Chapter 5
A quick thing before we get into the chapter, Naba's last name (Drici) was literally a name I found on a website full of Ugandan last names. Also, last filler chapter before plot happens! Yay!!
About a month later, Thursday, 6:30 pm
Connor's POV
It had been about a month since the incident with Kevin happened, and we hadn't spoken about anything except choreo. Which I was okay with, at least what I told myself. He had just kind if avoided me during practice. Chris had threatened to beat him up a few times, which I told him not to do. Not because he couldn't take down Kevin, which he totally could, Chris is a 5'4" ball of rage. I just didn't want to think about it.
At practice today, we were blocking the rooftop scene with Jack and Katherine. Kevin had gotten better at putting emotion into his words, but he was struggling to have any feeling during this scene. I could tell Olivia was really annoyed with it, and so was Mr. Brown. He was just so... Dry. I wish I could just force some emotion into the guys words. Chris had been really annoyed by it too.
At the end of practice, Mr. Brown was going through notes and mentioned Kevin's emotion problem. He told him that he was going to have to practice after school with someone that wasn't acting with him so he could improve. This was a completely logical thing for Mr. Brown to do, definitely not just Virginia making something up so the bois can get together. What? Why did I say that? Who's Virginia? Anyway, Mr. Brown told Kevin that he would have to rehearse his lines with Connor and he had two weeks to improve or his understudy would get the role. Wait a second. My name is Connor. Maybe he was talking about Connor Murphy?
"Uhm, Mr. Brown, which Connor do you mean?" Asked Other Connor.
"Oh, right," Mr. Brown said, "I forget there are two of you. I'm talking about Connor McKinley, not you, Mr. Murphy."
Connor did one of these 👌🏻 and got back to talking to Jared.
As everyone began to leave practice I saw Kevin complaining to Mr. Brown about his "predicament". He kept saying "he would get help from Jack or Josephine" and that "getting Connor to help him wasn't very necessary" but Mr. Brown wasn't having it at all. He just kinda ignored Kevin. I didn't really want to do this but I realized we were gonna have to talk about it at some point. I didn't want to confront it, and I could tell Kevin didn't either but at this point we were just delaying the inevitable. So, I made like Arnold and I manned up.
"Look," I said, trying to approach Kevin with as much authority as I could, "I know you don't feel that you need the help or whatever. Or maybe you're just uncomfortable practicing lines with me because I'm gay and if you spend more then ten minutes within ten feet of me your ass will 'catch my disease'. And if that's the case, I honestly don't care, but you're absolutely shit at your lines and I'm not gonna have that. We all know you can sing Kevin, we get it, but you're not a great actor, and that's why I'm supposed to help you. So, if you could please just get over whatever the fuck is troubling about practicing lines with me, that would be fantastic,"
I scribbled my name and number on a piece of paper that appeared magically and shoved it into his hands, "We start tomorrow."
Kevin's POV
Right after Connor's rant
I was kinda impressed with Connor's rant to be honest. I still didn't want to have to rehearse lines with him, that would just speed up the inevitability of him finding out. Either that or he already knew and was avoiding me as well, I don't know which is worse. His number was still in the palm of my hand, and at that moment I realized that I hadn't moved or changed my facial expression since Connor stormed off. So I pulled myself together and walked over to Jack and Jo.
When I got home I went upstairs and decided I should probably text Connor. I really didn't want to because there was no way that he could possibly be my soulmate. He was a guy, and I like girls, not guys. I'm not even sure it's possible to like both. (*sighs in bisexual*) but one thing was for sure: I do not like Connor McKinley and I never will. He is a homo and Price's don't even communicate with homos. I was simply forced to so I didn't lose my role. Ugh why did Mr. Brown have to pick the gay one? Arnold Cunningham was a pretty okay guy, I mean, he was a lot, but he wasn't a homo! I think he's dating that Ugandan girl!
I was very stressed about the whole situation because if Dad knew I was even associating with homos, he'd kill me. But I had no choice. I picked up the phone and texted Connor.
This is Kevin Price. I was just texting to say that I can practice lines tomorrow. Preferably at the school. The library maybe?
Is this Connor McKinley?
This is Connor
Library sounds good. Bring your script, I'll be there at 3:15.
This was going to be a long two weeks.
About 900 words
Btw I would love for someone to remind me if it's been 10 years since I updated and I should put out another chapter. If y'all do that, it reminds me that people actually like this shit and gives me all sorts of motivation to write so...
Christmas Break has started!! Yay!!!! More chapters coming soon (probably)! Also, I use this lovely post every time I write dialogue and it's sooooo helpful
It's perfect
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed another sort of filler chapter and enjoy this book. Don't forget to vote, comment, and share. Thanks for reading!!
~ Virginia
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