Hisashi wiped his brow free of sweat as he hauled the last of his boxes into the small room beneath the "Dark Side" bar. The black-haired man climbed up the short flight of stairs while he took a peak at Kurogiri having a few words to what he could only assume was his alcohol supplier.
"I'll have the rest of the shipments here by next Friday boss!" the generic errand-boy looking lad saluted before leaving the bar. Kurogiri nodded in acknowledgment as he gazed back to Hisashi.
"I assume the transition here wasn't bothersome?" The black mist man asked, moving back towards Hisashi with his crate of assorted bottles of booze in tow.
"Eh, I didn't really have that much stuff to bring in..." Hisashi exclaimed with a sigh... "besides, I need more room for another resident I'm bringing in" he added.
"Anoth- Sensei, you didn't mention this part of the deal" Kurogiri questioned with a raised eyebrow. A scrutinizing gaze laid on Hisashi.
"Ah well, it was an impromptu meeting yesterday. Hmmm..." Hisashi hummed in thought after a moment of explaining himself. "Well, he won't really take up much space. Hmmm... I wonder how he's doing at the motel..."
Kurogiri sighed and rolled his eyes, this deal was getting more and more strenuous per second.
"Besides..." All for One started his explanation once more, "it's nothing that you can't handle" the black haired man stated with a sheepish grin.
"Somehow that doesn't ease my worries..." Kurogiri shot back with a deadpanned expression. Hisashi chuckled heartily as he made his way out the bar.
"Well, I need to actually get the small bundle of death" Hisashi spoke as he began walking out off the bar. "I'll be back in a few minutes" he added.
"A child?" Kurogiri asked, (imaginary) eyebrows raised at the little blurb. "You never mentioned bringing in a child" the mist man called out, dashing towards the exit. But when he peered out the door, All For One was already gone without a trace. Kurogiri clicked his tongue with annoyance before he closed the door to focus on another task rather than chasing after a troublesome man bringing in more problems than when he first started.
"Mom!" Izuku called out, almost tripping from running down the stairs so fast. "Mom, is it ready? Is it ready?" he asked. Visibly vibrating in excitement.
"Hang on Izuku-kun, it's almost done" Inko replied back with a smile on her face, she placed the last bit of meat on the lunch-box before she wrapped the lovingly made package in a small plastic bag. She gave Izuku a small kiss on the forehead before tucking in the small package in his little bag.
"Mom, what do you think dad and I will do?" the tiny boy asked, his head looking like a blur from shaking so much in anticipation
"Hmmm... I'm not so sure Izuku-kun" Inko hummed in thought. "But knowing Hisashi-kun, I know it's going to be fun" a warm smile adorned her face before she gave the tree-haired boy his lunch.
"Izuku-kun, please put your lunch in your bag, make sure it you don't shake it up so much. I don't really want you to come home smelling like eggs and meat" his mother warned with a soft giggle. The 4-year old boy pouted before complying, taking the small package and stuffing it in his small All Might themed Knapp-sack.
Inko looked at her boy and smiled her fond smile, he looked so much like Hisashi it was scary. But it was a good thing in her eyes, Izuku looked so cute, and she knew that he would become such a splendid man once he grows up, such kindness and a cute button-like face was such a hard thing to find these days. Izuku was practically a dead-on homogeneous mixture of Inko and Hisashi. Izuku got her personality and her cheerful nature. But he took most of his looks after his father, Izuku didn't really inherit Hisashi's "Lady Killer" like charm. But the boy's personality could more than make up for that. She has no idea on how Izuku managed to get green highlights on his hair though, it looked like he dyed it, but she knows for a fact that a 4 year old wouldn't know how to bleach their hair.
"Mom!" Izuku shouted in glee, Inko snapped out of her thoughts before she turned her head down to Izuku's height to look at the short boy.
"Uhmm... Yes Izuku?" she questioned.
"Do you think my quirk is gonna come?" Izuku questioned, a slightly softer tone than before. Inko blinked twice on the abruptness of the question at hand. One second he was a cheerful and excited boy, and another he hides most of his sadness and stares off to space too much. She gave the a boy a soft smile, then placed her hand on his shoulder before she spoke.
"Of course I do Izuku-kun" Inko said, kneeling down to give the boy a warm hug. "I know you'll get a quirk" She began. "I know you'll become a hero like you always say you do" Izuku's grip on her tightened slightly. "And I know you'll do amazing things when you grow older" she spoke, a large smile adorned her face when she pulled back from the hug to see her son smiling the brightest he could possibly smile.
"Thanks mom" Izuku told her, giving one last squeeze before launching himself towards the living room.
Kurogiri sighed an annoyed sigh, Hisashi just brought in what he could only describe as "The rattiest Child he has every laid his eyes on" in his bar. The Mist man took a glance at the child holding onto what's left of his fathers corpse. Gross.
"Black Man" the child began, Kurogiri's eye twitched at the nickname. "Can I touch it?" Young Shigaraki asked, pointing with his left hand and cradling his father's decaying hand in his right.
The Mist Man gave an exhausted sigh, "For the last time, Brat. You may not touch me." Kurogiri said venomously, outside he looked pretty much stoic as usual. But underneath he was seething with boxed up fury. Oh how he wanted a destructive quirk, just to blow this little brat to kingdom come.
"But it looks cool..." the boy said, stroking the corpse's hand before he stole a glance back at Kurogiri's strange appearance. He could only imagine what it would feel like to be made out of mist.
The Bartender pinched his nose(?). This was going to be a very, VERY long day.
