Cop Shop
"Why's the power out?" Phil asks as we walk through the front door.
"Chet? Belinda?" Joe calls out turning on his flashlight.
"Something's wrong." Biff says worried.
"In here! In here! In here!" Chet yells his voice muffled.
We open a closet and find them tied up, their mouths bound. Biff removes their gags.
"What happened?" Joe asks.
"We're okay! Thanks for asking." Belinda says upset.
"Power went out. I went to check the breaker. Next thing you know, lights out for me, too." Chet explains.
"Did you see anyone?" Phil asks.
"No. One minute I was with the safe, next thing I'm waking up here." Belinda says.
"The safe." Biff says.
Joe and I run upstairs while Phil and Biff help Chet and Belinda. We look in the safe.
"Empty!" I say collapsing on the floor as Phil runs into the attic.
"Where's the scrolls?" Joe asks. He turns to Phil. "Where's Frank?"
"You think Frank took them?" I ask.
"Yes. The fourth codex was taken from the museum. JB couldn't have taken it. He left before it was gone. And Frank's gone. He really hasn't been himself since coming out of the crystal." Joe says turning to me. "And I think I know where he went."
"Gloria's!" I say sitting up straight.
"Exactly! We've gotta catch him." Joe says turning towards the door.
"You guys go. I'll stay here in case Trudy comes back. I'll look around for clues, you know if it wasn't Frank. Don't want you to waste your time." I say, Joe nods. "Be safe!"
Joe and Phil run downstairs. I can hear them telling the rest of the group before the door closes. I stand up and use my flashlight to look around. "Let's get the breaker working!"
Once the lights are on I look around the attic for any clue pointing to not Frank but I find nothing.
After about an hour the phone rings. "Who would be calling this late at night?" I ask myself exasperated.
I jog downstairs and answer it. "Hello?"
"Y/N, it's Joe. Yeah, it was Frank, or... Well, not really. Frank's body, yes. But it's George."
"Your great-grandfather? George Estabrook? Great!" I say surprised and sarcastic.
"We're gonna stay here. Try to get him to talk and crack the code on the new scroll. Which revealed the map is also a schematic for some machine. Oh, and there's a third relic."
"Ok, I'm gonna do some investigating tomorrow by myself. I need to check something out."
"Ok, see you tomorrow." Joe says hanging up.
I sigh and walk up to my room, I collapse onto my bed and try to fall asleep. "I hope JB is ok." I say before closing my eyes.
I get up and take one more look around the attic and the safe. 'I know it was Frank-uh, George that took them but maybe he left a clue or something.'
With the sunlight pouring in I can see more clearly, there are a few books knocked over and a scratch on the floor near the safe but they could have been like that before.
I sigh and look out the window. "I wonder if JB is still at the prison." Just then my stomach rumbles. "Right, food first."
I run downstairs and quickly have a bowl of cereal. I clean up the rope in the closet before Trudy walks into the house.
"Y/N where are Frank and Joe?" She asks.
"Um, I'm not sure."
"What do you mean you're not sure? Were they here last night?" She asks worried.
"They left after dinner. I haven't seen them since. I was just about to go out and look for them." I say walking towards the stairs.
"Oh great! Why weren't you with them." She says more to herself.
The phone rings and she quickly answers it. "It's about time. Where are you? I've been worried sick." I hear her say as I walk upstairs. "Oh, Fenton. Sorry I, I thought-" She pauses.
'Uncle Fenton? I hope he's ok.' I think walking into my room and getting changed. When I walk back downstairs Trudy's gone.
I decide to walk to the police station. Walking through the door, a police officer looks up at me and walks to the counter. "How can I help you?"
"Uh, yeah. Um, I'm just here to check to see what happened with the guy who got arrested last night at the museum."
"And why would you want to know that?" The officer asks.
"I was walking past and saw. He seemed pretty surprised and confused when he got arrested." I explain.
"Y/N?" Officer Hooper asks surprised when she sees me.
"They're asking about the guy who got arrested at the museum." The officer explains.
"Oh Mr Cox? He's been cleared of all charges." She says.
"Cleared? So he's not guilty?" I say surprised.
"Yep. I'm just doing the paperwork now." She says before her walkie goes off. She sighs. "I have to go. Have someone else do the paperwork." She says turning to the officer walking out the door.
I turn back to the officer. "Is that all you wanted?" He asks.
"Uh, for now, yeah." I say awkwardly. "Do you think I could go back and talk to him?"
"But he's cleared!"
"Unless you're family, you're gonna have to wait until the paperwork is filled out or Officer Hooper comes back."
"Ok, then I'll just wait here." I say taking a seat.
The Officer turns around and goes back to work. I play with my thumbs and look around the room. After thirty minutes Biff walks in.
"Biff!" I say standing up.
"Y/N what are you doing here?" She asks.
"Checking something. Can I go in with you?" I ask.
