Chapter 8
They need to put him to sleep. NoKu spots Bakugo and wrinkles his nose. "Oh, you lived? I hoped you'd bleed out." He sighs. "Oh well. Plenty of time to fix that." He turns to look at Ida and Uraraka, who have gone from concerned and worried to straight up scared. "But for now, who are these lovely people? I would LOVE to meet them." Suddenly, he's not in the ropes anymore, he's popped up in front of Ida, as if he materialized out of his shadow. Ida takes a half-step back. "I like your glasses. Nice and square." He observes, then turns, and then does it again, this time in front of Todoroki. "You must be a powerful fighter to have a scar like that." He takes off his gloves, then takes one of Shoto's hands and holds it up to his. "And yet your hands aren't at all. Unlike mine, they're rather banged up." He backs up so he can see all of them, and puts the gloves back on.
"I believe this is where I leave you." He announces, glancing back at Todoroki.
"You may be about to have your hands full."
Shoto is looking at his hand, where purple, jagged, zigzag lines have appeared, and begun spreading across his hand and up his arm. "What'd you do, dammit?" He demands. NoKu merely grins. "You'll see." "Put him in ice, Todoroki!" Kirishima says suddenly. With some difficulty, he manages to encase him in a block of ice, but it had some sort of affect on the lines going up his arm. They're now all the way up to his neck, and don't show any signs of stopping. Once it reaches his face, his eye turns that same purple color, and he begins to make some sort of expression resembling a personal hate.
"You okay, man?" Kirishima asks.
Todoroki doesn't speak, instead he responds by sending a wave of ice in his direction.
"Kirishima!" Bakugo shouts.
"I'm okay..he barely missed me." Kirishima replies.
And that he did.
The ice is only a few inches away from his foot.
That was close. Todoroki is EASILY one of the most powerful people in this room.
Which means he's all the more dangerous to have to fight.
Bakugo flips over the couch in front of them, and then pulls Kirishima behind it with him.
"What do we do?" Uraraka asks nervously. Right. Not many people know how to-or even CAN, really-fight him.
Bu he might just have an idea.
"Round-face! Go make some shields with your Quirk!" He orders. She nods, a little hesitantly, and starts looking for things she can float. "We cover her till she's done," He continues. "Then try and get him outside. Less damage to the space and it'll make fighting easier." Ida and Kirishima nod, and protect Uraraka as she continues on her job. "There. Will this work?" She asks. Behind her floats a table, a couch, and some chairs. "Yes, that'll work-" He pulls her to one side to stop her from getting hit with some ice. "C'mon. Let's get him outside." He grabs the table, and the others follow suit. slowly, they walk backward, luring their friend-turned-enemy out as he tries to attack them. Once they're outside, Bakugo leaps out and attacks. If he's right, he just needs to knock him out and it'll stop, so that's his goal. He drops below a blast of fire, then punches him, and blasts off before Todoroki can react. This reminds him of the sports festival, where he wouldn't use his flames, and deliberately lost the match.
Well, let's consider this to be a rematch, then.
In between his own attacks, Kirishima and Ida jump in, adding their attacks to his. Uraraka's still behind the table, except it's a bit worse for wear-there's scorch marks across it, and spots missing and cracked where it was hit with ice. A pillar of ice shoots up right in front of him, so he breaks it into big peices. Maybe she can use that. He lands on the remnants of the pillar, and quickly takes in the battle. Ida is literally trying to run circles around Todoroki, to confuse him while Kirishima darts in and out to throw him off balance. Ida finally attempts an ACTUAL attack, but his foot gets caught in ice. Then Kirishima charges at him head-on-WHAT IS HE THINKING!? Shoto'll stop him easily. And he does. But now he's distracted. If he looked up, he would see the big ice chunks floating above him. So Kirishima must be trying to give her an opening. And she takes it. He watches as the ice falls, Shoto looks up, and he cries out in pain. A piece of ice struck his face, so now he's got a bleeding line from above his eye to his cheek. It didn't hit his eye, luckily, but it's definitely there. The other pieces miss his face, hitting his shoulders and back instead. He angrily turns to where Uraraka is, still behind the table. With Ida and Kirishima stuck, he won't have to split his focus or power..
