A week had pasted and Neji and sakura had made their 'dating' official to everyone. They walked holding hands around the village and they spoke um cutely to each other. Like right now.
"No you're the cutest my pink mushy pie!" Neji said poking sakura's nose. They both were sitting across from each other while sharing a single milkshake.
"No you're the cutest my wanny wonny rabbit." Sakura said showing a fake bright smile while poking Neji's nose back. They continued this for a while. The passing villagers awed or squealed.
But sometimes naruto ruined their moments....like right now.
Naruto ran in the shop in front of them.
"You bastard!! Get away from my sakura-chan!! She's mine not yours!!" Naruto shouted pointing a finger at Neji.
Neji stood up, took the milk shake from the table, and aimed it towards naruto's head. Naruto laughed as milkshake flew passed him, but he didn't see it bounce from a cushion to his head.
Sakura looked away from them and frowned. She'd been waiting for Zetzu's chakra to appear all day.
She was sad that she killed her unstable friend gloppy. Her old house was so quiet. So cold and dark. Without inner's shouting complements and her opinions out loud to raise her self steam. Her confidence. Without being in the arms of her friend gloppy who could actually warm her cold body a bit. His smile. He reminded her that maybe she had someone to count on. That maybe there were nice and worthy. His happy shouts that made her feel wanted. Thought she felt a bit of guilt. He wouldn't want to be friends with her if she hadn't tortured him. She really missed her friends. But she betrayed them just like the old man had. She felt happy and didn't try to stop it even when she knew it hurt inner. She killed gloppy for her selfish reasons to get stronger. She wasn't any better than any of them.
But maybe. She could change. To but that wall back in it's place. Maybe if she was blinded by hatred, revenge, and sadness like she was before. When she wouldn't have feel a single thing. She could be happy with the bloody screams. The joy of torturing them. She wanted that back.
She suddenly gasp getting Neji's attention.
He was finally back.
Sakura stood up from her seat and bowed to Neji.
"I'm sorry sweetie..... but I have some business to.... take care of." Sakura said. She stood up straight and teleported away leaving Neji behind.
--------some where else.-----
Zetzu stood a few miles away from konoha. If he came any closer those pesky konoha ninjas would get him and if so, he wouldn't be able to train the brat.
He walked around to waiting for sakura to sense him so they could start. While he did so, he saw something very peculiar.
In front of him stood a broken old house looking as if it were only seconds before collapsing to the ground. Curiosity got the better of him making him walk to the front door. He slowly walked in only to be hit by a freezing breeze. He ignore the chills crawling on his back and walked inside making the wood floor creek. He saw multiple flower vase filled with different kinds of flowers. But Zetzu knew better. If someone were to smell a these flower they would be paralyzed. They were extremely poisonous in other words if you smelled them closely.
There was a broken table and a broken couch. The walls were cracked as well as the floor. Everything was covered in a thick blanket of dust and dirt. The kitchen seemed a bit cleaner than the living room though. He saw a stair case leading to a second floor.
He walked up the stair each step making the wood creek. When he made it up he saw three doors. He opened the first one and saw a room filled it red rusty kunais and shurikens. Some weren't stained but they were still rusty. Some were cleaner and less rusty. He saw scrolls stacked in a desk and a single scroll being worked on. The only furniture there was, was the wood desk and chair that were stained red and black. Ink he guessed. And a other wooden chair in the corner.
He was about to open the second door but the chills in his back screamed at him. He moved to the last one.
The last door lead to bathroom. It reeked. Not from waist but from death. The smell of death reeked. The walls had old red stains. The toilet was full of blood, the sink in a familiar state. The floor tiles were brown stained. The first room now made sense. Both the rooms were bad, but the second one.
He walked out of the bathroom to the second room. No matter how much his chills screamed at him to stop. He slowly reached for the handle, and opened the room.
He was a criminal and as one he'd seen bloodly rooms, and Torture rooms. His own room said he was a criminal, but what he saw made him stop. His world stopped. His eyes widen in horror.
The entire room reeked death like the bathroom but it was a lot stronger. The walls were completely stained red. Some were flesh, but you could still see the old stains. The floor had large puddles of blood, some even had body parts in them with bites, similar to a animal's. The room was full of chains and seals making someone unable to use their chakra as well as chakra ropes who worked the same. Kunais, kanatas, shurikens, whips, and scalpels were on the ground covered in blood. A white table stood in the middle along with pink chairs. The table had a fancy tea party set. It was completely untouched by the blood. There was a opened cabinet showing bottles filled with different colored liquids. Poison. The room was dark but he could still see. And he wished he didn't.
Zetzu was terrified. But he nearly lost his mind when he heard groans and mumbles. He walked towards the sound, only to see a old man, a teen, and a man chained up and tied in chakra ropes. They were losing blood due to missing body parts. The old man was missing both his legs, the teen missed a arm, and the man was missing a eyes his mouth was opened reviling he was missing all his teeth. They also had open scars and bruises all over their body.
"P-...p-pl-please... h-hel-p..." the old man mumbled. Fear showed in their eyes. Like they had seem death it self.
Zetzu took a few steps backwards when he felt someone behind him. He quickly turned around and saw sakura smiling brightly like she wasn't in a room full of death.
"Hello Zetzu....like the place?....I made it as comfortable as possible.." sakura said walking to a wall and flicking a switch he never knew was there.
The lights showed the entire room which showed what he never wanted to see ever again. In the same wall was the old man and more people who seemed to be hidden by the shadows before the switch was on. Old man and women, man and women, and teenagers were all seen. Some missing body parts. Deep large scars as well as bruises.
