Fall From Grace
"Target is... not moving, no visual of any sort of hostility..." A scruffy man, clad in black with a gold-grilled pair of goggles and a bandage-like scarf spoke into his radio. The man ran quietly up on the rooftops as he jumped onto an electric post, squatting slightly so he could he his target.
"Then go get 'em, I'll keep check if he tries anything funny..."another man replied, blond hair fit for a cockatiel with mostly black leather for a suit and a metal-advanced looking choker wrapped around his neck. He nodded when he saw the man clad in black nod from across the roof tops, he made a hand signal to move along with their plan.
The gold-goggled hero leapt gracefully from the pole and jumped off, landing without a sound he managed to see what they were afraid of.
There was someone... surrounded by lifeless bodies, their slouched hooded figure slightly bobbing up and down while soft sobs emerged from their mouth.
"He's... crying?" the scraggy man asked, looking behind himself to see his partner shrug in confusion. "Hizashi, I don't think they're in control of their quirk..." he spoke, carefully and quietly moving towards this unknown persons figure.
"G-Go away..." a voice, young, male, fearful. The teenager spoke out in between his sobs. His voice, almost choking, spoke miles away from what their initial reaction to the scene was. They saw what appeared to be a broken boy, regretting whatever hell he's done to these people.
"Leave... I-I'm a monster..." the boy spat out, his body shakily rising from the dark alleyway. Hizashi flinched as the other man clad in black took on a fighting stance.
"Shouta, take his quirk down..." the blond spoke. Immediately, Shouta's eyes glowed a sinister red while his messy black hair and bandaged scarf levitated and swirled around him.
The boy rose up suddenly, looking down onto his hands shaking furiously. "What did you do?" he asked, his face still shadowed by the darkness of his hoodie "What did you do to my quirks!?" he spat venomously. And in an instant, the boy dashed sideways to dodge the oncoming bandage that tried to ensnare him.
The boy stumbled a bit by dodging the bandages, Shouta grunted while reeling back his tools. "Just come peacefully, it'll be better for your health" the man clad in black spoke out, his eyes shining through the darkness of his goggles.
Hizashi watched the boy for a moment before he dashed into battle himself, "Shouta! Get out of the way!" he warned, his upper torso and arms reeling back as he gathered his breath for one of his vocal attacks.
But before he could let out the thunderous voice he was holding back, Shouta stopped him. "Don't, there are civilians there!" he twisted his body, slapping one of his bandages around his partner's mouth. "Tsk, stop being so careless..." Shouta spoke as Hizashi chuckled sheepishly while removing the bandages from his mouth. The scraggy man looked behind him before clicking his tongue, "Now look what you've done, we've lost him..." The scraggy man known as Shouta walked towards the pile of bodies laying on the dirty street floor before he placed two fingers on some of their necks.
He released a breath of relief before turning back to his partner. "All of them are just unconscious, but we still have a madman out and about because of your little mishap." His eye twitched in annoyance as Hizashi dished out his excuses to why he did so.
"Eh, It's fine, he couldn't have gone too far, besides... I still have a few tricks up my sleeve..." He spoke out, his blue eye glistening from his orange tinted glasses. He gave a wide grin before clicking his tongue, Hizashi's quirk enabled him to amplify his voice to destructive level and lower and heighten his voice pitch to inhuman levels. But using some technology, the headphones he wore amplified sounds on a certain pitch, when he clicked his tongue, Hizashi was able to use a weaker form of echo-location.
"Hang on..." Hizashi spoke while closing his eyes in concentration and gripping his headphones with his right hand.
The blond man's head turned harshly to the right, a narrow hallway was spotted before he pointed towards it. "There! He's 200 meters, that way." Shouta nodded before running once more towards the rooftops as Hizashi ran his way towards his location, leaving the civilians to their own devices for the moment to capture the greater evil.
Izuku was not having a good day. He already lost control of his more violent tendencies, and now he has heroes on his tail.
