NSN 3 || Insecure
Chapter 3
He removed his hands slowly from her mouth, half expecting her to start blabbering again. She kept her mouth shut though, looking only at his eyes.
"Do you really want to marry him, Raine?" His voice sounded so gentle and heartbroken. She searched his eyes for any kind of emotion but all she found was repentance.
Sometimes she felt like she was really this gullible. David used to compliment her for this, he had told her that he was attracted to her first because she was so innocent, so naive.
But if her husband cheating on her was the price she had to pay for being naive, then it wasn't worth it. So instead of putting blind faith in his b@stard of a husband, she stood straight and gave him the nastiest look possible.
She didn't know why but the question had infuriated her. Her wounds were still unhealed, she was still the very same woman with just a hard exterior that made her look tough. But she really wasn't though.
He had no right to ask her such a question. He had no right to ask her anything, he had no right to be here. What was he even trying to say? Did he think that she couldn't move on from him?
Well, maybe he did believe that. But she could. She could get over him and she was going to prove it to him.
"David, I have to answer nothing to you. But, still, I will. Not because I want to but because I need you to know something. I want to clear this thing with you that I am not dependent on you. What did you expect my answer to be? What were you thinking? That I would be the pathetic self who used to believe whatever you used to say? That I will come back running to you?"
She stared at him for a long moment, not really sure what she was supposed to feel anymore. Was she supposed to feel disgusted or sympathetic? He was giving her that stare. It did things to her, stupid things like running back to him. But she wasn't supposed to do that. She knew he would break her heart again and again.
"You think I will cancel my wedding for you? Well, news flash David Reyes, I am over you. I have changed, changed very much over the years. Now, I am not the girl who was hopelessly in love with you and used to believe everything you used to say. I have changed and remember this thing always, you changed me! Yes, we have memories alright! But I am determined to forget everything!"
She pushed his chest with such force that he stumbled back a few steps and looked up at her with surprise. He surely wasn't expecting this to be her answer, was he now? Her life had rotated around him for so much time, that she needed a break.
One second he was staring at her with confusion and surprise but the other second his eyes turned darker than his normal shade and he gritted his teeth. It looked like he was just about ready to explode.
He inhaled the tiniest of breath for a second and closed his eyes as if trying to calm himself. The moment his eyes opened again, they were void of any emotion. He used the blank face look for the media when they demanded answers out of him which he wasn't willing to give, she knew it all too well.
It hurt some part of her heart to see him using the same blank expression on her. He was trying to hide his anger, his emotions from her. Though she said that she had forgotten him, the idea of him hiding his emotions and feelings from her didn't settle well with her. It pained her.
"You say you are over me. You have forgotten me. I am just a no-one in your life now, isn't that right Raine?" He had got that dangerous glint in his eyes as he spoke in an unusually calm tone.
"You really think you can forget me just like that? Really, Raine? Really? How could you be so dumb? Even if you want to forget me, do you think I will let you? I won't let you go, not now, not ever." His intent was clear as he took two powerful toward her, resulting in her taking several steps back. She had a feeling that this wasn't going to end all too well.
"I must be suffocating you, Raine, ain't I? You want to push me back. You wouldn't want my touch, would you now?" He pressed her to the wall, using the whole strength of his body. And just like that, she was trapped.
She gasped as he trailed a finger up her arm, his touch feather-light. Her heart started beating two thousand times a second and if it wasn't for the upper pressure offered by David's chest, she was sure that her heart would have burst out of her chest.
She felt stupid now. It was really naive of her to believe that she can forget him this easily, forget the effect his touch had on her. She was pathetic, a hopeless case.
She stood there motionless as he locked her to the place with his piercing stare. She noticed his eyes moving from her eyes to her nose and then finally settling on her lips.
Her mouth felt dry. She needed water, she needed a full bucket of water to satisfy the thirst she was feeling right now. Or maybe she needed his lips...
Blood raced through her veins at a higher speed and she felt all but helpless in his presence. It would just take one touch, one caress and she would be putty in his arms. She knew it.
"Yes, it is quite suffocating. Can you please step back?" She tried to backfire his question. To be honest, it was suffocating. Just not in the way she was trying to portray. She felt breathless by the intimacy they were sharing now and she couldn't be very sure if it was a good feeling or a bad one.
