sand strangers.
Sasuke was patiently waiting for his team mates and teacher.
It had been a few weeks after they woke up in kakashi's house they only remembered that they did that stalking thing on sakura. And then there was 'that' memory. He couldn't help but think seeing her in his arms with her yelling.
But then again sakura never yelled. He could only think, though her soft silky tiny voice was already perfect. He blushed his imagination taking over.
"Oh sasuke-kun! I love you so much! You're so much better than that ramen loving dobe and perverted old man! I want to bear your children! We should have millions of babies!" Sakura said in his arms wearing her hair down and wearing a traditional kimono.
"Yes sakura! I love you too! Let us restore my clan with millions of our children! And then have more!" Sasuke said with a blush and sparkling eyes, he too wearing a traditional kimono. He leaned in for a kiss. Sakura leaning in as well. He was about to kiss her lips but-
"Wake up teme!!"
Sasuke snapped out of his imagination and looked at naruto who was eating a bowl of ramen.
"What do you want dobe?!" Sasuke said angry.
"Nothing much, it was just creepy looking at you smiling like a idiot." Naruto said.
Sasuke started sweating at least-
"Oh yeah and sakura was about to leave when she saw you but I caught up with her and asked her if she wanted to go out for ramen! And you know what? She said yes and you know what that meant." Naruto whispered the last part while sasuke was paper white while sweating." It was a date."
Sasuke froze. He looked behind naruto and saw sakura eating ramen with sparkling eyes. And was that a blush he saw. IT WAS!!
Sasuke fell to the ground with his soul coming out of his body.
Naruto looked at sakura and saw her enjoying her ramen. He blushed madly.
Okay naruto! Nows your chance to make a move on her!
Naruto walked over to sakura.
"H-hey sakura-chan? C-can I feed you ramen?" Naruto asked blushing. Sakura looked at naruto.
" Why?" Sakura asked.
"Well you know! Its always nice to feed others! It symbolizes that our friendship is now official!" Naruto said a deep scarlet blush covering his entire face.
"Friendship." Sakura repeated." Okay."
Shocked naruto's ears and head made steam.
"Really?" Naruto asked dizzy.
"Yeah....I mean if it means you wanting to become friends.....then its let's make it official." Sakura said looking at naruto innocently making naruto's blush deepen if it were possible. Naruto grabbed her chopsticks, picked the ramen and stopped.
"O-okay! Say ahh." Naruto said shakily.
"......ahh." sakura said opening her tiny mouth. Naruto was about to feed her but.
"Naruto!! What are you doing to sakura-chan!?" Asked kakashi appearing behind him angry. Naruto afraid dropped the ramen plate over sakura staining her black hoodie. Naruto and kakashi gasped. Kakashi looked at naruto and started to strangle him.
"You big idiot!! What have you done!!" Kakashi shouted.
Sakura looked at them.
"We were making our friendship official." Sakura said abruptly. Kakashi looked at naruto a dark aura surrounding him. Naruto shook in fear.
"Kakashi its alright...I'll just." Sakura said taking off her hoodie. They both hold their noses as they saw sakura. She wore a fish net shirt.
/like this one and yes she has that bra/
Their blush deepen. Sasuke woke up and saw sakura he was about to faint again but naruto fell over him.
"You dobe!! Get off me!" Sasuke said angry.
"Can't......too......beautiful...." naruto murmured.
"Any-anyway the reason I called this meeting was to tell you that I signed you up to the chunin exams." Kakashi said turning around.
That well build up body and her breast!
Kakashi snapped out of his thought as naruto shouted at him.
"Sensei what are the chunin exams?" Naruto asked.
"Its where you take a exam to become a chunin dobe." Sasuke responded as he got off the ground.
"Y-yeah I know!! I-i just asked to see if you knew the answer!" Naruto yelled." Wait! Who hell was asking you!! You always just have to butt in don't you!! You teme!!"
