Birthed From Darkness
The pitter-patter of the light drizzle covering the sky put a bitter-sweet smile on his face. He knew that this was so wrong on so many levels, morally, humanely, he shudders on the thought when he gets discovered. But that won't happen.
He's been careful, excruciatingly so. One step turned to two, then four, eight, sixteen. His pace quickened as his heart picked up the pace as well, his umbrella bumping into countless others.
Briskly pacing throughout the bustling street he makes his way towards downtown Kyoto. Oh how he wished to have a transportation quirk, he knew someone who had just that, but he would contact him later.
Hisashi Midoriya, the busy off-seas worker was finally coming back to his wife after a long 4 months on the job.
But it was just a lie.
A little white lie that he said, with enough charm and kind words, he managed to warp a woman into bearing his child.
His heir.
His successor.
The second generation of All For One.
If his calculations were correct, then this child, Izuku Midoriya, would have his quirk.
It would make the child his 18th attempt.
The others weren't so successful.
16 were disposed of.
The second one though, he smiled with glee.
It was almost there, but not exactly. The other child, a dark blond with hypnotically blue eyes, he couldn't even remember his name. The child was able to copy quirks, a very valuable quirk, though useless considering his own quirk.
But this time, he finally did it! And his genes were finally taking its course and overruling those other useless quirks his spouses had.
Strange, he might as well take care of his previous spouses by "disposing" them as well.
A smile adorned his face as he saw a small apartment on the other side of the street. 'Inko Midoriya' he thought with glee. If what he had gathered from her was correct, then Izuku would be a kind-hearted, pure hearted, and blissful child. Just the kind of personality that could be easily molded.
He checked his watch, more importantly, he checked the date. It would make this the child's 4th birthday.
Just on time
The average human manifests their quirk from 3 to four years in age. Hisashi gave him time, and god rewards those who are patient after all.
With his final step, he was in front of the minimal apartment. He sighed as he saw the raincloud shrouding the city slowly dissipate. A good sign, he assumed.
He reviewed the past events in his mind as he heard the shuffling behind the apartment door.
The night he met Inko in that lonely summer night, she looked so beautiful that day.
He almost didn't want to use her as a vessel.
But he was getting desperate, so he swallowed up his earthly desires and carry out his plans.
It was the first time he managed to feel something other than hate towards this despicable world.
He smiled.
He might be the most dangerous criminal in the entirety of japan, but he too was only human.
That's why he needs an heir.
Someone without these wretched emotions, the damn things are only holding him back.
The door creaked, slowly opening Hisashi saw a glimpse of the dark forest-green beauty that had given birth to his heir.
"H-Hisashi-kun!" she squeeked out with a blush as she saw the tall man on the other side of the door.
"H-Has it already been 4 months? Hehehe...." An awkward chuckle escaped her mouth as she sheepishly rubbed the back of her head.
"Yes it has" Hisashi replied in his burly voice. "How are you? You haven't been worrying sick about me all these months, have you?" he asked back.
"Oh dear no!" Inko retorted back, "I've been taking care of Izuku... he's..." her voice started to trail off as she looked off to the side, she looked... guilty? Inko rubbed her arm in pure anxiousness as she remembered the things Izuku said to her.
"He's... He's been sad lately Hisashi-kun..." she added with a morose tone.
"What's happened?" he asked back, she winced at his harsh tone. Though she felt as she'd deserved it.
"He's been bullied Hisashi-kun" she stated with a few tears in her eyes trailing down her chin. "All of his classmates have manifested their quirks. He's the only one in class that's quirkless" she embraced her husband, crying tears of regret and guilt making his suit slightly damp.
The tall man hugged back, rubbing his hand on her back in comfort. He gave a hearty chuckle that confused his wife. "Then it is a good thing that I came then" he spoke.
Hisashi let go of the woman as he slowly walked upstairs, Inko following suit. "Izuku!" he called out as he knocked on his son's door. Inko was behind him, wiping some tears.
"This seems familiar, doesn't it?" Inko asked with a sniffle and a wet chuckle.
Ah yes, the day he announced that he would be working out of the country, Inko had locked herself in her room. Sobbing at her loss, she almost starved herself if it wasn't for Hisashi breaking in the door with his Flame-breath quirk.
But that was just another little white lie.
"Go away!... Please, please leave me alone..." a soft voice trailed off as he screamed back a reply. Hisashi slightly frowned while Inko looked back at her husband and the door blocking them from their son.
