my pretend father?
This is what she looked like when she -------------.
(third p.o.v.)
It had been over a month since iruka had been in the hospital ever since his heart attack.
And ever since kids hadnt gone to the academy for their lessons.
Of course most of them were happy or cool with it.
Sakura was a shamed.
It was all her fault.
I'm a monster, I'm a monster, I'm a monster, I'm a monster, I'm a monster,I'm a monster, I'm a demon, I'm a demon, I'm a demon, I'm a demon, I'm a demon, I'm a demon, I'm a demon, I don't deserve, I don't deserve.
I don't deserve any kindness.
I deserve all the hate of this village, no of all the villages.
I'm a monster.
I'm a demon.
I don't want to hurt anyone.
But I did.
And I enjoyed.
Im-im disgusting.
I'm just a someone who was brought to this world to bring pain.
I don't want to.
Yes I do.
Sakura snapped out of her thoughts.
She was in her room.
In the ground.
She was sweating.
In front of her cracked mirror.
She slowly standed up.
W-what. She thought.
She felt something wet.
She looked at her hand.
A knife.
She looked at the ground.
There was a giant pool of blood on the floor.
It belonged to her.
I must have over done it. She thought.
She looked at the mirror.
She focused.
A person appeared.
She looked like her. The only differences were that the person looked like she was in the dark. The white of her eyes was black, but her eyes were a forest green. She wore the same clothes as sakura. But the person on the mirror smiled unliked her.
"Hello blossom." A person greeted.
"Come on! There's no one here! Speak up!" The person yelled.
Sakura sighed.
"Really?! You just called me so you could give me your emo attitude! I'm disappointed in you!" The person yelled.
"I'm sorry I just- I just-"
"Insulted your self again, an ended up wishing you were dead......... weren't you?" The person said a calmer tone.
"Yes. Yes I did." Sakura responded.
"Come on sakura out know you can't die yet!" The person said." What about our lost parents. Well your parents."
"Yes I know but. I just keep bringing hate to everyone. Everyone hates us. Well me." Sakura said." And don't you think that that's the reason we're alone."
"Come on sakura! You know that's not true. They love us. Everyone loves their children. Remember when we read that in book. It said so. They're just lost." The person said.
"But don't you ever think it could be a possiblility." Sakura said.
"No because they do love us. They have to. We have been in his village our entire six years and I'm not giving up. I mean just imagine what it would be like to have your parents. Pretty fun if you ask me." The person said.
"I guess it would be fun to have a last name." Sakura said in a not sure voice.
" now sakura imagine having a bed night kiss on your forehead or your cheek."
Sakura stared.
" a loving hug."
Sakura closed her eyes.
"Have them walking you to school."
"To make us lunch."
"Sing us a song."
"To love us."
The person stopped.
Sakura was...... smiling.
Her smile seemed to light up the room and her self.
Her hair was a cherry blossom color.
Her skin seemed to have a little color, but she still looked pale.
Sakura opened her eyes.
Her eyes were beautiful. Emerald green.
It almost seemed like her scars were going away with her smile.
The pool of blood was no longer there.
But then her smile varnish by loud knocking on her front door.
Her color was gone.
But her scars were back.
Sakura looked at the mirror.
She snapped her figures.
The person was no longer there.
Sakura standed up.
She made her way across her room, across her living room, and to her front door.
She looked through a crack on her door.
It was the hokage.
Sakura opened the door.
"Hello sakura." The hokage said.
"What are you doing here?" Sakura asked trying very hard to hide her anger.
The hokage noticed her body.
The hokage pointed at her.
Sakura had forgotten to bandage her body.
All her scars were now visible.
It was a horrific view.
Deep scars going down all the way from her shoulders to her elbows.
It seem as if a baby had been drawing with a red crayon on her body. They were everywhere.
And they were all bleeding.
"Sakura we have to get you to a hospital right away!" The hokage said.
"No I don't I'm fine." Said sakura." Now tell me why are you here?"
"S-s-sakura the s-scars..."
Sakura couldn't hold her anger anymore.
"Could you hurry I was very busy when you decided to ruin my moment!!!" Sakura shouted."If you answer my damn question I'll to the hospital!!! Now answer it!!!"
The hokage was pale. Very pale.
He had never heard sakura yell before.
His breathing seemed to go faster.
"Oh no." Sakura said.
Sakura quickly carried the hokage in her back, and she raced to the hospital.
When she arrived there the nurses gave her glares until they saw the hokage on her back, they quickly ran towards her.
"You monster!! What have you done!!" One of the nurses shouted.
After some nurses carried the hokage away, the nurse that shouted at sakura walked over to her.
The nurse noticed her scars bleeding.
Perfect. She thought.
Sakura touched her cheek.
It burned.
The nurse then started to punch, kick, and slapped her till sakura was on the ground.
A large pool of blood surrounded her.
Thinking that sakura was unconscious. The nurse walked away.
Sakura then standed up and walked away.
I deserved it anyway. Sakura thought. And it did help my training.
