Chapter 2
Some stuff before we start the chapter
- Kev, Connor, Arnold, Olivia(Connor's sister), James, and Chris are all Juniors
-Jo (Kev's sibling) is a freshman
- Jack is a Senior
TW: Homophobic slurs used
Tuesday, 4:00pm
Connor's POV
I had only been home for about an hour when I got into the car and drove to the first play rehearsal. The cast was supposed to be there at five, and crew members (like me) were supposed to be there at four.
When I arrived, Arnold and Evan were already there. We wouldn't start using the orchestra until about three weeks before the show, and we still had about two months before that. I talked to Arnold and Evan for a bit and then we decided we should work on some things. Arnold had to look through the script and see what lights needed to be where, Evan had to see what kind of sound effects we would be needing, and I was supposed to have "Carrying the Banner" choreographed by next Sunday.
James and Chris arrived at about 4:30 because they wanted to be early. They were honestly the cutest couple I had ever seen. Those two had known they were soulmates since the second grade, and had started dating freshman year. (I stg if there are SQUIP song lyric chains started) They had been so happy to find each other. We lived in a world where the first word your soulmate would ever say to you was tattooed on your wrist.
While Chris and James were very excited to meet their soulmates, I was not. The words tatooed on my wrist were "Move Fag", and that's not really something to be excited about. If those were the first words they say to me, then they wouldn't accept us and probably ignore me forever. I snapped out of my thoughts when Chris came to greet me.
"Hey man, are you doing alright? You look worried."
"Chris, I swear, I'm fine, just thinking about dance stuff is all."
I could see on his face he knew I was bluffing, but he left it alone and went to go sit with James, who was working on his vocals. (Singing "poor guY'S HEAD IS SPINNING over and over until he can hit that note).
At about 5:10 everyone was there, so I began to walk up towards the stage, but the one and only Kevin Price was on a mission to get back to his car, for some reason. I, of course, didn't see him until he was two feet away from me and we ran into each other. I said the only thing I could think of in that moment, "Oh Em Gosh I am so sorry!"
I was still in his way after running into him, not clearing the path for him to leave without realizing it. So he simply said, "Move, fag"
Now that, that hurt. It was a combination of bad feelings. First, the fact that he called me a fag. It had never really bothered me, but he would have to get over the fact the I (and a few other cast members) were not heterosexual. But it was really the fact that he had just said "Move, fag" which were the words tatooed on my wrist.
I tried really hard not to panic, I wasn't even sure that he was my soulmate, I hadn't seen his wrist. But I was panicking, I had begun hyperventilating, and I was really really dizzy, so I collapsed on the ground. I felt awful and nauseous, and I just really needed to go home. I got back up shakily but as quick as I could, to prevent anyone from noticing I had just fallen on the ground. I approached the director, the one and only Whizzer Brown and told him I wasn't feeling well, and asked him if I could work on some stuff at home. He said yes, and I got in my car.
The first thing I did once I got there was burst into tears.
Tuesday, 4:45pm
Kevin's POV
It was about fifteen minutes before we had to be there when Jack called me and Jo to the kitchen for a snack before rehearsal.
Jack drove us all to reahearsal afterwards.
Once I got there, I tried very hard to be polite to my co-stars. I greeted Chris and James as nicely as I could, I had to make a good impression, even if they were homos. Jack sat with Reese. Jo sat with me for a bit until some of the other freshman realized she was there. They yelled "Hey Joey!", And she rushed over to sit with them. It was a little weird to see her from a distance. She had got her hair cut over the summer(much to Mom's dismay) and at this point, it would be difficult for stangers to tell if she was male or female. That couldn't be what she was going for, is it?
After sitting for a bit, I realized I left my Algebra homework that I planned on doing here in the car, so I ran out to get it. On my way, I (literally) ran into Connor McKinley, the choreographer. I had never spoken to him before, he was probably the most openly homosexual man I had ever seen, and I found that disgusting (I hate writing this fuuuuck) so I never talked to him.
Back on track, I collided into him and was just gonna brush it off and avoid talking to him. I tried but then he said the gayest sentence I had ever heard, "Oh em gosh I am SO sorry!" To which I couldn't help but reply, "Move fag". I shoved him out of the way and went out to the car.
It was there I remembered that the words "Oh em gosh I am so sorry!" Were the words that had been tatooed on my wrist since I was ten.
1039 words
Ooooo we got some drama.
I hate writing Kevin's stupid parts.
I plan on setting up chapters like this, Connor's POV, then Kevin's POV at around the same time and playing the same events of the chapter in two perspectives. If you don't like this layout, tell me! Again, I encourage constructive criticism!!!
I plan on updating twice a week or so, but I'm going on vacation with no wifi for 5 days and have a 4½ hour car ride there and back so there should be a lot of chapters (probably about three, these take a lot longer to make than I would've thought).
Anyway, don't forget to comment and vote!!
~ Virginia
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