It was terrible... Ever since that day, ever since that one scuffle with Bakugo and his clique, he always had this itch...
This itch at the back of his mind, only ceasing to stop whenever he managed to... purloin other people's quirks...
It wasn't so bad at first, it was like a light feeling on the back of his mind.
It only worsened as time went on...
But finally... after 11 excruciating years... he managed to get rid of his thirst.
How, you ask?
Why, taking other peoples quirks of course...
Izuku has always been a sensitive boy, from emotions to... other sensations.
He had an acute sense for other quirks, like having a taste for them whenever he had come in physical contact with other people.
It always roused him up.
Every time he felt the quirk, ripe, begging to be ripped from under their skin, it made him absolutely wild.
Izuku was a young boy at the time, and with all young boys comes a few mishaps that lead them to go to the principals office.
But he was careful...
He was never caught...
But... tonight, he was sloppy...
He lost control, almost letting himself get consumed by the quirk...
Whenever he had that need to take, he would only snatch one quirk at a time.
And it usually was months before he had another urge.
But, tonight was different...
He got greedy, indulging himself too much in the sensation of power surging through his veins...
He couldn't blame his quirk...
After all, he was the one at fault for letting it get this bad...
Izuku ran, he ran as fast as his frail body could let him...
That man, the one with the gold goggles managed to stop him...
To stop his... urges.
For a few seconds, he could hear without the constant buzz of the demons within his head singing their atrocious cacophony...
It felt good to be honest...
But he'd be damned if he let himself get caught...
Izuku stumbled a bit as he passed by the numerous dumpsters in the alleyway, he heard the footsteps above him grow louder and louder.
He cursed himself for ignoring his physical health. Izuku spotted an are covered by tarpaulins. He thanked whatever person managed to set up a squatter within the alleyway.
The boy ran up the covered area, running underneath the cover of the large sheets of plastic.
'Jaéger!' Izuku mentally screamed, his features became feral. His teeth turning into razor sharp fangs while his nails hardened into claws. Izuku's now blood-red pupils gazed the area around him and taking a sniff from the air to check up on their scent while his running figure went down on all fours.
"Arrgh!" Izuku yelled out in frustration as he heard and sniffed that the two heroes were getting closer and closer towards his location.
"Night Walker!" he yelled out this time, his running figure crashed into a few trash cans and garbage as a strange new sensation washed over him...
It felt... weird, like an amalgamation of two senses that he already felt.
It wasn't those senses, his mind was confused, his body shaking and deforming under the blackness of Night Walker.
It was like a fusion of the two, not two mixed together...
It was like the senses were overrun, something replaced the two senses. Something completely different, and something completely new.
Dammit! He didn't really have time to ponder on these thoughts.
The boy ran down the alleyway, his new features showed fanged-like teeth and glowing red slits that looked like eyes with claws underneath the inky blackness that cannot be touched by any sort of light.
He looked like a monster...
Izuku ran on all fours while he leapt towards a corner, using his quirks stealth based augmentations to hide himself from the two heroes.
He peered from his position in the darkest corner of the alleyway, the man dropped down from the roof followed by his rather loud friend.
"Tsk, damn it. He disappeared. He probably has a stealth quirk or something..." Shouta spoke, his blond friend came up panting.
"Shouta... C'mon let's wrap this up already, I still have a show at 1..." he spoke between exhausted breaths.
"Just... find him again, please? I've already wasted too much time on this one case, think of the civilians we've left behind" Shouta spat out, an exasperated sigh escaped his mouth before regaining his bearings.
"Damn, he's nearby. Like a few meters by." Hizashi spoke, his head turning to the right, where the alleyway narrowed into a dark almost cavern-like setting.
"Careful" Hizashi whispered as Aizawa gripped his scarf while he cautiously made his way to the corner.
'DAMMIT!' Izuku thought to himself. He gave out a low growl as the two heroes took a fighting stance towards his location.
It was fight or flight.
