"I'm home..." A tall young boy, no older than 18 called out. His shoes getting left by the wooden porch while his bag is dropped by the couch.
The teen exhaled a long and exasperated breath, his figure slouching along the couch and his body slowly but surely slipping off the couch in a lazy pace.
Boy was he tired.
College was a total drag in his opinion, he'd much rather have his time used for mastering his quirk.
But he'd be using his precious brothers training space.
The redhead jumped a bit from his position, he scratched his red-laced hair a bit in confusion before taking the time to investigate.
He walked for a bit in the cold lacquered floor of their mansion. His bag getting left behind at the couch while he took his time to find out what the hell was so noisy at this time of day.
The sound was coming from the training grounds. The boys eye twitched for a second before deciding to delve deeper into the source of this horrendous cracking boom.
The redhead peeked outside his head slowly bobbing besides the wooded door frame.
The redhead dodged the fireball hurdling towards him by launching himself sideways from the doorframe. There was a soft boom behind him, the teenager glanced at the small burnt area within the wooden walls.
'It's... not that hot?' he asked himself, scratching his head in confusion before he went back and took another peek.
"Kasuo..." the teen eeped and jumped back with the harsh greeting by a very large and muscular man. He almost bumped his head on the wooden wall behind him if it wasn't for his reflexes.
"Dad..." his breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the very large man.
"You know better than to disturb Shouto while he's training his quirk." The man scolded him, his features set to indifference.
Kasuo sheepishly rubbed the back of his head while taking a glance at the large man. Business suit, very large muscles, short blood-red hair, piercing blue eyes, and flames in place of a beard.
Truly a man worth taking extra precautions not to agitate.
"Well, I heard loud noises. I had to check it out..." Kasuo replied back once he helped himself to get back up. "Is Shouto alright? You've been training him to the bone..." he knew it was a touchy topic, but he cared for his little brother much more than whatever his father would spit out at him.
"He's fine, he can take it. He'll become my successor after all." The large man replied, crossing his arms and looking off to this side like he has much more important things to do rather than interact with his other children.
Ah yes.
Kasuo secretly clenched his teeth underneath his sheepish smile.
The world didn't need two Endeavors.
The teen slightly twitched his eye at that. Surely his brother would be smart enough to stray from this... this lifeless, empty, narrow-minded way of life...
Surely his life won't be guided by one sole purpose.
"Ah, I'm sorry if I'm keeping you up. Shouto probably needs your guidance. If you'll excuse me." Kasuo bowed a plastic bow, he had enough of this man. He slowly walked his way back to collect his bag and go to his room. His fists were clenched the entire time.
This man was something else.
People always say that evil cannot be detected.
Kasuo suspects envy is the first sign.
He begrudgingly walked up the large stairs. The teen slammed the door behind him. He dropped his bag by the door frame as he looked at his room.
Barely empty.
The basic necessities: a bed, bookshelf, desk, and that was pretty much about it. The room was practically devoid of color. The wall was a pristine white, while his furniture was in a dull beige.
Kasuo wasn't really that into colors himself, but it didn't take a scientist to say that his room looked devoid of life.
Truth be told, he was much more into dark colors. Deep and rugged shades always made him feel good. It was such a nice thing to look at.
He flopped down into his bed, the mattress hugging his body while his face was consumed by his pillow.
Talking to his father was such a chore.
Not only was he a prick with a gigantic stick up his ass.
He was a gigantic prick with celebrity status, riches, influence, and strength.
That was never a good combination.
Kasuo sighed underneath the pillow. His little brother was being trained to the bone, his other siblings were practically strangers since he barely sees them anymore because Papa Endeavor is such a good father, and his mother has been sent to a mental ward.
Oh, was that not mentioned?
Because that was one of the most IMPORTANT and possibly the most integral part of his case against his own father.
Driving their own spouse insane enough to harm their own child.
Then blame her for what they have caused.
Truly the world has lowered their standards with heroes.
And he can't even do anything about it.
The red-head teen scowled.
Endeavor had too much influence, his agents practically made him untouchable on a legal level.
Kasuo didn't study Political science and law for nothing.
Endeavor was untouchable, practically all the child abuse and cases of domestic abuse could be classified under insanity from his spouse.
But that was it.
It wasn't her fault.
It was HIS.
*Knock! Knock! Knock!*
The teenager slowly rose up and scratched his head. Who would want to see him at this hour?
He opened the door slightly ajar, just enough for him to take a peak at his guest.
It was a girl. With while hair and fiery red streaks running down the frosty locks. She had gray eyes and glasses, she looked pretty timid.
"Oh, hey Fuyumi..." Kasuo greeted, he crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame upon seeing his sister.
She was usually the voice of reason, and practically the only one he trusted within this household. She had the patience of Buddha to tolerate their father, she had the amazing talent of ignoring the flaming cunt in a business suit.
"I heard the argument you had with him..." she said, worry evident on her voice. The taller teen winced a bit from her tone, he never did like it when she was worried.