Bakugo leaps off the broken pillar, while Todoroki shoots a blast of ice at Uraraka. The table stops it, but smashes in the process. He lands in front of her, puts her arms around his neck, and leaps away again just as Shoto attacks with fire. Uraraka yelps in surprise, and holds on tightly. A bit of the flames hit his leg, but he isn't burned TOO badly. He lands out of range, and sets her down. "Thanks, Bakugo." She says. Try as he did to prevent it, she DID get a little burned. "Stay here." He orders.
She did very well. With the way her Quirk works, though, she shouldn't be on the front lines of a battle. Or at least, not at the front lines of THIS particular one.
When he turns back around, Ida has broken free, but this time he's faster. Probably using that Reciproburst move from the sports festival. That won't last for too long. He's probably upped the time, but still. Bakugo runs at Todoroki, destroying a piece of the ice trapping Kirishima as he runs past. Todoroki's Quirk is both long and short-ranged, but he seems to prefer using it from afar, while Bakugo uses his more in close combat. He jumps, one hand aimed at Shoto, and once he's close enough, he sets of an explosion, then uses his other hand to throw a blow at his unprotected side. It works. The attack wrecks a part of his shirt. That odd purple stuff is not only glowing, it actually PULSES. A sudden chill spreads up and down his arm and shoulder as Todoroki retaliates. Not only his arm-his feet are covered in ice as well. He can't move very well.
Not like that'll stop him, though.
No pain no gain, righ?
Bakugo uses his untouched arm to break the ice on his other arm, then uses that same hand to throw away Shoto's arm. He singed his arm in the process, and yet still achieved his goal: force down Todoroki's guard. This allows him to take an opening where he can send off a rapid set of attacks, ones that he WON'T be able to defend against, and therefore knock him out.
As soon as one of his punches doesn't fully connect, he reaches out and grabs Shoto's shirt collar. His head hangs back, arms limp.
He still lost.
Even with his power, even though he wasn't holding back at all, even using his flames-FINALLY-, he STILL lost to Bakugo.
This feels more like a real win.
He notices that the lines that covered him are also disappearing, now.
Maybe it's like NoKu-there until he falls asleep or is unconscious.
Speaking of.
"We need to make sure NoKu's still here." Bakugo gets straight to business, although he makes no effort to set Todoroki down. "And by 'We' you mean 'You'. No. You're hurt as well. You and I'll take him (he indicates to Shoto) and Uraraka to the nurse's office. Ida can go see to NoKu." Kirishima offers. "Indeed. You three go see to Todoroki. I'll tend to Midoriya." Bakugo turns to him. "He's alot stronger than you. Y'think you can stop him?"
He's actually genuinely concerned, but the way he voices his concern sounds like a challenge.
"Don't worry. I'll be fine."
That is how he finds himself in the nurse's office again, surprising the medical hero. "What are you boys up to..?" She mutters. "He's gonna be fine, but that cut will take at least three days to heal completely." She adds, stepping away from Todotoki, and Bakugo sighs. He leans back in the chair he sits in. "Here. Take this-It'll help with those burns." Recovery Girl hands him a small, circular container with a white substance in it. Burn Cream. He places a bit on his arm. It's cool, and surprisingly doesn't sting. He continues to use the cream, then puts it down next to Uraraka, who sits not too far away from him. She takes it gratefully. "If I'm all done here, I'm gonna go back, now." He announces, standing up. "You should rest a bit. Besides, you should be here for if or when Todoroki wakes up." Kirishima replies. "I gotta make sure he's still there!" Bakugo objects. "Well, I don't see Ida here now, telling us that something's happened, so I think it'll be fine to wait a little longer." It may not have happened YET, but it could STILL HAPPEN. That, or Ida has been stopped.
However, as if right on cue, Ida bursts through the door, and the first thing Bakugo takes notice of is that he is injured. Too recent to have been in the battle earlier. He takes a deep breath, as if he was running as fast as possible all the way here. "The hell happened to you?" Bakugo asks. "Midoriya's gone." He replies simply.
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