Cara Mia
"What are you doing?" Joe asks after we get home from Gloria's funeral, catching Frank with something in his hands. "Are those codexes like the one you found at Rosegrave?"
"Yeah, I think so. I overheard Aunt Trudy talking." Frank sighs. "They said they found these in the buildings grandma was talking about, the apartment and the warehouse."
"Well, open 'em." Joe and I say together.
"I can't." Frank says confused.
"You opened the one at Rosegrave." Joe says accusatory.
"I told you The Eye was guiding me then. I don't remember much from the past six months." Frank explains.
"It's a good thing you wrote
the combo down in your notebook." Joe says taking one of the codexes. "Right. Right. Forward. Left. Down, down, down. Push till it clicks." He says out loud as he unlocks it, Frank following his instructions.
"More scrolls. Just like the one with the crystal." Joe says.
"You have the crystal scroll?" Frank asks surprised.
Joe and I walk up into the attic, Frank following behind.
"It's got to be in here. Everything from the mystery board is in these boxes." Joe says walking up to the boxes and opening one.
I walk to some different boxes and look through them. "Not in this one."
Frank sighs angrily. "I'm telling you that it's not in there. When did you see it last?"
"Okay. Phil had it with Munder. I took it from him. It was definitely on the board when--" Joe pauses and looks at me.
"When?" Frank says leaning over Joe's shoulder.
"I was planning the boat heist with JB." Joe says guiltily.
"Of course!" I sigh and lean back on the floor.
Joe jumps up and runs to the phone in the kitchen. "Come on, pick up loser." Joe says grumpily. He groans when it goes to the answering machine.
"JB, it's Joe. I know you took the crystal scroll, and I want it back." Joe says.
"Before you say, "What's in it for me?" you should know that Frank and I
have two other scrolls, and my gut says they're no good to anyone unless they're all together." He explains.
"So meet us at Wilt's, tonight, after close." He slams the phone, hanging up.
"You think he's gonna show?" I ask.
"He better!" Frank says walking off.
Joe sighs looking out the window of Wilt's shop.
I look around aimlessly at the shelves in the dark.
Joe takes a sip of his milkshake and gags. "Oh. This milkshake is disgusting. What did you do to it?" He questions Frank turning around.
"What do you mean? It's a regular milkshake." Frank says confused.
"Why does it taste like this?"
"Like what?"
"Like gross, Frank. What's in it?"
"Ice cream, malt, and water." Frank says a matter of factly.
"Malt and water? It's called a milkshake. Where's the milk?" Joe says angrily.
"The milk is in the ice cream."
"Are we in a recession? Are we rationing milk?" Joe says he walks slowly towards Frank slamming the cup down. "Make it again. Normally. No malt."
"I'm not making it again. Is he gonna show up?" Frank asks.
"He'll show." Joe says confidently.
"What makes you so sure?"
"Because we know him, he'll be curious about our scrolls." I say.
"'Cause he's a weasel and a snake.
Can't resist the grift." Joe corrects me.
"Ouch! That was harsh, Joey." Someone says out of the darkness.
I grab onto my dagger as all our heads turn to look at him.
"The last part was pretty accurate, but the first two were just kind of mean. That's not like you." JB says slightly offended as he walks towards Frank and Joe.
I sigh and walk over to them standing next to Joe.
"How you guys doing? You look dapper. Prom?" JB jokes.
Joe fake laughs. "Funny. Did you bring our scroll?"
"Well, that depends. Where are the other two? And what makes you think they're no good unless they're together?"
Joe sighs and takes off his backpack grabbing the scrolls and laying them on the counter. JB looks at them and places his one there too. They rearrange them and piece them together.
"Well, well, well. Look at that." JB says.
"It's a map." Joe says surprised. "So George Estabrook drew a map. Too bad he's not here to decipher it."
"Doesn't matter. The map's no good
without a starting point. It's incomplete." Frank says angrily turning away.
"Now, how do you know that?" JB asks.
"Well, the gaping hole in the top corner was my first clue."
"Allow me to rephrase. How do you know that the gaping hole in the top corner is the starting point?"
"You see another starting point?"
"I don't even know what I'm looking at here." JB says pointing at the map.
"Well, how'd you know how
to find the scroll at Rosegrave?" Joe asks.
"I didn't find the scroll at Rosegrave." JB says.
"How did you know where to look? Who told you?" Frank asks.
"You-- I can't give you my clients, guys."
"Can't or won't?" Joe asks.
"Both, smart guy. For a number of reasons. For starters, all of my work is
done through answering machines. There are no faces, no names." JB explains.
"Hey, stop!" Joe says.
JB looks at him taken aback and looks over at me. I shrug.
