fun time with sakura!
"Hello ladies and gentlemen! Its time for our very first episode of 'Fun Time With Sakura!'"
"Who are you talking to inner?"
"Why to our lovely audience! This our darlings is Sakura! This lovely lady here is going to show us what she does every day! So please watch and listen carefully! Wouldn't want to miss anything! So sakura tell us something about your self!"
"Inner I'm not going to-" inner stared at her sad puppy eyes. Sakura sigh.
"I like.........helping?"
"Why, that's great sakura! So tell us who or what do you help." Inner said as she shoved a microphone in sakura's face.
"I-i." Sakura blushed. Inner stared at sakura.
10 seconds later.
"Oh my gosh!! That was so cute!!! You are just the most adorable little things ever!!! Oh come on give me a hug you cutie!!! No never mind!! Say nya!! Say it!!"
Sakura blushed.
Inner got in her knees and gave sakura larger puppy eyes. Sakura sigh for the second time.
"GAAAHH!!!" Inner fan girled." That was so cute!!! I think I have a cat costume for you to wear!"
"D-dont you have to run your show?"
"Oh yeah! Bummer! Oh well! Pretend were not here and go do what you do everyday!"
"Okay." Sakura left her home and walked towards a orphanage.
" Okay people its 6 a.m. and sakura is making her way to the orphanage."
Sakura quickly put money in the donations box. Then she ran in side.
"Guys look! Its sakura-chan!!" Yelled a boy. Every kid awake ran to sakura.
"Hi sakura-chan are you going to tell us a story?" Asked a little girl.
"Or are you going to teach us to trow a shuriken?" Asked a older boy.
"Why look audience! Sakura is such a good big sister!"
"I'm sorry brothers and sisters. I'm only going to make you look nice so you're allowed to go to the festival. I donated enough so everyone can get kimonos, and little extra so you can play games and eat food." Sakura sadly. Every worried.
"Its alright nee-san we wanted to go to the festival." A little girl said happily.
" Yeah nee-chan! If you're going to make us look nice then we are going to be extra super duper happy!" A little boy said with a large smile.
Sakura smiled a little. Everyone cheered and hugged sakura saying 'sakura-chan smiled', or nee-chan is happy.'
"Ladies and gentlemen! Sakura-chan smiled!!"
Sakura ordered them to shower and put on nice clothes so they could go shopping. After that sakura did their hair and dressed them.
"Nee-chan! I don't like shopping." Said a older boy.
"But don't you want to see your friends happy? You know if you're there they'll be happy to see you. So why don't you dress up and make everyone happy." Sakura said smiling lazy.
"Like you nee-chan!?" He asked excited.
" me." Sakura smiled wider.
"Okay! I'll do it for everyone and you nee-chan! I'm going to make everyone happy and be a awesome brother!" He said determined. Sakura ruffled his hair.
"That's a good boy." Sakura said. She watched as they got ready with bright big smiles.
"This is what a good sister is people. She is lovely isn't she." Inner said with tears in her eyes.
As everyone got finished sakura hugged everyone and left. In that moment their care taker walked in to wake them up. She was surprised to see them ready to go when she didn't tell them and even more when they received a large, large about of money enough to take everyone shopping and to the festival. They all had smiles.
As left the orphanage she walked towards a flower shop and left a rare beautiful flower with a small bag of its seeds. After she left a women with brown hair went out side and saw the flower. She had been receiving new and beautiful flowers that brought numerous new and old customers everyday. She was thankful of whoever did it. She had asked her husband and daughter many times but they said no or no idea.
"As you can see! Sakura-chan here helps numerous restaurants and shops around the village. So when they feel that's everything is alright they'll die a painful death! HA HA HA HA HA!!"
"Okay its 8 a.m.! Time to help ibiki-baka!" Inner said excited.
When they finished helping stores and restaurants they walked towards the interrogation department. As sakura entered she immediately walked to ibiki's office.