"Ah..." the taller teen paused a bit with an audible crack from his clenched fists. "He was training Shouto again... for possibly the sixth hour today..." the redhead spoke out, his voice shaky and hoarse.
"You know father... he's always obsessed with surpassing All Might, even if it isn't him to do it. He just wants that Todoroki name up in front of the top hero charts..." she explained, Kasuo moved over to sit down on his plain as white bed.
"It isn't fair... He deserves to be a kid too, not a weapon, not some All Might 2.0, and definitely not another Endeavor..." he responded, his fists clenched and his temper growing thin.
"Shouto isn't going to be another Endeavor..." Fuyumi placed a hand on his shoulder to reassure him. "We just have to trust him, he'll be fine..."
"Fuyumi, I don't know if you've been watching him or anything, but Shouto literally drops to sleep in exhaustion every night. That's not healthy in any way, shape, or form." Kasuo was quick to respond, his voice raised up quite a bit since he knew that his father wouldn't be able to hear him since the training grounds were far away from his own room.
"I know... I know... we can't do anything about it... the others won't listen... they all just think we're crazy or jealous of father or something..." she waved her hands around to get her point across.
Kasuo curled up and hugged his knees in thought. "It's always about him... sometimes I think it would've been better if I wasn't a Todoroki..." he spoke out, his face slightly hidden by his shirt and knees. Fuyumi nodded solemnly, despite her calm demeanor and level-headed personality, she too despised what happened to their family.
"I'll be honest with you, Fuyumi..." Kasuo spoke out, his face showing a small smile.
"I fucking hate the Todoroki name... First chance I get, I'm leaving this hell-hole."
Fuyumi blinked twice, Kasuo was never this openly hostile to the name itself, usually it was towards their father. But something has changed in him, it was subtle; but she managed to notice.
"Hey, wouldn't it be funny if he was cremated when he dies. C'mon, it'd be pretty funny." He jokingly said, Fuyumi gasped a bit.
"Kasuo! He's your father, isn't it a bit messed up to wish death upon your own flesh and blood?" Fuyumi never was a fan of their dad, but Kasuo did go a bit out of line.
"He isn't my father!" he spat out, his face contorting to a frustrated scowl. "I'll never recognize him as having the same blood as me..."
Kasuo brought up his hand to his face, looking at his palm as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. It sparked alight, bright blue flames danced around his palm as Fuyumi watched this spectacle. Kasuo smiled, no one knew. He uses his quirk on occasion, at a secret spot where no one can find him.
Kasuo never used his quirk openly before.
"Shouto's always had his cool quirk..." He started, the flame growing bigger and bigger, it ran across his arm like a fluid.
"Our 'Father' forgets we have quirks too" he said, in an instant, the fire condensed into a single flickering flame in his palms. Blue, bright blue; bordering white flames sparked and burst in his hand.
And in an instant, the flame was gone. Sizzling out of life as water began to spray above. Fuyumi darted out the room to grab towels from the kitchen. "Kasuo! You dumbass!" she shouted while running out the rooms.
Ah yes... the fire alarm...
Tuned to only activate if exposed to particularly hot flames since the family was a mismatch of heat and frost.
Kasuo placed a smoking palm to his now wet face.
He ruined his speech...
Naomasa was regarded as a pretty smart guy in terms of criminology cases.
But this particular case just left him absolutely clueless.
Quirks don't just disappear randomly. And they sure as hell can't be taken by conventional means.
There's... only been two cases of quirks getting stolen, or being nullified to the point of being nigh impossible to use.
All for One, and the Oyabun; Overhaul.
Two names that are highly suspected in this particular case.
But that's the problem.
The victims were too random.
All for One and Overhaul would have nothing to gain from removing or taking quirks from random people.
It started 11 years ago, 2 preschool kids.
Then 5 grade 6 children around in Kyoto.
8 teenagers and one adult from Hosu and the Tokyo ward was the most recent finding, only happening a few days ago.
None of them had anything in common.
Some were normal kids with weak quirks.
Some were bums out back in the slums of Hosu.
None, NONE of them had any similar traits.
Well, two of them had something in common.
Naomasa sipped a bit of coffee while reading two files.
A small child, previously having a finger extending quirk. One day he had it, and like a snap of a finger; his quirk was gone.
The child reported that it happened when he was playing with some of his friends. Nothing really out of the ordinary.
And another, a kid with rocks for hair and could make his arms into rocks and boulders. There wasn't really a connection between the two since they both attended different schools at different grade levels.
But they did relate to someone else.
They were classmates to two children.
The two kids stuck out though.
The detective placed the kids file down to pick up two interesting files.
A potential hero, a kid aspiring to become a hero in the future.
Katsuki Bakugo.
His quirk allowed him to make his sweat detonate on his palms. Wonderful quirk, most likely to become a hero judging by his grades.
Then there was the other child.
Plain, uninteresting, relatively forgettable.
Izuku Midoriya.
But there was something wrong with him.
He was Quirkless.