"Bu-" Before the young Tenko could even finish his sentence, the door opened up to Hisashi bringing in several food items and several items of varied clothing. He graciously took the food items and stored them within the small refrigerator behind the bars counter, Hisashi moved the pieces of clothing downstairs towards the room he acquired. Kurogiri's eyes were twitching the whole time in annoyance. Looks like this Bra- Hisashi's accomplice was going to become a common sight within the bar these days.
As soon as Hisashi appeared from the basement, Kurogiri spoke: "I did not know that this boy was going to become a permanent resident" the mist man spoke with an almost unnoticeable pang of venom in his voice.
But Hisashi picked it up as soon as he heard it.
He needed to be perceptive in things like this.
"Ah, well... that's alright, it'll get better after a while." The Man told the mistwalker with a sheepish expression on his face. He went up to young Shimura before he laid his hand on the boys shoulder. "Shimura-san, take a shower then go change to the clothes I got you" he spoke, the boy's head shot up as the young lad nodded quickly, Muttering a quick "Yes Sensei-sama" before dashing off upstairs to the bathroom.
Kurogiri's glowing yellow eye twitched for one last time.
"I don't remember telling you where the bathroom was" Kurogiri spoke, shooting a suspicious glance at the man before him. Hisashi shrugged his nonchalant shrug.
"Eh, I would've figured it out sooner or later." He replied back. The portal quirk user rolled his eyes(?), before he asked the black-haired man.
"When will pay start your side of the deal?" He asked, eyes narrowing towards All For One. The man before him lost all signs of playfulness before he took a seat in front of the bars counter. His arms resting on the counter table.
"We can start whenever you're ready, Kurogiri-san" Hisashi spoke with his foxily charming and deadly voice.
"How long will the process take?" He asked back.
"Just a few minutes, Give or take." Hisashi replied, shrugging confidently before he took a glance at Kurogiri.
The Mist man took a few seconds before his shoulders sagged, he really felt vulnerable when he spoke to this silver-tongued bastard. "Fine, let's get this over with." Hisashi nodded before he motioned Kurogiri to come closer. The Mist man almost did, but he had some concerns first.
"Are there any side effects? You know, after you erase some of my memories?" He asked, taking a glance at the very VERY quick twitch in the mans smile.
"Nothing too harmful, occasional migraines, you know- the basic stuff" Hisashi replied back.
Kurogiri shook his head before he affirmed that he start the procedures. Hisashi was more than happy to begin.
The Black-haired man put his hands on both of Kurogiri's Temples(?) and a soft red light emitted from his hands.
Before he knew it, Hisashi was in Kurogiri's Mind.
"Looks..." Hisashi muttered as he looked at the place. It appeared to be a cozy mansion with several white doors within an almost endless corridor. "Uneventful..."
He hummed a soft and cheerful tune as he made his way past this endless corridor. This was gonna be a breeze. Bad memories are always easy to spot, no matter the caliber of the memory.
Mind walking was such a useful quirk. He could spot the black door amongst the clean doors. It looked malicious with murderous tones seeping through the gaps.
Ah, he had found one of them.
Hisashi walked up to the door, his right arm flaming white with the heavenly flames to cleanse this filthy atrocity. But before he could even begin to blast this memory into kingdom come, he heard a voice from the other side of the door.
"Please No! I-It's not what it looks like" a surprisingly feminine voice yelled out in desperation. Hisashi blinked, the flames on his arm dissipating as he turned the knob and took a peer into this Mist Man's Memory.
What he saw would make any man furious.
He saw what could very well be Kurogiri's wife or fiancé naked and in bed with another man.
From what he knew, this was Hiro Noyami, A wealthy and handsome CEO of an Electronics company. He had short blonde hair and a slightly more muscular build.
Hisashi could feel the pure murdering intent seeping off the Past version of Kurogiri as he took a glance besides him.
"I-I Can't Believe this!!" the Mist man shouted, throwing the several framed pictures of himself and his fiancé/Wife.
"P-Please, I-I was gonna tell you sooner or later" The auburn-haired woman pleaded, absolute desperation filled her voice.
"Sooner or later!? SOONER OR LATER!!?? WE'VE BEEN TOGETHER FOR 3 YEARS AND YOU WERE GOING TO TELL ME SOONER OR LATER?!!!" Hisashi flinched after hearing Kurogiri explode, he never thought that he could become that angry.
"Hey, C'mon. If you really love her, then you'd let her have her happiness." Hiro said in a smug tone a confident shrug. Past Kurogiri and Hisashi's eyes narrowed dangerously at this mans exclamation. Was he mentally retarded? Taunting a man with a quirk that could easily make Literally everything he loves disappear.
"AND YOU!!!" Kurogiri added, pointing his finger at the man with his idiotically confident expression. "You watch yourself now" A medium sized portal of black and purple emerged from beneath Kurogiri, making him sink slowly into the ground.
"I hope you're happy with what you did." His head was almost through the ground, his glowing yellow eyes threatening to kill the man. "For it might as well be the last thing you do" he whispered dangerously.
Hisashi was blown out the room, the black door shutting with a loud thud. He wiped the sweat off his brow, he never knew that it was going to be THIS bad. His hand ignited once more with the white flames of purity, and with one graceful swipe. The door was no more.
He dusted himself off before he moved towards even more malicious intent filling the air. It was like a beacon for bad memories, he just followed that when he had his clients. As he walked by, Kurogiri's story was making more and more sense.
Hell, even he would do something crazy like that if he was in that situation.
But he can't really say that out loud, he would be a hypocrite.
Considering he has 28 children.
All hailing from different mothers.
Hisashi shook his head, he need not remember those little details.
He took one last step, and laid his eyes upon a dark violet door, the dark aura practically visible from the mahogany slab. Was it mahogany?
He shook his head once more as he heard a quick yet dark chuckle emit from the opposite side of the door. Hisashi opened it.