"Get away!" using his clawed hand, Izuku took a handful of debris and sand from the street and tossed it towards the scruffy man's eyes, the goggles were grilled, not completely covered. So the dirt managed to get in his eyes while Izuku took a mad dash past the heroes.
The boy shoved Shouta aside while he ran on all fours, his breath heavy and exhausted.
"Oh no you don't!" Hizashi said, inhaling a decent amount of air before screaming.
"GET BACK HERE!" he yelled out, Izuku was out of the corner, covering his ears as he flinched at the huge amount of volume being sent his way.
Using a sense enhancing quirk probably wasn't the best idea.
"He-!" Hizashi was cut off by some civilian opening their window and throwing a boot straight at his face. The boot feel down onto the dirty street leaving a boot mark of his face with his glasses slightly broken.
"Oi! Some people are trying to get some sleep in here!" the most likely grumpy man yelled out.
"Oi, we're chasing a villain! Our jobs are more important than your beauty sleep, ya dunce!" Hizashi yelled back, rocking his fists in frustration.
"Tsk, fuck. Can you find him again?" Shouta asked, rubbing his eyes as he walked up to his partner.
"Dammit, no. The guy managed to get out of my radar..." Hizashi spoke sadly, the black-clad hero sighed as he rubbed his eyes free of debris.
Izuku gave a breath of relief as he saw his open room window, the boy leapt up and climbed the tree besides the opening and landing on his bed with a loud thud. The inky darkness that covered him slowly reeling back in as he laid on his now sweat covered bed.
He wiped his brow free of sweat as he stood up from his bed and closed the window besides him.
What a stressful night.
Izuku changed out of his black hoodie and dark blue jeans, taking a glance at his own reflection. He looked at himself sadly, oh how the mighty fall. His face looked pale, in fact Izuku himself looked very pale and scrawny. He had dark bags underneath his eyes and his hair looked even messier than before. The boy raised an eyebrow in curiosity as he took a closer look at his eyes. Instead of his usual dull forest green, his pupils were now a bloodshot scarlet.
The boy blinked twice before practically ramming his face towards the mirror to take a closer look. Izuku reeled his face back before taking a deep breath and trying to deactivate his quirk.
"Huh?" Izuku quipped, his features still had his red pupils. Why wouldn't they go away?
The boy sighed, he messed up. It was probably some sort of after effect from earlier. The strange feeling that he had earlier didn't really leave his system.
What was more surprising was that two of his quirks were gone...
Well, not really.
Izuku could still feel them, somehow? Like, their a part of something bigger.
He couldn't really describe it.
It's like he felt them, but a formula of the two. And they honestly felt stronger than before if he said so himself.
It was weird though, seriously.
It was confusing, he didn't understand it.
Izuku tossed those thoughts to the side as he basically threw himself at his bed. He gave an exasperated sigh while feeling the pillows on his face and body.
Oh right... he had school tomorrow.
Izuku started losing consciousness as he remembered some interesting facts from his school.
He was practically quirkless at school since the majority thought that he didn't have one.
And the ones that he snatched quirks from?
Well, they never saw him coming...
His grades were pretty good too since he didn't really have anything else to distract him from studies.
Quirk theft only happens every few months, so that didn't really affect him in academic terms.
Izuku sat comfortably as the second highest achiever in his class. Only being outclassed by the not-so-delinquent Katsuki Bakugo...
Izuku ignored the boy, but the blonde kept pestering him!
It was so annoying, he almost resorted to taking his quirk as revenge.
But he never did.
He was already a monster, but that was just low. Katsuki had a bright future in front of his despite his attitude. So Izuku decided not to mess with him
Even though it hurt so much.
His classmates and students from the lower grades weren't as fortunate though.
He was the alpha predator, and almost everyone surrounding him was his prey.
It was humbling now that he really thought about it.
Here he was, a dragon amongst ants. And he was amusing them by letting the weaklings feel that they're better than him...
Yeah right...
Izuku woke up with a loud yawn, he was used to this. But damn if he didn't want more sleep.