Every annual quirk tests that schools provide showed that Izuku did indeed have the bone that was missing when one had a quirk.
He seemed like such a fine young boy.
But, Naomasa couldn't place his finger on it. The child looked familiar.
Like really familiar.
The detective scratched his black-haired head in confusion, was he mistaking the child for someone else?
He shrugged and placed the files back into the drawer. He still had to find the culprit for the quirk thefts.
Izuku gasped back to consciousness, only to reel back to a massive headache.
"What happened?" he asked himself, clutching his head on the pain. He looked down to see white sheets.
He didn't have white sheets.
The kid looked around.
Plain colors, white, cleaning supply smells.
Yeah it affirmed his suspicions.
He was in a hospital.
"Urgh!" Izuku clutched his head once more from the pain by Migraine. What happened? Did he hit a concrete wall or something?
"Ah, so you've woken up..." Izuku was startled by a large figure entering the room. The hospitalized teen wiped the crust out of his eyes to see a very muscular and very blond man take a chair and sit by the side of his bed.
"Gah! A-A-All Might!" Izuku gasped as he saw the large man. All Might gave out a hearty chuckle, he shone his million watt smile at the young child as Izuku sat there in disbelief.
"That was very brave of you young man, trying to stall the villain; but a tad bit reckless at the same time." The blond hero started to converse with this little boy. "It was lucky that I was pursuing that villain. Or you might not be here right now."
Izuku gulped a bit wad of saliva, he would've been dead if All Might didn't show up. "Th-Thank you All Might, T-Thanks for saving me" he spoke out his voice hoarse from the lack of water.
"Think nothing of it lad!" the top hero let out another hearty chuckle with his wide smile. "It's what a hero does after all."
Right, heroes...
Izuku clenched his fist under the sheets, his teeth gritting up.
He had this question, this one single question gnawing at his psyche every day.
Can he clean up his act if he became a hero?
Can he undo his sins by doing good to the world?
Can he make their losses benefit the innocent?
But he couldn't ask All Might those questions out right. He'd get caught, or at the very least; lead All Might to believe that he had already done something.
No. That's the last thing he wanted.
He had to hide it with some other question.
"A-All Might..." Izuku's voice spoke out, barely above a whisper; his voice was loud enough to catch the attention of the top hero.
"Can I become a hero!? E-Even if I have a bad quirk!?" he suddenly questioned, a little too loud than the norm.
Izuku realized that his tone became a bit higher than usual, so he was quick to correct himself. "O-Oh! I'm sorry for shouting, I didn't mean to dis-"
He was interrupted by All Might raising one large hand, signaling the kid to cease his speech. His mouth clamped shut to avoid disrespecting the giant of a man in front of him.
"I've seen your quirk, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Endeavor; the second highest ranking hero has a much more destructive quirk than your own, and look at where he's at!" he replied, crossing his arms in the process.
"Tha- That's not what I m-" again, Izuku was interrupted by All Might raising his hand to stop Izuku from talking.
"I understand, you think your quirk can only hurt, lacerate, burn, break. But it's yours, you can't change it, you can't replace it, you need to accept it. With acceptance comes mastery, and with mastery, comes control. You find that control, you find peace..." All might said, Izuku widened his eyes at his speech. No wonder he was acclaimed as one of the most influential and charming men.
"You think I mastered this quirk in a snap?" the Hero asked, Izuku shook his head; no quirk could be mastered instantaneously. All Might continued; "I can literally kill a person with a flick of the wrist, it took me decades to master this; I could've wrecked cities, decimated skyscrapers, tore mountains in half, break the very earth itself. But you know what's stopping me?" he asked.
Izuku raised his eyebrows in a strange combination of curiosity and surprise. "What's stopping you?" he asked.
"Morals..." All Might replied. "It doesn't matter what kind of quirk you have, a meager one, a strong one, a destructive one, but what truly matters is: what you do with it..." he responded, lifting out his hand and offering it to the young boy in front of him.
"So lad, what are you going to do with your quirk?" All Might asked him, his smile shining oh so brighter.
"I-I..." Izuku stammered out, hesitating to respond. His hand shivered, slowly making it's way to the heroes hand.
Could he still become a hero?
Could he make up for his sins?
Could he purify himself from all his faults?
He honestly didn't know.
The teen gulped a large wad of nervous spit as he brought his hand up.
He didn't know if he can make up for all his mistakes, but there's nothing stopping him from trying.
"I'll become a hero... I'll use my quirk for good... I'll help people using my quirk" Izuku smiled back, his confidence and conscience feeling much more sound. The greenette gripped and shook All Might's hand, smiling through and through.
Although, not everything was normal.
For a second.
Scratch that.
Half a second.
There was an image.
A scene.
Izuku was there, looking down to a fallen All Might. The top hero was hunched over, catering to the large gash in his chest.
The sky was graying with angry clouds surrounding the horizon.
Izuku looked down to his hands.
A moment later, everything was gone. Izuku gasped for air, All Might shaking the child.
