Your POV
We were driving to the restaurant that we were going to meet at. She had a rental car and already knew were to go. Smart girl.
" Max how is she so bad?" I asked looking at him.
" She just has the idea that we need to be together. I guess her parents talked to her about it." he said.
" Well how is that so bad. She really seems nice" I said.
" Well she is a great actress. And just you wait." he said.
" Well tell me what is so bad" I said again.
" I don't really know. She's just one of those people, to me anyway, you don't like but you don't know why. And our parents were really hoping that we would happen. Our parents are like best friends so they thought it would be amazing if we got together. So they made plans. Like in a fairytale" he said.
I laughed " Yeah. Yeah it is"
" Well once I was old enough to understand I started to complain to my parents about it all. That's when hey offered me the compromise. If I don't have a girlfriend by 21 then I would date her." he said.
" Oh okay. Well she still seems nice. But the whole marriage thing. That sucks" I said.
" Yeah. But now you have saved me so we all good." he said.
" Yeah" I said smiling. Maybe he likes me in that way.
" Well I wonder how her parents will react to the news. I wonder how my parents will react to the news." he said.
" Well how mad can they be? I mean their son is happy. Or seems to be happy." I said remembering that it was not a real relationship.
" Well they were happy that it might happen. I mean I never called to say I have a girlfriend so they probably were happy to see it happen." he said.
" Yeah well it was something they had planned for a very long time. And then that all gets ruined. Even if it is your life" I said.
" Yeah guess you're right. We are here. She picked Adams favorite sushi place. Weird" he said.
I laughed " Well guess she has good taste in restaurants"
" Yeah. Well come on" he said getting out.
I stepped out of the car and waited next to Max for Charlotte.
" Hey. I'm so happy to get to know you more" she said when she got here.
" Me too." I said smiling.
" Well let's go eat" Max said walking into the place.
Time Skip To After Lunch
" That was fun Charlotte. We will have to do it again" I said.
" Yes we will" she said.
" Well we need to get back to work but see you later." Max said.
" Bye" she said walking to the car.
" Bye" I said after her.
Once we got in the car Max asked " Do you see why I could not date her"
" Yeah. I mean she is a great girl but she thinks she is the smartest girl you will ever meet" I said.
" Yeah. In high school she would always talk to me like I was stupid. Made me feel really dumb." he said starting the car.
" Yeah it would be hard to marry someone who always talked to you like you were stupid." I said.
" You see my trouble" he said.
" Other then that she is a nice girl" I said.
" Yep." he said.
" So what will you tell your parents?" I asked.
" Oh just what we told the guys. That you and I started dating a couple weeks ago and wanted to wait a couple weeks before we told anybody." he said.
" And how will they react?" I asked.
" Like I said don't know" he said.
I laughed " Good luck with that"
" You are in this too. So good luck to you too" he said.
" Well not as bad as you" I said.
" True" he said.
" Well I'll be there for you. Hey how bout after work we can call your parents. I can come over." I said.
" Okay. But only if you want to" he said.
" Hey like you said. We are in this together. We may not be dating but you are still important to me." I said.
" Aww thank you. You are important to me too" he said.
I smiled. When we got back to the office Ross, who seemed to be waiting for us, asked how our date was.
" I wouldn't call it a date" I said.
" Well I would" he said.
" Well then our date went well" I said.
" Oh don't encourage him" Max said.
" What you want me to lie to him?" I said.
" Yes if it means not encouraging him" he said.
" Max you want her to lie to me?" Ross asked.
" I'm not going to be apart of this" I said starting to walk back to my desk.
" Well too bad. We are going to follow you to your desk and make you apart of it." Max said.
" This is between you and Ross. You told me to lie to him so you need to fix that relationship" I said.
" Well then you can help fix it." Ross said.
I laughed " I have work to do. I'm coming over later so we can fix it then. Fair?"
" Fair" they both said.
" Good boys. Now go do your jobs" I said.
Time Skip To When You Are Leaving.