The boy walked up to the bathroom to do his business until he looked towards the restrooms mirror.
Well... the red eyes haven't left. The boy gave a long sigh, accepting that this might be a permanent addition to his features.
He walked down to see his mother cooking dinner and the T.V blaring the news as he shook his head while walking down the stairs.
"And in other news, Local hero Present Mic and his partner have taken chase towards a deranged individual now dubbed "Night Walker" said perpetrator has left 11 victims quirkless and-" the news was cut off as Izuku turned the T.V off, he wasn't really in the mood for remembering these things.
Oh yes, he might've messed up and screeched the one of one of his quirks when he was being tailed.
Oh well...
The boy groaned a bit from his sore legs while he took a seat on the dinner table.
"Eat up sweety! Only a month left before you go into high school!" Inko said happily while passing the boy a plate of eggs, some meat, and veggies.
The boy ate the dish with gusto as he took a glance back towards his red sneakers sitting comfortably by the side of the door.
One of his fathers gifts...
In fact, it was the last gift he gave him...
Hisashi disappeared 6 years ago, and the mother and son duo still haven't accepted that he was gone.
It hurt, really.
Losing someone you looked up to oh so much.
Disappearing in a snap of the fingers.
It was like a piece of his heart was torn from his chest.
It was excruciating.
It was then when Izuku first lost control.
And he was never the same...
The boy knew that his father did some bad things when he was young.
Considering his quirk and his fathers quirk.
But, it was impossible!
People just don't disappear without a trace.
The boy knew, he knew that his father was still out there somewhere.
He took a bite as Inko smiled at the boy munching her cooking up.
"Did you do something with your eyes, Izuku-kun?" Inko asked, confusion on her face once she took notice of the scarlet irises Izuku bore.
"Ah... well, uhh... Contact lenses are quite p-popular now, r-right?" Izuku asked nervously, lying to the mother that cared for him for longer than he remembered was always hard. No matter the situation.
"You look good in them..." the greenette woman spoke, a warm smile on her face.
Izuku smiled nervously back, deciding that breakfast was a much more interesting and more favourable subject rather than a quirk mishap.
After his hearty meal, Izuku took a shower and changed into his all-black school uniform. Looking twice at the mirror before he was satisfied with his appearance.
His mother gave the boy a quick kiss on the forehead before sending him off to school.
The boy sighed once out of his apartments door.
'Welp. Another day in hell,' he mused to himself.
Izuku managed to get into class on time, he sat down quickly onto his desk along the side of the classroom. The boy took out his quirk notebook. He really wanted to know and catalogue the feeling of this new quirk mixture that he acquired, so he tried explaining it in writing.
Hearing the bell ring, the teacher entered the classroom with a stack of paper in his hands. He saw his class somewhat try and order themselves. Only for them to fail miserably.
"Alrighty then class, please settle down," the blond with a brown jacket said in front of the class while laying the papers on the desk in front of him. He took a glance at the class in front of him. the teacher spotted the local explosion ignoring the chatters of his own cronies. And a tuft of green and black hair having his face stuffed in his personal notebook, writing something.
"Since you're all third years, it's time for you to think seriously about your future." The man with a brown suit and blond hair stated in front of the class.
"I'll pass out handouts for your future plans now, but..." there was a slight pause in his speech while he held the stack of papers.
"But you're all pretty much planning to go into the hero course, right?" With a toss of the papers, the class displayed their quirks for the whole world to see.
Cheers and hoorays were presented while Izuku slumped down to his notes. He focused on his latest hero journal while the class showed their quirks off.
Right, heroes... don't get Izuku wrong though, he was really into all the heroics and stuff.
It's just that... he's been having a really strained relationship with heroes.
On one hand, he was absolutely drop dead fawning over the variety of quirks that the heroes possessed. Oh how he would love to take them for himself.
And on the other hand, the heroes were probably the first one to kick his ass if he was caught.
Quirk theft was a serious red light for some reason.