"Lad! Lad, are you alright?" the hero asked, distraught from the sudden spaced out and frantic breathing from the youngling. The hero rubbed the teens back in attempts to calm his loud and erratic coughs.
"I-I'm fine, I'm sorry..." Izuku spoke out, his breath drawing flat after a whole 5 minutes of coughing and wheezing.
Izuku was at a loss.
What was that vision?
More importantly...
All Might was injured?
Not just injured, All Might had a career-ending hole in his chest.
"A-All Might?" Izuku asked, sweat dribbling down from his forehead. He was nervous, the green-headed teen had a vision of the top hero's weakness.
"Yes child?" the hero asked. His smile ever present.
"D-!" before Izuku could finish his first word, the door creaked open. A plain looking doctor entered the room, clipboard in hand.
"Oh... you're awake, well you're free to go. Aside from the light concussion, you have no other altercations. The only notable thing that I found was that you were malnourished, just eat a bit more and you'll be fine." The doctor said, giving the verdant teen his folded up clothes and his bright yellow bag on top.
"Th-thank you..." Izuku mumbled out, blushing at the knowledge that someone changed him and replaced his clothes with a hospital gown.
"Oh, and don't worry about the fees, All Might was gracious enough to provide for you..." the doctor added, with his boring monotone voice.
"Gah! Thank you so much All Might! I'm sorry for making you spend for me!" the boy blurted out, ashamed that someone went out of their way to actually pay for his health care.
"Ah, think nothing of it!" All Might chided, chuckling his hearty lungs out.
All Might reached the small apartment he rented for his stay in japan. He never did think that he would be staying here for long.
But that plan might not come into light just yet.
He still needed to find a successor.
And ever since the quirk thefts.
He needed to find one fast.
He wasn't the brightest person in the world, quite far from it.
But he knew for a fact:
All for One has found his.
A veteran of war wouldn't just go in and take quirks at random.
No, this one is much more sloppy.
Lacking in experience was an obvious trait that this perpetrator possessed.
Inexperienced, sloppy, haphazard, words he didn't think that he'd associate All for one with.
The Tall and muscular hero let out an exhausted breath.
He went a bit out of his limit today.
There was a large burst of steam within his room. Covering the entire space.
There lied, a tall and lanky man. Almost looking like a skeleton with his messy hair and sunken blue eyes.
This was the true All Might.
Or, Yagi Toshinori.
He sighed, maintaining his muscular form really took a toll on his body.
The blonde took of his shirt, thinking that he needed a change of clothes.
He took a pause, looking a the large scar on his right abdomen.
He lightly guided his thin hand over to it.
The thin man shivered, feeling the phantom pain of that cursed day.
But there was something much more disturbing that he experienced.
That child.
That kid he saved.
All Might paused, reminiscing the small shock he felt when he touched the child.
It was so familiar.
It was his quirk, getting pulled out.
Of course, his quirk: One for All, made him immune from All for One's klepto abilities. But he felt it.
It was so similar it was scary.
The tall hero put on a plain and oversized shirt.
He shook his head free of those dreaded thoughts.
There was no way that child could have All for One.
He didn't have a killer's eyes.
Izuku sighed while he was sprawled on all over his bed.
Today surely was one of his most eventful days.
Katsuki, the Slime Villain, then All Might in one day.
If he was anyone else, than he might've fainted.
But it wasn't all daisies and sunshine.
The quirk theif was squirming in bed, remembering the horrid vision he had when he made contact with All Might.
It looked so real.
Izuku rose up, rubbing his temples from the headache he was having. The horrid expression the hero held when he was downed and had a hole n his chest was harrowing.
Like a slasher film, except Izuku was the one everyone should be afraid of. It was surreal, he was there; but at the same time, he wasn't.
Yet another skeleton in his closet. The quirk thief tossed and turned in his bed, trying to catch whatever amount of sleep he can.
Especially since tomorrow was going to be an interesting day for him.
He, and his quirks, are going to take a little joy ride around an old abandoned beach in the southern portion of Musutafu City.
Yes, finally; after so long. Izuku finally mustered the confidence, and the state of mind to use his quirks.
He had a purpose now.
Izuku needed to make up for his mistakes.
Rectify his sins.
By becoming a hero.
No matter what.
His consciousness was slipping, face by the pillow; his eyes drooped.
He was asleep.
Izuku woke up, dreary from his short slip into dreamland.
There was a gray sky, Izuku was there again.
His eyes jolted open, the boy looked around his surroundings. It was a wreckage, buildings scattered debris everywhere, trees singed and stumps left across the scene, the road cracked and a crater right underneath his feet.
"You- You're already out of commission..." Izuku's body seized up, his head slowly but surely twisting to the side; regardless of his own volition.
There he was.
All Might, downed with a pained; yet smiling expression as he tended to the hole in his chest.
"That may be so Mr. Symbol of Peace, but you know me. Your mentor probably lectured you on this day, shame she won't be talking to you again." Izuku spoke out, his mouth moving on it's own. His voice was deeper, several pitches deeper. He wasn't the one speaking...