"Anyway I have to go.....oh... and sakura p-please cover your self." Kakashi said with a blush. Sakura nodded. As kakashi disappeared sakura walked away.
"Hey sakura want me to walk you home?" Sasuke asked.
"No I'm fine." Sakura said coldly. She turned towards naruto, her voice soften." Goodbye friend naruto."
Naruto blushed once again and sasuke glared at him.
"Sasuke you didn't have to beat me up! Plus it was your fault! Maybe if you stopped doing that stupid face! Then maybe sakura-chan would of liked you!" A beat up naruto said walking slowly.
"Shut up dobe and walk faster. I didn't break your legs." Sasuke demanded with a angry mark.
"Teme!" Naruto was about to launch him self at him but stopped when a voice called his name.
They both turned around and saw konohamaru and his team.
"Hey konohamaru!" Naruto said happy. Konohamaru looked at sasuke.
"Hey who's the duck butt?" Konohamaru asked. Naruto laughed while sasuke glared at him.
"Oh yeah! Hey naruto have you seen my sister around?" Konohamaru asked.
"Sister? You have a sister?!" Naruto said excited."I bet she's ugly and bald considering she's related to the old man!" Naruto laughed expecting konohamaru to laugh along but when he looked at him, he was angry.
"Don't you dare call my sister ugly and bald! She's the best sister in the entire world!" Konohamaru shouted shocking naruto.
"Yeah she's the bestest ninja and she's super pretty!" Konohamaru's girl team mate shouted.
"Yeah and she's the best cook ever!" Konohamaru's other team mate shouted.
"Wow! Wow! Wow! I'm sorry konohamaru. I just didn't know you had a sister." Naruto said nervously.
"That's right! You better be sorry or I'll tell sakura-nee-chan that you called her those things." Konohamaru said angry." I'm sure she would use you as a rag to clean the floor with."
Sasuke and naruto froze.
"W-wait? Did you say sakura-chan is your sister?" Naruto said sweating. Konohamaru nodded.
"I'm sure you knew she was my sister, after all you are her team mate." Konohamaru said." Oh well I guess I'll have to tell her." He said starting to walk away. Naruto panic and tackled him to the ground.
"Look I'll play with you if you don't tell sakura-chan!!" Naruto said desperately. Konohamaru thought and nodded.
"Okay let's play ninja! I'm the evil monster that wants to eat you up so you better start running!" Naruto said. Konohamaru and his team ran away laughing. Naruto looked at sasuke.
"What are you doing? Run away! I'm the monster!" Naruto said.
"I'm not playing a kids game." Sasuke said coldly. Naruto walked towards him and bit his arm.
"WHAT!! THE HELL DOBE!!" Sasuke screamed with tears as he holded his arm.
"I SAID I WAS THE MONSTER!!" Naruto screamed. Sasuke ran away catching up to konohamaru. As they ran konohamaru bumped into a guy.
"Oh I'm sorry sir." Konohamaru bowed. Before he could ran away the boy grabbed his shirt collar.
"Hey! Let me go! Or I'll call my nee-chan!!" Konohamaru shouted.
"Like I care who you call! I'm still going to make you sorry punk!" The man said.
"Let him go Kankuro." Said the girl behind him." We wouldn't want to upset him for making a scene."
"I don't care what he thinks! Come on Temari don't you think he deserves a lesson." Kankuro said.
Sasuke threw a rock at him making Kankuro drop konohamaru. Konohamaru ran away from him.
"SAKURA-NEE-CHAN!!" Konohamaru shouted.
"Shut up brat!" Kankuro shouted making konohamaru flinch. Kankuro put down what was on his back.
"Don't use it Kankuro. He's not going to be happy." Temari warned him.
"Like I care! This guy needs to be teach a lesson!" Kankuro said.
Everyone froze as they looked at the person. They all saw a boy standing upside down a branch of a tree.
"Your a disgrace to the village." He said making kankuro flinch.
"B-but- G-Garra." Kankuro started.