"Yes, Yes, you all have wonderful quirks!" The Teacher exclaimed. "But using your powers at school is against the rules!"
"Teach! Don't lump us all in the same group. I'm not gonna be stuck at the bottom with the rest of these rejects!" Katsuki said with a smug tone.
Boos and protests could be heard from the rest of the class before he retaliated "You should all shut up like the extras you are!"
"Oh, If I remember correctly, you want to go to U.A. High, right, Bakugo?" The teacher asked while looking at a clipbook.
"U.A? That national school?!" Pretty much the whole class asked at the same time. "It was in the top 0.2% this year, you know!"
"Their acceptance rate is really low too, you know!" The gossip continued before Katsuki butted in again.
"That's exactly why you guys are just extras! I aced the mock test! I'm the only one at this school who could possibly get into U.A. I'll definitely surpass All might and become the top hero! My name will be inscribed on the list of top earners!" With a fist pump to the sky and a proud tone, Katsuki taunted the whole class.
"Oh yeah, Midoriya wanted to go to U.A., too, right?" The teacher boredly explained.
The class died down, Katsuki sported an animalistic and malicious scowl before he turned back and took a glance at Izuku.
Izuku could feel someone glaring daggers at him, so he took a slight peek from his notebook to see Bakugo raising his palm up and show off small sparks. "That nerd!?" he asked, venom lacing his voice.
"Tsk... you should quit while you're ahead nerd... Or I'll make sure I'm the one who's gonna kick you down a notch!" Katsuki growled out, holding out a clenched fist that smacked onto his open palm to create a smoky explosion.
Izuku flinched a bit under his heated gaze, the boy slumped down deeper into his notes while remembering the first time he felt Katsuki's quirk.
Spicy, tangy, kinda like a carbonated drink with a much stronger pop...
Such a nice quirk.
The boy drowned out the taunts and other noise coming form the plethora of mouths in his class.
Why were teenagers so chaotic?
The boy sighed while rubbing his temples, taking a break from writing to lament on all of these chaotic voices surrounding him to find some sort of peace.
Izuku shut the small notebook to take a look at it's title.
"Quirks #14"
The now scarlet-eyed boy sighed while leaning his chin unto his palm, this was going to be a long day...
The school day was over, the sun was setting, and Izuku was packing up to leave for home. The boy packed his things, books, pencil case, but while he was trying to grab his notebook. The not-so-delinquent Katsuki managed to snatch it up with his new clique.
The old group was disbanded after. Well... after Katsuki learned that their quirks weren't so... Permanent.
"Huh? Quirks number 14 eh? Bakugo, what's this nerd writing?" A black haired student spoke out, gripping the notebook playfully by the tips of his fingers like it was the most disgusting thing he's ever touched.
"Sweet? Savoury? What the hell are you trying to describe here, quirks or food?" another Baku-crony spoke out, laughing at Izuku's logs.
"H-Hey, g-give that back!" Izuku plead, trying to catch the notebook that they were tossing between themselves. Katsuki was packing up as well, until one of his cronies tossed the thin notebook his way.
"Oi Bakugo, catch!" the black-haired lackey called out. Izuku tried chasing his notebook, but to no avail. The small book was greeted by a swift death, dealt by an explosion from Katsuki's quirk.
The blond scoffed and tossed the notebook out the window effortlessly.
"No!" Izuku yelled out, his body leaning against the rim of the window's frame. The boy gazed down to peer at the charred pieces of paper lying and floating around the Koi pond.
"Oi nerd," the boy called out, Izuku turned his head to see Katsuki threateningly looming his hand across Izuku's face.
"Don't even try and think of entering U.A, I'll make sure that you'll never get the chance."
The boy gulped in nervousness, but his hands were still gripping against the window pane. Creating small dents into the window's frame, Izuku's hands glowed a soft but sickly bluish green.
Just one touch and they'll be gone...
Just one little brush, and they'll be gone...
Izuku snapped out of his thoughts to she Bakugo and his Baku-clique still anticipating his answer.
