Welcome back.
When I ran into Krista's room with Reiner and some other people who heard Ymir's cries and the bangs, I wasn't expecting this. I saw a figure sprawled out on the bed with what looked like blood surrounding it and Ymir was on the floor shaking and looking more hurt than she has ever looked before. When she saw us she ran to leave the room but Reiner stopped her. She started talking in a cracked voice as I rushed over to the bed. I gasped and put my hand over my mouth.
"Not her..." I whispered as the corner of my eyes geared up. Krista had a massive still bleeding hole in her chest.
"She.... She was stabbed." I told the girl who had come up behind me. I reached my hand down to where her heart was and waited. "......nothing... She's gone." I whispered as I shut her eyes and turned away, feeling a dreadful emptiness in my chest. "I... I should inform someone what has happened." I said, mostly just wanting to leave the room as quickly as possible. I ran through the halls, holding back tears unsuccessfully, and ended up in front of a familiar room. I had been here many times to satisfy my thirst for knowledge. I raised my hand up and knocked on the door.
"Come in! Unless it's Levi! If so I'm sorry for spilling all those chemicals! I'll clean them later!" I heard Hanji's voice call from the inside of the lab.
"It's... It's Armin, Squad Leader." My surprisingly calm voice informed her.
"Ah, I was wondering when you would visit me again! Come on in!" I creaked open the door and stepped inside to see her at one of the many microscopes, grinning over at me, that is, she was grinning until she saw the expression on my face along with the sheen of tear streaks down my face.
"Oh no..." Hanji said as I cautiously approached her, wondering how to begin.
"There has been an incident... Krista... Is... Dead." I didn't want to say it outloud but I knew I had to.
"What?!" Hanji said, dropping the vial she was holding, causing it to shatter into a million pieces. I blankly stared at the shards of glass, numb to the world as I muttered, "She was stabbed."
"Shitty glasses if you do not clean up that mess right this seco- what's wrong with you two?! You look like someone died!" Levi said as he kicked open the door and looked at us crossing his arms.
"Levi... Krista was found dead." Hanji said still in disbelief. Levi's eyes widened slightly and he turned on his heels and walked out, probably to see the crime scene. We watched him walk out as Hanji turned to me.
"It's... It's going to be okay Armin..." Hanji stuttered as she spoke.
"I just... I need a moment!" I yelled as I ran out of the lab barely hearing Hanji call my name. I ran past worried people who stared at me like I was insane. I ran until my legs burned and I was panting. I collapsed onto the ground, completely exhausted and unable to move.
"Where... Am I?" I spoke outloud to myself as my eyes scanned the area. I looked around and found I was under Eren's favorite tree.
"Eren will probably be here soon. He comes here when he's upset." I thought as I shifted so my body was leaning against the tree. I closed my eyes and my thoughts went to Krista. "Why did she have to die? She didn't do anything wrong and she was always nice to everyone, even a geek like me." I sighed and remembered her. Her smile, her eyes, her beautiful hair, and best of all, her laugh. She would always be happy and laughing. Even if we had lost someone, she would always bring us happiness. But now... There would be no more laughter.
I continued mourning poor Krista when I heard the grass rustle.
"Is that you, Ere-!"
Eren's POV
I wiped my eyes and shook my head to clear the bad thoughts. I knew where I was going. I knew as soon as Major Hanji had told me what happened to Krista. I looked ahead and saw my tree. Something was wrong. I saw a spot of blood where I usually sat and someone’s cloak was flung across the ground. I stared down in confusion.
"Whose blood is this? And the cloak... Whose is that?" I wondered while staring down. I decided to go find Levi and tell him about this. I grabbed the cloak and walked back to HQ.
I knocked on Levi's door only to receive no answer. "He probably is at the crime scene." I decided as I turned around and started walking to Krista's old room. But before I got there, I bumped into a very worried looking Mikasa.
"Have you seen Armin, Eren?" She asked me, eyebrows furrowed in worry.
"No, I haven't. But I did find something at my tree...." I told her about the cloak and the spot of blood. She nodded and ran off without another word. I raised an eyebrow, now getting worried myself. I ran into Armin’s room to find nothing.
Where was he? I walked out of his room and started to make my way down to the mess hall when I heard a scream. I started to run to the direction where it came. Major’s lab. I slammed through the doors to find Hanji on the ground and a body hanging in front of her.
“A-Armin…….NO! NOOOO,” I screeched as I saw my best friend hanging from the ceiling. The tears streamed down my face as I thought, “My best friend is dead.” And the tears didn’t stop. I walked closer and saw that there was something written across his chest. The words ran across from his face all the way to his knees. This was all your fault.
S- So I finished off that chapter I am SO NOT EXCITED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER *sobs* [also sorry for the long wait some drama happened and then some family shit but it is all good now]
SW- Oh wow. It’s been awhile. Well...Hi! I know how excited Sophia is about the next chapter, so I’ll see you victims next time.
S- YEA SURE…….whatever same as her SEASON 3 TWD BITCHES
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