Instead of doing as she had asked him to, he wedged her body more firmly with his own. She felt his hard chest and the muscles that lay underneath pressing against her brēãsts. She sucked in a breath as his hands rubbed her sides gently and her nipples tightened. She tried to propel him away from her.
In no time, he took a hold of both of her hands as she struggled to break free of his hold. He pinned her wrists roughly, above her head on the wall and held both of her just hands just with one of his. She was stuck.
Why was god so cruel? How could he just drop him in the picture out of nowhere? And that too in a picture which was half incomplete!
Was he trying to give her some kind of signal? Was he the other half of her picture? But she didn't want him to be. It was Henry who was her other half. He was nice, caring and the only person who actually understood her dilemma.
But why was her heart rebelling against the idea? It was a battle between her heart and her brain and she was afraid that her heart was overpowering her brain.
"Raine, I can hear your heart beating like crazy so don't deny the attraction you feel towards me. And if you still deny it, I can just lift up your gown and show you exactly how wët you are." He bit the outer shell of her ear and pulled it lightly, repeatedly with his teeth. "For me." He added, resulting in a burning sensation to overcome her already heated body.
She was in a haze.
Shocks of pleasure ran through her body as her body reacted to his words. An involuntary moan escaped her lips and her eyes shut closed on their own accord.
"Can that piece of shït pleasure you the way I can? Can he bring you to the edge like me? Can he satisfy you as I did?" He blew hot air over her now wet earlobe and she shivered at the extreme pleasure. "Can he make you scream as I did? Had he ever made you scream?"
Each word coming out of his mouth was a drug to her. She was addicted. She was aware it was harmful to her but she couldn't just get enough. Not when he was being so persuasive.
"What does he know about you Raine? Does he know that when you are turned on, you bite your lip like you are doing right now?" She pulled her lip from her teeth immediately looking at him in shock.
"I don't do that when I a-" He continued, not waiting for her to complete her sentence.
"Does he know you like talking dirty when you have $ëx? Can that fùçktârd make you çūm half as hard as me? If I am being honest, I don't think he is even sure of what hôle to insert in." He lets out a small laugh, mocking her. He gave her a once over and then settled his gaze back on her eyes.
"The truth is that you will never be satisfied with him. You will compare his 'everything' to me. I am sure of it. You will compare the way he walks to the way he talks, all with me. Try all you want but you and I, both know very well that you can't forget me. You will remember me as a memory or a person, but you surely would remember me, forever."
He was looking so sure of what he was saying that for once she doubted herself. She grew sceptical of what she was doing. Could she really do this? Oh, how she wanted to argue with him, but she and even he knew what he was saying was absolutely correct.
She had tried to move on from him, hadn't she? Hadn't she always ended up crying, remembering each and every single moment they had spent together? What was she trying to do anyways? Marrying Henry because she was spiteful of her ex-husband sounded childish even to her.
But, did she have any other choice?
Suddenly, she wasn't very sure of what she was doing. To get over him, she was playing with Henry's life. She was not even certain that she could keep his family happy. The sad part was that she didn't even think about his happiness for once. It didn't just cross her mind.
She has never felt this selfish. How could she play with someone else's feelings knowing well how much it hurts when your heart gets toyed with?
It was all his fault!
Why had he cheated on her? Why had he broken her heart? And when he had done it, why for five years, he didn't show up? Why was he messing with her life again? Why was he thinking to re-enter her life when she finally decided to move on? WHY?
Her anger intensified with each and every question that invaded her mind. No, she was not going to spoil her life again because of him. She had decided to move on and she would stay put to her decision. Enough running from reality. She needed to live in the present and not in the past.
And as for Henry, she would be the perfect wife.
She would take care of his children and his family like a wife is supposed to.
"You are nothing to me now. So I suggest that you mind your words and business. I won't tolerate any $hït from some stranger about my fiance. Please leave me alone now or I may have to call security." She looked at him with a challenge in her eyes, daring him to go against her.
She felt angry and lost at his outburst. So much of what he had said was right. It always brought unwanted memories back. It wasn't the bad memories that hurt anymore, it was the good ones that broke her daily, completely until she was a crying mess. She turned around counting from one to ten, waiting for him to leave.
"Davie, where are you taking me? I swear to god if I trip and fall somewhere, then you are dead meat." He snickers lightly just behind her.
"David!!!" She whines. Today, his husband has decided to blindfold her and make her run around their house, just after they had some amazing, mind-blowing $êx. Naked.