The voice: it was so familiar. It was on the back of his mind. He was so frustrated, it was there! He knew this voice he heard, he just can't pinpoint who's it is.
"I know... but strike me down, and another will rise. And one day, one day; you will fall. Your days of tyranny a-are numbered... All for One..." All Might said, his grin widening with his blood-stained teeth. His blue eyes glowing underneath the sunken pupils, glowing with determination and perseverance.
Izuku couldn't shake it off. There was a certain feel in the air, a very frightening and heavy sense throughout the air.
Izuku felt this before. During the encounter with the slime villain.
The feeling of death.
"Look at you, d-dedicating your life to yo-your sinister dreams..." the hero said, slowly rising from his downed state. Izuku took a step back, he felt power surge through his right arm. It was growing, grotesque amounts of muscle, metal, rock, and even plastic were starting to build-up.
His quirks, no... someone else was using several quirks at once. It felt nauseating, the flavors and tastes were mixing into an unholy amalgamation of quirks. It all flowed into one of his limbs, something the young teen couldn't take. He was there, forced to feel this person's experiences. But without the proper amount of experience himself, it just made him sick. He couldn't think straight, the boy's head was practically going through a blender with all these senses and feeling intertwining together at the same time.
The ringing in his ears was deafening.
"You'll never win All for One. Justice will always prevail!" All Might screamed out, his massive fist reeling back, the blood from his chest dribbling down his torso.
"Honestly... Your justice is flawed" was all that came out of Izuku's mouth before he himself reeled his mutated fist back. The metal conjoining with his muscles and the plastic forming spikes around his large and grotesque arm. The two massive hands were in a collision course with each other, wind howling behind them as they closed in on each other.
Last second, All Might's fist switched its trajectory. Izuku's own arm smashing into the earth and shattering the ground beneath him. The hero's fist was slower, the speed from switching getting lost. Instead of facing Izuku's own hit head on, All Might switched to Izuku himself.
"United States of Smash!!!"
Izuku was unable to scream out, there was a massive throb of pain on his face and upper torso. In a huge burst of pain, his breath was literally shot out of his body. He felt his bones break, his mutated arm shrivelling up to it's original size as the world went black. The only thing that he saw before he blacked out was a black and violet swirl consuming him.
Izuku woke up to a cold sweat, his body shaking and his eyes red from fatigue. He frantically checked his body of any damage, thankfully everything came up negative. The green-headed teen ran a hand through his hair. That... dream... it felt so real.
*Beep! Beep! Beep!*
The quirk thief jumped back a bit, he gave out a soft sigh when he discovered it was just his alarm.
6 am.
He yawned, he felt as if he barely slept. It was weird, he never had these kinds of problems before.
The boy went downstairs, doing his usual morning routine; albeit at a much more relaxed pace since he wasn't bound by school today.
"Mom, I'll be out for a bit. I'll come back around 5, okay?" Izuku asked, taking his over sized sneakers and water bottle with him. The green teen took a teal hoody by the coat rack and headed his way out.
"Alright sweety, just remember to eat lunch!" his mother responded, still within the confines of the kitchen.
Izuku exited his small home, exhaling an excited breath. He was actually doing this.
He had a stupid, yet nervous smile on the way to the beach.
It was kinda exciting, if he was honest. The thought of using other peoples quirks to help, living on the edge of being caught.
It was... refreshing to his little mind. Being able to use his little collection of quirks without the prying eyes of any law enforcement. Mainly due to the beach being in the more lawless side of town.
He walked for a bit, enjoying the warm morning air on his face. Such a nice feeling after his brush in with death yesterday.
"Ah..." the quirk thief quipped, he was here. Izuku looked around to see the trash littered beach, metal, plastic, rotting wood, and various appliances were scattered around the sandy beach.
The teen walked up to a rusted refrigerator, its door missing and the glass dividers shattered inside. He let out a calming breath, focusing on selecting a quirk.
Izuku smiled, he found a nice one. He put his water bottle down, rolling up his sleeves in case anything were to happen.
"MeltDown" Izuku whispered, the spicy and warm sensation sizzling up. He looked down to his palms, orange spirals seething through.
"Alright, let's try this..." Izuku spoke out to himself, he approached the refrigerator slowly. He held out his palm, it took a few moments; but the rusting metal started to heat up and smoke. The left over paint started to melt and burn off the hot metal surface, the steel started to glow underneath his hand. It was strange to watch and experience, here he was; hands on a glowing red piece of metal, and the quirked kid was watching in marvel as the steel started to get runny in a matter of minutes.
"Woah..." Izuku muttered to himself, the metal dribbled off into the sand. The small minerals sizzled and settled down unto the sand below. The metal sizzled and smoked as Izuku deactivated his quirk and sighed.
Not the most practical quirks for battle.
Then again, the original owner WAS a construction worker. So it made much more sense for someone in that job to posses this type of quirk.
Izuku jumped back a bit at the loud noise across the beach. There was something or someone there aside from him?