" So how are we going to do this?" I asked Max.
" Do what?" he asked.
" How are we going to do stuff with the cars. I can't leave my car here" I said.
" Well how bout you bring your car to my house then we can work stuff out from there." he said.
" Okay. Sounds good. See you in a bit" I said walking to my car.
I got in my car and started driving. I had to follow Ross and Max since I don't know their address. A little bit later I got a call from Em.
" Hey Em." I said. I transferred my call so it was playing from the car. That way I didn't have to hold the phone.
" Hey y/n. So about you and Max" she said.
I laughed " What do you want to know?"
" How was your lunch with him and Charlotte?" she asked.
" It was good." I said.
" So what are they to each other?" she asked.
I laughed " I don't know if he wants other people to know so please don't tell anyone about what I tell you. Okay so their parents wanted them to date right. So they set them up when they were kids. Well Max didn't like that so he made his parents a deal. If he could get a girlfriend by 21 then he didn't have to date her. If he didn't have a girlfriend then they would have to date. And I I think marriage was part of the deal" I said.
" Wow. Poor guy. I would hate to have a set up marriage" she said.
" Yeah. He doesn't really even like her" I said.
" Well then he is lucky to have you" she said
I smiled " Please. Even if he didn't have a girlfriend I don't think he would do it. I think he would just figure out a way to get out of it."
" Funny. He still is lucky to have you. You are a lot of fun" she said.
I saw Ross pull into a drive way. " Hey Em I need to go." I said.
" We will talk tomorrow" she said.
" Bye" I said.
" Bye"
I got out of the car and walked up to Max and Ross.
" So you spending the night?" Ross asked.
" Only if we can all sleep in the living room" I said.
" Maybe" he said.
I laughed. " Ready Max?" I asked.
" Let's do it" he said walking in the house.
" Hey Ross we will be in Max's room if you need us. Okay?" I said.
" Okay" he said.
We walked to Max's room and he called his parents.
M= Max Y= You MM= Max's mom MD= Max's dad
M: Hey mom hey dad. I have you on speaker and y/n is here.
MD: Id that her
M: Who
MM: Your girlfriend.
Y: Hello nice to talk to you.
M: Talk?
Y: Well I'm not meeting them so I cant say meet.
MM: Well what about Charlotte
M: You said that if I get a girlfriend then I don't need to date her.
MM: Yes well I didn't know you had one. When did you start dating
M: Um a couple weeks ago.
MD: Well how do we know that you guys are actually dating and not pretending
M: Why would we do that?
MM: So you don't need to date Charlotte.
M: Listen I knew you would react this way so I waited to tell you as long as possible.
MM: That is no excuse. We even booked plan tickets to come out.
M: What
MM: Well we thought that you and Charlotte would be together by the time we got there. We didn't know you had someone else.
Y: Um if I may how did you even find out?
MD: Charlotte called her parents and told them everything. They told us after words.
Y: Okay thank you.
M: So when are you coming up?
MM: Saturday. ( I don't know if I said what day it is but say it's Thursday)
M: Little late notice don't you think.
MM: Oh you mean like your girlfriend.
M: That is completely different. You guys have given us one day to prepare. I have to ask if you can stay with me, Ross, and Tim.
MM: Of course. And if not then we can stay in a hotel.
M: Um okay. What time does your plane land
MD: We knew you had work so we got a flight that lands at 9:30 PM
M: Oaky we can talk more about this then.
MD/MM: Goodbye.
M: Bye.
Y: Bye.
" So that went okay" I said after he hung up.
" Yeah. So are we all sleeping in the living room or not." he asked.
" If I do stay the night I have nothing to wear." I said.
" Oh we can call Ross's girlfriend and see if you can borrow some stuff from her. She has some clothes here" he said.
" Okay. Super Mega Sleep Over. YAY!!!!!!" I said.
He just laughed.
I spell checked the first part but I got to tired to check the last part. Sorry if stuff are spelled wrong. I'm to tired to care.
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