Chapter 1
"Baek baby come on let me stay the night" Lucas smiles his big smile towards his boyfriend as he stands on the tiled roof of the conservatory just outside Baekhyuns bedroom window.
"Lucas I can't my parents can come in at any minute and catch us" Baekhyun keeps looking at the door making sure nobody is coming as he tries so hard to make his boyfriend leave.
"Come on baby I will be super quiet and I can hide under the bed or in your private bathroom. We can wait till they go to bed and then I can join you in bed" Lucas climbs back in the room to Baekhyun's surprise as he pulls the smaller in for a kiss. "You liked me staying the other night holding you in my arms" Lucas playfully says while wrapping his arms around Baekhyun's waist pulling him in closer before kissing his delicate neck.
"My parents where not here then. They could walk in any minute Lucas please" Baekhyun begins to panic more now as he can hear footsteps along the wooden hallway just outside his room.
Diving under the bed Lucas hides as a knock comes to Baekhyun's door as he sits on his bed pretending to be doing his college essay. "Come in" he shouts as his father steps inside. "Your mother and I are heading out for the night as its our anniversary. Behave and don't get up to any trouble ok. Luhan will be home late so we will see you in the morning" Baekhyun nods hardly hearing the rest of his father's words as he is too busy hoping he doesn't notice his boyfriend hiding under the bed.
"Are you staying anywhere nice tonight?" Baekhyun asks as his father steps in the room more making his way over to the bed. "I'm taking your mother out for dinner and then we are staying in a 5 star hotel so please for the love of god don't cause any problems for your brother tonight please your mother and I want to enjoy our evening and not get phone calls from the neighbours complaining about you too"
"I have a lot on for college dad I promise there will be no trouble now shouldn't you be going to get ready for your night with mom" Baekhyun guides his father out of the room closing the door behind him as he takes a deep breath and releases it delighted that his father didn't see his boyfriend.
"Oh is this your diary?" he hears Lucas from under the bed making him rush towards the bed dropping to his knees and looking under. "Dont you dare read that" Baekhyun grabs it free from his boyfriends hands and places it in his bottom drawer of his locker.
"I wouldn't read it baby so don't worry but since your mum and dad are heading out tonight that could mean one thing" Lucas wiggles his eyebrows as he pulls the smaller into his body before kissing him. "It means they are going out nothing more" Baekhyun looks up as Lucas pouts making Baekhyun laugh as his cuteness. "Come on baby let tonight be the night please" Baekhyun breaks free from his boyfriend's arms and sits on the bed with his head lowered. Lucas drops to his knees in front of Baekhyun grabbing both his hands.
"Come on baby we said we would try it. We can light candles and make the night special for you" Lucas waits as Baekhyun looks up at him. "I know we said we would try sex but I'm not so sure if I'm ready yet" Baekhyun looks back down again as Lucas grabs his chin making him look back up before moving in for a kiss. "OK well how about I spend the night and we can watch some movies and just spend time together and if sex happens it happens no pressure". Baekhyun smiles as he likes the idea. "OK well come back later when they have gone that way I can get some work done without you distracting me" Baekhyun gets up from the bed and watches as Lucas climbs out the window and stands just outside again on the small rooftop."See you later then beautiful " Lucas winks as he climbs down and rushes off making sure not to be seen by Baekhyun's parents.
"Crazy guy" Baekhyun giggles to himself as he sits and wonders should tonight be the night he finally looses his virginity. Should Lucas be the one to take it?. Laying back on the bed he covers his face with a pillow drowning out the screams of frustration of what is the right thing to do.
"Lucas piss you off again?" Baekhyun jumps removing the pillow as he sees his brother Luhan the brother that can do no wrong standing in his bedroom after climbing in the window. "I told you before about climbing in my window" Baekhyun huffs as Luhan checks himself out in the full length mirror. "And what are you gonna do about it, tell on me" Luhan laughs as he turns to face Baekhyun.
"You climb in my room at all hours of the night maybe mom and dad should know your out half the night probably sleeping with half the town". Baekhyun says as his brother looks at him pissed off now.
"Well at least I am getting some, not much can be said for a virgin like you who is keeping Lucas at arms length. Poor guys dick is probably turning blue from not having sex. I told you before if you don't let him have it someone else will" luhan winks and leaves the room making Baekhyun even more pissed off now. Should he sleep with Lucas or wait. Will he lose him if he denies him sex anymore.
Opening a new search bar on his laptop he searches if he needs to prep for having sex for the first time because if tonight will be the night he wants to be ready.
Hundreds of miles away
"So back here again another summer in Mountain Heights" Sehun one of the dancers of the place says as he drops his bags on the wooden floor of the practice room before falling down on the couch.
"Yeah back again, I don't think I could ever get sick of this place" Kai another dancer joins in as he too can't wait to start dancing again.
"Yeah back to work. I wonder what type of people we will have this year. Old or young we all know you like the oldies Sehun" Chanyeol the main dancer of the holiday resort says making Sehun huff "That was one time she looked amazing for her age" Sehun blushes remembering how old the lady was he was teaching how to dance and how one night after a dance competition he got so drunk he ended up sleeping with her.
"Told you not to be with the guests, we will lose this jobs and it pays us well more then we would get anywhere else" Chanyeol tries to warn them off but knows himself he too slept with a guests before and nearly got caught.
" Finally you all arrived" the owner of the resort joins them making Chanyeol pay attention. "So this year let's keep the dancing clean. Teach them all the classics like ballroom and the cha cha. I don't want to hear what goes on up the mountain in the dance staff quarters and I don't want my guests to either. Yes flirt with the ladies or gents but that's a far as it goes. No guest beyond the gate do I make myself clear Chanyeol?" Chanyeol smiles his cheeky smile as he removes his sun glasses and leather jacket. "We will stick to the rules once your stuck up staff stay away from my dance staff and they stay the hell away from our cabins also" Chanyeol stands face to face with the boss.
"Deal but I mean it Chanyeol any trouble this year and your all gone, Finished in Mountain Heights for good"
"Hey bro where you want these bags?" a smaller dark haired guy no more then 18 joins them making chanyeol and the boss step away from each other.
"Who is this?" the owner asks as the smaller moves closer "I'm Shotaro Chanyeol's brother, nice to meet you" Shotaro holds out his hand as the boss looks at it before shaking it. "Nice to see you have more people joining you Chanyeol maybe this year you will win the dance competition" the boss says smugly before heading off out the door as Kai and Sehun jump up and stop Chanyeol from running after him and ripping his head off knowing full well it wasn't his fault he broke his ankle last year.
"Man if I didn't enjoy dancing so much I'd be well out of this place". Chanyeol frees himself from his friends before grabbing his bag. "Come on little brother let me show you around before the real fun starts this weekend".
to be continued....
❤️C ❤️
First chapter up, let's see how this story goes
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