Long time
Max's POV
So I did the one thing that would make it or break it. I kissed her.
I didn't quit know what I was doing until after I had done it. Had I thought this through a little bit more, I probably wouldn't have done it. She didn't react, didn't even try to push me away. She did, however, react after I pulled away. She stepped back and slammed the door in my face.
I sighed, definitely not the reaction I was wanted. "N/n?"
She didn't answer, but I knew she was there. She didn't have to be right next to the door to her me anyways.
"Okay, so I will admit that that wasn't the best way to go about the situation. But, please, talk to me? I don't want to have this conversation through a door," I pleaded.
Still no answer, she was very stubborn after all. I sighed and rested my head on the door, this is gonna be a long night. "I'm not leaving, I'm going to sit right out here in my soaking wet clothes and wait for you to let me in."
After having said that, I turned around and slid down the door until I was sitting with my back to it. I will wait here until she lets me in.
Your POV
I can't believe this! This man has the nerve to ask me to be his fake girlfriend, make me compete with some girl from his past, then kisses me. What even is this! I sighed and leaned against the wall next to my door, debating if I wanted to deal with this now or later.
"I'm not leaving, I'm going to sit right out here in my soaking wet clothes and wait for you to let me in," Max said from the other side of the door. I sighed, what in the world does that even mean?
"Who's at the door?"
Crap, I forget Ollie was here. "No one I want to talk to, let's forget about it yeah?"
He scooted over as I walked back over to the couch and sat down, choosing to stare blankly at the TV. He sighed and turned his body to face me "Was it Max? I really think you should talk to him."
I sighed, why can't he just be an awful friend for once in his life?
"I'm just not in the mood right now. Sick remember," I didn't want to bring up the fact that he just kissed me. I'm not even sure how I'm supposed to feel about that.
"Running from your problems isn't going to help anything, you'll still have to talk to him eventually."
"And I can do that. I just need to think for right now," I answered.
"There's no time like today!" He cheered trying to get me to admit he was right, not today. (There may come a day when we lose, but it is not today. Today. We. Fight! Yay if you get this! It's a song)
"What you don't do today you can do tomorrow," I answered back.
He smirked and stood up, raising his hands in mock surrender "Okay fine, you're right. Plus he's probably already gone," he started walking towards the door.
"Ollie, what're you doing," I asked standing up too.
"I don't know" he had made it towards the door, he had his hand on the handle.
"I swear-" my threat is cut short by Ollie opening the door.
I watched Max fall helplessly backwards, his head hitting the ground. He stared up at Oliver and blinked a few times, probably dazed.
"Welcome Maxy" Oliver smiled.
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here. I can come back," Max apologized pushing himself off the ground.
"Nah, n/n's out of ice cream so I was going to pick some up. Be back in a jiffy!"
That was the last I saw of Oliver West before he disappeared out the door. But I swear to all the Gods listening, he's a dead man waking.
"I'm going to kill that man," I mumbled.
Max rubbed the back of his neck "Before or after me?"
I glared at him "What can I help you with?"
"Like I said I'm really really sorry I made you feel like I was comparing you to her. I take all the blame for making you feel that way, and I feel really awful."
"Why are you apologizing," I asked.
He looked at me, confused "Because I made you feel bad-"
I cut him off "I mean why are you apologizing now? I told you about this before, why are you here now?"
"I I" He paused to think about his next words. I knew he wasn't here because he thought over my words and felt bad about the way he made me feel, he was here because someone said something.
"We were having the dinner and everyone was telling me about how you were just lying to get out of it. I stood up for you, of course I did. But now I see what you were talking about, and I'm so sorry I didn't see it until now."
I nodded my head "Okay so now do you see it? You must think less of me or something, because you didn't come here for me you came here because you realized you were wrong. And for some reason you felt you needed to make it up to me."
He shook his head "No, no that's not it. I always knew how you felt, and I always felt bad."
I laughed "Max don't lie to yourself. You thought I was just making it all up in my head that your parents didn't like me. I tried talking to you and you blew me off. You're here because you realized that you did something wrong, not because you care. And that brings me to my next question, why did you kiss me? If you thought this was going to be like in the movies and books where a kiss fixes everything, you're in for something else."
"No, that's not what I thought at all. I did it because I couldn't think of anything else, because I didn't know how else to tell you how much I care!"
I rolled my eyes "Max you don't care about me, you care about you. You're a selfish person who only cares for yourself," the words weren't exactly what you wanted to say, but it's what came out.
"Okay, call me selfish. But I do care for you, that's why I gave you those clothes. It was because I thought it would make my parents like you more. That's all I wanted, that's all I wanted from this experience," he explained.
"So let me get this straight, you're trying to turn this around on me? You did this because you thought I wasn't good enough?"
"No, you've always been good enough" he replied without hesitation "I like you a lot, if you couldn't tell. I've always liked you, that's why I never objected when you said you were my girlfriend."
I wasn't expecting this. He took the conversation in a different direction then I was prepared for. "But you still don't trust me," I said grasping for anything. I wanted any excuse I had so I could be mad.
"Let me prove it, go out with me. On a real date, and as a real couple. Let me show you that the way I acted is not me. Please y/n, I really need this," he pleaded.
I looked him in the eyes, searching for any sign he was playing me. He looked sincere, "Let me, uh, let me think okay?"
His face broke out into one of the biggest smiles "Yeah of course! Just tell me what you decide, and please take as long as you need."
I hugged my arms around myself and nodded my head, walking towards the door. Max picked up on this being my way of asking him to leave.
He opened the door and paused "Please know that I really am sorry I messed it up this bad. I always imagined that after this whole mess was over, I was going to ask you on a date. Have a nice night n/n," and with that he closed the door behind him.
I have no idea what I'm supposed to do at this point, I feel so lost. After standing still, just holding myself I walked over to my phone. I opened it up and pressed on the most recent contact I had texted and texted a quick message.
"Got that ice cream yet?"
Long time no see! Sorry about that, I've just had no motivation to write. I'm so sorry I left you all for so long, I feel awful. But thank you all for 400 followers! When I first started out, I didn't think anyone was going to read my books, I did it simply because I was bored. I honestly have no clue why you people are putting yourselves through this mess, but I thank you! Anyways, I'll try to be better. Have an amazing day/night!
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