"Izuku..." Hisashi said while knocking once more... "It's me, I didn't forget this time... please, just open the door... son" speaking the last part like it was a foreign language, this was the first time he actually actively called Izuku his son. And it only took four years to correct.
"D-Dad?" a slightly muffled and wet voice asked behind the door. He could hear the muffled sniffles from where he was standing. Hisashi heard shuffling behind that hero decorated door, he was slightly unnerved when he realized that his son was a hero fanatic, but oh well. No vessel would truly be perfect.
The door clicked open as he laid his eyes on a puffy eyed boy with messy black hair adorned with green-highlights. The small boy had freckles, round green eyes, and was holding onto the doorknob for dear life.
All in all; the boy was almost a carbon copy of Hisashi, except for the freckles and all the green, the boy could almost pass off a clone of the man.
'What I wouldn't give to have a quirk like that' Hisashi mused to himself, well, the quirk did exist. But not quite up to the caliber that he wanted it to.
"Hello, Izuku-kun" the man said affectionately, yes. Out of all the subjects, Izuku was his favorite. And that might be due to the fact that he was the only one that came out successful. But he wasn't sure just yet. Sure he made some calculations during his planning, but he needed proof. He needed to test the child in case of the small 10% chance that he miscalculated.
He needed to bring him back to his base.
"DAD!" the boy yelled out to his father as he tackled him down with a fierce hug.
"Happy birthday son" he exclaimed, the boy wiped away his previous tears as he gave the man a big smile. "My, how you've grown." Hisashi stated as he carried izuku up onto his shoulders. "I can barely pick you up anymore!" he chuckled.
"Of course!" the small boy puffed out his chest on his father's shoulders. "I'm a big boy now!" he exclaimed. Inko gave a light-hearted giggle at the sidelines of the scene.
"That you are" the man said as he walked down the stairs, son on his shoulders and wife holding his hand. He did have his moments when he wasn't planning the downfall of his worst nemesis.
But that would have to wait for later.
For now though, the time was set for preparation. And he needed to play his cards right.
The black-haired man set his son down on the couch in the living room, he sat to the left while his son was in between him and his mother. He gave out a sigh, maybe he could just quit being a criminal and enjoy moments like this for as long as his natural life went about?
He was too deep in, too far into the project to quit now.
There was already no turning back when he forced a quirk unto his brother.
He shook his head from his foolish mistakes. "Izuku..." he spoke. "How have you been? I haven't seen you in 4 months and the first thing I see is you bawling out into the door frame" he said with a playful chuckle. Izuku looked down in sadness, shifting uncomfortably under the adult's gaze.
Okay, maybe he didn't really pick the correct words to say.
"It's... it's been fine..." Izuku said, slightly slurring his words with his young and underdeveloped mouth. "My grades are good... good..." he spoke softer and softer.
"Izuku" Hisashi called out to the boy as the child shifted and turned his head back onto his father.
"Hey, how about we go out for some ice cream? Then I'll give you your gift" the man said with a big smile. Izuku's mod quickly picked up at the man's words.
"Really?" Izuku practically bounced on the couch as the couple shared a fair chuckle at the cute scene with their son.
Oh how it would hurt him to taint his son's innocence.
The thought made his smile falter for a moment.
Only a moment.
But he remembered something that a person said once to him as he watched their eyes dilute from losing their lives.
'Ah, yes' he remembered now.
It was his father, it was when the world first had quirks start spreading.
What a horrifying event...
"Use your gift son... please, free this world from all these monsters, these... these farces... I believe in you... grant a dying old fart his wish..." the last part the dying man said with a hollow chuckle.
"Hisashi-kun" he snapped out of his thoughts as Inko clapped a hand in front of his face to grab his attention. "We're going out to get the ice cream you promised, remember?" she asked, carrying a purse by her side as their son bounced on the balls of his feet with glee as he looked at his father with a smile.
"Ah yes, sorry Inko-chan. I spaced out a little, you know. Old men like to reminisce" the man said with a burly chuckle as he took the other hand of his son and the family started to walk out of the apartment. He really relished these moments.
Too bad they won't stay.
Problems, Problems, Problems.
He didn't have a gift for his son, what was he thinking when he spoke to the child?
Details, small missteps. Easily fixable, maybe, just maybe. He could make lemonade out of the lemons that he ungraciously provided for himself.
He took a glance at his son, licking a cone of soft-serve, all of them were eating ice cream. Well, he finished first.
