The Dangerous Game
Brittany's pov:
"Why do we have to play this game Alison it makes no since....." "SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN!!!!" "More like hell." "Shut up Ej!!" "I'm gonna agree with Britt on this one Alison besides all Ej is gonna do is whine cause he never did it before...." "S-SHUT U-U-UP M-MASKY!!!!" "Don't worry i'm bringing more of our friends over." "But it won't make since they'll think i'm kissing my self." "That's why we're gonna get them drunk." "You girls have a mind of your own huh." "HELLS YEAH!"
--- Time passing by while the other friend of ours come by---
"LAINEY!!!" "Hey douche bags whats going on?" Ali and I take Lainey to another room and tell here every thing. Three......Two.....One. "WHAT THE FUCK,LIU IS NOT IMAGINE-NARY BUT HE'S RIGHT HERE WITH ME!!!!" "Hey....." We all walk back to Ali room calm like nothing happened. "Why do guys have to yell?" "Whatever Ej." "So who's going first?" "Me and Masky will go first." Ali take's Masky's hand,and walk's to the large closet. "SEVEN MINUTE'S START.......NOW!!!!"
---They are inside the closet---
"......................................................................ouch.........................." "What the-" "SIX MINUTE'S!!" "Lainey I'm scared now I regret this!!!" "Don't worry you know what's going on in there?" "Does it look like i'm in there,also I would rather no-" "................................*GASP* stop that........................." "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN THERE!?!?!?!" "FIVE MINUTE'S!!!" "Oh yeah,hey lainey how much do you like getting drunk?" "ALL THE WAY CROSS THE DOUBLE RAINBOW BITCH!" "Great! Then you have a present for's something Russians drink for breakfast..." "VODKAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" "Yep." ".........................................................*sigh*..............." "Um.........." "Lainey-" *bump bump bump,bam bam BAM* "Uh girls.........that does not sound normal......." "No shit Liu." "THREE MINUTE'S!!" "Okay where is the vodka?" "I think it's in the other probably in the guest room in that blue bag." "Alright brb peps,keep the game up okay!" "Hurry it's almost time to choose who's going next! "Hey Ej help me find the blue bag." "Okay.....but Brittany I have something to say,it's important." "Sure but hurry we don't have much time." "Yeah that's right....uh how do I put this-" "SEVEN MINUTES ARE UP,TIME TO PICK THE NEXT PEOPLE!" "Damnit not now..." Me and Ej walk to the other room hoping it's not us that will be next. "Alright you two come out." Ali comes out the closet with a comb stuck in her hair. "What happened?" "Don't ask..." "Aright fine me and Ej are next." "ALRIGHT!" "Ej is just gonna chicken out like always." "S-SHUT U-UP!" "Stop being a bully Masky." "SEVEN MINUTES STARTS KNOW!"
---Me and Ej in the closet now......please help me......---
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