Sakura then made her way home.
Sakura was outside of her house.
Her house on fire.
Sakura rushed in the house quickly and grabbed important tools to her. Her green blanket, her black pillow, a few clothes, and her cracked mirror.
She was out in a minute before the house collapse.
Sakura stared
And stared
And stared.
Her shelter was gone.
Sakura let out a sigh.
She then walked out the village to find her other old broken house.
Sakura knew the villagers were going to do it, so she got prepared.
The house was pretty much the same as the burned one.
Sakura walked in.
And dropped to the ground.
Letting the coldness of her home embrace her.
Sakura didn't move for 2 straight days.
Then her mirror started shaking.
Sakura looked up and saw the person walk out off the mirror.
Sakura stared.
"Sakura are you just going to stare? Because I'm starting to think that's all you can do." The person said.
"I guess I was that depressed." Sakura said.
"Come on 'we' are going 'outside' for food instead of dust." The person said.
Sakura said nothing and let the person pull her away.
They were outside.
"Now! Let go climb some trees for some fruits." The person said.
"Fine." Sakura responded.
They both climbed for a few minutes before sakura came back with her pockets and hands full of fruits.
The person came back a few minutes later. With the same amount of fruits as sakura.
"Thank you." Sakura said.
"Do you want to know my name?"
"Yes. I do."
The person smiled.
"Sakura I'm your shadow you could say, or I'm your inner. So call me inner sakura."
"So inner sakura what can you do?"
"Well I give you unlimited chakra. I help you with your chakra control. I help you in a lot of ways." Inner sakura said.
"But........ how?" Sakura asked.
"I was created from your hate, lonelyness, and sadness." Inner sakura responded."you could also say I was made to be your friend." Inner sakura smiled.
Sakura stared.
And slowly raised her hands.
And hugged inner sakura.
"Thank you" sakura whispered.
Inner sakura was shocked.
Then hugged sakura back.
"Come on, let's go to the village to see if we can go back to the academy." Inner sakura suggested.
Sakura nodded.
Sakura walked over to her cracked mirror and punched it.
Sakura's fist bleed, but she didn't care.
She picked up a shard of the mirror about the same size of her hand.
She showed it to inner sakura.
Inner looked at it and understood. She went back into it.
Sakura made sure to put a genjutsu on her house, so if the villagers tried to burn her house down again, they wouldn't find her home.
Sakura entered the village.
Everyone stared at her.
Sakura ignored the glares and made her way to the academy.
She looked at the school schedule.
She had school in three days from now.
Some one tapped her shoulder.
Sakura grabbed the strangers hand and throwed him towards the wall.
It was itachi.
Sakura picked him up by his hair.
"W-why you!"
Itachi tried trowing a fist at sakura, but she catched it.
"What do you want?" Sakura asked calmly.
"T-the hokage wants to see you." Itachi responded.
"The hospital."
Sakura dropped him and walked away.
"B**ch!!" Itachi screamed.
Sakura arrived at the hospital a few minutes later.
Nurses had surprised looks on their faces.
She's still alive. They thought.
Sakura stopped.
She tried looking for the hokage's chakra.
She did.
sakura walked away from the nurses to his room.
Sakura knock on the door and heard a faint 'come in'.
Sakura walked in and saw the hokage on a bed.
He didn't look that old anymore.
"Hello sakura." He said.
"I'm sorry." Sakura whispered.
Though the hokage heard it.
"Sakura........... the reason I went to your house was because I wanted to ask you something." the hokage explained.
Sakura listened.
"Sakura....... will you be my adopted daughter?" The hokage asked.
Everything in sakura's world stopped.
Her eyes widen.
"Old man I don't like jokes like this so explain your real reason." Sakura demanded not wanting to believe what the hokage said.
"Sakura I'm not joking." The hokage said.
"No you're joking. No one would love me enough to want me as a daughter. No one would love a demonic child. A monster. No one." Sakura said."you're lying."
"Sakura I don't think your a monster or a demon." The hokage said." I think you're a misunderstood child who just want to have a family, to me loved. I think you're a beautiful girl. I think you're just a fallen angel that will rise once more to fly again."
That was the most beautiful thing someone had said to her.
The nicest.
Tears were forming on her eyes.
I'm not a monster.
Sakura ran up to the hokage letting her tears come out. The tears she holded back for so long.
"Yes! Please!" Sakura said.
Sakura was now full of color her hair was back to pink. Her skin with a bit of color. And her eyes no longer emotionless and lifeless. They were full of emotions. Of color. A beautiful emerald green that seemed to light up the whole room.
It made the hokage happy as well.
He saw her scars disappear.
A smile that made her look like the cutest and happiest child alive.
They stayed in that position for an hour.
Even when a nurse came in and saw them.
She quickly left to tell the others nurses.
But deep down the hokage was hiding something.
And inner sakura was trying to tell sakura. But her happiness was pushing her down.
What was the hokage hiding.
Thanks for reading.
Don't own naruto or other characters.
See you next chapter.
MKay bye.
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