Family dinner
Your POV
Adam had just left and I was waiting for Max to come. I wonder what kind of clothes he bought for me. I mean I'm sure I have so,etching that would work for any dinner. I have a few fancy dresses and some stuff that would work for a non fancy dinner. I hear a knock at my door. I didn't want to get up but I needed to. Unless......
" Max?" I yell.
" Yeah?" he calls back.
" Come in, it's unlocked" I yelled again.
I head the door open and close. He walked over to where I was sitting and laughed " So why didn't you answer the door?"
" Simple. I didn't want to get up" I answered.
" And what if I were some crazy person?" he asked smiling and looking down at me.
" That's why I called your name first duh" I said.
He laughed and held out a bag for me " The clothes I bought are in here"
I stood up and he stepped back. I grabbed the bag and looked inside, I saw some jeans and some black fabric. " I'll try it" I said walking to my room.
Once I got to my room I took everything out and looked at it. I sighed and threw the shirt on the bed, and walked back into the living room.
He looked at me confused " You didn't change, why?"
I nodded my head " Well, one you picked out skinny jeans. I hate skinny jeans and you know that. And second the shirt is way to small for me. Shows my stomach and you also know that I don't like that. Not to mention the shoes" I said. I was mad because I remember telling him how much I did not like skinny jeans and showing my stomach.
" What's wrong with the shoes?" he asked.
I gave a humorless laugh " They have a heel. I can't walk in heels"
" Okay then don't wear the shoes" he said.
I gave another laugh " Okay thanks but I don't feel comfortable wearing that. And I'm sorry if it seems like I'm overreacting but I don't feel comfortable wearing that"
He smiled " But you'll look nice. I think-"
" I don't care what you think. I'm not okay with it and you may think I'm overreacting but I'm not okay with it. I have a style that I'm okay with so why don't I just go get something from my closet." I said, I didn't want to fight over some stupid pieces of clothing.
" No. I mean I gave you that black shirt to go over the flowery top cause I knew you didn't like it." he said. He was very persistent on me wearing those things, why?
" Well that was nice of you it's still see though. And the skinny jeans" I said.
" Well I'm sorry. I thought it would help" he said.
I stared at him. He was acting like he didn't know, but I knew he did. I remember telling him this when he asked for my size. I told him the things I didn't like, and among them were skinny jeans and shirts showing my stomach. " It's okay I'm not mad, I just don't want to wear it"
" Okay I know that just please, wear it" he said.
" Why is it so important that I wear it?" I asked.
He sighed " I I don't know, it just is"
I stared at him. He knew full well why it was important he just didn't want to tell me " Okay I'll do it" I don't know what but this made me feel like he was trying to change me.
I walked back to my room and looked at the clothes. Why is it so important taut I need to wear this? Is it because he is trying to change me? The way I look? He wouldn't do that would he. He's not that kind of person is he? I sighed and picked up the flowery top. I looked at it and could not believe I'm wearing something like this. It only took me a few minutes to change. When I walked out I was holding my side with my hands.
" I'm ready to go" I said walking to the door.
" See you look nice" he said walking over to me.
" Doesn't change how I feel" I said.
He sighed and we walked to his car. The ride was silent. I never let go of my sides, it was something I did to make myself feel better. When we arrived at the restaurant, we were the first ones there.
" So when do you think they'll get here?" I asked.
" Oh just a couple minutes" he said.
After a couple minutes his parents and Charlotte arrived. They must have ridden together. When they got closer I was able to see Charlotte more clearly.
" Hello Max, y/n" she said sitting next to me.
" Hey Charlotte" Max said before turning to talk to his parents.
" Hi how are you?" I asked.
I didn't really listen to what she had to say, I just nodded. I focused more on what she was wearing, she was wearing skinny jeans and a shirt with a little see through material. I looked at Max. I think I get it now. I think he was trying to turn me into Charlotte.
Hi guys sorry for this bad chapter. I have a some what good idea and I'm sorry this isn't as good as my earlier chapters. I've been really busy and I'm still trying to calm down from finishing all my projects. I had to write a county report on a county that has nothing interesting and I wrote a 6 page murder for Forensics. I just wanted to explain why I was gone and what I was doing. Have a good day/night!
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