Sakura was wearing some black short shorts but bandages hid her legs, along with her light green hoodie. Her hands covered in bandages as well and she wore black boots that went below her knees.
"Welcome to my home Zetzu-san." Sakura said. Zetzu stared at the young girl in horror. "Don't mind the mess please I like the room like this....... The smell of someone's life near death..so....beautiful.." sakura said taking a deep breath and exhaling cheerfully.
Sakura walked to the old man and poked his forehead.
"Hello there....I'm glad you're still alive......because it means i get to introduce you to my new sensei..." sakura said looking the old man with a smile." Zetzu-san his is In...short for inappropriate..... I found him with his granddaughter... but she looked sad....I mean how can you not care when a four year old is sad....after he left her I walked to her and asked her if she was alright....she told nothing was wrong....but I told her I would keep it a secret....so she told me her grandpa touched her in places she didn't feel comfortable.... I didn't understand.... but I saw how sad she was....so I told her I was going to take care of it....so here he is....he's been here for three days and he looks so unhappy....maybe I should cut of his arm.." sakura said putting her hand in her chin trying to think." Yes....I should..."
Sakura left the room to look for a knife while Zetzu stared at the old man.
"Y-you tried- you're are disg-!" Zetzu started but the old man cut him off.
"T-th-that br-brat...sho-ahould've b-be qu-quiet!" The old man said angry.
Sakura came back with a small rusty knife.
"I haven't used this knife yet so....I'm going to use it.."sakura said as she examine the knife before pointing it to the old man.
Sakura walked to him and started to repeatedly stab him in different places of the shoulder to increase the pain. Blood splattered in her place and clothes and all the other people cried hard or looked down. Zetzu looked at sakura with a professional eye.
Yes sakura was a extremely strong kid. She was extremely smart. She knew how to make someone suffer to the worst. She knew who to make them loose their mind. He looked at the people in the corner who were rocking in the bloodly floor. Some pulled their hair and others twitched their eyes, lips, and body constantly. She was perfect. Maybe if he could train her to the fullest...she could even be able to beat him. He knew he hadn't seen all her power. If she could beat him then maybe the leader could actually be the leader.
Zetzu looked at sakura with a serious look....yes..she was perfect.
He looked at her big wide cruel smile on her cold white pale face. She was a sadist. If she did beat him then she would most likely take over. She could kill everyone. Or she would join forces with him. She would do his crimes. He would most likely use her powers as well, and if so he would take over....but seeing as she was willing to kill her best friend..it showed she was determined to anything she put her mind to...and he could guess she didn't like to lose, meaning a war could be started.
No....they didn't need another war, so many risks were possible. He sigh. If he just left without a word it was likely she was going to try to follow him and kill him if she had the chance.
(Play vid)
He was going to do it.
Zetzu looked at sakura who had manage to dig her way to the bone with her knife. Her face was splattered in blood along with her clothes and hand. He walked towards her and pulled on her hood to make her stop.
Sakura turned to look at him and she.....pouted.
"Ah....zetzu-san you're being mean.." sakura said staring at him with her large green emerald eyes. He felt his face heat up.
"C-come on, we have to started your training. that's right b-bitch!!." Zetzu said now pulling sakura out of the room by her hood. Sakura kept pouting until they were outside of the house.
----with Neji----
Neji and Shikamaru were walking round the streets looking for a present.
"Why exactly do you need a present?" Shikamaru asked lazily." Its obvious that she digs you too."
Neji looked at Shikamaru with a red face.
"Well of course she does. Which is why I want to give her a present. To show she she can count on me too. I mean anyone can tell she has secrets." Neji said." Anyway how is your teammate? The used to be blond."
Shikamaru flinched.
"She's not doing any better. Most of her insides her were burned as well. Its a miracle that she's alive. But.....the doctors say she might might never be a ninja again." Shikamaru said while as he clenched his fist.
Neji gave him a side look.
"You now...she's been a lot happier." Shikamaru said looking at Neji to see his reaction.
"Well it's obvious why, she's with me all day." Neji said like it was obvious.
" No, that's not why. When you're not around people have seen her a lot happier....its almost scary to see someone that happy, but when it comes to her its cute." Shikamaru said looking away from Neji.
Neji glared at Shikamaru.
"You know I'm the one dating her, so don't say things like that about her or I'll kill you." Neji said in rage.
Shikamaru chuckled.
"What I meant is, I think she's seeing someone else." Shikamaru said.
Neji stopped walked and stood with wide sad eyes believing this theory.
Shikamaru looked at him with sympathy.
Neji then disappeared.
-----with Zetzu.------
Zetzu dropped sakura hood letting her stand with a smile.
"So what are we go to do Zetzu-san?" Asked sakura.
"Well...um..you didn't think about it did you Dingus!" Zetzu said. He then punched black Zetzu in the face." You fuck!!"
Sakura stared at them happily.
Zetzu cleared his throat embarrassed.
"W-well what are your chakra signals? Yeah! It better fucking be water!!" Zetzu said.
"Well.....I can use wind, earth, fire, and water...but I mostly work on the last two." Sakura said putting on a serious face and tone making Zetzu flinch.
"All right then, let's get to work!" Zetzu said.
Sorry if its to short! My next update might also be short.
Anyway the next chapter will a "back in time". Starring .....
I've decided to show you how some naruto characters meet dear sweet saki-chan.
They may be short.....but I'll try to make them entertaining.
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