"Shut up or I'll kill you." Gaara said. Everyone's blood ran cold.
"That's not a way to speak to a team mate."
Everyone and the strangers looked up. They where going to cheer but they stopped. Most of the boys blushed expect konohamaru and the stranger known as gaara.
In a different tree standed sakura still wearing her fish net shirt. She jumped down and looked at konohamaru.
"What have I told you about looking where you're going konohamaru-kun." Sakura asked konohamaru with soft eyes.
"Sorry sakura-nee-chan! But I apologized and this guy wouldn't let it go!" Konohamaru said. Sakura looked at him and saw his elbows. They were bleeding.
Sakura walked up to Kankuro. He was to busy looking at her body to realize the killing aura coming from her. She grabbed his shirt collar and pulled his face close to hers. Her face was blank but everyone knew better expect Kankuro.
"Listen here sir.....I'm sorry my little brother bumped into you." Sakura said calmly.
"Oh its okay! If I knew you were his sister I would've apologized." Kankuro said while blushing.
" Oh really? I'm glad you would do so.....but." sakura said closing her eyes." Even if you were to apologize to him then you would still have a problem with me."
Kankuro looked at her.
"And what would you do about it." Kankuro said in a flirty voice.
"Oh I guess......I would have to rip the heart and soul of your body.....I would like to see your blood splatter in the floor....I would love to pull out your eyes and feed them to the dogs with no homes.....but then again they don't deserve such a unappetizing don't even deserve to live....." sakura said opening her eyes revealing gray eyes. Kankuro blood ran cold. The more he stared at her eyes it became harder to breath." Tell me......what makes you so worthy to live such a good life sand many people with good hearts deserve that place...not I want you to apologize to my brother or.....will see which part of your body gets ripped off first."
Kankuro's eyes became lifeless as he got away from sakura's grip and walked towards konohamaru. Kankuro got in both knees and bowled to konohamaru.
"My deepest apologies konohamaru-sama. If you wish to punish me I will accept such treatment." Kankuro said. Konohamaru stared amazed.
"Hey its alright! Don't sweat it!" Konohamaru said nervously. Sakura smiled as her eyes became green again. She then looked at gaara.
Gaara was shaking violently as he hugged him self. His pupils were small with fear. He looked as if he had gone to hell and back. It was similar. Just looking at her made his blood stop flowing. When he looked at her the only thing he saw was a dark and purple aura. It made him panic looking at her. He got lost in that dark aura. He got cold. He could feel it. He could feel her hate. Her pain. He didn't like it. He couldn't breath. He looked at her again and saw her give him a cruel smile.
Kankuro got off the ground and walked next to sakura.
"I hope to see you in the test.....I'll be looking forward to see your worthless blood on me...." sakura said in her cold voice. Kankuro eyes when back to normal. He then scared walked backwards.
"You-you freak!!" He yelled as he pulled Temari and ran away.
"W-what about Gaara?" She asked.
"That's his problem!" Kankuro said.
Gaara afraid disappeared in a storm of sand.
When they out of view sakura walked towards konohamaru.
"I'm sorry konohamaru-kun." Sakura said sadly." I'm sorry I didn't come on're hurt."
"Hey its alright sakura-nee-chan!" Konohamaru said and hugged her. Sakura flinch still not used to contact. Sakura pulled down his hands down and ruffled his hair.
"Go back and go play...we have to get ready." Sakura said. Konohamaru nodded and signaled his team to follow him. His team mates waved goodbye as they ran away.
Sakura looked at her team mates.
"Naruto..." sakura said.
"Y-yes?" Naruto said nervous.
"Give me your jacket." Sakura demanded.
"Oh okay." Naruto said taking off his jacket and handing it to sakura.
Sakura put on the jacket and looked at naruto.
"Thank you." Sakura said and walked away.
"That was my favorite jacket....oh well! Now everyone will believe she's my girlfriend!" Naruto said happily.
"You bastard!!" Sasuke shouted at him.
Sorry its not as long and good!
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