~ 1 ~
*This is before the dorms*
3 person POV.
Deku sat in his All Might themed room with his "Boyfriends" Bakugou and Todoroki. Bakugou and Todoroki look at each other the at Deku.
Bakugou: So Deku do you wanna know the truth?
Deku: Yeah?
Todoroki: Truth is we never loved you.
Bakugou: You were only an expirment.
Todoroki: How could anyone love you?
Bakugou: Don't you think it's weird, I mean your All Might obsession.
Bakugou walks to Deku's closet and looks in.
Bakugou: Yep mostly All Might merch.
Deku:*Whispers* Get out.
Todoroki: Aww look babe he's crying.
Bakugou: Heh, just remember you were only an expirment.
Then Bakugou and Todoroki leave.
Five minutes later Deku's phone pings saying he got a text. He ignores it till it goes off a second time then he picks it up and sees 2 messages from his best friend.
Hey Izu
Guess what
Hey Star
I'm going to UA tomorrow!
Really?! Which class?
Class 1-B. Do you know anything about that class?
Not really.
Well what about your class any friends? Enemies? Gossip?
Well I personally don't have any friends there all fake. Enemies would have to be Bakugou and Todoroki. I'm not sure about any gossip.
What happened between you and Bakugou and Todoroki?
Well we've been "Dating" for the past couple of months but today they told me that they didn't really love me and I was just an expirment.
Looks like I'm getting suspended on my first day. What do they look like?
Loki no! I don't think I could handle the whole day without you and we're supposed to have a joint gym class with 1-B tomorrow so wait till then. Please? Bakugou looks like an angry Pomeranian and Todoroki has Red and White hair with a scar over his eye.
Fine. I'll see you tomorrow... Goodnight Kitty~
~ Time skip to the next day at Class 1-B ~
Vlad King: Alright class today we have a new student please treat him with respect. You can come in now.
Loki: Hi! My names Star Loki (last name then first name) but you can call me Loki. My quirk is Wolf as you can see *Wags his tail a little* and a fact about me is that I hate everyone in class 1-A with one exception. Any questions?
Monoma: Who's the exception from class 1-A?
Loki: Midoriya Izuku or as I call him Izu or Kitty! Any other questions? *Looks around the room and nobody had there hand up* Nope~. ok then where do I sit Vlad~Sensei?
Vlad King: You'll sit next to Monoma. Monoma raise your hand.
~ With class 1-A ~
Deku walks into the class and sees Todoroki and Bakugou smirking at him he smirks back this shocks the entire class.
Uraraka: Deku~Kun are you okay?
Deku: I'm fine. Why are you asking?
Uraraka: Because you just smirked at Bakugou and Todoroki even though they where only using use as an expirement.
Deku: Oh? So you knew they where only using me then?
Uraraka: U-uh
Then Mr. Aizawa walked in and told every one to sit down.
~ At lunch (before gym) ~
Uraraka: Hey Deku~Kun where are you going?
Deku: To eat with my friend? Why?
Uraraka: But we're sitting over there *points to a table with Iida, Tsu, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Momo*
Deku: Yeah and I said I was going to sit with my friend, not the people that don't even really care about me.
Uraraka: *Angrily* Who's your friend?!?!
Deku: *Points to a table with Monoma, Kendou, Ibra, and someone with wolf ears and a tail (Loki)* The person with the Wolf quirk is my friend, but it's not like you care now if you'll excuse me *Walks over to Loki's table and sits down next to Loki*
Loki: Hey Kitty~
Deku: Ki I swear I'll kill you and make it look like an accident if you call me that one more time.
Everyone at the table is shocked at what Deku said except for Loki who just sighs.
Loki: Izu.
Deku: Yeah?
Loki: Your in the 'Touch me and I'll fucking kill you stage' of after breakup stages aren't you?
Deku: ...Maybe?
Loki: Izu...look at me.
Deku: *Looks at Loki*
Loki: *Feeds him some Katsudon (His favorite food)*
Deku: *Eats Katsudon and smiles* Thanks Loki.
Loki: No problem, but I do have one request.
Deku: What is it.
Loki: I want a MILKSHAKE!
Deku: *Smiles and makes him a strawberry Milkshake*
Everyone in the cafeteria looked at Deku in shock except for Loki who just started drinking his strawberry milkshake.
Deku: What?
Deku: *Smiles innocently* You never asked.
Uraraka: But Deku why didn't you tell me I'm your best friend!
Deku: Nope~ you were only my friend because I had a powerful quirk.
Uraraka: *Glares at Deku* And what about him *Points to Loki* I bet he's also only your friend because you have a powerful quirk.
Loki: Actually I'm his friend because he's kind, nice, smart, selfless, and a little cocky. All in all he's perfect Best Friend material and we've known each other for years.
All of class 1-A just Glares at Deku and Loki.
Deku: *ignores them and turns to Loki and the 1-B students* You guys want a milkshake? *He ask as he's making himself a milkshake*
Ibra: Sure...?
Kendo: That'd be nice!
Monoma: *Slightly blushing at Deku* Sure I guess.
Deku: *Makes all three of them a Milkshake*
~ Time skip to the end of the school day right before class is dismissed (Loki beat Bakugou and Todoroki up in gym for training) ~
Vlad King: We will be getting dorms there will be 2 people per dorm except for one of the boys dorms that'll have 3 people one of those people being from class 1-A. Boys with boys and girls with girls pick a roommate.
Loki: * Walks up to Vlad King* Vlad sensei I'd like to volunteer to have someone from class 1-A as long as I got to pick who it is.
Vlad: Alright who do you pick from 1-A and who from here?
Loki: Midoriya Izuku from 1-A and anyone form here.
Vlad King: Alright I'll go get him.
~ 1109 words To be continued hope you enjoy ~
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