"Hello there brat! We have a new play toy for you." Ibiki said as he handed her a file. Sakura quickly flipped through the pages and walked to a room. In the room a man with brown hair was chained to the wall. Sakura closed the door and locked it. The man raised his head and looked at sakura.
What is child doing here?
Sakura walked up to him and used a finger to raise his head to look at her.
"You are going to tell me everything." Sakura said in a lazy tone. The man started to laugh.
"And you think I'm going to tell you! A child! Ha ha ha! Just go back to your mommy and daddy!" The man said as he laughed.
"We can to this as formal ninjas. Or we could do it like enemies." Sakura said glaring at him. The atmosphere got cold and heavy. The man stopped his laughter and looked at sakura with widen eyes.
"W-what are you! G-go back to your parents!" The man said afraid.
"Oh no you didn't! This matherfucker is going to get it ladies!"
"I've been trying to go back to my parents....but I can't find them......the hokage says they're dead, but inner says they're a life." Sakura said in a cold voice." So tell me everything you know or I'll tell you everything."
"Never!!" The man screamed.
"I thought so." Sakura said as she turned her entire body to its natural gray form. The man stared in horror.
"Y-you're t-that gray child demon!!" The man screamed in horror.
"Yes.....I am." Sakura said with a sick sweet tone. The atmosphere getting colder and heavier. The man looked at his fingers to see the tips blue. He was freezing.
"Tell me." Sakura demanded as she pulled out a kunai. The man saw the kunai with red spots.
"N-no! Please! My family!" The man screamed.
"Well I guess its time for them to feel the pain of this worthless world." Sakura said with a smile. She stabbed the man in his eye multiple time and then pulled out his destroyed eye ball. The man pleaded and screamed.
" Tell me."
Sakura stabbed him in his shoulder and ran the kunai down to his elbow. He screamed bloody screams.
"Tell me."
Sakura made the atmosphere colder making him scream louder as the cold wind touched his wounds.
" Tell me."
Sakura looked displeased and pulled out two bottles with a red liquid.
"Now listen here, one of this bottle holds a deadly acid and the other contains a acid that will rot away anything it touches. So choice wisely, tell me the information I need. Or die." Sakura said with a angry look.
The man didn't say anything.
"Such a shame. I would've let you live long enough for you to see your children graduate the academy, but you choose wrong." Sakura said in a lazy tone with a smile." I'll tell your family you choose the village instead of them."
Sakura grabbed the first bottle and threw it at his head letting glass shards cut him and the deadly acid. The acid started to melt his skin making it fall to the ground. The man would've screamed but his voice was horse from all the screaming he had done. With his lone eye he watched at sakura looked at the last bottle.
"You know this would be so easy if you just told me. But I got to thank you. You made me realize that the acids I made need more work." Sakura said as she watched him be eaten by the poison.
"W-wa yo-u w-a h-hw a-lv." The man tried to say.
"Oh! Oh! I know what he said! I know what he said!" Inner said excited." He tried to say why you're not affect and how can you live with your self! Ha ha! He's fucken hilarious! To bad he's going to die! Which is a lot funner!"
"Oh those are easy answers. You see I was born without parents and I kill for fun. Maybe you should join us and my friends for tea. They love company." Sakura said with a smile." You know that sounds like a great idea. Let's so." Sakura grabbed the folder and wrote down a few things.
"W-wa." The man said.
"Oh you see, I already knew you weren't going to talk so I went through your file and fingered everything out. So in other words you could say I only hurt you for fun." Sakura said.
Sakura then put the folder in the ground, unchained the man, put him over her shoulder, and disappeared.
As ibiki entered the room he looked around and saw melted skin in the ground with a giant pool of blood.
Why can't this girl do her job in a cleaner way.
They reappeared in a dusty old house. The man looked around with his lone eye. Windows were broken with shards of glass near the windows. The floor was dusty with holes in the ground. A single table was broken in half. But the odd thing was that the house was filled with beautiful rare flowers in broken vases.
Sakura walked up some stairs and to a door. Inside was a sweet smell. But it horrid him.