Izuku had no choice other than to nod meekly.
He didn't want to ruin other peoples lives intentionally.
Even though he did so unintentionally.
"Oh, and Deku..." Katsuki said, almost out the classroom door with his cronies. "If you want a quirk, you should try and swan dive off the roof and pray that you get one in your next life"
The squad of three delinquents left the room with a burst of laughter. The teary-eyed Izuku slouched down against the windowsill. "Stupid Kacchan, I do have a quirk..." the boy mumbled while wiping the almost soon to be tears from his eyes while treading down the school stairs. "And what if I did jump off the roof? You'll be in jail for instigating a suicide..." he whispered his thoughts to himself, it always did calm him down to talk to the only person he trusted.
He gripped his bag strap while taking a glance at the Koi pond before him. His notebook still fully in tact if not soaked wet by the pond water. He took a gander at the couple of Koi nibbling at the pages of his notebook.
"Urgh" the boy grunted while swatting the fish away form his notebook. "Dummies, this isn't food..." he mumbled, swatting the notebook around in the air to try and get some water out of its paper.
The boy clicked his tongue while squeezing the whole notebook horizontally, trying to squeeze out any trapped moisture.
Eh, it was still wet. But not sopping wet, so he figured it was still mostly salvageable.
Izuku sighed, placing the kinda wet notebook in between two books within his large yellow bag.
He was really... really emotionally exhausted, so the boy figured he would take a detour instead of the usual route he took.
What could possibly go wrong?
"Catch me if you can!" a slime-quirked person yelled out, dashing through the streets in an incredible speed. His viscous body leaving some banknotes and bills flying out as he ran.
"Huh? There's no hero around..." a man stated, confused that there was a villain on the loose.
"Normally, someone would come right away..." another person replied, looking around the vicinity for heroes.
"Man, there are tons of people around who don't know what to do with their quirks." Yet another person added.
Little did they know that a very scrawny blond man with messy hair emerged from the convenience store behind the.
"Ah, there's no end to them..." one stated, annoyed at the villain creating chaos.
While all the civilians were looking at the villain scene, the blond man expanded. Enlarging to fit his oh-so very loose shirt. His muscles bulging and the shadows around him hugging his figure.
"There is an end." the now-very large man stated.
A few people turned around to see him, only for them to gasp in awe. As as some people heard the gasp, they turned around to see something awe- inspiring.
The bulked out hero took a step forward to reveal himself and get away from the shade of the trees to reveal his large stature.
"Because I am here..." All Might, the top hero was behind them in all his muscular glory. Looking bulky with his signature million yen smile.
While he was dashing the villain took a glance behind him.
"All Might? Shit!" He cursed out loud while he pumped up his speed. Running as fast as his liquid legs could take him.
"Out of all the fucking heroes, it just had to be All Might, huh!?" he asked himself.
The slime villain smiled while he took a glance in front of him.
Finally, some cover from the pestering heroes.
He spotted a tunnel, dark, damp, perfect for hiding.
The goopy villain saw a sewer tube and took the first chance he had to hide, that's right. There's no shame in waiting for after the storm passes.
Or: he could wait for a viable Host so that the heroes would be completely out of his tail.
That sounded better...
Izuku sniffled a bit underneath the tunnel he used to think in. The darkness really did calm him down when he really thought about it.
The boy enjoyed the absence of the usual blinding light that surrounded him for the most part.
It was a nice change, really.
He didn't enjoy the cold darkness though, he likes it a bit more lukewarm more than anything.
So nice...
The greenette walked slowly through the tunnel, humming a soft tune while bumping his feet slightly under the rhythm. The boy wiped a bit of snot off of his nose using his sleeve. Not very hygienic, but... eh. No one was watching anyway.
Izuku shifted a bit to look behind him, he thought he heard sloshing behind him.
Izuku paused, looking behind him to reveal the usual darkness of the tunnel...