Izuku grabbed his water bottle and tiptoed through the mass of garbage and debris, his head bobbin up through the trash.
He saw a teenager, possibly a few years older than himself. Spiky red hair, almost like Katsuki's if it wasn't crimson. He had blue eyes and an almost impassive expression on his face.
Izuku jumped back, his body mere inches away from the blazing blue inferno that was thrown at him. "W-What's wrong with you!?" Izuku yelled out from his fear and sweating face. That was his second brush in with death, and not even a day has passed.
"What's wrong with you? Spying on other people while they're minding their own business..." the older teen spoke out, his voice devoid of any emotion.
"I-I was curious. I heard this sound when the beach should've been empty." The green-headed teenager responded, the other teen scratched the back of his head before nodding.
"Word of caution: don't interrupt people while they're training. Trust me, it doesn't go down well" he responded, his palms suddenly getting engulfed in blue flames.
"A-Ah... sorry then, I'll- I'll go back over to my side of the beach then. Uhh... good luck with training I-I guess?" Izuku spoke out, waving with his uncomfortably timid attitude in tow. The other teen just watched in curiosity as the boy made his way back to the western side of the beach.
"Hey, what's your name kid?" the teen asked suddenly, Izuku halted his walk as he just stared at the other teenager.
Izuku stood there for a bit, not believing that someone wanted to know his name. Especially since he just met by accident, and a small brush in with death wasn't really the most flattering way of meeting someone.
"Well?" the redhead questioned, his flames dying down as he crossed his arms in anticipation. Man, kids nowadays were so timid and jittery. Not that he wasn't a teenager or anything, it's just that the younger kids had absolutely no backbone in his opinion.
"O-Oh! I-I'm Izuku Midoriya" Izuku mumbled out nervously, it was such a hassle to introduce yourself in these impromptu meetings. Especially with a stranger that had confidence to back himself up.
Kasuo halted for a second, giggling a bit at the great pun he thought of. C'mon, his name literally had "Green" in it.
Oh well, his "father" always had this knack of reminding his "Children" on how dangerous it was to give their names out to strangers. More like he didn't want the liability of a kidnapping most likely.
So, like any sane teen. Kasuo made a name up, something that was relatively close to himself.
"Eh..." he rubbed the back of his head, looking at the shorter and possibly younger teen. "Just call me Dabi" he added.
"Oh, you can practice here if you want to, sorry about almost smoking you earlier." He added, Izuku gulped a nervous wad of spit and nodded. The younger teen wasn't this comfortable with being so close to strangers.
Especially considering his more... Violent tendencies.
"Hey! You okay? You keep spacing out on me" Dabi spoke out, waving his hand in front of Izuku's face to grab his attention.
Izuku flinched when he saw the teen waving his hand around his face to grab his attention.
"O-Oh... uhh- sorry, I was just thinking o-of stuff. Y'know, uhhh... I think my quirk might be a bit too uhhh... dangerous? For uhh- other people to be around..." Izuku weakly stated, rubbing his arm sheepishly in hopes of deterring this new stranger.
"Ehh... nonsense, hey C'mon; I almost burned you alive, I'm pretty sure that my quirk is more dangerous than yours" Dabi snickered out, Izuku gave out his own version of a giggle, but it sounded more forced and nervous. Most likely because it was.
'Oh if you knew...' he thought to himself, still rubbing his arm in his uncomfortable state.
"So? You up for it?" Dabi asked, it was awkward actually; asking someone he just met to join him mess around with his quirk. But he could benefit from this, he could possibly get other people to back him up against Endeavor and his delusional dream of surpassing All Might.
"I mean, Uhhh..." the other teen stammered out, rubbing his neck a bit from his exposure to peer pressure. The boy took several glances between Dabi and the other portion of the beach.
Eh... what's the worst thing that could happen? All Izuku needs to do is focus on one quirk and get on with.
"Er... Uhh... okay?" The multiquirk user responded with an awkward smile and an even more awkward response.
Dabi lit one of the trashed cars on fire, his blue flames lighting up the area with a warm azure hue. He gave a stiff grunt before he sent a continuous stream of blue flames across to incinerate a pile of discarded wood and couches. It only took 5 seconds before the teen released his hold on the stream and let out several strained breaths, looks like steady streams of fire wasn't his forte.
"So, you doing something or what?" the tired teen asked, his breath getting steadier after a few moments.
"O-oh! Uhh... S-Sorry, I was watching your quirk... you-uhhh... you cant really-"
"Control it... yeah, I get that a lot" Dabi replied with a roll of his eyes, Fuyumi and his "Father" gave him enough lip for not being able to control his flames. It wasn't his fault, per se, it was just so strong that he could barely even contain them on his hands. And they weren't even his hottest temperature, he could make his normally blue flame; blisteringly white. Though, it does have a drawback. If Kasuo, or Dabi, goes past what he can take; he burns.
Sure, he does have a very, VERY high tolerance to heat, but he can only take in so much.
"Uhh... Sorry..." Izuku meekly spoke out, clearly today was not his day in talking.