In the middle of the room were four ninjas. They were tied with chakra ropes and chained to the wall while they sat in pink chairs. They all wore fancy girly hats and scarfs like they were in a tea party. They all sat around a white table which carried fancy plates, forks,spoons, and a fancy tea party set. Sakura pulled out a pink chair tied him with chakra ropes, chained him, put a fancy green hat on his head and yellow scarf around his neck. Sakura put a plate with a vanilla cake with white frosting with a rose design. Then put a cup of tea beside the cake. Sakura walked away and pulled out a scarf and hat for her self. Then she sat down and turned back to her pink self.
"Hello friends. I'm happy to introduce you to my new friend." Sakura said while she smiled. The man around them cheered weakly.
"S-sakura-s-sama we should g-give him his p-party name." A ninja said.
"You're right gumdrop." Sakura said happily. "Okay let me introduce you to my other friends. Okay this here to my right with blond hair is gumdrop. This to my left with black hair is gloppy. Next to gloppy with red hair is sunrise. And next to gumdrop with white hair is snowflake our wise old dear friend. Now everyone what should we name him."
"I-i think w-we should name h-him berry s-sakura-nee." Sunrise said.
"That's good.....but we need something fun and happy." Sakura said.
"Th-then how a-about chocolate or coo-cookie." Snowflake said.
"That is a great idea snowflake. Okay I think chocolate is perfect. What do you guys think." Sakura said happily putting both of her hands together.
"Its g-great." They all said.
"Okay then chocolate it is. Know let's eat our dessert and talk about our day." Sakura said."okay gumdrop tell us yours."
"W-well I w-went to the zoo and f-feed the penguins." Gumdrop said.
"That's great, I love penguins especially the baby ones. Hey how about I let inner come and join us." Sakura said while smiling. Everyone except chocolate flinched and shivered in fright.
"W-wat g-in o." Chocolate said.
"I-inner is wo-worse than s-sakura-nee." Gloppy said." L-last t-time she stabbed us the stomach after we told her w-we were full of ca-cake. She m-made us eat to much cake. So s-she said she wo-would make s-space.
Sakura picked up a glass shard not noticing the blood running down her hand. She said a few words and put the glass down. Chocolate watched carefully amazed and terrified to see a shadow version of sakura walk out of the glass. She looked like a demon.
"Why hello dear friends! Did you miss me!?" Inner said excited.
"Of course we have inner." Sakura said. Inner laughed and hugged sakura.
"Oh! So you brought that guy huh sakura! What's his name?!"
"Chocolate. Snowflake is truly wise and old." Sakura said.
"Well old man you made sakura happy so no stabbing for you! Ha ha ha!" Inner said." So chocolate let me introduce my self! I'm inner! Sakura's friend to the end! You better eat the cake and drink the tea! Its the finest! Wait! Sakura you melted half his face! How is he suppose to eat now! Wait I think we should open his stomach and trow the food in!"
Chocolate looked terrified and so did the others.
"But inner last time we did that was to honey and he didn't even last a week with us."'sakura pointed out.
"Shit! You're right! Then we should force him to eat with the left side of his mouth!" Inner said.
After a hour of talking,eating cake, and drinking tea.( with both sakura's and inner's help) Sakura walked up to a closet. When she opened it a two bodies fell down. Sakura grabbed a few bottles with the same red liquid and she grabbed a kunai. Sakura grabbed a needle. She picked up the bodies and sew their lips upwards making them look happy. Sakura smiled and put the bodies in different corners.
"Well you guys time for torture time." Sakura said excited." Who wants to go first?"
No body raised their heads.
"I asked who wants to go first." Sakura said a bit disappointed. No one moved. Sakura felt her anger building up. She took a deep breath. She looked at inner. Inner looked at her and saw her eyes building up tears. She gasped.
"You motherfuckers better raise your heads! Sakura here saved your pathetic lives so you better let her have her fun! Or ill make you!!" Inner said in a cold voice. They all shivered and flinched. Snowflake raised his head.
