Your POV. Right after the conversation. l/n is last name.
" Hey Max" I said coming out holding Adam's hand.
" So you guys are friends again" he asked.
" No" I said looking at Adam.
" We are" Adam said looking back at me.
" The Dahlberg and l/n twins" we said doing jazz hands. As soon as we said it we just started laughing.
" What?" Max asked laughing.
" It is something we made up a long time ago." Adam said.
" Yeah we were talking to some kids when we made it up." I said.
" Sounds confusing" Max said.
" Well it meant a lot that Adam would admit to being twins. None of Adam's friends liked me. Only till high school did I start to be smart enough to ask him to just leave me out of his life completely. Would be better that way." I said.
"We are not here to talk about the past. We are hear to talk about you and Max." Adam said.
I just laughed. Poor Max. This isn't even real and he still had to deal with Adam.
" What So funny?" Max asked.
I just waved my hand as to say ' nothing '.
" Okay so you really do need to" Adam started to say to Max then turned to look at me. " Look after Max. Y/n he is a fragile, little boy. You can't break his heart you hear me?"
" What?" Max asked confused.
" Max I'm only trying to do what's best for you." Adam said putting a hand on his shoulder. He was trying not to laugh.
I'm still just laughing. I fell on the floor laughing so hard it was hard to breathe.
" I don't want your help." Max said hitting Adams hand off his shoulder. They were still ignoring me.
" But Max it is in your best interest" Adam said.
" You're her brother." Max said pointing to me " oh my. Are you okay y/n" he asked when he saw me.
I nodded my head still trying to catch my breath.
" You sure?" Adam asked.
" Yeah. Just couldn't breathe" I said when I found my breath.
" Oh good so nothing important" Adam said reaching out his hand to help me up.
" Yeah. Who needs to breathe?" I said taking his hand.
" You apparently" Max said.
" But that's what makes me special" I said.
" Uh no" he said.
I clicked my tongue at him.
" Back to what I was talking about. I know on TV you see the way over protective brother. I don't think I'm like that. As long as she is happy I really don't care." Adam said.
" Really?" Max asked.
" I can always threaten you like Em did." Adam said.
" How'd you know bout that?" Max asked.
" This idiot" Adam said pointing to me.
" Yet I got A's and B's on every single of my grades" I said.
" Stop that. I got two C's. In elementary school." Adam said. He hates it when I mention this.
" That's two more then me" I said.
" Elementary. School" Adam said.
" Still a school" I said.
" Max." Adam said putting a hand on his shoulder " I'm so sorry. You don't know what you're getting into."
" Thanks Adam" Max said patting his hand.
" All I'm saying is don't give her things she will never let you live down" Adam said shaking his head and walking away.
" So you say that to annoy him?" Max asked when Adam was gone.
" You bet" I said.
" So I shouldn't give you my grades?" Max asked.
" Yep. But I'll find something for you" I said.
" Sure" he said walking away.
" Hey wait. Don't forget about our lunch" I said.
" How can I?" he asked still walking. But the way he said it. Like he was mad almost.
I just stood there. Shocked. Why was he so mad?
Time skip to lunch.
" Hey y/n" I heard from behind me.
I turned and saw Charlotte. " Hey Charlotte." I said.
" You ready? Where's Max?" she asked.
" Oh he's just talking to Ross about a video." I answered.
" Do you know how long he will be?" she asked.
" Should be done any minute now" I said.
" Well while we wait" she said sitting in Max's chair. " Let's get to know each other more."
" Sounds good. I go first. Are you and Max the same age?" I asked.
" Yes we are. You?" she asked.
" I am 3 years older. Did you and Max go to school together?" I asked.
" Yes middle school and high school. Do you-" she started.
" Hey what's going on here?" Max asked.
" Me and Charlotte were just talking. Ready to go?" I asked.
" Let's" Charlotte said leading the way out the door.
" She seems nice" I whisper to Max.
" They all do at first" he whispered back.
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