Dabi just scoffed out and rolled his shoulder. "For a kid, you sure do apologize a lot." He jested back at Izuku. The younger male pouted before turning to his own accord.
He need not waste precious daylight.
So, for the moment; Izuku laid his water bottle down and levelled his breath. He focused, intent on looking for a quirk that wouldn't cause much collateral damage.
'Hmm...' He thought to himself, he didn't really have as much quirks as he initially thought. He thought he'd have at least 30 or more by now, but no.
'Ah' A familiar flavor, meaty, raw, warm with a salty pang. 'Jaéger'
Izuku opened his eyes and blinked twice, something was off. There was something else... that quirk he just pulled out, it was Wrong...
Somehow, in some way, Izuku pulled something different out. It felt familiar, but so distant, so alien from what he was used to.
There was something else, cold, bitter, slimy... it was... Night Walker...
The boy grunted, his form changing. Izuku struggled not to go on all fours as his fingers hardened into razor sharp claws, his teeth edged into pointy but stubby fangs within his mouth. And instead of his now red eyes, his pupils expanded into slits.
Oh, but it wasn't over yet.
Like a liquid, black poured over his figure. Consuming the All for One user in noire, his eyes and the inside of his mouth were the only visible areas that weren't washed over in black. The boy breathed heavily, he couldn't think straight.
There was a constant buzz within his head, his mind was in shambles. Not knowing reality from fiction, Izuku looked around.
Shapes, different shapes surrounded him. Most of the shapes surrounding him were a violet hue, but some were cold blue, and some were either yellow or red.
The sound, the noise won't stop in his head. Izuku gripped his head, trying his best to stop the cacophony of buzzing within his mind.
Izuku slowly but surely raised his head up, his hands by his ears. He saw; a human-esque shape, in reds and yellows approach him, he couldn't tell who it was. All Izuku knew was the distinct smell of ash and the shaking and buzzing within his head. It felt like his brain was going through a blender.
The human, a bit taller than himself, shook him. Their lower jaw moving up and down, like they were trying to talk to him. But it didn't help, the buzzing didn't stop. And to add insult to injury, their voice was intertwining with the noise, adding even more sounds he couldn't identify. And their shaking made his head feel even worse.
Like the first time he used this... this mixture of quirks, he couldn't think straight. But unlike then, he wasn't in any mortal peril. He was in a beach, deserted, well... mostly deserted. He didn't currently posses the adrenaline to quickly pull out and stop quirks.
He was losing control.
His smell was starting to interfere as well.
He could smell the rust, the rotting wood, the salty sea, the decaying garbage, the burning trash. It was all intermingling, they were giving him sensory overload.
All the different senses and feelings were layering and mixing with each other, it made Izuku froth at the mouth. He couldn't take it.
Until... he was snapped out of his little panic attack.
In an instant, Izuku could semi-think straight again. Cold water washed over his figure. Izuku was literally launched out of his hysteria, the buzzing dumbing down into a low hum.
"Izuku?" the human-shaped shade of red and yellow asked, his or her hands on his shoulders. He or she was looking the boy straight into his eyes judging by his position.
"Hey! Izuku, you okay now?" the younger teen widened his eyes, he knew this voice. In fact, he just met this voice.
It was Dabi.
"D-Dabi? I-Is that you?" Izuku's red slits moved to look at the taller teen. The humanoid shape moved, helping Izuku stand up by letting the teen prop himself up on his shoulder.
"Oh-Uhh... Y-Yeah... Th-Th-Thanks..." Izuku's voice was different, it was distorted. His voice was like a cross between a growl and a gurgle. It was just strange.
Kasuo laid Izuku's body on a pile of tires, he propped the downed teen up in a sitting position just in case something else might happen. The redhead teen scratched the back of his head, heaving a relieved sigh. "Man, and people tell ME that I can't control my quirk." He added.
Izuku's breath was still heavy, but he was levelling it with every second. And more importantly, the senses. They were still there... All of them were. But... more organized? Izuku couldn't put his finger on it, but it felt... unnatural, but manageable.
"Dude, you feeling alright?" Kasuo asked his friend drenched in water and in noir. Izuku's head shifter to look at the standing teen.
A shiver went down the redheads back. Jeez, this kid looked like he crawled out of a nightmare.
"I... I think I am... My seeing is- uhhh... kinda wonky though..." Izuku spoke out with his monstrously distorted voice. Kasuo raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.
"Is it bad? Should I take you to a hospital?" Kasuo said.
"No!" the boy shot back, standing up abruptly. "Err... I mean... I can manage..." Hospitals weren't bad, but people finding out what his quirk was. Technology is advancing, and if they find out that Izuku has All for One, then it's practically game over before he even started.
"Jeez... well, what's wrong with your eyes?" Dabi asked, he saw Izuku's red slits shut then open in quick succession. It was his version of a blink, he supposed.
"I see... shapes. Different colored shapes, you look like you... but you're red around, you-you kinda trail off to yellow towards th-the center..." Izuku spoke out. The other teen raised his eyebrows in surprise.