It was Kurogiri, seating in from of several screens showing off live CCTV footage from several places. The floor was littered with dead bodies that were slowly being transported to who knows where. Hisashi laid his eyes upon a small notebook by Kurogiri's side.
It was Hiro Noyami's work schedule.
He then turned his eyes towards a screen when he heard the familiar voice of Kurogiri's unfaithful wife. "Kids, w-we're leaving. It isn't safe here anymore." The voice was hitched, fresh from either screaming or crying.
"Mommy? Where are we going?" a girl, no older than 10 asked. The woman picked up the 4 year old boy as she picked up a few large bags, her eldest daughter helping her as well.
"Far away sweetie, Mommy... Mommy has done something bad..." he eyes were starting to tear up again. "And it's not safe here anymore because of Mommy, I-I'm sorry sweetie" she cried, the red-brunette woman couldn't even wipe off her tears with how much luggage she was carrying.
Hisashi spotted Kurogiri take a shot of alcohol before he turned his head towards another screen. It was that Bastard Noyami.
"What? No, not really. I'm not too sure, security has been lax recently, I can't even take a shit without feeling insecure." He spoke on a phone, Past Kurogiri took another shot.
"Serves you right" The mist man spoke before he took another glance at his unfaithful wife. Past Kurogiri took a long breath as he closed his eyes in concentration. Hisashi looked at the scene in intrigue.
Slowly but surely, he saw a small black portal emerge underneath the electronics CEO, Kurogiri's eyes shot open as the portal grew instantaneously underneath Noyami. The blond man slipped underneath effortlessly as another camera captured the man fall off at what could very well be skyscraper height .
Hisashi watched with disgusted interest as the camera panned down as the man fell to his death.
Hiro fell down with a large and bloody splat, and worst of all.
He managed to fall right in front of Kurogiri's Wife and her children.
Kurogiri watched with curt interest as he saw the horrified expression that wench showed once she saw the scene.
Absolute terror and fear.
The kids were crying, shivering with fear. Kurogiri's eyes crinkled up into what Hisashi could only imagine was a sick smile.
Boy, Kurogiri is a fucked up person.
'It's always the polite ones' Hisashi thought with a sigh as he heard another door slam open.
"JPD! You're under arrest! Put your hands up and don't try and use your quirk" All for Ones eyebrow raised up in surprise. Was this not enough to elicit Hero attention?
"You are too late" Kurogiri began, his mist around his face and hands expanding and starting to cover the room. "I have already done what was needed to be done" and with that, his black mist consumed the entire room, the mist left as fast as it came, and Kurogiri was gone.
The room once more launched Hisashi out, with a large bang from the door shutting so violently and suddenly.
All for One sighed and shook his head. Now he knew what Kurogiri meant when he said that he had some "Bad Memories".
His hand sparked with white flames as he purged the room. And with that, he felt the air around him soften, it looked like his job was done for.
But of course.
He wouldn't just leave without getting some benefits of himself.
The burnt area that used to be a memory was a perfect place to put... an artificial one.
Hisahi brought his hand up, it glowed in a sickly greenish-blue hue.
The blank and burnt area was replaced by a metal door with chains and locked to keep it in place.
Hisashi smiled as he brought his hand down.
Now Kurogiri was undoubtedly loyal to him.
Even if it costs him his life.
Hisashi hummed a cheerful tune as he walked for a while, nonchalantly placing a spring in his step as he snapped his fingers to exit Kurogiri's Mindscape.
Hisashi's world broke like a mirror, the shards becoming the reality he knew. Kurogiri woke up with a dizzy grunt.
"W-Who are you again?" the mist man asked, his eyes widening and squinting, readjusting themselves to the light.
"All for One..." Hisashi replied. Immediately, Kurogiri sat up straight. Absolute fear and respect was displayed on his misty face as he took a glance towards the man.
"O-Of course Sensei, H-How could I forget you?" he asked, fearing for his own life as he watched the man get off his seat.
"Kurogiri" Hisashi Began, said mist-man's attention perked up as sensei commanded.
"Transport me to downtown Kyoto, near the residential estate." He commanded.
"As you wish Sensei" Kurogiri put a hand on his heart as he gave a short bow before a portal emerged underneath Hisashi. And with that, All for One was gone.
A few wet steps were heard before Kurogiri looked towards a newly dressed Shimura. His feet were still wet, but other than that the boy looked relatively clean.
"I take the bath was nice, Shimura-sama?" Kurogiri asked with a polite tone.
Said gray-haired boy's eyebrow raised. When did he become so polite?
And more importantly, when did this mist-man stop calling him Brat?
"It was fine" Tenko replied in his raspy tone, stroking his fathers hand in his own grasp. "Oh, and Black-man?" the boy asked, Kurogiri perked up at the his mention.
"Don't call me with all that formal stuff... it doesn't suit me..." Tenko added, his wet hair hiding his red pupils.
"Of course... Shimura-san"
Hisashi was thankful to Kurogiri that he managed to transport him in one of the hidden alleyways rather than in the middle of the road.
"Illegal quirk use" and all that idiotic garbage. Rules set so that the people can't see that they don't need heroes to stop the crimes and atrocities plaguing this world.
They just need to unite.
But these sheep are hard to move, especially when you're a wolf amongst prey. The worst part is the fact that others are so called "Wolves" as well, but they hurt with no purpose other than sating their twisted desires.
Unnecessary violence is atrocious, and Hisashi fully agrees that those individuals need to be properly lynched.
Not a word he would actively call himself, but that's what most people would use to describe him.
He prefers the term... Idealist. A much more mellow term compared to the deeds and acts he's done through the years.
And his ideal is to renew the world and show them a new light. These heroes have overstayed their welcome, and most are abusing the populaces kindness.