Izuku was sloppily licking mint-chocolate, gross. 'How can anyone stomach that horrid flavor?' he mused to himself while taking a glance at Inko taking small bites of of her plain vanilla.
"Inko-chan" he spoke to her. The woman looked back at her husband.
"I'd like to take Izuku with me for a short weekend, think of it as a small vacation of sorts" he said with a smile. Inko openly stared at him as the boy picked up on what they were saying.
"Really dad?! I'm gonna stay with you for the weekend?" He asked, wiping some ice cream liquid from his face using his sleeve.
"But Hisashi, don't you work abroad?" she asked, taking glances back to Izuku and her husband.
"No worries Inko-chan, I'm not taking Izuku out of the country" he would if he could. "I'm just merely suggesting to take him out with his old man to take a tour of japan with." He said.
"R-Really?" Izuku asked, wide-eyed.
"W-well..." Inko took a glance at the boy, she hasn't seen him this happy In a while.
"Fine..." she spoke with a sigh as Izuku practically bounced up in excitement, Hisashi too gave a small smile at this.
"Excellent" Hisashi exclaimed with an accompanying sigh, so his plan finally comes into play.
"You two should go back to your apartment" Hisashi told them "I'll start packing, Inko-chan, you should help Izuku as well. I'll meet you two tomorrow" he said, giving his wife a quick peck on the lips and ruffling Izuku's hair as he made his way.
"Bye Dad!" Izuku waved back while the man briefly turned around and gave his won smile and wave. Inko picked Izuku up as he gave his finally bites onto the cone he'd been holding for a few minutes. She waved back slowly as Hisashi started going past their line of sight.
Inko gave a sigh, smiling softly at the child on her arms, "C'mon Izuku, let's head home and start packing."
"Oh OH! Can I bring my All Might action figure?" the child cheekily asked.
"Of course" she responded with a smile.
Hisashi hummed a cheerful tune as he passed through the Red-Light district deep within Hosu City, not the most preferable location for setting up a hideout. But definitely the least checked by any patrolling heroes.
He reached a bar, a simple, inconspicuous bar located in an alleyway with little bit of an underground theme woven around it.
Ah, yes. The first person that he needed to come in contact to.
He pulled out his phone, re-reading the article that got his attention to seek this certain individual.
"Deranged man with teleportation quirk transports the CEO of a large company to fall to his death right in front of his family and children" written in all caps and red.
The perfect getaway quirk was just a few steps in front of him.
He gave a quick breath before he knocked on the bar's door.
The bar was quite fittingly named "The Dark Side"
Was this poetic justice?
Before he could even hear shuffling, he heard a deep and slightly distorted voice reply. "LEAVE"
And inky black and violet portal started emerging beneath him. But before he could be totally consumed by the portal, he used one of his quirks to make his hand into a tentacle and pulled himself up towards a nearby building.
"Calm down, I'm just here to talk, to negotiate..." he added as the portal slowly closed by the door mat.
The door slowly opened to reveal a smoky figure with two slit-like; glowing eyes adorned by a formal dress suit.
Quite fitting for a bartender.
"Who are you?" he asked, narrowing the slits that he assumed was the man's eyes. Hisashi lowered himself as his arm slowly returned to that more of a human's arm.
"Please" with a charming smile and a hand to his heart, Hisashi bowed slightly at the man. "Call me All for One, or..." feeling a bit more reassured at his situation, he tried something more akin to a juxtaposition "Sensei..."
The black-mist man narrowed his eyes once more at the man before speaking in his polite-yet harrowing tone. "Fine... 'Sensei' What is it that you have come here to discuss about?" he asked.
"Ah yes, but first, wouldn't you like to give me a tour of your fine establishment?" Hisashi, or All for One asked.
He didn't actually know, most likely because there was no visuals signifying this. But, he could feel the man had raised his eyebrow at that request.
"Why though? Could we not discuss this out here on the porch?" the misty man asked.
"Of course, but part of my deal requires to see the inside of this lovely pub" he said with a sickly smile. Far too suspicious for a simple business man.
"Fine..." The bartender rolled his eyes, well Hisashi thought the man rolled his eyes. He was just judging it by how his slits slightly shifted.
They walked into a rustic and fairly simple bar, the man with the portal quirk walked behind the bar counter and cleared his throat as Hisashi, or All for One, sat parallel to the bartender.
"This Might be stereotypical but..." the mist man said with a cough, "what's your poison?" he asked as he gestured to the ensemble of liquors behind him.
