Chapter Three
Arvin Russell
Driving in the silence as we left Cincinnati was strange. I was driving a girls car. Specifically, a girl I had technically known for 10 years.
Emily turned to me, her large brown eyes looking like they were going to question me.
"Music?" She asked quietly as I nodded slowly. She pressed a button on the radio, and for a short while it only played ads.
Then, Chuck Berry's "Johnny B. Goode" started to play, which sparked something in Emily that made her bop her head up and down as she sang quietly to the music, a smile on her face.
I tapped my thumb to the beat of the music on the wheel, my head slowly started to bop up and down as well as I also began to sing to the song.
Before long, me and Emily started to sing the song at the top of our lungs, smiled on our faces as we danced in our seats.
While Emily tapped her hands on her knees to the beat of the music, I tapped the wheel constantly, my head swinging around as I sang.
Now, I considered myself to be a mediocre singer, but Emily has the most angelic voice I'd ever heard in my life. Even while she 'screamed' the lyrics, her voice ceased to crack, or fall silent for a moment.
She wasn't afraid to sing like most girls our age were. At least, she wasn't afraid to sing in front of a single person.
I kept stealing glances her way, watching as her dark hair flung around as she jammed out, the biggest smile on her face, the dimples on her cheeks sinking into her cheeks.
She slowly stopped dancing, now just bopping her head up and down with a smile, her chest rising and falling as she fell out of breath.
As the song came to a stop, me and Emily looked at one another, a small laugh escaping our throats. She went back to look out the window, humming the slow song that started to play. A song I hadn't heard of before.
Her hands tapped her knees gently as she rocked side to side before she rested her head on the window, that same smile still plastered on her face.
At this point, I had noticed she had faint freckles across her nose and cheeks. Strangely, she had a blonde streak of hair on the left side, but she hid it under her dark hair.
I felt my stomach grumble, getting Emily's attention. She frowned for a moment as she tilted her head.
"You want to get some food Arvin? I'm getting hungry myself." Emily said as I sighed, nodding as I turned off the highway into a small town.
"Oh look!" Emily pointed at a yellow arch in the shape of an 'M' that was stationed in the sky. A smile creeped up onto her face.
"I've never been. But I heard it's very good!" She said as I smiled, shrugging as I drove into the drive-thru of McDonalds. A strange name for a restaurant, is what I had thought.
"Hello! Welcome to McDonalds. What can I get for you?" A woman said through the window.
After ordering our burger and fries, and paying with the little money we had, Emily brought up the idea of eating by a lake, which I couldn't agree more to.
Turned my gaze back to the road, spotting the entrance to a park. I drove into an opening, managing to find the lake easily.
After stepping out, we grabbed our food. Emily had a blanket in the back, which she used for us to sit down on right by the lake, which shined from the sunlight.
We ate in silence, a good silence, I would say. Other than the birds chirping and the occasional cricket, the silence was enjoyable.
The lake was as clear as the ocean, surprisingly. The fish swap around under the surface. Emily looked over at me, a smile on her face as she stood up, walking over to the dock.
"What are you doing?" I called as she turned her head, still walking with that smile. At first I had been confused, until I realized what she was planning.
"Going for a swim!" She said before swan diving into the lake. I looked down, chuckling as I stood up, walking to the deck as her head popped out of the water.
"Well now you're all wet. We gotta wait until you dry off now." I said, crossing my arms as she squinted at me, the sun blinding her.
"Why don't you join me, then? Have some fun for the time being!" She asked as I laughed, shaking my head.
"You must be insane if you think I'm swimin with the fish." I said as she pouted.
"Alright fine. Will you at least help me out of here then?" She asked as she outstretched her hand. I sighed, kneeling down and taking her hand to lift her out.
And I will forever curse her for her poker face.
The wicked smile that spread across her face made my eyes widen as I realized the mistake I had made. I yelled out as she yanked forward, causing me to flip into the water, my hat falling off and landing on the dock.
"Emily!" I yelled as she started laughing. I spit out water, flipping my hair out of my eyes as I scowled at her, but I couldn't help but laugh.
I splashed some water in her face as she yelped, trying to block it from hitting her eyes. In turn, she splashed me back.
Which ultimately led us to having a splash war. The part of the lake we were in was shallow, so we were both able to stand up, giving more force into the splash.
I started to run at her, a scream of excitement leaving Emily as she tried to run away in the water, but I managed to be faster than her. My arms wrapped around her stomach as she yelled, a smile plastered on her face as I lifted her into the air before falling backwards into the water.
We tossed each other around under water before going up for air, our laughter echoing around the lake.
"You're full of it, you know that?" I said as she snickered, splashing me gently as she backed up, heading back to the blanket.
I followed after her, an evil look on my face as her eyes widened once more. And this time, she was able to make it out of the water before I could drag her back in.
I chased after her once I was out of the water, my soaked clothes dragging me down, but I still managed to once again wrap my arms around her slim frame, holding her tightly.
Instead of lifting her up, Emily bent forward, tossing me off her as she stuck her tongue out at me like a child.
"You-" I said as she laughed, running back to the blanket as I shot up, going after her again.
I tackled her to the ground, her laughter in my ear as I pinned her arms above her head. She arched her back as she burst into a fit of laughter, a smile on both of our faces as she took in a breath, looking up at me.
"What are you going to do now, Arvin?" She asked, the smile still on her face as I stared down at her. And for a moment, I had no clue.
As I processed what I thought I should do, Emily managed to flip me onto the ground. She stood up, skipping over to the car, taking out two towels that she had in the trunk.
I sat up as she tossed me a towel, which I used to my best advantage as I ringed out my clothes before trying to fry them off. I rubbed the towel over my hair, causing it to become less wet but now messy.
I watched as Emily ringed out her summer dress before grabbing the blanket. She then walked over to the dock, picking up my hat and walking back over to me as I sat under a tree.
"You dropped this." She said with a smirk as I frowned jokingly at her, placing the hat in my lap as she sat down next to me.
Everything was once again peaceful and quiet as we rested against the tree, our chests rising and falling as we still tried to catch our breath from running around like children.
And for the most part, this was the best day I had had in a very long time.
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