Now, some might say that Hisashi's ideals might seem far fetched.
But they haven't even begun to scratch the surface of what All for One is capable of.
All For One
At first, when quirks started popping up. He thought it was a plague. A plague diseasing people and giving them demonic strengths.
He thought his "Gift" was a way that Kami told him that he was going to be the one to heal this world.
The cure.
Kami's knight, to purge the world's sickness using it's own disease.
But He was wrong.
This power.
This Quirk.
These Quirks surrounding him, they were gifts from above.
And he just so happened to have the best Quirk to gain more gifts.
It was so easy.
So simple.
Like stealing candy from a baby.
But... with childish deeds, comes the intervention... from others...
His... Brother was a troublesome one.
Opposing his ideals, jealous that he never manifested a quirk.
At first, it was just suggestions, mere conversations about moral compass and whatnot.
Then it spanned to full out arguments, rage filled words and venom laced lexicons tossed around a battlefield that was called home.
He was just jealous, jealous that he never had gotten a quirk.
So, Hisashi searched. And searched. And searched. For a way to pass the happiness. It took him years to find a solution.
Oh how ignorant he was back then
The answer, it was staring him right in the eye...
Whenever he looked at the mirror.
Of course! His quirk, his OWN quirk.
The ability to take, and the ability to give.
So, he gave his brother what he always wanted his whole life.
A quirk.
Surely this would stop all this unnecessary violence and anger.
But NO!
His Brother.
This person kept getting in his way!
It was infuriating.
So, he put an end to it.
But no.
It was never that simple.
His brother, the pest, had a quirk all along.
A very... Subtle quirk.
The ability to pass down his quirk with DNA.
And now, that gift he gave him. It was being passed around like a joint in a frat party.
Contrary to what others initially thought, Hisashi did INDEED care about his younger brother. If not just a little bit.
But they were desecrating his memory.
It was absolutely INFURIATING to watch.
It was HIS gift!
No one should ever have it!
Every time he struck them down, another PEST, another INSULT, ANOTHER NUISANCE REPLACED THE LAST
It made Hisashi absolutely livid.
He was going to put an end to it one way or another. But he has but one mind, and that one mind cannot think of everything.
So he asked, from other... Idealists.
And they answered.
"Give them a taste of their own medicine. Use what was once their strength, against them. Show them that there is no escape from the cold hands of death..."
And so he did.
They passed around His quirk.
So now Hisashi will pass down his own.
And every single other quirk that he had collected.
Into one.
Izuku Midoriya.
The only child he had calculated to have the highest chance of inheriting his, or a slight variation of his own quirk.
Using Mendel's simple laws of heredity landed him to the conclusion that Izuku had more than just a chance that he'd get All for One.
But, of course. It never hurt to make sure.
So here he was, walking his way towards one of his spouses homes to take the boy and run a few tests.
He had a fucking blast with his own quirk.
He can only imagine what fun his son will have once he masters All for One's fundamentals.
Hisashi was out of his thoughts and right in front of Inko's apartment once more. He knocked, and waited for his perfect vessel to arrive.
"Coming!" a squeaky and youthful voice responded in a yell.
All for One waited for a few moments before the sight of his spouse carrying his future successor greeted him.
"Hello again Inko, Izuku-kun" Hisashi greeted, to which he was replied with a bright smile and a kiss on the cheek.
"Take care of him, Hisashi-kun" Inko told him, finally setting the boy down to stand on his own two feet.
"Are you ready to go out with your old man, Izuku?" Hisashi asked, looking at the excited boy nod his head with the intensity of a jackhammer.
"Excited as always I see" the man spoke in a playful tone garnished by a hearty chuckle, he carried Izuku piggy-back style before heading off towards the nether region of Kyoto city.
One of his bases was deep within Kyoto's shopping district. Fanning far closer towards the flea markets and black markets to avoid the law and overstepping heroes patrolling the city. A simple tactic he uses when setting up bases, picking locations rarely/if not haphazardly patrolled by heroes and policemen.
"So dad, where are we going?" Izuku asked, slowly kicking his legs forwards and back on Hisashi's shoulders while they walked through the city.
"We're going to have a little test first before I give you your gift." He replied in a matter-of-fact tone.
Izuku tilted his head in confusion before replying. "Huh? What kind of test dad?"
"Oh, well... a quirk inheritance test..." He replied.
Quirk? Izuku was all about quirks, but... he didn't have one, so what was this whole quirk inheritance test about.
"Uhh... wh-what's it about?" the green-haired boy questioned on Hisashi's shoulders.
The man hummed for a moment before replying. "It's a kind of test that finds out from which parent you get the most quirk traits from. And whether you even have a quirk or not." Hisashi started. "It's like a better version of a Quirk occurrence test." Izuku had no Idea what he was talking about, but the boy nodded in faux understanding just to impress his father.
They arrived towards a large and gray building, vines surrounded foundation and the majority of the walls. The whole area around them looked like an abandoned construction site, save for the fact that the buildings were actually wrecked instead of abandoned projects.
"Wh-where are we dad?" the boy asked, spooked by the ghostly appearance of the surroundings. He hid his face behind his father's mess of a black hairdo. The man chuckled deeply before replying.
"Don't worry Izuku, I'm here. No one here is dumb enough to try anything while I'm here..." he said, making the child slightly stir on his back.
Hisashi unlocked the door with one hand, slightly fumbling around while trying to have Izuku stay on his back. He opened the door to reveal a medium sized room, filled with tubes and several beeping and motorized machines humming in rhythm underneath the blanket of darkness that surrounded the room.
"Dad... this room is scary..." Izuku told him, Hisashi put the boy down. To which Izuku quickly hid behind his fathers leg, the man flipped the switch and the lights flooded the room.