Hisashi gave a hearty chuckle before replying. "Whiskey, if you have it" he said. The mist-man nodded before pouring the alcohol into a glass and adding ice.
"I personally prefer vodka myself, but that's just my niche pick" the man said with a shrug as he too poured himself a glass of alcohol with ice as he walked out of the counter and sat besides the black-haired man.
"So... to what do I owe the honor of you visiting my little establishment at this time of day?" the mist-man asked with a small sip of vodka.
"As I said, I came here to negotiate... for some events I wish to carry out" Hisashi said with an equal sip of his cup. "But before that, I need a name. I can't just call you 'mist man' in my thoughts now can I?" he asked with his charming smile.
"No, No you cannot" the transporter said with a deadpan expression on his misty face. "Kurogiri, call me Kurogiri..." he now announced his name.
"Black mist huh?..." Hisashi mused to himself out loud while rubbing his chin "Subtle..." he said with a smirk.
"You have your secrets 'Sensei', I have mine" Kurogiri stated with a shake of his head. "Now..." setting down his glass of Vodka, Kurogiri turned his attention to the man sitting besides him. "What is it that you oh so needed to discuss with me?" he asked.
"Well... let's just say that I... need transportation, especially considering the kind of 'occupation' that I have..." he replied, taking another sip of his alcohol filled drink.
He just needed the word "transportation" and he already knew what the man needed. "And... what would I be getting out of this little deal?" Kurogiri asked with a unseen raised eyebrow.
"Well..." All for One began, "you'd be getting the one thing that you've been craving for since that time you killed that CEO" he stated, Kurogiri tilted his head a bit in confusion as the man besides him chuckled.
"I can erase it, Kurogiri. The nightmares, the rage, the sadness, the doubt swimming in your head. And all it takes is for you..." All for one said, his smile growing more and more as he could see Kurogiri start considering the proposition. "To say yes"
"Maybe... Maybe..." The mist man said as he hung his head on his palm, taking a big swig out of the vodka besides him, drinking the whole glass in one sip. "This deal, it sounds too good to be true... tell me... is my quirk the only thing that you need?" he asked, looking directly into the man's raven black eyes. Seeing if he could find any shred of deception laced in with his silver tongue.
"Of course not" Hisashi chuckled heartily as he took another swig of whiskey, Kurogiri raised his head to meet eyes with the notorious Criminal. "Your intelligence, your ability to keep a leveled-head in some of the most dire situations is one of the most impressive things I've seen a man do." All For One commended with a smile. "And lastly..." he trailed off, Kurogiri perking up as he anticipating the last of his offer. "I need sanctuary, a small room would be lovely"
Kurogiri blinked. Twice. He took the bottle of vodka from across the counter before taking a BIG sip. The mist man hung his head on one of his arms that was resting on the counter. He held up a hand, signifying for the other man to shake it.
Oh how Hisashi's smile stretched from ear to ear.
"Excellent" he stated, satisfied at the mist man's response. Taking the misty hand, he shook vigorously as Kurogiri gestured with his head to a door besides the counter.
"Follow me, you needed sanctuary am I correct?" the black and purple mist man asked while Hisashi followed in suit.
He was lead to a short staircase leading to a small room with 3 barrels of what he could only assume was alcohol. "This was initially supposed to be a storage cell, but I never did get around to filling and organizing this room" Kurogiri stated with a rub to his nape.
"Wonderful" All for one stated, looking around the room and then back to Kurogiri. "This room is perfect." Kurogiri nodded as he lead the man back to the bar above.
"This meeting was good, it was... refreshing." Kurogiri stated as he lead Hisashi back out the porch.
"Are you sure that it isn't just the alcohol?" the black-haired man playfully asked with a chuckle. Kurogiri just shook his head as they exchanged farewells.
Everything was falling into place. A sickly smile settling onto his face as he paced through the street-light and neon lit night. Ah yes, he forgot he was in the rather scandalous part of the city.
Giving off a satisfied sigh, Hisashi drew a content breath as he walked through the street.
As he paced through the tokyo ward, Hisashi took a glance at the glorious orange color adorning his right peripheral vision.
That wasn't right.
It was 7pm, far too late for a sunset.
Hisashi shrugged, he might as well check the incident going on at northern section of Tokyo.
He trailed off seeing a burning building with crashing debris filling the night sky with sparks from the lit wood. The smoke was sizzling through the sky, covering the moon with sparks of orange and mists of black and gray.
'Where are those useless heroes?' he asked to himself. Rubbing his chin as he glanced at the burning building.