Kasuo had a sneaking suspicion on what Izuku was seeing.
"Hey Izuku, what do you see now?" the spiky-haired teen asked. Izuku shifted his head to see one of Kasuo's arm engulfed in pure white.
"Uhh... I don't know what I'm looking at... is-Is it fire?" Izuku questioned in his monstrous voice.
"Yup, just as I suspected. Fucking thermal vision." Kasuo said, dismissing the flames to sizzle over.
"O-Oh..." Izuku meakly responded, he rubbed the back of his neck with his clawed hand. Man, today just wasn't his day.
"The fuck was that Izuku? You almost gave me a heart attack" now that Kasuo knew Izuku was alright, he then proceeded to scold the kid like a responsible teenager.
"I...I don't know. I-It's wrong... It wasn't- they're not supposed to mix..." Izuku mumbled out, confused on what had happened. He felt his quirks. Two were missing and another was added.
Night Walker and Jaéger were missing.
In place of the two was this... this mixture... an amalgamation of the two quirks.
Alien was a word Izuku didn't often use.
But it was the only fitting word that could describe this feeling.
"Mix? Wrong? I'm sorry, but am I missing something?" Kasuo asked, despite Izuku being someone he just met a few moments ago, he didn't want someone to die or go on a rampage within his vicinity.
"I... err- Sorry, b-but I can't tell you" Izuku replied, his voice heightening, the black liquid reeling back into Izuku as his claws turned back into his normal hands. His fangs retracted and his eyes transformed back into their normal scarlet state.
"You sure you're not some kind of were-monster or something?" The redhead replied, squinting to see if Izuku resembled any horror movie monster.
"Uhh... Dabi, it's around 11 am..."
The taller teen shrugged, brushing his clothes off of sand from the beach. "Seriously though, you alright? You need to tell me something? Seems like I'm the only one who actually stopped you from going full beast..."
Izuku chuckled with his awkward voice, he wasn't the first to see it. But he was the first the see Izuku lose control. Back then, when he succumbed to his hunger; Izuku was filled with adrenaline, not being able to notice subtle things aside from his sense of self preservation.
"N-No... It's fine"
"Uhh..." Dabi looked off away to the side while sheepishly rubbing his neck. He didn't have anything to continue the conversation with. "Secret for secret?" he asked the younger teen.
Izuku was immediately caught off-guard by Dabi's statement. Was he serious?
"Seriously dude, Izuku, you can't just keep bottling this up. Quirks like that affect the noggin too" Kasuo scolded, a finger tapping on his head to show his point. "And besides, that's what friends do... right?" the boy didn't really care anymore, this little kid was more entertaining than anything he had ever encountered. Sure he might be dangerous, but most people with quirks are.
"We-we're friends?" Izuku asked, his voice shaky from nervousness. He was not comfortable with talking and regarding strangers at this high a pedestal.
"Eh, sure" Kasuo shrugged. "But ya gotta be open, it's not healthy to keep shit like... whatever this is" the teen gestured to Izuku, clearly pointing out to his unmanageable quirk.
"Uhh... O-Okay?" Izuku didn't know how to feel about this revelation. But shit, he didn't really have the right state of mind to make decisions.
Dabi was pinching the bridge of his nose, his face the picture of thought. Izuku was fumbling around in his seat, unsure of the results of him confessing that he had All For One.
"So let me get this straight. You have a quirk? That lets you take other quirks?" Kasuo whisper-shouted to Izuku, his head in absolute confusion after the long and drawn out explanation the kid gave him. Well, he did manage to pick out some parts and the rest just fell into place.
"I know... I know... It's bad..." the green teen said softly, rubbing the side of his arm "Like really bad..."
"Jesus Christ, and when I thought no quirk would surprise me..." the older teen spoke out, his voice slightly lighter than before Izuku said his dirty little secrets.
To be honest, Izuku felt a great weight lift off his chest. It did feel nice, if he was being honest with himself. Having someone to talk to about... well, his more illegal side of things. And no. He couldn't tell his mother. Izuku knew if he even mentioned a fourth of the things he did, then his mother would have a heart attack.
"B-But look at you!" Izuku pointed out to Kasuo. "Y-You're a Todoroki! Endeavor's son! The second highest ranking hero in Japan!" Izuku didn't miss the fist that Kasuo clenched, Izuku didn't miss the gritting teeth Kasuo possessed.
"K-Kasou... is something wrong?" the green-headed gulped in a nervous wad of spit. Just when he found a real friend"
Kasuo's nose flared for a few seconds, the older teen closed his eyes and breathed heavily for a few moments, like a breathing exercises.
"I'm fine..." Kasuo spoke out after his little PTSD attack from Endeavor. "Sit down Izuku... I'm gonna tell you a little story." The redhead spoke out, his hand in a waving motion for Izuku to sit down.
The shorter teen complied, taking refuge in the warm beach sand.
"Of why Endeavor is a cunt."
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