Noby Galaxy: First Class - Chapter 2
- Wake up! - someone said before hitting something.
- Ah, my head... Mom, I had a really bad dream. I dreamt I was late - Noby lifted his head and looked at the clock. It was already 2 p.m. - Feels like I'm still dreaming.
- Noby Galaxy, right? - asked a woman.
- Where am I, and what does Interpol want with me? - he replied, rubbing his head.
- How do you know I'm from Interpol?
- If you think your badge only shows when you want it to, you're dead wrong.
- Damn it, but back to the point - she hid the badge - Noby Galaxy, right?
- Yep, in the flesh.
- I'm Special Agent Kazumi, and I'm here asking for your help.
- First of all, "Special Agent" my ass, because as far as I know, Interpol is like an international police force, and you don't exactly look like 007.
Before Kazumi could say something obscene, Noby continued.
- And second, why would a "Special Agent" ask for help from a simple high school student?
- You're ideal for this job. Where did you learn to fight like that?
- My mom forced me to take self-defense classes. Guess it was worth paying attention.
- And this was the third robbery you stopped just this month. Don't you think that's a bit of a coincidence?
- Let's just say trouble follows me around, but what kind of job are we talking about?
- We have information that a man is going to detonate a bomb at your school.
- What?! But why?
- We don't know, but our source informed us that the attack could happen in three days.
- Wait, on the day of the interschool sports festival?
- Now it makes more sense, but why would he do that?
- That's what I should be asking you. But just to be clear, none of the classes I took taught me how to disarm a bomb.
- That's why I brought a specialist. Her name is Yuki.
- And where is she?
Kazumi grabbed her radio and whispered something, then sat down and said:
- Can you open the door?
Okay - Noby answered, suspiciously. He opened the door and saw no one around - There's no one here.
Hey! - said a voice. Noby looked down and saw a little girl - Are you blind or what?
- Sorry, I thought you were someone's kid around here - Noby had seen her but couldn't believe she was Yuki - But who are you?
- I'm Yuki - she said angrily, knowing full well she wasn't that small.
Noby let out a loud laugh and replied:
- I never thought anyone could make me laugh today, but seriously, who are you?
Being small made Yuki extremely agile; she kicked Noby's leg, making him fall, and pointed a knife at his neck.
- Do you believe me now? - she said sarcastically, but Noby managed to disarm her and point the knife at her neck.
- Now I do.
- Knock it off, both of you - Kazumi said, annoyed. They both got up, and she continued - So, -Noby, do you accept or not?
- I accept, but I have one request in mind.
After settling everything, Kazumi let him go, and Shizuki, who was in the next room, joined him as they headed straight to school.
They managed to enter the classroom without any issues because the teacher wasn't there.
- Where were you? - asked the friend beside him, named Valick. Noby explained everything, being precise in his arguments.
- Knowing you, I think I already know what your request was - Valick asked curiously.
- We'll see if we're really in sync in a second.
The teacher calmly entered the classroom, announcing the arrival of a new student.
Next, Yuki entered wearing the school uniform but with cat ears and a tail.
- What the hell!... - Even Valick didn't see that one coming...
End of chapter.
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