"For starters." Joe says to himself. He turns to Frank and me. "Grandma, she said, "the house where it all started," where George spent his best years as a codebreaker. It's a code. Grandma's telling us where the final scroll is."
We all look down at the map.
"We need to round up the gang and watch the video again." Joe says.
"Until we see one another again." Gloria says on the tape.
"That's where Aunt Trudy stopped the tape." Joe says. "Wait. Let it play."
We all crowd around the TV and watch as Gloria grabs a clock.
"Look at the clock. She set it to midnight." Joe says.
"You mean noon? It's daytime." Biff says confused.
"The windows face west. The way the light's coming in, it's sunset." Phil corrects.
"I don't care if it's noon or midnight. The sun doesn't set at twelve o'clock." Chet says
"Look where the hands are pointing." Belinda points out.
"The painting. A house on a cliff? Th-That's got to be the house where it all started. Right? We've got to check that out." Joe says.
"How? It's a painting." Belinda says.
"No, I know that Cliff. It's in Bridgeport, but--" Chet gets cut off.
"There's nothing there." JB says disappointed.
"How do you know?" Joe asks.
"I was hired to retrieve a codex from the house on the cliff. There is no house on the cliff. It was destroyed."
"We're just supposed to take your word for it?" Biff asks.
"He's telling the truth. There's nothing there." Frank says.
"Well, how do you know?" Joe asks.
"Because I've been up there before. Focus on JB's client. Whoever hired him, knew about the house, but they had old intel."
"What about Olivia? Olivia killed McFarland for his scroll and we know she found two others. She's probably looking for the last one, too."
"Or she's already found it." Belinda says.
"Or... She doesn't know about it. I was hired to find two of these things. I didn't know there were four until a second ago." JB says.
"So JB's client knows the scrolls add up to a map. Might even know what the map leads do." Joe says.
"Still all useless without the last codex. So where is it?" Frank says still angry about something.
"The Heritage Museum! Gloria said she wanted to have the house preserved using the Heritage Act." Phil says excitedly.
"Right. She couldn't save the actual house, so she did the next best thing." Biff says.
"She preserved the painting. With the codex." Belinda says.
"So you think the codex is in the painting?" Frank asks.
"I think there's only one way to find out." Joe says smiling.
"Good luck. Place used to be a bank." Biff points out.
"Yeah, it's no problem. I just gotta jet over to my safe house, pick up a couple tools." JB shrugs.
We all watch him for a few seconds.
"What are you waiting for? Go get your gear." Joe says.
"Yeah. I'm not going anywhere without that map, Joey."
"Why not? It's no use to us unless we have the last piece."
"Yeah, which you can't get to without my tools, so I guess we agree. I can just take it."
"W-w-wait. Nice try. We're not just going to let you swoop into the museum without us."
"You still don't trust me?" JB says in disbelief.
"All you do is double-cross me."
"You are the one who swapped out The Eye relic on me."
"Yeah, and you only know that 'cause you tried to steal it from me." Joe yells.
'Great now they're yelling at each other.' I sigh.
"Yeah, 'cause I was trying to protect you!"
"You said, "Sorry, Joe."!"
"Yes, "Sorry, Joe" as in, "Sorry, I have to take this relic so that bad people don't come and kill you for it.""
"Oh, so I guess that's why you stole the crystal scroll from me too!"
"No, I stole the scroll so that my client doesn't kill me!"
"Silence! Both of you!" Frank yells. "JB doesn't trust us, and we don't trust him. So we will lock the codexes and the scrolls in the safe."
"Great plan. Your safe, your attic. That's real fair, Frank."
"The safe is secure. The lock is customizable. The safe stays here. You'll be the only one who knows the combination."
"Okay, that's fair. No peeking." JB says pointing to Joe. He then goes around pointing at everyone in the room. "No peeking. No peeking. No peeking."
He turns to me. "I trust you but still, look away." He bends down placing the scrolls and codexes in the safe and puts in the code. He claps his hands turning to us.
"I could come with you." I say standing and walking over to him.
"No need, Cara Mia. I'll be right back." He says smiling. He nods at me and leaves.
'Cara Mia? I'm a bit rusty on my Italian but did he just call me his dear?' I blush, watching him walk out the door down the stairs.
Frank moves towards the door and leaves too. I look at Joe who shrugs.
"Let's watch some TV." Phil says walking over to it and changing the channel.
A commercial for Some Sparewell portable computer comes on the TV that we're all crowded around. I'm not really paying attention.
"Oh, I want that so bad!" Phil says excitedly.
"Why?" Biff asks confused.
"Because it's a computer you could take with you."
"So you could do homework everywhere?" Belinda teases.
