"So darlings, what did you think about that story?" Mary Parker said as she shut the book she had finally finished. A book she had called 'No Time For The Devil's Call.' Her children's mouths were hanging from their mouths, her daughter, Megan, being the first to speak.
"Did that really happen, mommy?" Her 8-year old asked as her mother smiled, chuckling.
"Of course not, silly. It's nothing but a story." Mary answered as her daughter and son frowned.
"How did you come up with it, mom?" Her daughter asked as has 1 year old son, Peter, gurgled. Mary smiled, looking over and out the window of her New York home.
"I know some people who... Inspired me. You'll meet them soon, my dear." Mary answered as she heard Megan's stomach growl with hunger.
"Can we eat lunch please?" Her daughter asked as she smiled, nodding. Mary stood up from her rocking chair.
"Mommy, whats your real name? And daddy's, too?" Megan asked as she made them pb&j sandwiches. Their mother was silent for a long time after hearing the mention of their deceased father, not wanting to answer the question just yet.
"What about tv? Can we watch it?!" Her daughter asked as she smiled.
Since it was only the year of 2001, the television wasn't as advanced as Josephine believed they would be in the future. She started it up, flipping through the channels before it landed on SpongeBob, making her children ecstatic.
The inhaled the rest of their sandwiches before sprinting to the couch, jumping onto one another before situating themselves.
"You won't be on for to long, you hear? It's a Friday and my shows will be on soon!" Mary said as she sat down in the kitchen.
For a while, the woman heard her children's laughter as she prepared dinner, then went over to the table to go over her mail and taxes, a sad, exhausted sigh escaping her lips.
There was a knock on the door, alerting the 31-year-old mother, who stood up, collecting her mail as she heard her youngest run to the door.
An excited scream escaped the young girls lips, causing her mother to peek her head out from the kitchen door
"Grandma! Grandpa!" Megan said excitedly, wrapping her tiny arms around her grandparents legs as Peter laughed. Well, more of another gurgle.
The young parents showed to only be in their late 50s, so you could assume they had their daughter at a young age.
A smile left Mary's lips as she stood in the door way. "Hey mom. Hey dad." She said warming as her parents walked up to her, embracing her in a tight hug as her husband, Richard, walked through the door.
"I finished the book today. Read your grandkids it." Josephine said as her parents eyes widened.
"Even the-"
"Yes... even that part."
"Were they fazed?" Richard asked as Mary laughed, shaking her head in surprise.
"Mommy won't tell us her real name! Or daddy's!" Jackson pouted, crossing his arms as the adults laughed.
"Should I?" The young mother joked as the grandparents looked at them before nodding.
The woman let out a sigh, kneeing down in front of her children. "Babies.. my name is Mary Rose Russell. Your daddy's name is Richard Garrick Parker... You wanna know your grandparents names?" She answered as Megan's eyes widened, a surprised and excited look on her face as Peter laughed, not understanding what was happening but nodded.
Their grandfather smiled nervously as his wife locked her arms to his, a bright yet nervous smile flashing over her still young face, which only had slight wrinkles in the smile she held.
"Meet your grandparents, angels..." Mary said, gesturing to her parents.
"Emily... and Arvin Russell."
*MIC DROP* HOWS THAT FOR A DAMN PLOT TWIST? I am... SOOOOO happy at how far I got, how well Emily and Arvin's relationship ended, basically everything about this book I love.
There IS a chance I might do a small book two, but I'm not sure yet. THATS UP TO YOU TO DECIDE! I'm thinking of the title "The Devil's Calling" or something like that. It would still be about Arvin and Emily, and I will continue it where Emily and Arvin ended in Josephine's book.
This chapter has been slightly edited, but it was edited before being published. I chose that they weren't going to have Josephine at such a young age (the original age was 19, but changed it to 21) for Emily's religious reasons.
I want to thank you all again for reading this book. It means the absolute world to me that I got so many reads in such a short amount of time. I never expected to get so many!
Don't forget to comment and vote, and thank you all so much for being here. I love each and every one of you with the bottom of my heart <3
Until next time, my friends.
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐴𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟
lil update ~ I would so appreciate if you guys checked out my other books! They def need some recognition!
Another lil update ~ I changed the names of Josephine and Lincoln hehe-
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