"Don't be scared Izuku, it'll be over soon" Hisashi poke out softly, just to appease the child. The black-haired man set his son down on a large cushioned chair, he placed the boy's hero-themed bag on an adjacent table.
Hisashi flipped a switch on the machine besides Izuku, it hummed as lights came off the small LEDs in the device. The screen that was attached lit up to life with words Izuku could not understand.
The boy tilted his head in confusion as his father tumbled around a drawer and took out an unidentified object that he hid quickly.
"Izuku..." The freckled man called out, making his way closer towards his son. "Quirks... are strange things, sometimes unexplainable sources of health, power, or even... Death. Tell me son, if you had a quirk; Any quirk, one that you would have with no regrets whatsoever. What would it be?" his father asked, the boy tilted his head in confusion before bringing up a finger on his chin to ponder the question.
What would be a good quirk?
Super strength?
Fire manipulation?
Frost manipulation?
Super speed?
Gravity control?
All of these sound way too good to be passed up.
So, what WOULD be the best quirk?
The boy hummed to himself as his father waited patiently for his answer. His mind drifting in and out of his imaginative trances that he usually partakes in.
Then it hit him.
The way where he can't waste all these wonderful and bizarre powers surrounding him.
"I-I think I know..." the boy answered, putting his hand down and squinting his eyes in thought.
"Ho, really? What is it then, Izuku?" the man asked in intrigue.
"Uhh... A quirk that could copy other quirks I guess? Or maybe a quirk that can make other quirks" Izuku responded with uncertainty.
Hisashi smiled with the up most ecstasy, this child.
Gave the exact answer he was looking for.
This boy.
Was going to be a fucking riot.
"Interesting..." Hisashi began, a wicked smile creeping up his mouth with every second that passed with the slightly awkward silence.
"It just so happens that I have that exact same quirk that you're looking for." He added, his smile on full blast.
Izuku's mouth hung open. The boy was surprised, shocked, flabbergasted that his own father had what he could only imagine in his wildest dreams. "R-R-Really?" the boy managed to splutter our, his mind on overdrive on the possibilities about how many quirks his dad managed to get.
"Of course" All for One spoke, pure pride evident in his tone of voice. "And there's a big chance... that you have it too" the boys head was starting to go woozy with the fact that he might get the BEST QUIRK that his little mind can think of. Izuku downright almost fainted at that fact, Hisashi took that opportunity to take the syringe that he had been hiding from the little boy to make a small puncture on his sons finger. A quick squeak of pain alerted that Izuku was back up and running. Hisashi took the other syringe and also extracted a small amount of his own blood. The man dripped the amount of blood he took from both Izuku and himself into a slot within the machine next to the child, it hummed in it's gears. The screen that was once blank with static took on completely black background with the word "Processing" and a little percentage running very slowly right next to it.
This was going to take a while.
Eh, might as well tell the kid on how the quirk works.
"All For One... the ability to take quirks for one's self, and the ability to give others said acquired quirks." The man spoke his son's ears glued to the information. "All for One can also combine obtained quirks... using two is easy enough, but combining three or more can potentially hurt the user. I know, I've tried it myself..." Hisashi gave a meek chuckle and a sheepish rub on the back of his neck towards that small tidbit of embarrassing info.
"How's it feel dad?" Izuku suddenly asked, Hisashi raised his eyebrow at the abruptness of the question. "Y'know, having all those quirks in ya and stuff..." The boy clarified.
What did it feel like, actually?
It certainly felt good, to have more power in one hand compared to the majority of people. But Hisashi doubts that Izuku would be satisfied with a one word answer.
What DID it feel like?
It felt... addicting. Taking quirks made him feel powerful.
It made him feel like a god amongst men.
A dragon surrounded by ants.
It's an amazing feeling.
"It feels..." Izuku leaned in his seat, waiting for the man's answer.
The machine blared a noise, interrupting Hisashi from his speech. Izuku felt a bit disappointed that he didn't hear the answer as he took a glance at his father moving to view the machine. He could always ask again, but he didn't want to be annoying.
Hisashi let his wicked grin creep up his face once more. There it was, written in all green.
Hallelujah, his son did INDEED have his quirk. The boy looked at the smiling man nervously, "D-Did it work?" the boy asked meekly.
"Yes" Hisashi said with the brightest smile he could muster up. "You have All for One... You are the second person to ever have this quirk." Izuku's eyes rolled back up into his head as he succumbed to the cold darkness that was unconsciousness.
Wow, his boy was really easy to faint.
The man chuckled before he walked towards the corner of the room and pulled out something from the drawer.
It was a mask.
A mask he used in his hay days as a criminal. The man smiled reminiscing the olden days when quirks were still just popping up.
A Black Oni Half-mask, with golden teeth decorating it's hollow mouth. The mask was designed so that the user would hide his face without hindering sight, so it only covered the face from the nose down.
It was a little too big for Izuku now, but Hisashi is sure that the boy would grow naturally into the mask.
A fitting gift if this child was truly going to continue his legacy.
A low gurgle signaled that the boy was already awake. Hisashi quickly strutted his way towards the groggy boy slowly recovering from his early night night.
"What...What happened?" the boy groaned, scratching the back off his head while he looked around the establishment.
"You passed out after you discovered that you have a quirk" Hisashi explained, the mask he plans on giving Izuku as a birthday gift behind his back. Izuku's head was feeling woozy at this point, Hisashi just sighed and with an eye-roll he tossed the mask he took out towards the boy.
"Happy Birthday Izuku" the man spoke warmly with a cheerful smile. Izuku looked towards the object with intrigue, the boys eyes lit up with all the quality he spotted on the medium-sized mask. It was a plain black-half oni mask made of steel and painted with ceramic paint to make it have a better feel, it was more on the weighty side of things too. It felt really heavy duty with the coldness of the steel making his hand shiver with the coolness of the item.