The boy shrugged it off, deciding to continue his short stroll back home. He always did hear things that weren't there, so he didn't really mind it.
But... there was something strange...
Izuku was nearing the end of the tunnel, light licking the edge while he could hear the birds chirping off from a distance.
Until he heard it.
A large splash announced someone's entrance. Izuku violently turned his body as he saw the large amount of slime looming over his figure ominously.
"A-A Villain!" the boy yelled out in surprise, sweat rolling off his face as he took the appearance of the large blob of pure muck.
"A medium-sized invisibility cloak!" the deep gurgled voice of this-thing spoke out. Izuku took several slow steps back as he saw the villain.
The goopy mess suddenly shot out and surrounded Izuku, it's slime washing over his figure while it's muck violated Izuku mouth and nose.
"Don't worry, I'm just going to take over your body..."it spoke out with it's threateningly sweet but gurgled voice. "Calm down. It'll only hurt for about 45 seconds..."
"You'll feel better soon..." the slime said, Izuku had not time. He could feel his consciousness leave his body while the liquid violated his face.
Was this the feeling of death?
He was going to survive!
"I-I can't breathe!" Izuku managed to gurgle out through the very thick slime surrounding his mouth. He tried to claw his way out, but to no avail. He couldn't even grip the villain.
"Ahahaha! You can't touch me! I'm a liquid!" he spoke out, the floating mouth and eyeballs on the villain looked very pleased at his catch.
"NOOO!" Izuku yelled out, struggling writhing the slimy prison. The villain cackled out at the boys expense, until he felt something hot within him.
"Meltdown!" Izuku gurgled out, the whites of his eyes very visible as he felt the last pieces of consciousness getting lost as he gathered every bit of strength to use his quirk. The boy stuck his open palms within the slime-villain as bubbles started to pop from the top of his mucus-like body
"W-What!?" the villain gasped, Izuku's palms now had spirals. Burning orange spirals able to melt steel, his quirk was literally boiling the villain from the inside out.
This villain...
No... this monster...
Didn't know that he too was dealing with a monster...
"Gaah! Shit!" the villain screamed out it pain, this little shit was actually putting up a fight.
"Oh no you don't" it threatened, his slime now completely covering the boy. "Gaahh! Fuck you! You're too much trouble than your worth!" the villain shot Izuku out, smacking his head against the tunnel's wall.
The boy was knocked out unconscious, his palms sizzling down as the spirals cooled down to reveal nothing.
The big blob of slimes figure was bobbing up and down, signifying that he was breathing heavily.
"Finally..." he said, if he was solid he would probably be sweating now.
The villain smirked its lip-less smirk as he slowly flowed his way towards the unconscious boy.
Finally. Some cover.
But before he could consume and finally take over this little shits body, he was cut of by a huge gust of wind.
"TEXAS SMASH!" All Might, said, reeling his fist back and smacking the villain with pure wind pressure coming from his punch.
"W-What!? N-No!" the villain yelled back, losing his form and getting smack all across the tunnels pavement.
All Might sighed and wiped his brow free of sweat, he had quite the time looking for the villain.
He took a glance down to see the KO'd Izuku, he picked him up.
All Might tossed the boy over his shoulder while picking up the remains of the villain that he just captured.
Boy was he tardy.
He plopped the rest of the villain within the 2-liter cola bottles he was carrying. He'll take the boy to the hospital later.
Villain custody first.
The top hero jumped, leaving a gust of dust and debris behind him as he leapt a huge distance.
(A/N) CJ here again, and well... some people have brought up some valid critiques.
like: AFO has 28 children? I thought he only had 18...
ahh... well, it was actually a typo. For some reason, even though I run my chapters through 3 people, errors still manage to pop up. either because they're way too subtle. or all three of my beta readers (and myself included since I double read before posting) are blind.
Also: Sensei is an honorific, so is "Sama" so they shouldn't really be together in one name.
I'm not jap, and yeah. I can't really blame anyone or anything for this error. just me being a dumbass, sorry for it though...
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