Keith and Mia were busy finding their friends when Keith Lee's phone started ringing.
He was about to pick it up when the monster started attacking him.
"Mia! Answer it!" Keith Lee throws her the phone.
"Hurry up! I can handle this!" He shouted, punching the monster in the face.
Mia accepted the call, putting the phone on her ears, "Hello?
[It's me, Dominik. Where are you guys?]
Mia sighed in relief, "We're in Bobby's ancestral home, it's quite famous in this place so you can just ask the people around."
[We'll go in there.]
Mia pinched her nose, "Help us..."
[The signal's seems off. What?]
"Help us." But the line got disconnected for some reason. They were startled when Io Shirai fell from above.
"Io..." Mia exclaimed, helping her.
"You attracted a lot...The genius of the Sky." Keith Lee said seeing six monsters approaching them.
Walter's group entered the mansion and reunited with Karrion.
"Why is he crying?" Candice asked, taking care of Tommaso's bleeding shoulder.
"We lost Marcel and Fabian, of course, he'll cry," Rhea was the one who answered her.
"Aliyah too," Toni added, making Candice and Tommaso frowned.
"Keep your voice down," Scarlett instructed while Karrion kept glancing back and forth, tapping his foot impatiently, "What's taking them so long?"
"Adam and Johnny went to get the candles," Tommaso replied. Scarlett raised her brow, "Adam and Johnny?"
"We saw Adam just a while ago and Johnny went with him," Candice explained.
"Adam and Johnny? Not Adam and Roderick?" Scarlett tried to elaborate which earned a confused look of Tommaso and Candice.
"We didn't see Roderick, just Adam Cole," Tommaso answered for her.
"Dexter isn't here either," Karrion added making the newcomers confused.
"What if something happened to them?" Rhea nervously speaks out.
"Who's gonna go after them? Keith and Mia aren't back too..." Scarlett muttered, Candice stood up, "I'm worried, I'm going to find Johnny!"
"Chelsea's also acting weird," Dream sighed in exhaustion.
"Chelsea? Where's Chelsea?" Tommaso asked, glancing at them.
"She's just behind u- where's Chelsea Green?!" Toni panicked after checking that she's no longer with them.
"Oh, sh*t! What if she started throwing rocks at people again?!" Rhea angrily muttered.
"Alright, Toni and I were going to attic to get the candles. We're going to check if Johhny and Adam were there as well," Rhea suggested, tapping Candice's shoulder to reassures her.
"Keith Lee!"
"We got reunited with everyone after we saw Io in the hallway." Keith Lee uttered, panting heavily as he pointed at Io who got minor scratches and Mia Yim helping her to stand. Rhea noticed the people on his back were Shayna, Dakota, Damian, Kay Lee, and Tyler Breeze.
"Welcome back, guys."
Meanwhile, Timothy and Dominik found the place.
"Hurry up kids, I want to go home," Shawn yawned, waiting in the driver seat.
"Take care!" Kayden and Kacy waved back.
The two reached the place and knock on the gate, someone peeked at them, "Yes?"
"I'm looking for my co-workers. Bobby Fish included, we're here to tell them that we're going home." Dominik explained, the man in black named Drew smiled and nodded his head.
"Come in."
The two walked inside and noticed leaves scattered in the ground. No signs of people around.
Dominik opened his phone, saying there's no signal. Timothy followed Drew inside the house but before he can enter, someone attacked him from behind.
Roderick was startled seeing Dexter Lumis behind him.
"Why did you followed me?" He hysterically asked, pointing at the man. Dexter didn't pay him attention as he went inside a library.
Roderick doesn't know what to do but something is telling him that he should follow Dexter and he did. The first one he saw is Kyle and Tegan inside.
"Kyle..." Roderick uttered, making the two wrestlers glanced at him.
"Roddy! Over here! We found something!" Kyle invited him.
"Look at this Tegan, there's a lot of pictures of the same woman," Kyle showed her the pictures he found on the album.
"Wait, didn't she looked like the one in the class picture?" Tegan frowned, staring at the picture of a black-haired woman.
"What are you doing guys?" Roderick questioned scanning his eyes at all the albums and pictures scattered in the table.
"Finding clues...look at this class picture." Tegan handed him the picture which he reluctantly accepted. Roderick squinted his eyes only to drop the picture.
"Why is Shotzi in the picture?"
"That's our question too. Chelsea, Marcel, Robert, Raquel, Fabian, and Aliyah's in there as well." Tegan replied, making the Messiah of back breaker confused, picking it up once again.
"I think they're dead, Roddy," Kyle answered.
"How? Why?"
"We don't know why they're in the picture. I don't understand." Tegan hopelessly muttered, sitting on the chair.
"Who's this woman? Why did she have a lot of pictures here?" Roderick asked making Kyle stared at him.
"Oh yeah...Bobby Fish once gave us a picture of his family tree but I've never seen this woman before..." Kyle suddenly speaks out.
"Do you think Bobby knows something?" Tegan words echoed on their ears.
They were startled when someone throws an album in the middle of the table.
"The f*ck Dexter! Have you lost your mind?!" Roderick suddenly enraged.
When Tegan recovered, she picked the album and saw the same face of the black-haired woman, written under is the name.
"That name...I read it somewhere!" Kyle interrupted.
Dexter also showed them his sketchbook, the three were surprised when twenty-four turns into twenty-three.
"Are you crazy bro? there's no such thing as dog eating human!" Matt laughed after what Fandango told them.
"You're watching too much television," Pete added.
"Huh? I'm not insane! I saw it with my very own eyes." Fandango insisted, making Matt shrugs and put his attention on the skeleton, "Bro, look! There's a bracelet on the hand!"
"Don't touch it!" Fandango warns but that doesn't stop the original bro from doing it.
"Why is there a skeleton here?" Pete Dunne asked.
"This is crazy."
Fandango noticed a light not far from them, "Tyler's life in danger! I think I found our exit! Let's go save them!"
"How about the corpse?" Pete wondered, running after him.
"We'll get back on it!" Fandango stated.
Matt Riddle took the bracelet from the skeleton and noticed the cursive writing on the silver bracelet, "...Zelina?"
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