I don't think I named the mother so you can name her. Y/m/n is your mothers name.
Your POV
When I woke up I was happy to find that Max was not too close to me. I sat up and looked around. Max was still sleeping. I should go before Max's parents wake up. I got out of bed and grabbed my clothes from yesterday and went to the bathroom to change. When I was done I put the clothes back in his room and went upstairs to write a note saying where I was going. When I got up stairs I saw Ava and Ryan were up. Great.
" Hey. What are you guys doing up?" I asked.
" Just having coffee. Louisiana is 2 hours ahead" Ava said.
" Oh okay that makes sense." I said looking for a pen and paper.
" What are you looking for?" Ava asked.
" Just a pen and paper. I have to go" I answered.
" Oh don't worry we can tell Max where you went" Ryan said.
" Really? Uh thank you" I said looking at them. They were sitting at the table across from each other looking at me.
" No problem" she said.
" Well uh have a good day" I said walking over to the door.
" Bye" they both said. I walked out the door and to Max's car when I realized he drove me here.
I sighed. Great now I get to spend time with them till Max wakes up. I walked back into the house.
" Back already?" Ava asked.
" No I just forgot that Max was the one who drove me here" I answered.
" Oh. What time do you need to meet Adam?" Ava asked.
" I have to meet Adam at my apartment at around noon" I said.
" Okay well what time is it now?" she asked.
" It's 7:34" Ryan said.
" I have enough time. Max should wake up in time" I said.
" Oh don't worry. He will be up before then" his mom said.
" Um okay." I said. I was just kind of standing there. Awkwardly.
" Oh please come sit" Ava said pulling out a chair next to her.
" Thank you" I said sitting next to her.
" So I have a surprise for you and Max" Ava said.
" Oh? And what is it?" I asked.
She laughed a little " It's a surprise silly. You need to wait."
" Okay. Well if it gets to 8 and Max is not up I will wake him up." I said.
" That sounds good" Ryan said.
I smiled.
" So you and Max met through Amy?" Ava said starting a conversation.
" Uh yes we did. My mom is one of her best friends" I answered.
" Ahhh and who is your mother?" Ava asked.
" Uh y/m/n" I answered.
" Oh I remember Amy telling us about her" Ryan said.
" Oh yes the lady with the daughter who couldn't talk. Do you have a sister?" she asked.
I smiled and laughed a little " Uh no. I have a brother but we grew up in different homes"
" Then how?" she asked.
" Um Adam, Max, and my friend Em helped me. And I think it helped that when I went to their work a lot of people were talking and I could hear the words" I said.
It was quite for a few seconds. " I'm very proud of you for over coming that" she said.
" Thank you" I said.
" Hey y/n what ya doing here?" Tim asked standing in the doorway.
" Look who's awake" I said like he was a baby.
" Oh shut up" he said walking over to come sit down.
" Aw come on. Max and Ross are still sleeping." I said.
" So?" he asked. Ava and Ryan were back to drinking their coffee.
" I don't know. Just facts" I said.
He laughed " Okay"
" The yep" I said popping the p.
" So what time is it now?" I asked Ryan.
" Uh it's 7:56" he answered.
I sighed and got up " Well Max you've had enough sleep"
His mom and dad laughed as I started to walk to Max's room. Once I got to Max's room I opened the door.
" Maxxxxx" I said whispering.
After he didn't wake up I straightened my back. How rude of him not to wake up. Even after I asked so nicely. Well we'll just have to punish him now won't we? Serves him right. I grabbed Max's phone and speaker. He told me his password, well more like I saw him type it in, but same thing. I synced his phone with the speaker and turned it up really high. Then I opened YouTube.
Tim's POV
After y/n decided to do and wake Max up I was left to talk to Max's parents. They are nice people and I really like them. I just don't think they like y/n very much. Then again I think they wanted him to date Charlotte. I think that whole thing with Charlotte was stupid.
About 2 minutes after y/n went to wake Max we heard the faint sound of music, Max's scream, y/n's laughter and screams at Max. I started laughing once I recognized the song.
Max's POV
" What is wrong with you? Who plays Frozen to wake someone up!" I said. She was laughing and trying to sing along to the lyrics.
" LET IT GO" she screamed.
" No! What's wrong with you. Most people would just shake the person. But no I picked the one person who plays Frozen to wake me up" I said pretending to be mad.
She just laughed even harder and screamed " LET IT GO. LET IT GOO TURN AWAY AND SLAM THE DOOR"
I laid back down on the bed and put my hands on my face.
She jumped on the bed. " Aww come on Maxy don't be like that"
" Like what?" I asked through my hands.
" A butt" she answered.
" You're a butt" I answered.
" That was rude and uncalled for" she answered.
I laughed and took my hands off my face so I could see her " I thought that was my line"
" Nope not anymore" she answered. She was just staring at the ceiling.
" So I'm guessing you want me to drive you to your apartment?" I said.
" Yes please" she said looking at me.
" Okay. Turn off the awful music and we can go." I said getting up.
She put a hand on my chest and pushed me down " Shhhhhhh it's almost over" she said.
I laughed " Okay weirdo"
" Shut up psycho" she answered.
I gasped " Rude!"
She just laughed. After the song was finished I changed and y/n waited outside.
Sorry for all the POV switches but Your POV
As I waited for Max to be done I played around on his phone. Like I gave him a six digit password that was my birthday. I used his Twitter to see what reaction I could get from people if I Tweeted a poem about Mad Max. But, sadly, by the time I was done with Twitter so was he.
" What are you doing?" he asked.
" Just changed your password." I answered giving him his phone back.
" To what?" he asked as we walked up the stairs.
" My birthday" I answered.
He laughed and shook his head.
" What was that?" Tim asked as soon as he saw us.
I started laughing. It was not that funny but to me, it was. Max just rolled his eyes.
" What? I heard a noise, music, and the screaming and laughter. What happened?" Tim asked again. Ryan and Ava hadn't moved.
" Y/n played music to wake me up. She kind of screamed the lyrics." Max answered.
" Yep. Now Max will you drive me?" I asked.
" No need to hurry" he said walking to the door.
" I know I know but I want to shower. And I love to take forever" I said following him to the door.
He laughed " Bye mom. Bye dad. I'll be back soon." He then walked out.
" Bye" I said following him.
" Bye" everyone said.
" Wait! Wait I almost forgot" Ava yelled after us.
" Max your mom wants something" I said before he got to the car.
" Yes mom?" He asked poking his head through the door.
" I almost forgot. We are having dinner with Charlotte tonight. That is if you don't have any plans y/n." Ava said.
" No uh I don't" I answered.
" Great I'll see you then?" she said.
" Yep" I said. I really didn't want to. This is what my week is going to look like.
" Well have fun shopping" she said.
" Bye" I said.
Once we were outside and I'm car did we talk. " So this will be a fun night" I said.
" Yes it is. Hey can I ask you a question that all girls hate" he asked.
I laughed " Is it how much I weigh?"
He laughed " No. No it's not. What are your sizes. I want to buy you an outfit for the dinner" he asked.
" Uh okay" I said. I told him I would text it to him so he wouldn't forget.
Okay so for like the ending my cat was laying on my hand and it was so hard to type. Anyways have a good day/night. Bye!
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