Scott frowns. "The punishments are similar to the ones they used back in the old days. And let's not forget Johnson City used to use these rules. My father told me about them."
Mulan shakes her head as if she doesn't quite understand. "So, they want to keep the town rules the same or something?"
Scott nods. "They do, but I guess they can't because of new laws." He thinks for a second. "Do you know who comes up with the new laws?" Scotts asks.
"People do?" I say.
"Yeah, but these were people who were against those rules," he continues. "I think, the teachers here don't want us to be like the people who spoke out against their opinion. Maybe, and I'm not sure, but what if this school wants kids to be dumb so their rules never change. Maybe they want the old days back."
Felix leans against a wall. "Ugh. That's insane," he says. "How can you give kids rules like that and expect a parent around here to approve of that? Although, my mother never mentioned the rules around here."
"Did anyone notice how...spooky things get around here too?" Mulan asks. "We can't get out the school, that's one thing and our parents didn't believe us. My mom thinks what they're doing is right."
"Mine too," Scott says. The rest of them say the same as Scott. "Then they're doing something to our parents. They're doing something bad. We have to find out what it is and stop it."
Felix chuckles. "Oh look, we're turning into Scooby-Doo and the gang."
Aaliyah faces him. "I don't know if I want to get caught spying around here. Remember the rules. Caught outside of class." She looks at me. "We're going to need a good plan that will keep us all safe. More importantly, alive."
"We don't have class now," I say. "Maybe we can look around."
Scott nods. As soon as we start walking down the hallway, the bell rings. We look around, confused why it's ringing in the first place. School's over.
Suddenly, an announcement comes from ceiling speakers. "Please return to your first period classes. I repeat, please return to your first period classes."
Out of nowhere, kids start walking past us, towards the stairs. I turn around to see where they're coming from, but each person is walking through the door. All six of us back up against the wall shocked at what we're seeing.
"Do you see that," Gemma says. "They're walking through the door like ghost."
Ace walks past the door along with the other kids. "Well, don't just stand there," she says cheerfully. "Get to class!"
We huddle next to each other, looking at the kids. As I'm walking, I notice that some kids have bandages covering their whole entire hand. Or some kids with bandages on their ear. There are some kids walking with crutches, kids with lashes and bruises on their face. All of them look happy too. None of them are sad.
"Are you guys seeing this?" I say as we walk upstairs.
"Most of them are bruised and beaten," Aaliyah says. "Why didn't we notice before?"
Scott shakes his head. "I don't know."
When we make it upstairs, we stop and look at each other. "Are any of you in the same class?" Mulan asks. She takes out her bag and looks at us. "Felix and I are in the same class." She shoves something in everyone's pocket. "We're going to need to stay in touch. Luckily I have these."
I look at what she put in my pocket and have to push it back in fast. "We could get into trouble!" I whisper.
"How'd you even manage to bring five cell phones to school?" Scott asks.
"She sells them on the playground," Felix says. "Total hustler. They're dingy too."
Mulan smiles. "But they're good enough for us to keep in touch. There's a Walkie Talkie app. Each one of you will go to the bathroom and make an account. Don't worry, there's data on each phone so we don't need the wifi. Add my username. It's Mulan123, easy right? Once everyone is added, I'll create a group chat. We need to always be able to keep in touch. So be careful."
"We're going to die," Gemma says. "Just pour the acid down my ears now."
The second bell rings. "Alright guys, we have to go. Be careful and look for things that can help us!" Mulan says.
All of us go our separate ways. I walk into my homeroom class and Mrs. Riker shuts the door behind me. "Is that everyone?" She asks while looking around. I take my seat and the teacher is smiling at me the whole time she's walking towards the board. Her smile gives me the creeps. "Today we're going to talk about Music. Do you all know why we don't allow phones and computers?"
The class shakes their head. I shake my head too, going with the flow to avoid looking suspicious. Mrs. Riker continues speaking. "Music is full of mind control, hypocrisy." The teacher turns off the classroom lights, slides over a projector, places a paper on it, and turns it on. "These are lyrics to a song. Look at what it says. These lyrics go against everything we teach."
I read the lyrics.
Nobody speaks for you
Without knowing your thoughts
No matter what they say
Be your own boss
Along with everyone else
You have a mouth too
Speak when you should
Others will hear you
Why be someone's follower
Leading is where it's at
If others relate to your views
You'll be who they'll back
Always speak your mind
Others may feel as you do
Don't worry what others say
Speak to what applies to you
Voice your opinion
Your voice must be heard
Voice your opinion
Your voice must be heard
"Children," the teacher says, turning the lights back. "You opinions don't matter. You are not your own bosses. We're your bosses. We teach you and you do as we say. We don't teach you to-"
My heart starts pounding when I hear a ringer going off. I'm thinking it's mine, but it's coming from the other side of the room. A girl is trying to hide her cellphone inside of her shirt, but it's too late. The teacher is walking towards her. The girl begins to plead.
"I'm so sorry," she starts to cry. "I was just checking on my brother. He's been in the hospital for three days now. I had to make sure he was okay."
The teacher glares at her. "Estaban," she calls out. "Bring me the acid. Class, I want everyone to follow me to Mr. Slovak's class. You too, Tiffany," she says, pointing to the girl with the cell phone. Tiffany stands up nervously and follows the rest of the class to Mr. Solvak's class. I can't help but feel really sorry for her.
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