Chapter 3: Jake's Hat
Jake noticed how angry he got over the smallest inconveniences throughout the entire day. Although, he didn't get mad at Finn. Only occasionally, he would glare slightly, but he'd stop pretty quickly once he realised what he was doing.
When the next morning arrived, Jake woke up early from his terrible sleep. Much earlier than Finn, who was still snoring with his head that laid off the side of the bed while he snuggled in his cocoon sleeping bag. Jake got out of his drawer-bed and stretched. He walked over to the bathroom with a groan and splashed water on his face. As he wiped his face dry with his towel, a shocked expression took over his face when he noticed a small horn that protruded from the right side of his head. He started to hyperventilate and looked around for anything that could possibly help him. Jake froze when he heard Finn yawn and move in his bed. He was waking up.
Jake gasped quietly and continued to search the bathroom for any helpful supplies. Then he saw his brown hat that he rarely wore, only for special occasions. He put the hat on and made sure it covered his newly formed right horn.
"Jake?" Finn called from the bedroom groggily. Jake gasped again but silently.
"Uh, um- y-yes?" Jake replied with a strained tone that tried to remain calm.
"You okay in there?" Finn asked. His voice became louder as he walked closer to the slightly ajar bathroom door. Jake messed around with his hat to make sure his horn was secured and out of sight.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine! What, what about you?" Jake asked as he awkwardly leaned on the side of the bathroom sink. Finn stood in the doorway and looked at him cautiously.
"Why are you wearing your hat? At this time in the morning?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes tiredly.
"I wanted to dress up a bit today. What's wrong with that?" Jake retorted nervously yet a little defensively.
"You just... you only wear that hat when something special's going on." Finn mentioned. Jake just stood there when a frown on his face. "Doing anything with Lady today?"
"No. Can I not wear my own favourite hat just because I want to?" He snapped.
"No, I just-" Finn tried to explain himself but Jake cut him off.
"Just what, Finn?"
"I'm just... a bit worried about you. That's all. Just wanted to... check in." Finn said softly.
"Well, I don't need you to check in with me. How could you know when someone's going through something? You're just a kid." Jake released a low beastly growl at the end of his sentence. It was barely vicious, but it was noticeable. Finn stepped back, shocked by Jake's sudden change in attitude. Now he was truly worried. Jake most definitely has occasional mood swings, everybody does. But Jake does not growl at Finn. Ever.
Jake's eyes widened. He looked down, then back up. "I... Finn, I didn't mean-"
"It's okay, Jake... You're just going through something." Finn brushed it off, although he was indeed a little hurt. "Just tell me when you're ready. Please?" He pleaded. Jake sighed.
"Promise." He nodded. Finn laughed slightly.
"Cool beans." He smiled. Jake smiled softly back.
"Cool beans."
Hello to whoever is reading this trashy FanFiction!
I haven't updated in a PHAT while. So, I apologise.
From now on, the chapters are going to be about half the length of my normal chapters. This is because I'll be able to update more often and there will be more chapters overall.
Happy reading!
- Chalupa
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