"Do you like it?" Hisashi asked, Izuku snapped his head towards the tall man before he began to speak once more. "Ah, I used that mask when I was in my prime back in the day, not that I'm saying I'm old now but... I was way stronger back then, that mask that you hold, it was my favorite from the numerous others." Hisashi spoke a tinge of nostalgia lacing his voice. Izuku looked back at the mask with teary eyes before hugging it with full force, the leather straps swaying with how Izuku squirmed a bit with all the hugging on the mask.
"I-I love it... D-Dad, thank you so much" the boy spoke, stammering with all the tears and snot running down from his face. The boy moved the mask delicately to the side before launching himself at his father. "Thank you! Thank you dad!" He bawled out onto his father. The man smiled warmly as he stroked his child's hair. This child truly was a gift to his dark world, ah, he might even stop pursuing to stop all this madness to stay with him.
Oh well. Nothing can be this perfect.
He already did the dirty deed and it was only a matter of time before his sins were to come back blasting against him.
Might as well find someone to fill in his shoes.
Someone to finally stop One for All, and everyone who managed to scavange it.
Someone to finally snuff out that torch, someone who can be 100-times better than himself in his glory days.
Someone better than him.
In every shape.
Or form.
"That is not the only thing that you will be receiving today, Izuku-kun" Hisashi spoke out, wiping some snot and tears off his suit. Izuku sniffled before doing the same, wiping the mucus and tears from his face ,the boy looked towards the man.
Hisashi's hand glowed an unnerving crimson, black and violet rimming the light emitted from his hand as he pulled it up.
"Since you naturally have all for one, the quirk transfer will be much more simpler and will take little to no effort. But since I wouldn't want you to be taking out any... dangerous quirks, I have willed one appropriate for someone your age to haphazardly use." Hisashi explained.
"But first" Hisashi reeled his hand back, a stern expression in his face as he spoke. "You should keep you quirk a secret for the most part, I don't want to hear that you've been flaunting around your quirk like a new toy, Izuku." He said, Izuku winced at the man's tone before nodding dumbly and furiously. "Good" Hisashi brought back his hand to the boy's level as Izuku slowly made his hand creep onto the man.
"Grasp my hand, son. Feel the desire to pull. That subconscious greed within you to take every single last drop that you can, the thirst for power. Accept it, let it consume you. Feel it flow through your veins, let it move freely within your body. Don't be afraid of it son, allow it to do what it wants to do" Hisashi pressed on, the boy taking his hand.
Izuku shut his eyes closed in concentration, he could feel it. The DESIRE right on the tip of his mind. It... it feels cold, and scary, it made him feel paranoid. What was this feeling?
Was he... afraid of taking the quirk?
Was he not good enough for this grace?
No, it was there! The WANT, the GREED. He could feel it tugging at his heart, pushing him to take the quirk.
And so he did.
It was a rush, an adrenaline rush.
Pure ecstasy.
Cloud nine.
It felt good, the boy's hand glowed a sickly bluish-green before it faded away, Hisashi felt that the quirk he was offering had vanished from his library of numerous other quirks. The man's smile reached ear to ear.
Izuku opened his eyes, nervous that he might've failed, and possibly disappointed his father. But he saw the man smiling proudly at his son.
"You did it Izuku-kun" he said with a smile, The bush-haired boy replied with his own bright grin.
"The quirk I gave you, a simple one really. A utility quirk: I think it was called..." Hisashi hummed in thought while Izuku waited for the name in anticipation.
"Night walker..." Hisashi finished, the boy tilted his head in confusion; a signal for All for one to explain.
"Night Walker, it stealths the user in dark areas while granting the user superb vision in said dark places." He explained.
"That's so cool!!" Izuku Bounced up, hugging his father once more in absolute joy.
"You're welcome, and... Happy Birthday, again hehehe..." Hisashi gave off a hearty chuckle seeing his son bounce up and down, listing the uses for his newfound quirk.
But wait, there was a problem.
How in the hell was he going to use it?
The boy turned to his father with a curios licked face looking back at him. The man sighed as he took in the hidden message.
"You feel the need to be hidden, and then, let the darkness consume you. Muttering or whispering the name usually helps. At least, in my case that is..." Hisashi droned on, muttering incoherently on his previous experiences regarding that particular quirk.
Izuku smiled warmly at the man's muttering.
"Ah, sorry. I'm probably boring you, how about we take a trip around the city?"
Yesterday was objectively the best day he's ever had in his whole entire life! Izuku sighed contently as he took a peak towards the black oni-half mask proudly displayed amongst the numerous All Might figures and Figurines. Yesterday was a blast, discovering his quirk, getting a bad ass mask, and getting ANOTHER quirk. If he had guessed any better, then he'd think he was some sort of protagonist in a story or something, or maybe he was in a lucid dream?
A really REALLY convincing lucid dream.
He took his bag and walked towards his pre-school, his mother holding hi hand the whole way. She smiled with affection on how bright Izuku's current demeanor was. He hasn't been this happy in a LONG time, so she was truly glad that a little weekend with his father managed to bump up his confidence and happiness.
"Bye mom!" Izuku bid his farewell before his mother smiled warmly and waved back as she made her way beck to their apartment. Ah yes, another day in pre-school.
"OI Deku!" Izuku paled hearing that voice, the absolute last person that he wanted to see.
The boy's head moved robotically as he turned to see an ashy-blonde with scarlet eyes and an explosively chaotic hairstyle. "H-H-Hello Kacchan" said boy sneered with a malicious grin before wrapping one arm around the boy while they walked towards the classroom.
