I cried softly into Ymir's shoulder, Ymir holding me tightly and holding back tears of her own. I listened to Connie's speech and I watched him lay the ring onto Sasha's bright red casket. I looked up to see Ymir finally giving in to the tears, saying, "Krista. You have to do me a huge favor." I looked up at her, "Anything." I said. She leant down and whispered to me, "A date. Give me one night in case something happens to one of us, I want this time with you." My sadness was momentarily replaced with joy. "Yes!" I whispered smiling, my tears stopping for a moment. "Of course, Ymir!" She broke into a grin and hugged me tighter, saying, "Oh just marry me already!"
I was sitting on my chair in front of an old mirror. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time before going into my closet to find a different skirt. I pulled out a plum colored one to match my rather tight shirt. Ymir always tells me to wear it, so I will wear it for her. When I turned around to put it on I met something unexpected. I felt it peirce through my flesh and enter me. I looked up from the dagger to see a familiar face full of rage.
The person ran out of my room before I could speak. I stumbled over to my bed and crashed on top of it with my minuscule hands pushing down onto my chest, blood spurting through the gaps in my fingers. I yelped as the blood pooled around me and began to cover my sheets. I moved back as I heard the door creak open.
"HEY KRISTA ARE YOU REA.....Oh my...." Ymir ran over to me and forced her hands on top of mine to put more pressure on the gaping hole in my stomach. I started up at her with fear in my sky blue eyes. She put her nose against mine.
"You're going to be just fine." She choked out. I shook my head to tell her she was wrong.
"No....Ymir I......I'm going to die..." I spat back at her in annoyance," How can you possibly think I am going to be okay?" I could feel my grip loosening on my wound. I slowly looked down at our hands, this was the first time they touched and would also be the last. My eyes trailed down Ymir's body as I pulled my head up get one last look at her before I let go. I let myself smile as I removed my hands from my stomach and put them on Ymir's cheeks.
"Thank you.....F-For L-Lovi....." My words trailed off as I went limp and let my world end.
Ymir POV
I saw her pale face fall back as she let go of my face. I quickly moved my hands away from her torso and caught her head before it fell completley backwards.
"Krista...Hey Krista...." I started to shout, "WAKE UP KRISTA PLEASE.....KRIS-" I got cut off by my own tears.I let the salty liquid flow down my cheeks as I grabed her limp body. I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her, trying to get her to wake up.
"Please.......Don't die on me....I need you..." I sobbed as I felt the blood soaking onto my creme shirt, but I didn't care. I pulled away from her small frame and realized she was gone. I got up from her bed and moved to her mirror.
"Hey I bet you just used this didn't you?" I asked her lifeless body, "I guess you really did want to go with me...." I started to feel my eyes sting from all of the tears and I was done with crying. I grabbed the mirror and threw it across the room. I picked up her flowers and tossed them at her closet. I felt my knees give in and I crumpled to the ground where I stood.
"WHY........DAMMIT..." I pounded my fist on the ground, wishing something would go right, but nothing did.
Just as I felt the blood start to seep out of the cuts on my knuckles I heard a creak from the door. I looked up to find Reiner standing in front of me with a group of people behind him. I stood up and stormed over to him. I tried to move past him to get out of the room but he stopped me. I looked up to me to see worry in his eyes, like I... Like I had done this to her.
"NO..... Don't you dare think that, Reiner," I spat up at him, "You know I would never do this! .......I loved her... Her bright smile, her eyes, the color of her hair, and the way sh-" I choked out as Reiner wrapped his arms around my shaking frame. I curled my arms around his strong body as I let my tears soak into his green shirt.
*tear* One of my favorite ships...
S-Same..... I could feel Ymir's pain......WHY DID I COME UP WITH THIS IDEA *sobs into pillow*
SW- Don't know, but you're bringing me into the feels with you. Well anyway, you're gonna love this next chapter aren't you, Sophia?
S-My babay......FUCK OFF SWAZEY *sadly eats ramen* I hate you.....
SW- MUAHAHAHA sorry it must be done. I wonder who killed our darling Krista?
S-Well we already know that ya dumbass
SW- LET ME BE SECRETIVE!!! The victims don't know who! LEAVE ME ALONE! Tch. Next chapter time so I can get back at you.
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