Telling everyone
Guys one of my favorite shows is being taken off of Netflix. How could they do this to me? It is an amazing show. It is called Psych. And it is amazing. And I won't be able to watch it anywhere else. I'm so sad :(
I'll live I guess.
Max's POV
" So Charlotte I can't wait to go to lunch but we still need to work. So why don't you go look at restaurants around here then I'll call or text you when we are ready. Sound like a plan?" I asked.
" Okay sounds good" she said.
" Awesome. See you later" y/n said.
" Yep" Charlotte said walking away.
" So" y/n said.
" Thank you for what you said. About being my girlfriend. You really saved me" I said.
" No problem. But we need to tell the others. Should we tell them it's real or fake?" she asked.
" We tell them it's real. She is really good at knowing when people are lying. And the guys will give some sign it's not real." I answered. I really don't want to get caught lying to Charlotte. Her, her family, and my family would kill me.
" Okay then should we call a meeting to tell the guys?" she asked.
" Maybe we should go to each person one at a time. And if there is more then one in a room the better. Want to start here?" I asked.
" Let's do it" she said.
" Okay. Hey guys can you listen to me for a sec?" I asked the other editors.
They all turned to look at me. I heard y/n take a deep breath. I smiled and put my hand on her far shoulder. " Me and y/n have talked and have decided to tell you something. We have been dating for about a week now. And now we want you to know. So comments?" I said.
" This is amazing! I knew it would happen. But Adams owes me 20 bucks" Tim said.
" What?" y/n asked. She was mad and you could hear it.
" Oh um was that wrong to say?" he asked. I saw Jordan turn back to his computer. I smiled. Smart guy.
" 2o bucks?" she asked again moving out of my arm.
" I bet Adam that you two would start dating. He said you wouldn't and then he put out 20 dollars. He said that I had five mounts for it to happen. And I guess I won" he said sinking into his chair.
" He" she started. Then she took a deep breath and smiled.
" Thank you Tim. But that is not something you do to friends. Or twin sisters" she said getting mad again.
" Okay." I said clapping my hands " So we gonna go and talk to other people. Before someone is murdered" I said as I dragged y/n away from Tim.
" How could Adam do that? I'm already mad at him" she said.
" I know. But he thinks he did nothing wrong. And so do you. So on to the next group of people." I said.
" Okay" she said.
" Next is Em. You want to take this one? I'll go tell Ross near by" I said.
" Sounds perfect" she said.
I pushed her into Em's office and left to go get Ross. When I got there I knocked on his door. " Come in" he said.
" Hey Ross I have something to tell you" I said happy sounding.
" What is it?" he asked excided.
" I'm dating y/n!" I said doing jazz hands.
" What? Since when?" he asked.
" Last week" I said.
" Oh. Why didn't any one know?" he asked.
" Oh Um" I thought. " We wanted to see if we could last at least one week without any pressure. If we could do that then we could last with other people knowing" I said. It didn't make sense to me but oh well.
" Makes sense. Where is y/n?" he asked.
" Oh she is telling Em" I said.
Your POV
I walked into Em's office. " Hey Em" I said.
" Hey y/n you need anything?" she asked.
" No but I need to tell you something" I said.
" Oh okay. Come sit down." she said. She sounded worried.
" First do you remember what I said about Max last night?" I asked.
She smiled " Did you tell him?" she asked.
I smiled. If only. " No but that was my way of starting to tell you something. And that is that me Max are dating" I said.
" Why didn't you tell me last night?" she asked.
" Oh I just got to scared to tell you. But we decided to tell everyone today so here I am" I said.
" Why would you be scared?" she asked.
" I don't know" I said.
She laughed. "Well you should go tell other people now" she said.
" Okay thanks for taking it so well" I said walking to the door.
" No problem. Oh but y/n if he hurts you just say the word and I'll snap his neck" she said.
I laughed and said " No problem. Bye"
" Bye" she said.
I walked over to Ross's office and met Max there. I was still laughing.
" What's so funny?" he asked.
" Oh Em just said that if you hurt me then she will snap your neck" I answered.
" Oh okay. Well I better not break your heart then" he said.
" Better not" I said.
Time Skip to the last person
" Do we have to?" I whined.
" Yes. One because he is still part of the offices and two he is still your brother" Max said.
" But I'm mad at him." I said.
" We still need to tell him" he said.
" Let's just get it over with" I said opening Adam's door.
" Hey y/n what brings you by?" he asked.
" Me and Max have to tell you something" I said dragging Max into the room.
" And that is?" he asked.
" We are dating" I said.
" What?" Adam asked getting up off his chair.
" It's just as it sounds" I said.
" Um maybe you should be nicer about it" Max whispered to me.
I ignored him.
" Max can you please leave. Just so we can talk?" Adam asked.
" Okay" Max said leaving the room.
" How could you not tell me?" he asked.
" Well I wanted to wait to tell everyone at once Plus I'm kind of mad at you right now." I answered.
He looked sad. " Hey I need to tell you something" he said.
" What is it?" I asked. He worried me by the tone of his voice. Even if I was mad I still cared.
" Um I know your mad at me but you still need to know. You are my sister after all. I have a thing called Bulimia Nervosa. It is a eating disorder. I'm going to a hospital or something to fix it. It will take about two months. And I need it to get better. I I just want to feel normal again" he said. He started crying.
" Oh Adam" I going over to hug him. " I'm sorry I got so mad at you. But if it is as bad as you need to go to a hospital then I will visit you as much as I can. But from now on you NEED to tell me about these things okay?" I said not letting him go in the process.
" Okay" he said.
" Great. Now are we the loving twins again?" I asked letting him go to look at him.
" Yes. Yes we are. Now to deal with your boyfriend" he said wiping his tears.
" Not to harsh okay?" I asked laughing.
" No promises" he said as we walked put his door.
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