"Uh, sure. Come on." She says walking in through the gate. "They're with me."
"They have to stay in your mother's office!" The officer from before says not even looking up.
We walk into the office. "Ok, why are you here?" She asks again.
"I'm checking on JB. Your mum said he's been cleared. How did that happen? Because it was definitely not me. I'm just waiting until his paperwork is done." I whisper.
"He's getting out?" She asks. I nod. "Ok... Good."
"Wait, why are you here?" I ask her.
"I saw my sister. I came to talk to my mum about it."
"Oh! Right, I forgot. How did that go?" I ask.
"Well-" She gets cut off by Officer Hooper walking through the door with "Frank". We both look out the doorway towards them.
"Leave your bag here." Officer Hooper says walking towards a room.
"Why? Am I under arrest?" George says.
"No. It's just a safety issue." She says turning back to him.
"I want my lawyer."
"You have a lawyer?"
He pauses for a second. "No, but I'm a minor. And I know you need my guardian to question me."
"Okay, well, then, I'll call your dad or your Aunt Trudy, and we'll wait until one of them shows up."
"Never mind. What do you want to talk to me about?" He says rudely.
"Are you okay, Frank?" Officer Hooper asks concerned.
"Let's just get this over with." He says walking into the room.
She closes the door behind him and walks to us. "Sorry. Were you waiting long?" She whispers to Biff.
"A little while. It's not a big deal." Biff shrugs.
"No, it's a very big deal. And I promise you, I want to hear every detail about how it went with Tess." Officer Hooper turns to look at George through the partially open door. "I just have to take care of this first."
"Yeah, I get it. It's a crazy day." Biff smiles.
"You're okay?"
"I'm good. It was good. I've got Y/N." Biff says gesturing to me.
"Y/N you're still here?"
"Yeah, just wanted to- I remembered Biff was meeting her sister, I assumed she'd come here so I decided to wait." I say with a smile.
"Okay. I'll be right back." She says with a smile, walking off.
Biff waits till the door is closed before running to the phone, and calling someone. "No, it's Biff." She says once someone picks up.
"Why is Frank, or George, or whatever, why is he being questioned by the cops?" She asks.
'Must be Joe.'
She listens and nods. She looks out the door frame. "I think I can get it. Just got to wait until the coast is clear." She says and hangs up the phone.
She turns to me. "We need to get that bag." I nod.
We wait, looking around for the optimal moment.
Right when it looked like the right time another Officer walks out with JB. "Okay, Mr. Cox. Police paperwork is all done. You don't have to go home. But you can't stay here." The phone rings and the officer answers it.
JB looks around the room before his eyes land on us, as Biff tries to sneak out of the room towards the bag. He smiles at us before noticing our eyes looking at the bag. He looks at it. Slowly and carefully he grabs the bag and walks out the door. Biff chases after him but her mum walks out.
"So, Frank's acting weird." Officer Hooper says walking over to Biff, who freezes.
I tap Biff on the back before following JB out the front door. I keep pace with him until we're pretty far from the station.
He turns around and sighs. "Y/N, stop following me." He says annoyed.
"I can't let you take that bag." I say sadly.
"How did you guys even get these out of the safe?"
"It was Frank, or not Frank because mumbo jumbo stuff that I don't really understand. He double-crossed us. You, me, everyone. He left Joe in the museum and took the codex from the painting."
"What? Was it Frank or not?"
"It was Frank's body. He got his mind swapped with the crystal relic. We didn't know until last night."
"Right because I'm gonna believe that." He says turning around and continuing walking.
I jog up to him and walk beside him. "It's the truth. It's weird and confusing but true. You don't have to believe me. But I'm coming with you."
"What? No, it's dangerous!"
"Not everything you do can be dangerous. And I don't care what you say, I can't let that bag out of my sight." I say crossing my arms.
He laughs. "That's cute! No!"
"I'm coming with you." I argue.
"No." He says stopping.
"Then give me the bag and I'll be going." I say with my hand out.
"Yeah, no. Cara Mia, I need these. You know, so I don't get killed." He says sarcastically.
"Well, then I'm going with you." I say smiling.
"You are relentless! Can definitely tell you're related to the Hardy's." He groans.
He sighs. "As long as I don't get charged with kidnapping."
"I think Trudy has her hands full right now with some teenagers and her brother. She won't miss an adult. She'll probably think I'm with them anyway." I shrug.
"Come on let's go. We're getting out of town." He says walking again.
"Where we going?" I ask walking up alongside him.
"Dixon city."
Guys... Nothing even happened in this chapter. Or more so a lot happened away from Y/N. Still... Almost 2000 words.
Do you guys like the nickname Cara Mia? It means my dear.
Get excited for the next chapter. Completely original, with no script to go off. And (hopefully) super cute. You know since JB and Y/N are all alone together.
Thanks for reading.
I love you all so much
Drew X
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