time drawing as I do studying
for mathes.
15:01 Tim
Sometimes I miss the
simplicity of junior high
when you compare it with
the pressure of today.
15:01 Tim
Junior high wasn't easy
for me even ☹️
15:01 Emily
Are you referring to the
retainer that you had to
wear and that you to
complain about you all the time?
15:02 Tim
"I would prefer if it had forgotten that..." Emily thought with a shake of her head as she couldn't believe that Tim remembers that embarrassment memory.
In fact,
I wanted to ask you something Emily...
15:02 Tim
Did you go to your
tennis training today?
15:02 Tim
Nora always goes to tennis
training 15:02 Tim
"Why does Tim asking me about that?" Emily wonder in confusion.
I went.
15:02 Emily
How did it go?
Did your couch seem weird?
Did he speak about Nora?
15:02 Tim
"Uh...Where's he headed with this?" Emily questioned.
but he told us to try and
remain focused in spirt of
everything that was going on.
15:02 Emily
I've been thinking about who
could want to hurt Nova.
15:03 Tim
And I have my doubts
about your tennis couch,
15:03 Tim
"Jonathan?" Emily said outloud, knowing exactly who Tim was talking about.
"He's been our tennis couch for years" she stated.
"Even the idea of him wanting to hurt anyone has never crossed my mind" Emily thought in disbelieves, that Tim suspicious that man.
Why Jonathan?
15:03 Emily
I don't just like the way
Jonathan is with Nora.
15:03 Tim
"My couch being improvement, with Nora?" Emily thought in confusion as Tim continue to text.
He's always giving her
compliments and sending her messages
to make sure that she doesn't
forgot her training...
15:04 Tim
"But that's normal. Wanting to make sure that his students don't miss their sessions and praising someone on their skills" Emily thought.
my mom told me that she
saw them in the street together,
not too long ago.
15:03 Tim
Emily raised an eyebrow at that, "Jonathan...and Nora?" she thought before she went and start texting out a question to him.
Are you sure it was
Nora who was with him?
15:03 Emily
I'm really suspicious to be honest.
Have you ever noticed him acting
15:03 Tim
Causing Emily to remembered something.
"A few years ago, a student complained to their parents about him. ut, I don't remember how it all turned out in the end" she thought.
He always been ok with me.
I remember that he had some
issues in the past with a female student.
I don't really know how it all
ended though.
15:04 Emily
I was worried that you
were going to say that...
15:04 Tim
He's gonna have some
explain to do.
15:04 Tim
Hold on,
I don't think if that's a good idea...
15:04 Emily
Tim is offline
"Jeez, I hope he's not going to try and take the law into his own hands" Emily thought with worry, hoping that he wouldn't do that...
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