"Where the hell where you last Sunday, eh? I haven't seen you in your damn house, or even around the damn neighborhood as a matter of fact" the blond scolded, to which Izuku just remained silent, he didn't really know how to respond to this.
"Were you..." Kacchan started, his grin turning outright hostile. "Avoiding me or something?" his voice went on, growing louder and louder.
"What are you!? Better than me or something!? Am I not good enough for you!?" Kacchan half-yelled towards the boy. The animalistic smile lost, his features shifting more-so towards a sickly scowl. "Then you can get the hell off of me!" the boy yelled, shoving Izuku towards the side while shoving his small hands into his pockets, "Why'd I even think a quirkless loser like you could even step up to someone like me?" he growled out, catching the attention of one of the pre-school teachers.
"Katsuki Bakugou!" the woman called out, clear annoyance laced her tone. "Do I have to call your parents for the third time this month?" she asked, Katsuki clicked his tongue before shooing off towards the classroom. The woman sighed, taking a glance at the other child before her. Izuku always was the item of ridicule in his grade, it was... depressing to look at, really.
Well, She assumed that the main reason that he was always fucked over by the other kids was because he didn't manifest his quirk yet, everyone in their grade had already manifested their quirk. "Move along Izuku, or you'll be late for class." She told him. The boy eeped in surprise before scrambling towards the classroom, why was she surrounded by problem-children?
'How did I get myself into this situation???' Izuku thought to himself. His fists raised defensibly, a scuffed up and sniffling boy behind him. He himself also looked pretty dirty, tears holding themselves threatening to fall down.
But no, Izuku wasn't going to show weakness.
Heroes don't cry.
They show the world their smile. To make them feel protected.
To make them know it's alright.
To make them know that you're here.
To make them know that it's safe.
"K-Kacchan, th-that's mean..." Izuku spoke softly, stammering from fear and adrenaline. His stance getting more tense as the ashy—haired boy and his clique of three of other friends drew in closer.
"Huh? A quirkless Deku is feeling brave eh?" Katsuki said in a threateningly sweet tone as the two other kids closed in on Izuku. Katsuki slammed his right fist into his open palm, creating a small explosion. Smoke sizzled from his palm as they drew in closer, menacingly.
Izuku's blood started pumping faster and faster, as the four delinquents came in he grabbed the by wrist as he took a swift escape with the other crying child in tow.
Not the most graceful of escapes, but eh... he managed to save the boy at least.
"Oi Deku! Get back here you damn butt back in here and face us like a man!" Katsuki yelled. The other boy made their chase, The tubby one grew red-demonic wings while Katsuki propelled himself using the small explosions from his palm. The other member of their clique had a strange finger extending quirk, he let his appendages trip and wrap around Izuku. Katsuki managed to slug Izuku on the chest with an explosive round from his fist that tossed Izuku further into the finger-boys trap.
"Go! Run!" Izuku shoved the weakened and crying child away from the 10 tangling appendages. The bush-haired boy managed to find himself slowly being pulled in by the darkly chuckling boy.
Izuku tried prying himself free from his fleshy prison, teeth grinding in frustration from lack of progress.
Until he felt it.
There it was again.
The desire.
He felt it when he took hold of the appendages, there was a quirk.
Fresh for the picking.
It felt so enticing.
So alluring.
Not thinking straight; Izuku clenched his eyes shut, he focused on one thought.
G R E E D.
The two hands that were attempting to pull the other kid's fingers glowed a sinister bluish-green. Said child screamed in pain as the fingers retracted as fast as he managed to shout. Izuku saw this as his chance to hide, he ran.
But one thing bothered the boy as he ran.
Why did stealing feel so good?
Why was it so satisfying to feel that quirk being pulled and assimilated into his system.
Was he bad for thinking that?
Was he bad for wanting more?
Izuku shook his head free from the dark thoughts swarming as he ran from the other kids.
And ran, as the other two children chased after him.
"Get that quirkless freak!" The finger-quirk kid screamed, nursing his now sore fingers. Katsuki stopped in his advance, looking menacingly behind him to approach this nameless lackey.
"I call the shots here, got it punk!?" he growled, the injured kid nodding dumbly in response.
And so, the chase continued. The tubby using his wings to get a close in to Izuku.
"Hey! He's over here!" he yelled out, Katsuki smiling fiercely as he used his quirk to rocket himself towards the poor boy.
Izuku, panting from nearing exhaustion, picked up a small rock and tossed it towards the flying boy. Said tubby boy covered his eyes with his arms in attempts to shield himself from the hurdling pebble.
Izuku quickly cut through a dark alleyway, remembering how his Night Walker quirk worked.
Izuku delved deeper, hiding in the shadows. He gave a chilled breath in concentration.
"Night Walker..." he whispered, absolutely wanting to disappear from the three delinquents.
He felt a cold-almost liquid sensation wash over him, he felt his skin.
Black, a black unknown substance consumed his skin and even his clothes, his eyes being the only things not washed in noire.
His eyes, glowing green slits that were not too dissimilar from Kurogiri. Whoever that was.
"Hey, He ran this way... c'mon!" he heard Katsuki's harsh voice yell through. Izuku shut his eyes and held his breath as he listened in to what the three groupies had to say.
"Man, he ain't here..." the tubby boy stated, looking rather disappointed.
"That guy did something to be I tell ya! I can't even use my quirk!" the finger quirk kid yelled out, Katsuki clicked his tongue and glared at the boy.
"That nerd Deku can't do anything right, you think he can do anything about your quirk? You're probably tired or something you idiot" he growled, the finger enhancer boy seemed at a loss for words. It looked like he wanted to say something but he decided not to say. "C'mon let's check out the arcade, see if there are any new cabinets or something..." the ash blond scoffed before turning heel with his little group of lackeys.
