Chapter 5
They eventually settle on an abandoned one with concrete pillars like tree trunks holding up a stone canopy. They tie Deku to one, and debate (mainly started by Bakugo) about who should go get Aizawa. "No, man-you're hurt. Besides, you seem to know him. Which I will ask about LATER. For now, I'm going." Kirishima tells him. "Fine." Bakugo sighs. "You be careful too. He got you pretty well." He adds. With that, Kirishima is gone, and Bakugo starts to deal with his injuries, which are bleeding LESS, but still bleeding regardless. So. Recap.
His childhood friend who disappeared for over a year just showed up.
And tried to kill him.
He has all these bottles and knives, and apparently wears suits now.
But still wearing those damn red shoes.
And it's his fault.
He caused this.
And to make things worse, he got Kirishima wrapped up in it, too!
He HAS to fix it.
He WILL fix it.
"Kac..chan." He pauses. Did Deku speak? His head's still down as if he's still unconscious. "I'm sorry."
Nope, definitely awake.
But this sounds different-not like when he was fighting him. "I..tried to get-to get out. I tried to run. But I couldn't. I'm sorry. They messed with-with my head." His voice is wracked with sadness and despair. Something falls onto the floor. A tear.
Should he do something to help? Or just let him finish speaking? Sympathy isn't exactly his strong suit.
"I never hurt you."
Ah, screw it.
He crouches down in front of Deku, and hugs him. Not quite GOOD at hugs yet, given the lack of hugs he ever had or gave in his life, but he knows how to do it. "You ain't got a single thing to be sorry for. Look-if I hadn't been such a jerk in the first place, we wouldn't BE here. Okay?" Bakugo tells him. Cold tears drip onto his shoulder as Deku continues to cry. Bakugo has to blink back some tears of his own. Just because Deku's crying and this is a sad-but-happy moment doesn't mean HE has to cry too. Finally, he releases Deku and sits in front of him. "Tell me what happened to you." He orders. "The day you blew up my notebook..a man appeared and told me to come with him to meet his friend. I tried to run. I really did. But this big, black monster got me. They said they'd make me better. More like you. They said they'd give me a Quirk of my own. But it wasn't just one." Deku shudders. "It was many. And it HURT. It HURT so bad I wanted to die to be rid of the pain sometimes. And then something happened. I gained another consciousness, and it took over my body. THAT is what you met earlier. He controls my body. And he wants to kill you." He explains. "Hate to tell you this, but I don't think I'm gonna die any time soon. Least of all due to a murderous version of you." Bakugo assures him. But pieces of this puzzle might be clicking into place, now.
A part of him silently yells in anger as he realizes something.
He might know exactly WHAT happened to him and WHO did it.
"He won't stop. He's been getting ready for this since the day he came. And it's..and it's not just you he wants.." Deku shivers again as if the mere thought of what he's about to say horrifies him. "They want him to kill All might, too."
These people want him to kill ALL MIGHT?!
No offence to All Might, but in the state he's in, it's actually very possible.
"WHO wants you to kill All Might?" He asks sharply.
"They call themselves the League of Villians."
He was right.
"I know 'em. Tried to get me to join them not that long ago." He remembers the weird group, and how they thought they could win him over for their stupid villain plan. But why would they want him dead now? He knows they would want All Might dead, but him..? Is this because he said no?
"But they already tried-and failed-to kill All Might, so I don't think anyone could kill him at this point." Bakugo wards off the small shiver that wants to go through him at the thought of All Might dying. "And I'll make SURE you stay in control. You won't have to worry about hurting anyone again." He adds. he hopes this statement is convincing, because at the moment, he has NO idea how he's gonna get him out of this hell he's in right now.
"You can't trust me. Not with this..Other me." Deku shakes his head. "Not exactly. I can trust YOU, specifically-I just can't trust the other guy." Bakugo corrects. "I'm only here till he wakes up, and then I'm as good as gone, as if I were dead. I can watch and observe everything around me, but I can't DO anything. I'm fairly sure he doesn't even know I'm there, even." Deku explains. "Well, Kirishima and I'll just keep you asleep." Bakugo replies. "Kirishima's your friend, right? The boy with the red hair?" He nods. "We both go to U.A. together." At the mention of the famed hero school, Deku's face lights up. "I knew you'd get in!" He says happily. "And, we got All Might teaching us too, along with other pros. Our homeroom teacher's called Eraser Head." At the mention of All Might, he gets even more exited. "Really? What's it like?" Bakugo can't help but smile. "Same old All Might fanboy I knew." He nudges Deku's foot with his own. "It's interesting, to put it simply." As they continue speaking, this tight, constricting feeling in Bakugo's chest starts to ease.
They hear a rapid set of footsteps.
"I got him!" Kirishima announces. His posture becomes wary when he notices that Deku's awake. "He's okay." Bakugo assures him just as Eraser Head walks into view. His eyes narrow when he sees Deku. "I know him-I was one of the heroes sent off to look for him. So how did YOU find him?" He asks. "Because I was sent to kill Kacchan. They stopped me." Deku explains. "And what do you have to say, Bakugo?" Aizawa turns to him. "Deku isn't a threat to ANYONE. The person we fought..that was NOT. HIM. No, we need to keep him SAFE." He tells him, his voice sure and steady. "Why must we protect him?" "Because he's important to the League." Bakugo answers. "It's true-they did multiple Quirk experiments on me, which makes me sure I'd be important to them." Kirishima inhales sharply, looking meaning fully at Bakugo, who gives him a 'I'll explain later' look. Eraser Head stays calm. "I see. And how do you suggest we go about that?" Aizawa challenges. He'll want a RATIONAL answer, and this is the best one he can think of.
"We take him to U.A."
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