"That just sounds terrible, and heavy." Chet says.
"No, no, no. It's only sixteen pounds. You heard the man. The future is coming!" Phil says.
Biff rolls her eyes as I try not to laugh. Frank walks up the stairs as the TV turns off.
"Where have you been? We need to go over the plan again." Joe says to his brother.
"Why? It's quite straightforward."
Frank cuts him off. "Has something changed?"
"Do you not understand something?"
"Can we just go over the plan again? Please? Phil, where are you?" Joe says turning to the group.
"I'm right here." Phil says.
"In the plan, Phil, where are you in the plan?" Joe says.
"Oh, I-I'm with Biff on walkies."
"By the fountain, playing lookout." She adds.
"Okay. Meanwhile, JB will get on the roof, cuts through the skylight, repels down. Lets me, Y/N and Frank in through the front door. We locate the final codex,
sneak it out together. Chet?" Joe explains. I nod.
"Guarding the safe with Belinda."
"That way, JB can't double-back and double-cross us." She says.
"And then we rendezvous here with the codex. We open it together, lay it out with the map. And then all bets are off." Frank says.
"Right. Us versus JB. May the best treasure hunter win." Joe says as Frank nods.
We run up to the front door as JB lets us in. We walk and look around with our flashlights. We walk into one of the bigger rooms.
"All right, let's find the painting." Joe says.
"Split up." Frank says walking away.
We all start looking at the paintings. I can't see it.
Joe jogs over to Frank and looks at what's in front of them. "It's the painting."
"The codex has to be hidden in the backing of it." Frank says.
JB looks at the painting as I walk over. "Let's take it off the wall."
Frank walks up to it and begins to move it.
"Easy! Easy, easy." JB clicks on a small torch and looks behind it. "It has a tripwire."
"Can you cut it?" Frank asks.
"Not without setting off the alarm. I have to cut the canvas out of the frame." JB explains.
"No, we can't do that." Joe says whispering.
"Yeah, what if the canvas is the scroll?" I ask.
"It's not." Frank says.
"We don't know that. Grandma was improvising. Right? What if she ditched the codex and had the scroll
painted on the back of the canvas? We can't risk cutting up the map." Joe whispers
"Relax. I am just gonna cut a tiny little hole. We'll take a peek, see if the codex is in there. I will go nice and slow. Okay?" JB reassures.
"How long is this going to take?" Frank asks.
"About as long as it takes, Frank."
"I'm gonna go sweep the halls."
"Okay." JB says not really caring. "That's a great idea. Making me anxious." He whispers once Frank is out of earshot.
Joe and I watch as he carefully cuts around the frame.
"Hey, guys. We've got trouble. Two cops, at the front door, on the perimeter." Phil says over the walkie-talkie.
We all look at each other.
"Joe, did you hear me? You're burnt, get out of there!" Phil says.
I get an idea. "I'll go the other way, pretend to be a passerby. Distract them." I say running out the back before they could stop me.
"Be careful!" JB calls after me.
I walk slowly around the side and see a few cops.
"Hey, you!" One of them calls out to me. I pretend to be surprised and walk over to them.
"Officers? Has something happened?" I ask looking around.
"What are you doing out this late?" Another cop asks.
"Oh, uh. College stress, you know? I needed to get some fresh air." I look at my watch. "Oh geez, I didn't realise how late it was." I say as more cops show up. I watch them surround the museum. More cops show up.
JB casually walks past. A cop grabs him and pulls him to one of the cars. "Whoa! What's going on boys?" He asks as he's shoved against the car.
"Be quiet. You're under arrest for breaking into the museum." The cop says.
"But I didn't do anyth- Ow!" JB complains, getting handcuffed. 'I guess he got pinched.'
I watch off to the side sadly. 'Poor JB, I mean he did break in but still.'
The officer standing next to me turns and sighs. "You should get home." He walks off as I see JB being pushed into the back of the car. I walk around as casually as I can and head to Phil and Biff.
"Did JB get caught?" I hear Joe ask through the walkie.
"Yeah, The cops grabbed him. Y/N's here now." Biff says.
"What about Frank? Did he make it out?"
"Don't know. We didn't see him." She says.
Oh my god y'all. It's been over a year since I've updated this. Season 3 still isn't out in Australia. (I watched it illegally)
I'm writing this note before I actually write the chapter. I have a few chapters planned, about 5. Because despite only being in 4 episodes this season, JB's with the gang a lot.
This chapter wasn't as long as I thought it would be but that's because I moved the last bit to the beginning of the next chapter. I also barely changed anything.
It's not the greatest chapter but hey it's better than nothing. Hopefully, the next one won't take another year to write.
Thanks for reading.
Love you
Drew X
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