"N-no snowflake don't d-do it!" Gloppy said.
"M-my ti-time will come s-sooner or later." Snowflake said.
Inner smiled and ruffled sakura's hair. Sakura dried her tears and smiled. Sakura was cold and distant but inside she acted like a child.
Sakura skipped up to snowflake.
"You guys guess what? I made my new and improved poison. I tried my deadly one on chocolate but I didn't try the rot one. So let's test it out." Sakura smiled. She grabbed the bottle and made snowflake drink it. He struggled.
"Snowflake what's wrong? Is it not working? It okay I made a even rotter one." Sakura said worried. She grabbed a second bottle and poured it on his head. He screamed loudly. Bloody screams. And sakura and inner laughter was cold and wicked. The others watched sadly and horrified. Gumdrop cried. Sunrise looked down guilty. Gloppy started to laugh like maniac. He cracked. After snowflake stopped moving all left from his head was on the ground. His face was now his skull.
"I guess my poison worked after all." Sakura joked. She and inner had a second round of laughs with gloppy.
"I'm so glad gloppy is happy." Sakura said touching his face.
"Of course nee-chan! Gloppy is so happy because snowflake screamed! He was having fun like gloppy!" Gloppy said with a wide smile.
"Sakura we have a new brother! Aw gloppy I can't wait to have fun! We can cook and run and read and eat together! What do you say gloppy! Ready to have fun!" Inner asked while pitching his cheek.
"Yes! Yes! Gloppy wants to play! Gloppy want to play with inner-chan and nee-chan! And with other friends!" Gloppy said his pupils becoming small making him look like a maniac.
"Aw inner he's so cute!" Sakura said blushing.
"I know right!" Inner said blushing as well.
Not taking it any longer chocolate screamed with all his might.
"You sick BITCH!!!! How can you think this is funny!!! You just killed a man!!! A MAN!! And you laugh! Do you think this a JOKE!! You KILLED someone and you turned another one INSANE!! How can you live with your self!!! You kidnapped us!!!Your parents would be SICK of you!!"
"Let me make things clear here're new here so you don't know didn't say thank you when I saved your life.....they where going to kill you....I saved your pathetic should be thankful.....all I'm asking from you is to be play with me.....I want fun.....but I can't get it.....I had friends and a love.....but I killed them...why....because I made a now I'm going to be happy..ha ha ha...I'm going to be happy for Haku....Haku would be proud....right....he said he loved my I saved lives....and I parents....yes they would probably be sick.....but.....they don't have to know....after all ......everyone is sick....they abounded me after all.....with bruises and cuts....around.....blood thirsty animals.... see I'm sick....they're sick....your sick...choosing you're village over your're sick."'sakura said in the coldest and creepy voice they had ever heard and her wide smile wasn't helping nether.
Inner started to laugh.
"You fucking stupid pile of shit!! Ha ha aha haha !!oh my gosh!! I'm surprised she let you live!!" Inner laughed holding her stomach.
Sakura looked at gumdrop, sunrise, and gloppy.
"Nee-chan I love you! I thank you for everything! Gloppy thinks Haku-kun would be proud and so would nee-chan's parents! Gloppy just knows it!" Gloppy said happily.
''Of-of course they would. Sakura-chan is amazing with a big heart." Sunrise said.
"What they said." Gumdrop said.
"All thank you guys." Sakura said with a innocent smile making them relax. Sakura hugged them all and left with inner.
"So inner want to draw with me." Sakura said smirking.
" Why of course." Inner said smirking back.
They disappeared and reappeared in front of team seven. They had shocked faces. Both sakura and inner knocked them out and erased everything they saw of her and her tea party. Both of them teleported them to kakashi's house. When they were done sakura teleported them back at her house pulled out paper and crayons and they drew many pictures of them together with their tea party friends, Haku, Zabuza, and their parents. They didn't know what they looked like so they drew them only as a black stick figure with long hair and one with short hair. They smiled and laughed.
"This is the end of the episode 'Fun Time With Sakura!'"
"Inner....quit it."
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