Izuku released his shaky breath, finally free from those damned bullies.
But he didn't feel good.
The boy looked down to his hands, scared of the result.
His fingers were extending and retracting, each finger doing so in a different interval.
He stole a quirk...
Izuku fell flat on his ass in horror, sweat running down from his face. Looking around if anybody saw him, he gathered his thoughts.
It was wrong.
Very wrong.
Extremely wrong.
But, It felt good.
It felt really good.
But, it's wrong!
A hero never steals, right?
Surely one little slip-up can be forgivable.
Izuku picked himself up and wiped the mucus off his nose and the tears from his cheeks.
What would his mother say?
Would she be disappointed in him.
No, he never stole a quirk?
This didn't happen.
He wasn't going to tell.
Izuku shakily walked his way back home, still sore form running for more than 30 minutes.
"I'm home..." Izuku spoke, a soft voice barely above a whisper.
"Welc-" Inko's heart clenched when she saw her son, dirty with scratches and scathes littered across his body. His clothes slightly tattered at the rims. She dropped what she was doing and moved along to console her child.
"Oh! Izuku, what happened to you!?" Inko asked, tears leaking from her eyes when she saw the sunken look on his eyes.
The worst part is:
This wasn't the first time Izuku came home like this.
It felt absolutely horrible to know that you couldn't do anything about it.
She couldn't protect him. She couldn't protect her own flesh and blood.
"N-nothing mom... I just fell down..." the boy dissonantly replied, making his mother fret even more.
"Izuku please, don't lie to me Izuku. I know these wounds don't just appear form stumbling!" Inko cried out, turning her childs face while trying to spot more wounds.
"See? Look here, you don't get burn marks from falling down!" Inko yelled, pointing at the large gray mark under his shirt.
"Mom! It's fine... r-really, please. Let's just eat dinner already..." Izuku answered back, pulling his shirt down while dashing towards the kitchen.
Inko felt so weak, so helpless. Why couldn't she defend her own child?
Hisashi sighed as he took a sip of his rum, taking a glance at the little boy right in front of him, and the well suited bar tender across the counter.
"How did it go Sensei? What happened?" Tenko asked, Kurogiri even listened in while cleaning the bar's counter.
"It went fantastically" he responded, laying the glass down on the counter. Giving out a satisfied breath while Kurogiri took the glass.
"Tenko-san, tell me. What is the most important factor when you're doing illegal business?" Hisashi suddenly asked, the boy's brow crinkled in thought.
Hisashi sighed before he scratched the back of his head. "Well, steal is the most important, objectively. What's the purpose of doing those things if you get caught? All your effort will go to waste if you don't know how to hide. This is why most people use faux identities, change their appearance, and rarely; even change their voice." The man explained. The child made a sound akin to "ooooh" before nodding his head.
"Usually individuals do this to avoid getting caught, sometimes they use this for flair, or like a gimmick. Others, well... other use it as a form of escape, to live normally on the outside and be deranged individuals on the inside, and they use those disguises as a means of switching between so." All for One Added.
Shimura nodded his head once more before asking. "And, what does this have to do with me?" He asked.
"Well, we use pseudonyms, and you're the only one without it. Again, we use these to avoid getting caught. Kurogiri literally names himself "black Mist" while I named myself after my own quirk."
The young Shimura hummed in thought while All For One started to explain once more.
"Besides, I doubt the law would let a child named after one of the top 10 heroes to escape from their fingers, especially so if that said child has a very destructive quirk." He explained, Shimura gasped, baffled that he was related to those pests.
"Wh-who were they?" he asked, anger quickly rising from his tone of voice.
"Nana Shimura, the seventh wielder of One for All, the polar opposite of my own quirk" Hisashi told him, the child blinked twice before scratching his neck. The scratching intensified with every second before he spoke once more, his hand brought down to stroke the remains o his father.
"Tomura..." He started, a wickedly dark smile adorned his face while his scarlet pupils glowed underneath the blanket of gray bangs. "Tomura Shigaraki..."
Hisashi raised his eyebrow while Kurogiri shrugged, why did this child insist on taking a name far too close to his original one?
The man shook his head before speaking. "Very well then, Shigaraki-san. Now, do you clearly see what we are?" Hisashi cryptically asked.
"Course I do" The now named Shigaraki kid responded with a scoff. "We're Villains" Hisashi coughed harshly before clearing his throat in a calmer tone until he responded back.
"N-Not really, Shigaraki. We're Idealists. People that aren't content with how the symbol of peace is spread out through the society..." Hisashi replied.
Shigaraki raised an eyebrow "aren't people that fight against heroes villains? You fight heroes, were villains..." Hisashi sighed. This was going to be a long night...
A/N: ahhh, back into writing. well, if you're wondering why this chapter is so long; it's because I wanted to speed it up in all honesty. I wanted to give each important character some pretty good backstory and humanization while also moving the plot along in a single chapter. I also made some characters a bit OOC (Out Of Character). Like: Kurogiri being a tad bit snarky and rebellious, and well... All For One showing any other emotion other than disdain towards heroes. well, Kurogiri barely has any backstory and characterization, so I had a lot of space to put in my own artistic liberties to the mix. same goes for All for One, barely having any characterization other than being the main antagonist and polar opposite of the symbol of piece. And Besides, All for One is human too, He can't just keep wringing his hands and mutter "Heroes" disdainfully all day. He has a life outside of all this dark shit too.
you know your life is good when you're trying to explain to strangers online that fictional characters have lives outside the screen. god I'm such a fucking loser.
btw: chapters in the future won't be as long as this one, and won't take nearly as much time as I took in making this one.
fave and Review, Bye~
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