He could probably douse this whole building with a single swipe off his finger.
But that was just asking for trouble. Besides, he didn't really want attention to spark to himself.
But he thought this was strange. There was no heroes, even patrolling ones. No police, no police tape. And no one around the general vicinity. Was everyone already evacuated?
Hisashi scratched the back of his head as he turned around and make the exit before the heroes or police actually show up. But as he was about to take his leave, he was halted by the soft yet audible sobs of a young child.
He was lead to a filthy alleyway, seeing a small shadow of a kid crying his eyes out in the end of said alleyway.
Why was he the only one in the vicinity?
He approached the child, said kid tensed and curled up into a tighter ball of nerves than before. Hisashi could see the messy grayish-blue hair and the scarlet eyes glowing in the night.
"G-Go away! I-I'm a monster..." the child pleaded at the slowly approaching All for One.
"Calm down, shhh... I'm not here to hurt you" he began, crouching down to the child's height and raising his hands up to signify that he was going in peace. "And besides..." he smirked "The only monster I see tonight is probably in the mirror as we speak" he added.
The boy tilted his head in confusion, still being a small child he didn't really have much knowledge about the surrounding world.
"Are you alright child?" Hisashi asked, looking at the boy slightly relax at the man's presence. "You wouldn't happen to know what had happened to the burning building across the block, now would you?" he asked, brushing some dirt off of when he crouched down.
The child's eyes grew teary again, globs of tears threatened to spill once more. The child clutched whatever was in his hand tighter and tighter.
Hisashi's eyes twitched for a moment and wondered why he was so shit at talking to children.
"I-it's because of m-me..." he muttered, the tall man nodded signaling for him to continue with his story.
"I-... My father was cooking for me... I accidentally touched the g-gasoline tank... then-then-then everything blew up..." tear started to leak from his eyes, staining the cold concrete that he was wallowing in. "I killed him! I killed dad!" he cried out.
Hisashi consoled the child, much to his protest. From what he gathered, the child had a disintegration quirk. And that thing he was clutching?
Yeah, that was the hand he managed to salvage from the corpse of his father.
All for one had the strange feeling of disgust and intrigue mixed into one as he took a closer look at the child. He deduced that this mystery boy was around 4 or so years older than his own son. Well, 18th son.
"The heroes..." All for one began taking a glance at the child listening intently at his words "They never came... did they?" he asked.
The gray-haired boy shook his head as a gloomy tone accompanied his voice. "N-no, they didn't" he stated, wiping some mucus from his nose off with his sleeve.
"They're selfish... aren't they?" Hisashi asked. The boy tilted his head in confusion, the man repressed his instinct to sigh at the clueless child.
"They only come to save the day when it's beneficial for them. When they get acknowledged, like publicity stunts. Then leave people to die when their pockets don't get filled" he said, the boy blinking as if thinking through the information that he was given. The boy looked at the night sky, adorned by small sparks of orange from the burning building from across the street.
Then he saw it.
The rage the boy now expressed as he just realized that the so called 'Heroes' left him and his father for dead. "I hate them" he started... gritting his teeth as he unconsciously tightened the pinkyless grip on his father's hand.
"I"ll kill them! All of them!" he yelled into the night, All for one gave the biggest grin that he could muster up, he had added yet another (soon to be) powerful pawn to his little game.
"Now that you've seen the cancer of this society, what will you do with this information?" he asked, holding his hand out for the boy to grab. The child clutched onto it with vigor, carefully avoiding his pinky. He steeled his scarlet eyes as he met Hisashi's raven black eyes as well.
"Help me, help me wipe them out" he pleaded to the man. The black-haired man got an amused glint in his eyes as a smirk adorned his face.
"Very well then" he nodded as he took his hand back from the scarlet-eyed boy. "Call me All for One... or Sensei, if you will" Hisashi said to the boy as he nodded.
"I-I'm Shimura Tenko..." Hisashi resisted the urge to widen his eyes.
This... this child was related to one of his worst enemies.
Discarded, thrown away and ignored by the heroes.
This might be the best insult to those altruistic asses.
He was about to train one of HER relatives.
'Nana Shimura' he rehearsed in his head.
She would be rolling in her grave if she knew what was happening.
'I hope you're watching from hell' he thought to himself with a smirk on his face. 'Because this child definitely will be raising hell when I'm done with him'
A/N ahh, back to writing once more. btw if anyone is asking, this is the Villainous Siblings Re-write that I've promised.
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