"Be patient baby, don't you trust me now?" He speaks from somewhere far away. She turns around in circles trying to guess where the voice is coming from.
"Where are you? You are supposed to guide me!" She mutters angrily, about to take her blindfold off. But just as her hands reach the knot, two hands clasp her own and she knows way too well, to whom they belong.
"Not happening. Now, you are supposed to do as I say, okay?" He whispers huskily in her ears, rubbing his hard ëreçtiön against her thigh and making a grunting noise just by her ear. She whimpers lightly.
Oh my god! He is so fúçkïng hard.......AGAIN! She can bet a million dollars that the only thing that they have done after their wedding was staying in the bedroom all day and hump each other like animals, only going out for dinner and lunch.
The neighbours had come to complain here twice of the noises coming from the house. It has been a real challenge to convince them that the 'weird noises' as they call it had been coming from the damaged refrigerator. The only reply that they had been given was 'You should do it less! Doing it so much makes you age faster.'
"No, first you tell me what are you panning? Or I will remove this." She threatens him. He is planning something secretly even when he knows very well that she doesn't do good with surprises. Not knowing what is happening or not having things under her control irritates her.
"You are being a bad girl. Do you want me to punish you?" She snorts, unable to hide her laughter. Is he trying to scare her? Oh well, Epic Fail!
"Trying to be Christian Grey, are we?" She laughs out loud but suddenly stops as she feels his hand on her brèãst. Her ñübs harden just by the feel of his hands on her. What is she becoming? A $êx crazed animal? She has no control over her body! She just does one thing nicely these days.....GET TURNED ON BY ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING HUBBY SAYS!
"Davie? what are you doing? We just did it and now again!" She moans out as he massages her with one of his hands and pins one of her hands behind her back.
"Are you going to do as I say now?" He whispers huskily in her ears, his voice coated with lüst. Jeez, what is he trying to do? Kill her with pleasure?
Any word escaping his mouth feels like sweet honey to her ears which she wanted to swallow in whole. Well, swallow...Nice word, makes her think of swallowing something else...
She felt a smile tug at her lips and she smirks at him suddenly. She rubs her hand on his bulge by mistake of course! OOPS!
"What if I say a no?" She asks, still moaning but in a playful voice. She just loves it when his cute, $êxy husband tries to get dîrty with her.
Suddenly, he pinches her ñipplê$ hard and a scream escapes her lips. The pain soon turns into sweet pleasure.
"Mmmm, S#ìt Davieeee..." He pulls her bööb with her nïpplê and then spanks it with his other hand. She feels pain but as the pain dies away, she feels pleasure. "Oh, David!"
"You like being dirty, don't you? You are a bad girl, aren't you?" He grunts as he presses his érëçtïon tighter on her åss.
"Yes, füçk, I am a very veryyy bad girl! Are you going to punish me for it?" She speaks out, pushing her body more to his. Punish? Seriously, now? He is never going to let her live this one down. She needs to get a hold of herself. Seriously, she has no filter.
"Jesus, Raine! Your pû$$y is so wët." His fingers trail down to her soft folds, rubbing them gently in a circular motion with a constant speed. On his statement, she feels more blood rushing out down there. Oh, sweet Jesus!
"You like it when I talk dirty to you? Don't you?" He speaks in a constricted voice as he picks her up bridal style. She squeals at the sudden motion.
"David, where are we going now?" She trails a finger down his face to his adam's apple as it bobs and then lower to his abdomen. "Raine, I am warning you. If you touch my lips or my neck or my anything right now, I will füçk you right here so damñn hard that all the neighbours would be knocking at our door complaining about your screaming."
Okay well, as much as she wants him to fûçk her right here, hard, very hard. She can't actually let that happen. She is sure that some more noise heard by the neighbours and they will not even have the courtesy to knock, they will just barge in to make her shut up. She flushes at her absurd thoughts and then asks him again. "Okay fine, I won't touch you anywhere. But where are we going now?"
"Back to the bedroom." He mutters, groaning as she touches him gently down there BY MISTAKE and quickly removes her hands feigning innocence.
"And what about the surprise you were giving me?" She giggles.
"We will have to do it later." He muttered as he throws her on the bed gently.
Kissing her neck, he murmurs; "You will be the death of me."
There is an update! Yuhoo!
The chapters are going to get dirtier and probably private, if you do not want any problem, do follow me!
-FastAndDeep ;)
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